Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 42

by JG Jerome

  She shakes her head like small children sometimes do, and then squeezes my leg tightly.

  I laugh gently and run my fingers through her hair, and then I caress her cheek. Finally, I open the jar of nuts and pour some into my hand as I set them on the step next to Ariana.

  Ariana looks into the jar and picks out a few favorites as I pop the handful into my mouth. Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, peanuts, and macadamias with just a hint of salt. The melange of flavors is divine.

  She puts one into her mouth and chews while she considers Georgia. She swallows as I pull a peach out of the basket. I pull the Elven blade from my shoulder rig, and cut the peach in half. I set the blade on my right before I bite into it as I hand Ariana the other half. She takes it while never taking her eyes off Georgia.

  Ariana leans in and says to me, “She’s a treasure - almost perfectly submissive. I don’t suppose you would loan her to me.”

  I address the broken pet at my feet, “Georgia, the Winter Queen asked if I would loan you to her. I’m not inclined to share my pets with anyone but my wives and concubines, but I’m willing to consider what you want.”

  Georgia looks at Ariana, “You want me, your majesty?”

  Ariana responds huskily, “I do.”

  Georgia looks at me. “I’m unbelievably flattered the Winter Queen wants me, Master. She’s very beautiful, but I don’t know. I belong to you. Besides, when it comes down to it, I’m straight.”

  Ariana says hungrily, “So is spaghetti, until it’s wet.”

  I laugh as I say, “Okay, Strumpet. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Her eyes light up at the pet name. “May I service you now, Master?”

  I lean down, “Not yet, Strumpet.” She whines as I kiss her. “You may play with your pussy if you like.” She shakes her head again. “Is your pussy wet, Strumpet?” She nods her head vigorously. “Give me a taste, beautiful.”

  Her right hand dives and comes back up quickly, glistening. She has a line of creamy fluid on her fingertips. I grab her wrist and pop her fingers in my mouth. She moans as I suck her fingers, and my headache diminishes a little bit.

  I let her fingers go and then slice off a chunk of cheese. I break it in half and offer half to Ariana. I tell her, “Not for now, Ariana.” The Winter Queen whimpers and squirms. I offer the cheese to her again, “Here. Eat. You need fuel, MILF-in-Law.”

  She gasps at me. I laugh, “You didn’t know you were MILF material, Ariana? Really? I bet all the boys want you.”

  She chuckles, “You’re a cruel man, Green Lord. With the exception of my daughters’ conceptions, I’ve only ever shared a man with Lorraine.” She gets a thoughtful look on her face.

  “You’re in love with Lorraine, aren’t you?” I ask. She nods slowly. I cut another chunk of cheese and give her half. “Why isn’t she with you?” I pop my cheese into my mouth as I await her answer.

  Trina offers me another bottle of water. I drink it all down and crush it as I watch Ariana’s face. Her eyes grow moist and finally she says, “I fucked that up, too.” She lets the tears run down her face. “I cast her away from me. I tried to kill her daughter. She wants nothing more to do with me.”

  Trina says, “Not true, Queen Ariana. My mother cries ceaselessly for you. She’s pining away in her quarters right down the hall from your own. She lights candles and prays to the Goddess for you. All you have to do is send for her, and she will rush to your side. Shall I go fetch her to you, Majesty?”

  Ariana says, “Trina, I’m so sorry! Even now I want to destroy you. I can’t help it. When I can calm the rages, I know it’s wrong. When I can’t, I just see red and wish it was your blood.”

  “It’s better with my Master next to you, isn’t it? Trina asks.

  Ariana looks at her questioningly. Trina pulls her neckline to the side to expose my mark. “Jack is my master. I gave myself to him, and he owns me. All of us except his newest Goblin cohort and his fiancés bear his mark. Myra is the only one that got one in return.”

  She looks at me in awe. “It’s how I broke your geas on Corrina,” I tell her.

  “How many?” she asks.

  “Uh...eleven concubines with my mark, and another twelve that don’t yet have one. Four of the later group will become wives, five are the Goblins, one is Christie’s Valkyrie guard, and two are recently released from the Dread Lord’s service. Plus there are thirty-four nymphs in the family, at least two of which will become some sort of consorts.”

  She laughs with her mouth agape, “You’re not going to have time for anything other than fucking!”

  I laugh, “I wish. There’s a lot to do, and I’m just getting started. Speaking of which, why don’t you call your court to assemble, tell them you recognize Myra as the Faerie Queen, and then I can take you to your chambers and heal you. Trina can bring Lorraine to hold you while I do.”

  Ariana bites her lip like a little girl, “Okay, Lord Jack.”

  I look at Trina. She gives me a quick smile and kisses me quickly before caressing Georgia’s cheek and dashing over to kiss Myra. Then she’s off in a flash get her mother.

  I cut Ariana another bite of cheese. She calls to Jason, “Lieutenant, have my Chamberlain assemble the court. And where is the rest of your company?” She takes the whole piece of cheese from me and starts chewing as she waits for Jason’s response.

  He turns, bows, and says, “My Queen, the other two platoons are dealing with about thirty wolf shifters at the public gate. They’ve been making quite a ruckus, and blood has been drawn on both sides.”

  I call to my soon-to-be-fourth wife, “Chelsea! Can you let your people know we are good in here? I will give Carl a call tomorrow to thank him.”

  She gives me a big smile, “Consider it done, my Lord.” She pulls out her phone and makes a call.

  Jason calls one of his troops and whispers instructions in his ear. The knight runs behind the dais. Within a minute, I see an old, wizened Sidhe man in robes step in front of the throne. He bows to Ariana, turns and bangs his staff onto the floor. It echoes throughout the hall and probably throughout the entire Sith.

  He calls out in a querulous but strong voice, “Hear you all herein! Her Majesty, the Winter Queen, Ariana ab Selwyn Mac Nessus, will address all her subjects. Attend her within five minutes or face the consequences!”

  He goes through the entire ritual a second time. And then he turns back to face Ariana and pulls out a smartphone. It looks like he opens an app and sends a notice out. Shortly thereafter, I hear horn flourishes in the distance. He puts the phone away and notices me watching him. He winks with a mischievous smile and then walks sedately around the dais from where he came.

  Ariana sips her water down and eventually finishes it. “May I have your hand, Lord Jack?” she asks as she holds her hand up to me.

  I look down, “Georgia, please make way.” Before I finish speaking the words she is standing before me, pulling on her shoulder rig. Then I stand and offer my hand to the Winter Queen of the Sidhe.

  I see the Seelie contingent lay a stretcher beside the corridor leading to their portal. They have laid Laurel out, cleaned her, and wrapped her in white linen strips so that her body is covered and her head is held in place. Her face actually looks lovely and peaceful compared to how she looked in life. The guards form up on either side of her body as an honor guard. I’m sure they are waiting to hear what Ariana will say.

  Ariana takes my hand, and I support her weight as she stands. “Please escort me to my throne, my Queen,” she says to Myra.

  Myra looks at me and mouths, “Thank you.” Knowing how reticent Sidhe are to say that, I’m guessing I must have made big time ‘husband points.’

  O’ren, L’ric, L’liana, and Louis are standing about ten feet in front of the guard detail, just slightly stage left of center. My Elven lover blows me a kiss, and I wink at her in return.

  I beckon Georgia to me. She launches to stand in front of me and her bare breasts bounce in a most distracting way.
“Give me your blazer, Georgia.”

  She unwraps it from around her uniform and hands it to me. I hold it open for her to slide her arms into. She gives me a quizzical look and then slowly turns and extends one arm into the appropriate sleeve. She switches the bundle of her clothes to the other arm and repeats. I slide the blazer onto her shoulders. I turn her around as I see all my ladies who are present arrive. I snug the blazer in front of her, but don’t button any buttons.

  “The blazer is to hide the shoulder holster, but I also don’t want to share your beauty with all these people unless we are making love in front of them. Okay, Georgia?” I ask.

  “Were you making love to me when I sat between your feet, Master?” she asks with wide open, innocent eyes.

  “I was,” I tell her. “It definitely felt like I was loving you, and I could feel your love for me, Georgia.” I cup her neck with both hands and lean my forehead down. “You are mine, Georgia! I am yours! Forever! I love you, Darling girl.” Then I kiss her full, plump lips. She moans into my mouth until I release her to breathe.

  I ask, “Who are you reporting to on this mission?”

  “Uh...Trina, my Lord,” she responds as she gathers her wits.

  I nod, “Okay. You let her know I dressed you like this, but if she needs you in uniform you will put it on completely. Abide by her decision. Clear, sweetheart?”

  She looks down shyly, “Of course, silly Lord. I have had basic defense training. I know how the chain of command works.” Then she looks up at me, brushes a kiss on my lips, and winks at me before skipping back to form up with the rest of the Ravens.

  Corrina walks in leading my five Goblin maidens. They are dressed in the Raven uniform Corrina wore when I first met them in Cottonwood - charcoal grey leather skirts and blazers, silken tanks, black tac boots. I wonder if she put those sexy black lace panties on them all. They all have short swords, and I think those are tasers on their belts. Even Grace looks grounded, fierce, and proud.

  I turn and pick up the remnants of our quick meal. Daphne hurries forward and picks up the basket. “Hold a moment, Precious,” I tell her. I soak a napkin with the remainder of Myra’s water and wipe down my Elven blade before sliding it into its sheath under my shoulder holster. *Eventide, this is pretty handy. I may switch you up here when I’m wearing a shoulder rig.*

  As I grab the jar of roasted nuts. I hear Eliana respond, *She thinks that’s a great idea, Lord. She says you should be able to easily draw her with either hand from there.•

  I tell Daphne, “Stay close by, Precious. I may have to hand this off to you.”

  “Of course, Master,” she says with an adoring smile. I pour out a handful of nuts and put the jar back in the basket.

  Corrina comes up and asks, “What do we do about Trevor?” She’s no longer wearing my coat. She’s in the same uniform she has the Goblins wearing; she has a Raven blazer on. I wonder where my coat went. I’m rather fond of it.

  I tell her, “Let’s go take a look,” before I pop a handful of nuts in my mouth. I brush my hands off as we walk up to look down at Trevor’s broken body. I see a bracelet of metal strands on his wrist with dark stones in it.

  Chapter 44 - Verdic ladies

  I turn back to the formation, “Selene! Sera! Lili! Come here quick!” They run up and I ask Sera, “Is that like your mother’s?”

  Sera nods, “Yes, my Lord. Mine could take over my thoughts and body. I don’t know if this one can.”

  L’liana pulls an Elf-tech sensor out and scans Trevor’s wrist. She looks up and reports, “It’s essentially a communicator. Think Star Trek, but on the wrist. It’s not active at the moment.”

  I pull Eventide and slide it under the strands. I tell her *Ice, please.*

  Eliana interjects, *She can just cut it, Lord. Those are old tech from before the time we were created. Eventide can just cut through it without any danger to anyone here.* I shrug and give it a try. Eventide cuts through the strands easily, and the bracelet parts.

  L’liana stoops, picks it up, and puts it in a bag. She then stores the bag in the pouch at her side.

  I assess Trevor. He’s still alive and healing. It will take a long time for him to be able to function again. I consider my theory that feeding Selene and Sera Sidhe flesh will make their Verdic powers manifest shortly thereafter.

  I kneel down and say, “Trevor, if you weren’t taking pleasure from hurting Corrina, I might opt to try this off Laurel’s corpse. But you seriously hurt Corrina, which seriously pissed me off. You had fun doing it, which pissed me off even more. Finally, I find you’ve been serving the Dread Lord. What were you doing for him?”

  He groans, “Fuck off, human!” He’s hard to understand. I assess his injuries. All six of the major bones of his legs are shattered. His feet and ankle bones look like sand. Both arms have multiple breaks, and one shoulder is dislocated. All of his ribs have multiple breaks. He’s got a concussion and a broken jaw.

  I tell him, “I’m the same race as your Dread Lord master. I suspect he got his powers the same way I did. Do you know how that happened, piss bucket?” I ask him as I pick up one of his crushed legs.

  “Nooo! Leave me alone, human!” he screams.

  “No humans here, piss bucket! Who am I, Trevor?”

  “Please, Jack! Stoooop!” he cries.

  I let him go and look up at Corrina. Corrina shows no sympathy in her eyes for Trevor. Georgia walks up, back in uniform, as Christie joins us. I ask Christie, “Honey, was it the sex or the bite of flesh that awakened my powers.”

  Christie says, “As awesome as the sex was and is, I am certain it was the flesh. Why do you ask?”

  I point to Selene and Sera standing nearby. “Two young ladies of Verdic descent. One of whom I have had to do extensive repairs on to get her healthy. Can you think of any reason I shouldn’t feed them Sidhe flesh?”

  She smiles, “I’m glad you figured it out. I couldn’t tell you without sending you down a fatal path. If they are bound to you, there will be no negative reaction. Flesh from the living is more powerful than flesh from the dead. My sister’s body would be much less effective than say, flesh you ripped from some fucker who was hurting my family.” Her eyes flash with fury as she looks down at Trevor.

  I look at the Sera. She steps closer, and I ask, “What did you decide?”

  Sera looks at me shyly, “Lord, may I join your family?”

  “Why do you want to do that, Sera?” I ask her.

  She bites her lip before starting slowly, “Selene has been explaining to me how dear-ole-dad was both her grandfather and sire. He treated her the same way he treated me, but evidently he decided 24 hours of torture wasn’t enough for me. So I got three times as much, and my bracelet was fused into my flesh rather than slid over my hand. Although, at least dear-ole-dad never took over my body and tried to blow me up to kill someone he never met. Furthermore, my mother sent me to be Laurel’s Lady-in-waiting. Plus, she sent me to him, and the advice I heard her give the queen seems like it’s designed to cause discontent and focus the court away from its purpose. I don’t want any part of that. I never did.”

  She sighs heavily and looks down at her hands, which she has managed to nearly tie into knots. “Selene told me how she lost her hand to you, and then how you healed her and gave her a choice. Your family knew her and had every reason to shun her. Yet they all welcomed her. The ones she had problems with actually asked her forgiveness and asked her to join the family.” She looks at me, “Lord, I’ve learned from Selene that your family is supportive and loving. She said you have many concubines, and you are planning to having multiple wives. She also said that the only thing remotely sexual you’ve done to her is the very chaste kiss you gave her to welcome her to the family. I’ve dreamed of a loving, supportive family my entire life. I’ve had a loving step-father, but my family is a mess. Your family is my best chance for a loving, supportive family.” She looks me in the eye a moment longer and then drops her eyes.

  I look a
t her for a moment. I reach out and grab her right hand. I pull Eventide and she gasps as cut her palm. I then cut my palm and place my wound over hers. “Sera, repeat after me.” She nods. I say, “I pledge my service for your service.” She repeats it as she stares into my eyes. I continue, “My family is your family.” Again, she repeats it.

  I heal the wounds, and then I pull her into a hug. “Welcome to the family, Sera.” I tip her chin up and kiss her gently. I open an arm to Selene, and she joins in hugging us.

  Selene says, “Lord, you should take my blood oath, too. I am my father’s child. Take every precaution.” She offers me her right hand. We do the exact same ritual. She slips her tongue into my mouth and caresses my face when we finish. We share a smile.

  I say, “Ladies, I’m going to ask you to do something bizarre. I think traditionally, tokens of love or submission are the catalyst for our people’s powers to present. Trevor has attacked our family, and his flesh is going to rot off him in a couple of days. Rather than wasting it all, each of you will take a bite of his flesh. I will pull a chunk of flesh from him, and we will each take a bite. Then we will monitor to see if your powers grow. We are the Verdic people. Love is our superpower - unless you let bitterness and hatred shackle you to your past. You’re my family now. You are mine. I am yours. I and the rest of our family will help you stay on track. Can you do this? Can you take a bite of Sidhe flesh?”

  Selene says, “Yes, Lord. Let us eat.”

  Sera repeats it, “Yes, Lord. Let us eat.”

  I look at Corrina. “This will end it, my Love.”

  She nods and asks, “May I have a bite too, Lord?”

  “Yes, Beloved,” I tell her.

  I squat down next to him and tell him, “Trevor, I really want to torture you for weeks over what you have done to Corrina. I honestly want to torture your queen, too, but she’s been tortured for years already. I suspect you knew that. After this, I will forgive you. Then I will watch you to make sure you get on and stay on the righteous path. Am I clear?”


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