Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 43

by JG Jerome

  Trevor trembles and mumbles, “Yes, Lord.” Tears stream down his face.

  I reach for his right leg and numb it. Then I pull Eventide and cut off about a roughly two-pound chunk of flesh.

  I stand before my ladies and take a big bite. His flesh tastes smokey at first, but as I chew, it turns into the ambrosia taste I’ve come to expect from Sidhe flesh. I swallow my bite and hold it out to Selene.

  She opens her mouth wide and digs her teeth in as she looks into my eyes. She continues to pull until the flesh parts. Her eyes pop as she chews. “Keep chewing until it’s nearly liquid before you swallow.” She gives a quick nod and keeps chewing. Finally she swallows.

  I hold the meat to the newest member of my family. Sera follows Selene’s example. She takes a huge bite and chews and chews until her eyes change from borderline hysterical to total bliss. She swallows. Sera asks, “Is it supposed to taste sweet?”

  Selene agrees, “It was! Kinda smoky at first but then sweet! Wicked!”

  I turn to Corrina and offer the meat to her. She looks into my eyes as she opens her mouth and clamps her teeth deeply into the meat from Trevor’s leg. She chews and chews and chews. Slowly a smile creeps onto her face, then she swallows.

  My headache slowly begins to fade as the ambrosia of his flesh starts to hit my bloodstream. It seems fast to me, but chewing it into a paste probably helped. The headache is not all gone, but it is slowly diminishing. Despite that, I need to get this done. Ariana is going to address the court any minute now.

  I look down at Trevor and see how appalled he is. I tell him, “Your punishment is complete, Trevor. I’ve used a lot of energy fighting and healing today. Eating your flesh is what allows me to do this.”

  I reach down to grab his leg, and then I will his flesh to align his bones. He gasps as I have the shards of bone gravitate towards each other, align, and grow to fill the gaps. I grow replacement muscles for what I cut out, but just enough to operate the leg. The right number of cells are there, but with the strength of a toddler. He’ll have to work out and strengthen the legs. I do the same for his arms and ribs. I regrow his broken jaw and heal his concussion. I get a sharp headache as a reward, but it does start tapering off quickly as I absorb whatever it is in Sidhe flesh that feeds my powers.

  “Your own healing will do the rest over time, Trevor. You will have to want it to get back to where you were before. Hopefully the journey makes you a better person.” I lean down and kiss his forehead. “You are forgiven.”

  I stand. Corrina kneels next to him, “I hate what you did to me, but I forgive you. If you hurt me or my family again, I will just end you. No torture. Just death.” She kisses his forehead and says, “You are forgiven.”

  She stands and looks at my face with her mysterious smile. She licks her thumb and rubs it on a few spots on my face. I place the remnant of the meat in Trevor’s hand. And then I escort my ladies back towards the throne.

  The Chamberlain is giving me the stink eye. He looks at Ariana who nods her head at him gravely. We stop about fifteen feet in front of the foot of the dais.

  The Chamberlain pulls his phone out. He does something on the app and waits for a response. When he is satisfied, he puts the phone away. Then he turns to face the court and slams his staff into the stone floor three times and intones, “All attend! All attend! The Queen of Winter addresses the entire Faerie Court of Winter!” Then he turns and bows to Ariana before backing away back to stage left.

  Ariana stands and says, “My people. I am not well. The source of my illness is repeated use of Summer’s influence ability on me over an eight year period. The Winter Lady, my daughter Moira, has been explaining to me that their version of ‘influence’ works differently than ours in that it leaves significant damage behind. Repeated use of it on individuals drives them insane. That is what the Summer Lady has been doing to me. She didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me to forget that she had done it.”

  She takes a deep breath and sighs. Then she continues. “My eldest daughter, Morganna, the former Winter Lady, was attacked in this manner for over forty-five years. Since Lady Summer began targeting me, Morganna has been slowly recovering her sanity. She’s not back yet, but I have hope. I hope what I tell you next will give you hope as well.”

  She pauses for effect. “We no longer have a Winter Lady. My daughter Moira, who has been serving in that capacity has taken on a new role. She met and fell in love with a being from myth called the Green Lord.”

  She takes another pause. “Most of you will not have ever heard of the Green Lord. I barely remember something from a long ago conversation with one of our historians, Larsen ab Thorn Mac Nebel. Lars mentioned that there once was a powerful being known as the Green Lord, and that the Helm and Shield we received as a gift from Summer once belonged to the Green Lord. The Summer Court had been equipping their ‘Green Knight’ with this ancient armor. The last known Green Lord in existence died over 4,000 years ago.”

  My mother-in-law likes her dramatic pauses. She continues, “I’m still not clear on how Myra met the Green Lord, why he has arrived after 4,000 years, and what exactly a ‘Green Lord’ is. Part of that may be due to the insanity I’m fighting at the moment because Moira has been filling me in on him and what is happening ever since the Green Lord arrived in our court this morning.”

  The ‘insanity’ claim raises some hushed murmurs throughout the crowd. The large hall is packed with the exception of a small buffer around my family. I’m bad at estimating crowds, but I’m guessing there are upward of 500 people, maybe as many as 1,000, packed into the hall.

  Once the murmurs quiet, Ariana continues, “The important things for you to know at this time are these. First of all, in the event the Green Lord marries the Lady of either court of the Sidhe, that Lady becomes the queen of all Fae, or ‘the Faerie Queen.’ My daughter Moira married Jack, the Green Lord, about two weeks ago and is now the Faerie Queen. She is also carrying his child. This is why I said we no longer have a Winter Lady. Secondly, I have sworn my loyalty to Queen Moira. I now reaffirm my oath to her.” Ariana turns and prostrates herself before Myra. “My Queen! I offer my service, my family, and my people to your service.”

  Myra answers, “Queen Ariana, I accept you into my service. For your service, I offer my service. For your family, I offer my family. We are a single people, and we have a singular purpose. Please rise, Queen Ariana.” Myra bows her head to her mother.

  Ariana does not rise. She turns on her knees to face her people, “All you of the Winter Court. You have served me and my family well and true despite our failings. I renew my pledge to you. For your service, I give my service to you. For your families’ commitments, I commit my own family to your service. Please continue to give me your support.” She bows to them from the seiza position.

  There is a shocked silence from the Court, and then as a wave they all begin to drop to their knees and bow to Ariana. She looks up and sees them bowing before her.

  Knowing how exhausted she must be, I’m amazed at the grace she displays as she rises back to her feet. With tears streaming down her face Ariana says, “Please rise. I am not worthy of that level of devotion. However, I will work to earn it. Thank you.” She takes a big breath and wipes her eyes. She says, “That is all I have for you, my people. At this time, I would like to relinquish the floor to my daughter, my Queen, Moira ab Liam Mac Jerome.”

  Myra escorts her mother back to the throne and helps her get settled. Then she walks to the bottom of the three steps of the dais and faces the Winter Court with her hands clasped at her waist. She is apparently fond of dramatic pauses, too.

  “My people, I was once your Lady. I thought that was the highest call to service I could ever be asked to fill - preparing to replace our Queen to serve and guide our court. I’ve now learned that is no longer true. My husband, Jack Jerome, is newly become the Green Lord. One of the first things I shared with him as soon as he discerned that I am Sidhe, is that the Sidhe have lost our way.
We are focused on building business empires that have no goal other than to amass fortunes, primarily so we can defeat the Sidhe of Summer in battle. But that’s not what we are supposed to be about!”

  She takes a big breath before saying, “Since long before humans became human, the Sidhe were entrusted to be the protectors of life and the earth. I don’t think anyone now knows whether we were created by the Green Lords for this purpose or if we were just judged as best to perform this duty and charged with it. Honestly, it matters not one bit. When the courts split, the Winter Court was charged with the powers of renewal. We are meant to govern rest, renewal, healing, the transition to death, keeping our planet clean and alive, familial love, harmony, reflection or introspection, and peace. We’ve been ignoring those duties in favor of political infighting and amassing fortunes. We need to pick up our mantle of responsibility to guide the earth and its communities to restore the earth, refresh our attitudes, and connect with each other. That means we will be taking on new or returning to old businesses that drive health. Sanitation, recycling, renewable energy, these are all going to be our wheelhouse. We are going to get into healthcare to turn it from drug dispensary to healing. We are going to be changing the course of pharmaceutical and agribusiness to focus on providing nutrition that heals. We are going to be active in human politics. We are going to be upsetting the human world immensely, and we will be doing it invisibly.”

  Myra pauses for a moment to let that sink in. There is some murmuring. I look around, and I easily see as many nodding heads as I do shaking ones. I think more of the positive than the negative.

  My beloved wife continues, “Some of what I have laid out overlaps into the responsibility of the Summer Court. Rest assured, they are going to get a visit, too. I will spend a few hours here with my husband to heal my mother and my sister. I am going to recommend my sister, Morganna, resume duties as the Winter Lady once we heal her as much as possible. If that isn’t feasible, then we will consider other options. Regardless, once we’ve done as much healing as we can for them in the next few hours, I will be escorting Lady Laurel’s body back to her family. I will be having a similar discussion with the Summer Court.”

  She takes a breath, “I intend for the courts to continue to exist. I need to talk to some historians and loremasters to find out how the Faerie Queen functioned with the courts in the past, but to me it makes sense to leave each to its specific remit. However, that does not mean the courts will continue to be at odds. If the two courts are not working together, then we are failing as a people. If we can’t make it work, then I will take more drastic action. Is that clear?”

  Silence greets her. She says, “I’m sorry, I’m messing with your expectations. When I ask a question, I expect a response. I asked you, is my guidance clear?”

  There is a general furor, not of anger but of excitement. People are loudly responding with ‘yes,’ ‘yay,’ ‘hells yeah,’ etcetera. I focus in on the head shakers from before, but most are smiling, nodding, and joining in.

  A warm smile blossoms on Myra’s exotically beautiful face. “Thank you, my people. Even though I am now serving all of the Fae, I am a child of the Winter Court. You will always be special to me. Go forth. Start planning for how we are going to execute my guidance. I’ll be talking to you again either in groups or as a community. Be well, people of Fae!”

  Applause erupts as Myra kneels to the people, bows, and gets back up. She smiles and waves to the crowd. Then she beckons Daphne to her. She leans over and whispers instructions. Daphne makes her way towards me. Myra turns in the direction the Chamberlain disappeared.

  Shortly thereafter he appears and walks before the stage. The Chamberlain does the three thumps of the staff routine again and intones, “This ends the address of our beloved monarchs! Go forth as they have bid you!” Three more thumps, and then he heads back around.

  Daphne hooks my arm and leans into my ear, “Master, our Queen would like your help with her mother at this time. Will you allow me to escort you?”

  “Of course, Precious,” I tell her.

  “Great! I need to get Morgan, too. Please accompany me, my Lord.” Daphne steers me to Morgan, who is standing next to Megan. I see Esmi, still in her Sidhe form, standing next to a statuesque blond. The blond looks familiar and is giving me a huge grin.

  I whisper to Daphne, “Gimme just a second, my Love.” She nods and turns her attention to Morgan as I approach the blond.

  I say to her, “Tiffy?”

  She nods and squeals, “Yes, my Lord. Thank you so much for asking Esmi to help me!” She wraps me in a tight hug. It looks like she is wearing my coat. “Jack, I can’t believe this. I’ve always felt ugly because I was so different from all the Sidhe ladies. But I’m not different!”

  I chuckle, “No, Honey. You are not ‘different.’ You are better! How many of them have beautiful wings, beautiful white feathers, and a sexy tail? You are definitely the upgrade!”

  She squeals in laughter as she hugs me again, and then she kisses me warmly. It was a lovely, non-sexy kiss. She stops a moment and says, “I like ‘Tiffy,’ my Lord! How did you know?”

  “Solange mentioned it on the plane, sweetheart,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Oh good,” she says. “Oh! I had to get scabbards for my swords. It doesn’t work the same way in this form. There is no space to sheath them in my flesh without cutting something important.”

  “Nice coat,” I tell her.

  She unbuttons it to show me her beautiful naked body underneath it as she explains, “Since I don’t wear clothes as a Valkyrie, I had nothing on when I changed to my Sidhe form. Esmi had taken me to the Raven barracks to get scabbards for my swords. So I was running around naked. Captain Corrina told me I could wear your coat, or she could give me a Raven uniform. I think she knew which I would prefer.” She wags the lapels open and closed.

  “Your Sidhe form is beautiful, Tiffy. I would gladly ogle you in whichever form you wear,” I tell her.

  She strikes a pose and loses her balance. I rush in and pull her to me, which prevents the imminent spill, but now her mostly naked body is pressed up to mine as we stand nose-to-nose.

  She giggles, “Oops! No wings!” Then she turns serious as she whispers, “I love you, Jack. Not the Green Lord. Not my Master. Not my King. You are all of those things to me, but I love you because you are Jack Jerome. You are the kindest, most-loving person I have ever met.”

  She kisses me again, but this time she tilts her head and her mouth opens. I press my tongue in to meet hers, and then we slowly pull apart. “Soon, Jack. I want you, and I will be ready soon.”

  I brush her lips once more with mine, “Take your time, sweetie. You are precious to me whether you are in my bed or not. I love you whether you are my lover or not. I think you were perfect with one form. I still think you are perfect with two. I am yours. You are mine. I love you.”

  I slide my hand inside my coat to caress her back, and then I reach down to squeeze her ass. I think to myself, ‘Yep! Another fine Sidhe ass!’

  She reacts as you might expect an innocent young woman to react to getting goosed, then I tell her. “I have more work to do, Sweetie. Would you do me a favor and work with Sowie and Mari to keep an eye on the assassin. Check with your Captain first, but if she can spare you I think spelling them might be useful.”

  I withdraw my hands and even manage to control myself not to caress her on the way out. I kiss her cheek. Then I turn and try to kiss Esmi’s cheek, too. Interestingly enough, she turns to intercept my mouth with hers and devours it.

  She backs off a bit and looks up into my eyes, “Think of me while you’re” she adds air quotes “healing my girlfriend.”

  “Esmi,” I say with a smile. “I’m sure I’ll think of you frequently regardless. You’re quite the saucy young lady. You make an impression.” I wink at her, then I hook arms with Daphne and Morgan before Daphne leads us off.

  Chapter 45 - Tasting Winter

  Myra is sup
porting Ariana as they descend the dais as a middle-aged-looking man asks Myra, “Why not promote Megan to Winter Lady, Queen Moira?” If he looks middle-aged to me, then he’s probably over 300 years old.

  “Good question, Artem,” she replies as she steps down to the floor level. “She is very qualified with both the intellectual and interpersonal skills. Unfortunately, Megan is pledged to the Green Lord’s service. So, I don’t think I can offer her up in good conscience.”

  I look at Megan in time to see her give Myra a huge smile as she hooks her arm through Ariana’s elbow.

  Artem asks, “Your majesty, is the Green Lord going to take all of our best and brightest?”

  Morgan pipes up, “I certainly hope so. A big virile man that can satisfy over twenty-five women - I think that I could use one of those!’

  Artem looks at her with surprise. I release Morgan’s arm and extend my hand, “Hello Artem. I’m Jack Jerome, the Green Lord. I have no intention of denuding the Sidhe of their best and brightest. I lucked into finding Myra, and later Megan started working for my retained counsel. I guess I lucked into her, too. They both introduced me to Trina and their Ravens.”

  “But twenty-five of our women? I’m sorry Lord, but that’s over the top,” Artem says.

  I look at him and purse my lips before I respond, “Artem, they are not all from the Winter Court. Now answer me this. If you were to meet a group of beautiful, smart, talented women who are ostracized for imagined flaws by their people and starved for love, what would you do?”

  He flaps his mouth like a guppy. I continue, “That’s what I thought. Learn, Artem! Treat your women like the treasures they are. You might find they are more willing to take male partners than you thought. And remember, if you ostracize them, they will have to find comfort somewhere. You’re all Sidhe. You all need the comfort of touch and affection more than any other race of people. It impacts your emotional health. They will find it somewhere!”


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