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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 30

by JG Jerome

  She does! She bucks, screams, and spasms around me, flooding Little Jack with her fluids. I continue pounding into her and feel splats of her fluids drop onto my bare foot. I keep pounding until I’m on the brink and then I stop. I pull out of her, pick her up, and walk around the couch to set her down on the floor in front of Chelsea and Daphne. Georgia gracefully spills into a splayed kneeling position. “Georgia, you may drop your hands now.” She slowly does and places them on the floor in front of her to hold herself up.

  “Georgia, what did I tell you about fucking you today?”

  She mutters as her body slowly stops shaking, “Hafta. Wait. My turn.”

  “Did you?” She shakes her head. “If I plant my seed in you, I would be rewarding you for taking Chelsea’s place. Do you think that would be right?”

  She looks up at me momentarily before her head sags back down. After a moment, she shakes her head.

  “So you are going to swallow my seed down your throat. Are you ready?”

  Her breathing gets faster as she pushes back with a beatific smile on her face. “Please feed me, Master!”

  Daphne pulls her hand out of her pants and slides up to her. “Do you need coaching, Georgia?”

  The curvy Seelie nods her head as I stand before her, pointing my cock at her mouth. “Daphne, don’t block Chelsea’s view.” Chelsea is sitting in the chair with her legs splayed, jeans open, and a hand deep in her pants. Daphne scoots around to whisper into Georgia’s other ear.

  Georgia tentatively wraps both hands around the base of Little Jack. Daphne nods and whispers to her again. Georgia licks the head, and then she looks up at me. I nod to her, and her licking becomes less tentative. Daphne caresses her back as she whispers at length into Georgia’s ear. She stops and looks at Daphne, who raises her eyebrows and points to my cock with her jaw. Georgia turns back and quickly licks Little Jack. She has a death grip on his base, and he is getting bigger, veins are popping, and he’s turning more purple by the second. Georgia opens her mouth wide and slides her mouth slowly down my cock. She almost reaches her hands when I hit the entrance to her throat. She slides off me and releases her grip enough to slide her spit all over Little Jack. Her grip clamps down again as she slides back down my cock with Daphne whispering encouragement and instruction while Georgia’s eyes are locked on mine. I reach the back of her mouth again, and I reach out and caress her cheek and run my fingers through her amber hair.

  “Look at you being a good girl, Georgia.” She closes her eyes and hums her appreciation of my praise. When her eyes open again, they are shining with joy. “You look so beautiful with your mouth stuffed full of my cock.” She’s positively glowing from my words and caresses. “You’re building some mad skills, darling. I’m going to come in your mouth shortly.” She makes the smallest of nods.

  I’m not kidding. Georgia is a natural cock-sucker. She’s got the tongue working, hands sliding, suction, and a little more than half of my cock sits in her pretty little mouth. Then she lets go of my cock to grab my hips. Daphne whispers urgently into her ear. Georgia leans forward a little more and points her chin at me, and then she swallows while pulling me to her! She starts to quiver. Daphne whispers to me, “She’s coming, Jack!”

  Georgia keeps gasping air in through her nose, pulling me forward as she slowly swallows my cock. Little Jack is trying to give it up, but I try to hold off to see if she can swallow all of me. “That’s it, Georgia. You’re such a good girl. Swallow my cock, so I can squirt right down your throat. I’m so close, Georgia. That’s it!” At that point, I slide about another inch into her mouth and her lips are wrapped around my base where it joins my torso. “Oh Georgia, I’m gonna fill your tummy with my cum!” Daphne whispers to her, and I feel her react by repeatedly swallowing - milking me in almost the same way her pussy did.

  I clench both fists in her hair as I look down at her. “I’m going to feed you now, Georgia!” She swallows two more times, and I blow my load down her throat. Once. Twice. Thrice. She starts to pull back on number four until I’m only about half in her mouth, but then she sucks and I give her a couple more on her tongue as she backs out to suck just the head.

  I slowly sag, and she lets go of my cock and my hips. I kneel in front of her.

  I look in her eyes, and I can’t help it! She is so broken - I have to own her! I ask her. “Georgia, are you truly mine?”

  She swallows the last of her prize. “Yes, Master.”

  “Do you want a lifetime of me treating you like this?”

  “Oh YES, Master!” she gasps.

  “Will you be okay if I love you gently and cuddle you sometimes?”

  “If it is your wish, Master. I am yours to use or love as you wish, Master,” she says, nodding seriously.

  “Then I will bite your flesh and own you, Georgia. Do you consent?”

  “Oh YES, Master! Please!” she exclaims with joy shining from her eyes.

  I pull her to me and kiss her deeply with passion and love. I finally pull back. I look into her eyes as I cup her left breast and grab a fistful of hair with my left. “I love you, Georgia!” Then I lean down and stuff a mouthful of her flesh into my mouth before biting down. She gasps in pain and ecstasy as my teeth cut through her flesh. I sit back and look into her eyes again to see the look of rapture on her face. I chew her flesh as it dissolves into ambrosia before I swallow it down. Again I bend down and lick her wound to speed the healing.

  I cup Georgia’s face in both hands as I look in her eyes. “Georgia, you now belong to me. You, like most of these ladies here, are my beloved concubine. That means you are mine. It also means that I am yours. Never forget that. If you ever decide that you need something specific from me, all you have to do is ask. I will deliver if I can. Clear?”

  She nods seriously, “Yes, Master.”

  I smile fondly at her, “I have something special in mind that I think will appeal to your special spice of loving. Now, go get dressed. There is work to do. I love you.”

  She flashes me a huge smile, “Yes, Lord”

  I hold up a finger. “Who’s lord, Georgia?”

  I didn’t think it was possible, but her smile gets even brighter. “MY Lord, Master!”

  Chapter 32 - Gearing up

  I pull her into another kiss, and then let her go. Georgia goes off to find some clothes.

  I reach for Daphne and pull her in for a kiss. “Thank you for coaching, Precious. She would have figured it out over time, but you made it so much easier for her. That was very kind. I love you.”

  Chelsea pulls her hand out of her pants and holds it out for me. I crawl over to her on all fours with my eyes locked on hers. I stay on all fours as I sniff her fingers and then lick them clean. She has a very musky smell. More animal than plant. Very warm and comforting. I stand and pull her into my arms.

  “Are you okay with all this?” I ask.

  She cups my cheek in her hand, “If you had asked me yesterday, I would have said ‘no fucking way.’ After watching all of this, I definitely want in, and my wolf is lying panting on the floor with her tail twitching in the air. I’m all in, Jack.”

  I caress her cheek in return. “It seems indecently fast but I love you, Chelsea. You are mine. I am yours. Soon we will be married. If I can manage a quiet hour or two before I go, I will make love to you more in the manner you might have expected yesterday.”

  She smiles at me, “I’m gonna hold you to that, Jack”

  “Sweetheart, you hold anything you want to me,” I respond. “By the way, in case you haven’t figured it out, clothing is optional. Wear as much or as little as you want, Darling.”

  Chelsea nods. “My people are pretty free with nudity, but these ladies make us look like prudes. I’m going take my time sliding into full nudity.”

  I smile. “In fairness, half the time they’re wearing one of my shirts as a robe.” She laughs at that.

  Solange is at the door with Charli. “We’re heading out. Daphne is in charge of all the birds.
I expect we’ll be about 45 minutes. Maybe an hour.”

  I meet them at the door in my birthday suit and give each a kiss.

  Charli holds me at arms’ length afterward, looks over my attire, and states with a smirk, “That’s a good look on you, boss! You should wear it more often.”

  I pull her back into an embrace, “Breed her, and she turns into a saucy tart!” I spank her ass and let her go with another kiss. She gives me a brilliant smile over her shoulder as she hustles out the door with a little extra swish in her hips. I close the door.

  Christie is watching them in the iPad with Persimmon.

  Tiphanae brings my clothes from wherever Chelsea put them. I reach for them, but she pulls them away out of my reach with a mischievous look. “Jack, I agree with Charli. You need to wear that outfit more often. Plus, I think I need to join the club!”

  I cup her cheek. “Whenever you are ready, Beautiful. I would be honored to be your lover. However, remember. You have no obligation to have sex with anyone here. You are family regardless. Okay?”

  She smiles and nods, “I know, Jack. It’s comforting, but I feel like I’m missing out on something truly special.” She leans in and quickly kisses me. As she starts to pull away, I hold her in place. Her eyes open wide.

  “May I?” I ask. She nods with wide-open eyes. I pull her back to me and kiss her slowly and insistently. She opens her mouth slightly, and I push my tongue into hers and slowly caress her tongue with mine. Slowly, she chases my tongue with her own. Finally I pull back, sucking her lower lip into my mouth for a very gentle nip. I release it and kiss her top lip before backing up to look into her eyes.

  Slowly a bright smile blooms across her face. “Thank you, Jack. You make being different feel very special.” I pull her into a hug.

  She hands my clothes to me, and walks over to join Christie. Christie announces, “Jack, answer the door like that.” Then I hear an insistent knock.

  I open the door to find a grinning Charli. She kisses me quickly, but deeply. She steps back, “It took, Jack! I’m going to have your baby!” Then she runs back to the elevator. I hear Solange’s laughter join Charli’s giggles. I look out to see both of them waving at me as the lift door closes.

  I go inside, close the door, and pull on my pants as we all share a good laugh. Rottie lays down in front of the door.

  Trina puts a box on the kitchen island and starts rooting around inside.

  I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzle her hair. She presses her hair into my face but keeps focused on the box. She pulls out an elf-tech device and a small portfolio big enough to hold my iPad, computer, and power supplies. She looks over her shoulder and says, “Pay attention, Jack.”

  She holds up the elf-tech. “This is what you lovingly refer to as a ‘cone of silence.’ Press the blue button on top to create a five meter diameter circular shield to prevent soundwaves from escaping. Essentially, it’s an active interference generator. If you twist it, the device creates a second shield that is 5.5 meters in diameter that does the same thing in the opposite direction - it prevents inbound soundwaves. Got it?”

  I nod, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “This,” she indicates the portfolio, “is a portfolio with the same type of pocket dimension that my clutch has. Open it up.”

  I follow instructions and discover it is bigger inside than outside. There are belts sewn inside to hold belt clip holsters, a Glock 9mm, a matching silencer, six magazines, and two expandable police batons - I’m assuming steel laminated with cold iron and other implements. There’s a sheath holding a beautiful Elven blade...I suspect Eventide will be jealous.

  I think to her, *You’re my primary, Eventide.* I feel a psychic hug back.

  Trina continues, “My elf-tech supplier says this portfolio and the clutches are all little pocket dimensions. You can take it through airport security without anything inside the dimension triggering any non-magic security scanners. Note, you can put one inside another one, but she cautions against opening one while it’s inside another. She says it could be ‘bad’ to do that.”

  Trina reaches inside the folio and pulls a handful of black leather clutch purses. She sets one aside for Solange and Charli, gives one to Chelsea, Christie, Georgia, Daphne, Marisol, and Cholley. Hands me another for Supreet. Sets the rest aside for the remainder of the family with a handful of spares.

  Cholley asks, “What’s next? You gonna ask me to wear dresses?”

  Trina shakes her head, “As cute as that would be, Grumpkins - no. Roll it up and stuff it into your pocket to hide guns, knives, etcetera. If you keep some loose change in this little pocket here, it will show the change on a security scanner, but not whatever is in the pocket dimension.”

  She holds up a finger, “One other thing, ladies and gents - in an emergency you can stuff a live bomb or grenade in it, close it, and roll it up. It should absorb the explosion; although, it will probably be broken at that point. Questions?”

  She looks around the room, and then she turns her attention back to me. “Your normal phone, Jack,” she demands while holding her hand out palm up. I pull it out of my pocket and place it in her hand. Trina pulls out a new phone from my new portfolio, takes my SIM, and puts it in the new one.

  She tells me, “These are actually an upgrade from the TSN phones. Now pay attention, Jack. You need to do this for Supreet, and maybe Don & Peg. I’m giving you three of them just in case.” Then she sets up the transfer of accounts between the two phones.

  Then she pulls an iPad out of the portfolio. “This one is an upgrade of your current iPad. It already has your email accounts set up. Its storage and network traffic are encrypted. It’s set up to route all traffic through the TOR network, plus it has an E2E encryption app for communicating with our own. It has the same passcode as your other one, and it has a red case to make it easy to tell the difference.”

  She stops for a moment and flashes me a brilliant smile before asking “Would you get me your laptop, Master?”

  I go to the bedroom and retrieve my old portfolio and hand it to her. She pulls my laptop out and plugs in a thumbdrive. She then backs up the data. I kiss her and then go for a glass of water while she monitors its progress. She tells me while we wait on the back-up, “Here is a new bluetooth headset with an additional encryption layer, plus a wired USB headset. The bluetooth is already paired with your phone and iPad. The USB one has heavily shielding and fits over your ear. It also has a Lightning converter to use on your iPad. It’s more secure than Bluetooth. That will make it more difficult for eavesdroppers to pick up the other side of a conversation.”

  Eventually she removes the thumb drive and then plugs another in to run some upgrade routines. She says, “This one encrypts the hard-drive, installs the TOR network layer, and E2E packet encryption, too. It’s going to take a while.”

  I do a functions check on the phone, iPad, and Bluetooth headset before declaring everything but the computer is ready to go. As we wait I tell her, “We need to have contingencies for Selene. I don’t know if she has a geas on her or not. Probably best not to ask her. Maybe we just put her to sleep. We’re not going to be able to hide what’s going on for long. If she has a geas, would you be able to ‘influence’ her?”

  Trina shrugs, “Maybe? It depends on what the geas is telling her to do. We’ll just have to wait until she gets here and figure out what to do.”

  I get her a drink of water and a refill for myself. We sit companionably hydrating while listening to the ladies visiting and getting to know one another. Christie is relating how we met. She is at the part where I ask her about going to find her parents when my phone rings.

  It’s Megan. I answer, “Hello, Megan.”

  “Hello, Jack. We landed, and we just picked up the car. Sowie should have us there in about 35 minutes.”

  “Great,” I reply. “Plan to stay for dinner. I’m ordering in. There are three of you, right?”

  She hums her assent into the phone an
d says, “That’s right, Jack. We’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. Bye, Megan,” I say.

  I immediately call Solange for a status check.

  “Hi, Jack! We stopped to get another bag for roll-aboard airplane travel. I’m packing the travel bag and then throwing everything else into my big suitcase.”

  “Okay, sweetheart,” I answer. “Megan will be here in about 30 min. Text before coming up.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” she says. “We should be done in about 20 minutes since I have Charli’s help.”

  “Great. See you soon, Solange.”

  “Oooo, Jack! The only thing I like better than you calling me your ‘Hot Chocolate’ is hearing you say my name! I love you! See you soon. Bye!” she exclaims as she signs off. I smile and shake my head.

  I open the Uber Eats app on my phone and hand it to Christie. “Christie, my Love. Would you order a bunch of food for everyone. There are ten of us here, plus Megan’s party of three and some extra for the little people.”

  “Of course, my Lord,” she says with a big smile before getting busy rooting through menus.

  Marigold flies up and plants a kiss on my cheek. “You’re so good to us, Jack. Thank you for treating us like valued members of your family.”

  I hold out my hands, and she lands in them. Then I gently kiss her face before saying, “You are valued members of my family, Merry!” She giggles and flies back to her post in front of the iPad. I guess the old one just became the ‘security system.’

  I take Cholley to the guest room and get him situated for a nap.

  By the time I get him tucked in and get back out to the great room, the upgrade to my computer is done. So I tuck Trina into our bed and order Daphne to join her, as soon as Solange relieves her. I suspect none of the three that came from Sedona got much sleep last night.

  I kiss Trina’s cheek after tucking her into bed Then I start to set aside clothes to travel in and pack a bag for a three-day business trip. In go two pairs of slacks, three shirts, a set of workout togs, a pair of jeans, a sweater, and trainers. Then I pack my new portfolio. I put in a pair of tac boots, a technical fabric long-sleeve in, another set of jeans, boot socks, and car coat. It is filling up. I consider stuffing my Belgian FN SCAR-H CQC in there. It might fit, but I’m not sure that’s the impression I wish to make on the Winter Court. It’s probably better to rely on my abilities and hand weapons.


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