Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2 Page 44

by JG Jerome

  “Amen,” murmurs Daphne.

  I give Daphne a wink before I notice Ariana is staring at me like I have a third eye, “Ariana, that applies to the women of the court, too.”

  She sneers, “Most of the males would rather get their pleasure among themselves than making the effort to get to know a woman. It takes a major business deal to get someone to breed a woman.”

  I shake my head, “Really? Have they been treated like valuable members of your community? Have they been treated with dignity and respect?”

  Ariana shakes her head, “Jack, you’re missing a key piece of the dynamic. In the early 1800s, the males of our court got it into their minds from the humans that they should be running things since they had penises. We have been a matriarchal society for as long as there are records. The occasions where a male ruler was allowed to sit the throne were chaotic. Currently there are few that act in a manner that engenders respect or will get reasonable people to follow them. Artem Nebel here is a fine example of how a male Sidhe should act in order to gain respect. He is generous of spirit, intelligent, wise, and holds his beliefs strongly. His sons are of like temperament and character, and his daughters are women of quality. I don’t agree with everything he says, but if more of our males were like him, they would likely find themselves with multiple wives. Lieutenant Jason Tailiwin is another fine example. Morgenstern Schatten is another, but he is fairly unique in his clan.”

  I look at her a moment, drinking in her passion for the topic. She’s a formidable, beautiful woman. I need to get her well, so she can lead. I tell her, “Well Ariana, as the leader of the Winter Court, who do you think is responsible to make that happen.”

  She has the grace to look embarrassed. “Right you are, Jack. Let’s go get me well, so I can do that,” she says with a shy smile.

  I chuckle, “Yes, Queen Ariana.”

  Morgan hooks her arm through mine, and we follow Megan, Ariana, and Myra. We walk past an office behind the throne. I see the Chamberlain at a desk inside the office as we hurry past. They lead down a short corridor past two Shadows on guard at the door at the end of the hall.

  Artem is following behind.

  Ariana stops at the guards and tells them, “Family only, or their Ravens. No interruptions unless violence breaks out.”

  The guard says, “Yes, my Queen.” He locks to attention and bows. As Ariana walks past them, they drop back to parade rest with the butt of their spears on the ground. I follow with Morgan and Daphne on my arms. I hear the guards say, “I’m sorry, Lord Nobel. The Queen said ‘family only,’ Lord.”

  I hear him say, “But I was in the middle of a conversation with the Queen.”

  The guard says, “I’m sorry, Lord. She gave me no exceptions.”

  I look around as we continue walking into the suite. There’s a small entryway table with a mirror over it. After that we walk into a sitting room about the size of the great room in my condo. There are three doors around its perimeter. One looks like a powder room. I see a nice kitchen a little larger than mine with a four-seat table against the back wall. The ladies lead me into the third door, a large roomy bedroom suite.

  As Morgan leads the way in, I stop and ask Daphne, “If we’re expecting Trina, you need to meet her at the guard station.”

  She smiles and winks at me, “Good idea, Master.” She peels off and heads back to the door.

  I walk in as Myra and Megan seat their mother on the edge of her bed. Megan starts unbuckling the fuck-me-pumps on Ariana’s feet as Ariana opens the buttons holding her robe together.

  Myra comes to me and wraps her arms around my neck. She smiles up at me a moment. Then she winks and attacks my mouth. I kiss her as aggressively as she kisses me. I reach down and loosen the tie of her gown. I keep a hand on her lower back with my left hand, as I open her dress with my right to caress her flesh.

  She breaks the kiss as my hand runs over the bare flesh of her back from shoulders to buttock. I tell her, “I love you, Myra. It tore me apart that I wasn’t there to protect you.”

  “It’s okay, Darling,” she says. She raises her left leg and wraps it around my hips and presses into me. “I should have shuttled everyone out of there while you had mother under influence. It is my fault. I knew she was having difficulties, and I made a mistake. It is my fault, Beloved.” I bury my face into her neck, nibbling and sucking her flesh.

  She moans and says, “And yet, you came for me. You saved my ladies. You came to save me. You saved Selene, who we all thought was a lost cause. You are more than I deserve. Please make love to me, Jack. Now! I’m dripping with desire for you, Jack.”

  “Hold that thought, my Darling. We have work to do. Making love to you will help. Give me just a minute, please.”

  She looks at me quizzically for a moment before I see the gears click into place. She nods and smiles, “I look forward to being your assistant, Doctor Jerome.”

  I chuckle as I push her dress off her shoulders. I squat down, pick it up, and then trail my fingers and lips up her gorgeous, long legs.

  “Hurry up, Jack! Mama needs some lovin’!” she exclaims in a horrific parody of a southern accent.

  “Me too,” comes from Megan and Morgan. Ariana is oblivious as she stares behind me at the doorway.

  There is a woman that looks ‘middle-aged,’ like a healthy, 40-year-old human. She has short, razor-cut, tawny brown hair. She is brushing her hands down her dress, which she immediately follows by trying to check her hair. She freezes in mid-motion as she notices Ariana’s regard. Seeing Trina behind her shoulder, I put the pieces together. She has a softer version of Trina’s athletic figure with smaller breasts. She’s wearing a simple button-down-the-front, mid-calf length amber colored cotton dress with a print of little red flowers. The lapels of the dress are pressed to lie like those on my Hawaiian shirts. Lorraine drops her hands to smooth her dress over her lapels, breasts, and abdomen again. She drops her hands to her side, decides to wring them in front of her waist, and then drops them to her sides again.

  Ariana stares at her with blatant hunger.

  Lorraine takes two steps into the room and drops to her knees gracefully and bows from the seiza. Keeping her head to the ground she says clearly, “My Queen, I was summoned. How may I serve you?”

  Megan removes the second shoe and gets out of the way as Ariana stands wearing only her black stockings and teddy - not a camisole after all.

  She walks over to Lorraine and drops to her knees beside her. Ariana lays over Lorraine and lays her face against her back.

  “Lorraine, why did you abandon me?” Ariana moans. “I need you, my Love!”

  “But, my Queen! You sent me away. You said ‘Away from me, you traitorous Lauglin!’ You actually said you would have me killed if I showed my face again,” Lorraine cries as she squirms and pivots until she is holding Ariana in her arms.

  Ariana grabs Lorraine’s face, “Honey, I’m mentally ill. I’m only able to function because Jack is nearby. I need to have you with me! I can survive without you, but I can’t LIVE! I need you, Beloved!” She kisses Lorraine, gently. Lorraine holds Ariana’s cheeks as the kiss lingers.

  I turn away to see Myra prancing naked to lay her dress across a chair in the corner. Morgan has just finished removing her boots and is standing up off the bed as she unbuttons the leather vest she is wearing. Megan points to Daphne and Trina in the doorway. Daphne points to the sitting room and whispers, “Call if you need us, Master.”

  I nod and turn back to see Megan unbuttoning her silk blouse. She winks at me as she saunters up to me. She pulls the blouse out of her skirt and slides it off her shoulders as she plants a kiss on my lips. She’s wearing work attire, which translates into her creamy, moon-kissed breasts are encased in a pretty nude lace push-up bra. Knowing how she looks without it, I’m thinking the bra isn’t doing much work. She proves my point as she reaches back and unfastens her brassiere and lowers it from the globes of her breasts. They don’t drop a millimeter.

  Suddenly there is a finger under my chin, lifting my gaze to Megan’s. She has a wicked grin as she asks, “Are you enjoying the view, my Lord?”

  “Very much, Megan. You’re so beautiful that it boggles my mind,” I tell her. “How did you end up being mine?”

  She raises her eyebrows as her hands drop, “It might be that my girlfriend thinks you’re hot.” I hear a zip and then the sound of fabric sliding. Then she says, “Or it might be the way you make me feel when you look at me...” She steps out of her skirt, kicks it up, and catches it in her hand. “... or how you listen to me with respect when I’m advising you on legal and financial matters. It might be the way you make my body sing when you kiss me or touch me…” With that presses her body against me and kisses me again.

  I feel another warm body press up against me. Megan breaks our kiss, and I see Morgan pressed up against us in her birthday suit. She says, “Baby, come help me get Mommie-Dearest into bed, so Jack can work his magic.” Then she looks at me and says, “Dear Brother-in-law, you are wearing way too many clothes. Get naked!” she commands.

  Then I hear a spank, and Morgan jumps with an, “Ooo!”

  Myra sticks her head in to kiss Morgan’s cheek, “Get to bed, Sissi. Megan and I will arrange everything for you and Mother.”

  Megan bends down to pick up her brassiere and blouse. She kisses my package on the way back up before she runs over and lays her clothes carefully on the chair with Myra’s dress.

  Myra tells me with a grin, “Get with the program, husband! Get naked!” Then she goes to assist Megan with getting Ariana and Lorraine on their feet.

  I loosen my boots, kick them off, and pad to the loo for a quick release of my bladder. I wash up and head back to the bedroom when Morgan wraps her arms around me and presses her body to me. “Good idea, Jack.” Then she skips around me to relieve herself.

  I walk out to the bedroom to see Lorraine sliding the straps of Ariana’s teddy off her shoulders while Ariana is hurriedly unbuttoning Lorraine’s dress. Their lips are still locked. I go stand by the chair that is acting as an impromptu valet and pull off my shoulder rig, Gisela - the sword belt, tech shirt, jeans, socks, and then my boxers. I lay them all out to avoid messing up the ladies’ garments and then turn to the room. Morgan is standing next to Ariana, and it’s uncanny how much alike they look. Both have the long, nearly black hair hair. Ariana’s is just past shoulder length whereas Morgan’s is halfway down her back. Ariana has the mature version of Morgan’s fit, lush figure. They both have full conical breasts. Morgan’s are probably C cups that stand out straight and proud. I’m sure she could pass the pencil test. Ariana probably wouldn’t pass the pencil test unless you used a fat pencil. Her breasts are a little larger and heavier, so they hang a little lower. However, her breasts are full and the nipples still point up. Both have flat stomachs. Morgan’s has some visible cuts around her muscles, whereas Ariana is just smooth flat flesh. Morgan’s waist is narrower, and Ariana’s hips flare more. Ariana shaves and looks like she is in need of some maintenance. Morgan has a small, sparse thatch above her mons that I suspect is au naturel. They look more like sisters than Megan and Myra do.

  I notice Lorraine checking me out as she holds her dress together. I walk up and bow to her. “Hello, Lorraine. I am Jack Jerome.”

  Trina rushes in and holds me. She kisses my lips briefly and says, “Mummy, Jack is my Master. He is Myra’s husband. He is the Lord I serve.” She releases me and then wraps her arms around her mother and stage whispers into her ear, “If you can convince him to fuck you, you won’t regret it.”

  Lorraine looks at Trina, “Oh really? Have you, Trina?” she asks. I think she is expecting a different answer than what she gets.

  “Yes, Mummy! As often as I can! I gave him my ‘man virginity.’ I’ve had him frequently by myself, with Myra, with Daphne, oh, and we had quite the party with all the Ravens over Thanksgiving. He is the only man I will take. I make the recommendation with authority!” Then she kisses Lorraine’s cheek, kisses my lips, and sashays out the bedroom door.

  I hear Trina say from the living room, “Call me if you need me to feed you energy, Master!” A chorus of laughing female voices erupts in the sitting room outside.

  I tell Lorraine, “I’m tempted to go look at who all is out there, but we have work to do. Basically I think this is the plan. My wife may correct me at any moment, so be prepared to adjust.” Lorraine actually smiles at that. I see where Trina gets it from. “I will assess Ariana’s and Morgan’s injuries, and then I will lie down in the middle of the bed. Ariana and Morgan will tuck up against me, and I’ll wrap my arms around them. I will fill them with healing energy, stopping periodically to update my assessment based on progress made. You will cuddle up to Ariana and pour as much of your love into her as you possibly can. It’s a mental and emotional exercise. As tightly wound as the two of you seem, I am certain you’ll have no issues. Questions?”

  Lorraine gives me an appraising look, “I suppose you want me naked.”

  I start to get a little exasperated. “Lorraine, I’m sure there is a beautiful figure under that dress, but ogling you is not why I am here.”

  She smiles minutely as she shrugs out of her dress and says, “But you will anyway, right?”

  Correctly guessing what to expect, I manage not to scope her out. I cup her face with my left hand and step in to kiss her cheek before stepping back and removing my hand. I keep my eyes on hers. “Only if it would please you, dear lady.”

  Lorraine tilts her head, “Honestly, I think it would please me very much, Jack.” So I do.

  I let my eyes roam over her lovely face with just a few crows feet at the corners of her warm brown eyes. I start nodding as I scan down to her slender graceful neck and prominent collarbones, her slightly sculpted shoulders, her lean torso, her small but still full breasts, her flat stomach, bald pussy, and lean strong legs. I look back up into her eyes and make a ‘turn around’ motion with my hand. She does a graceful, efficient model’s turn to show me a reasonably firm bum and lean muscular back.

  I put my hands on her shoulders to freeze her in place and place my mouth next to her ear, “Ariana is a VERY lucky woman, Lorraine.” Then I kiss her cheek as Little Jack gives up staying loose and bumps her butt cheek. I back away, and she turns around to face me.

  She looks down at Little Jack rising to his full glory, and a warm genuine smile blooms on her face. She looks into my eyes and says, “It does my heart good to see I have that effect on a handsome man one last time.”

  I shake my head with a warm smile too, “Lorraine, I suspect you will be featuring in young mens’ fantasies for at least another hundred years. If Ariana can’t manage to keep you happy, you will always have a home in my family.”

  Lorraine’s eyes moisten as she says, “No wonder my Katrina loves you so much.” She wipes her eyes and says, “I’m ready to assist as needed, my Lord.”

  I wrap her in a one-arm hug as I turn to the room. “Okay ladies, we still have a lot to do today. Let’s not tarry any longer. I need to do a quick assessment of Ariana and Morgan to see where I need to send healing energy and cellular instructions. Then each of you will snuggle up against me in the bed, while I dump as much healing energy into each of you as I possibly can. Lorraine will snuggle up to Ariana and caress her and kiss her while I do that, and … Where is Esmi?”

  Morgan says, “Probably lurking in the hall outside the guard station, Jack.” Then she yells, “Bring Esmerelda to me!”

  A short moment later, a whoosh of shadow flies into the room. It coalesces into Esmi’s bat form. Then she opens and raises her wings and transforms into her Sidhe form in less than about 30 seconds.

  “You bellowed, my beloved Princess?” she asks Morgan.

  Morgan tells her, “Hurry up and strip off, my Love. We’re going to bed with Jack!”

  Esmi’s eyes open wide, and then she peels off her boy shorts and sports bra while I reiterate. “Lorraine will snuggle up to Arian
a and caress her and kiss her while I pump healing energy into Ariana. Esmi will do the same for Morgan. Myra, Megan, and it sounds like the rest of my ladies are queued up to keep me filled with loving energy. Hopefully I don’t drain myself like I did earlier, but if so, they will fill me back up.”

  I ask Myra, “Is that about right, Beloved?”

  She smiles and nods her head vigorously, “That’s right, my beloved husband. We’re missing five. Christie is keeping company with the Summer contingent here as she sits with her sister. Mari, Sowie, Tiphanae, and Charli are all guarding the assassin. Solange and Corrina will be here momentarily. They are having a little conversation with the other Raven squads about their Commander’s failing. I think it’s meant to be more ‘corrective action’ than coup, but we’ll learn more later. Your Goblin ladies may get a chance to mount their Lord for the first time. Chelsea said she will pass until she has her alone time with you first, but to count her in for future festivities. Supreet has lost her tail, but is offering to bring ‘six arms and six tits to the party’ - her words.”

  I chuckle as I see a crowd of beautiful ladies sticking their heads in the doorway. “Just to ensure everyone is clear, I’m not going to be very active with my ladies as I’ll be focused on those that need healing. Is everyone clear on what you need to do?”

  I get a chorus of ‘yes’ variants.

  I beckon Ariana and Morgan to me. I pull them both into an embrace. I lean my head against Morgan’s head first. I remember the visible scars when I skimmed through her brain before. I figure I should start by checking my earlier hurried assessment. I can see the scars from Laurel’s attention, but they are fainter and the ‘ruts’ through her mind are less defined and shallower than her mother’s. I switch my attention to Ariana and place my forehead on hers. Her mind looks like a battlefield. It’s worse than last time.

  I open my eyes in wonder, “Damn! Ariana, what did that witch do to you? I’m surprised you’re still alive.”

  She responds, “I fought hard today, Lord. The harder I fought the more power she would pour into my brain. I think only your presence feeding and what you did to me Saturday night allowed me to survive. You left me a connection, and I’ve been using it. Once I recognized you, I started drawing hard on you.”


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