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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 45

by JG Jerome

  “Shit! No wonder I’m drained!” I exclaim. I send to Eliana *Did you know I did that?*

  She responds immediately, *No, Lord! I wasn’t with you when you established it. I thought you were just pushing out a lot of power intentionally. I’ll help you shut that down right away!*

  *Wait! Not until after I finish healing her this morning! I don’t know what it will do if she’s drawing on it that heavily. We repair first, then cut the cord. Okay?*

  *Yes, Lord. Very clear. That’s probably the safest approach,* she agrees.

  I extricate myself from the knot of beautiful, nude ladies and crawl to the center of the bed. I think it’s about half-again as wide as a king-size bed. I settle a pillow under my head. Morgan lays on top of me and kisses me insistently, driving her tongue into my mouth. She finally relents and then settles onto my left side.

  Esmi crawls onto the bed behind her and leans forward for a quick brush across my lips before Ariana kisses me with as much passion as any of her daughters ever have. As she releases my lips, her hand reaches down and strokes Little Jack lightly. She implores me, “Please heal me, Lord Jack.” Then she releases my cock and snuggles in under my right arm. She hooks her right leg over mine, but I tell her, “No, dear Ariana. This is for healing. This isn’t meant to be sexual for you. This is more like ‘Sidhe comfort.’ Skin-on-skin contact, warmth, and affection. If not for the connection you’ve been drawing off of, I probably wouldn’t need my ladies to energize me and there would be no sexual element at all. This is the ‘innocent’ variety of love. Okay?”

  “Yes, Lord Jack,” she pouts prettily as she pulls her leg off mine and cuddles her face onto my chest.

  Lorraine crawls up behind her. She leans over and kisses my lips gently, warmly, with just a touch of hunger. I rub my nose against hers as she smiles at me and drops down to cuddle Ariana with her chin tucked over Ariana’s shoulder. I look to my left to find Esmi is in the same position. I caress Esmi and Lorraine’s backs gently as I close my eyes and breath deeply. I envision the damage in Ariana’s brain and focus first on restoring the ‘ruts’ and closing the gateways into and out of her mind. For Morgan, the ‘rut’ restoration is minimal. I will be able to start on massaging her emotional patterns to level them out and clearing the obstructions from her neural pathways fairly quickly. Since I don’t have a female mind, I know I’ll have to alternate back and forth between them. I’ve never been jealous of the female mind, but I could sure use their multitasking ability now. ‘Too bad, Home Team. Get Busy!’

  I wrap both ladies in an aura of love and focus first on Ariana’s healing and then Morgan’s. Then on Ariana, then on Morgan. Then Ariana, then Morgan. Over and over again. Ariana for four breaths, Morgan for four breaths. Over and over again. I open me eyes and assess Ariana again. I close my eyes, adjust my focus, and then back to four breaths of healing energy for Ariana, then Morgan for four breaths. I repeat the cycle a few more reps before I open my eyes and reassess Morgan. She’s coming along nicely; I don’t need to change anything, yet. I feel a touch on my leg and see Myra looking down at me with a loving smile. Megan pulls up a chair for Myra, who sits and leans forward to wrap herself around my left leg. As I finish my fourth breath for Morgan, Megan returns with her own chair. She cuddles up my right leg. I close my eyes and turn back to Ariana.

  Ariana four breaths. Morgan four breaths. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. I’m sure my two lovers are not overwhelmingly entertained, but they continue to hug and caress my legs. The next time I pause to assess Ariana, Megan reaches up and strokes Little Jack. It feels wonderful, but it’s too distracting. I look down at her with sorrow and shake my head. She nods her understanding, kisses my leg, and resumes hugging and caressing my leg. I adjust what I’m doing for Ariana and go back to pushing updated instructions into her mind and flooding her with energy. I go through a couple more rounds of Ariana, Morgan, Ariana, Morgan, and then I stop to reassess Morgan. It looks like all her neural pathways are perfect. I change to focus on her emotional health. Four breaths to Morgan, and then four back to Ariana.

  I keep the rotation going, reassessing their progress, adjusting what I’m telling their bodies to do, and then flooding them with energy. I continue cycle after cycle - heal, heal, reassess, etcetera.

  Finally, I’m reassessing Morgan, and I realize that she’s done. She’s healed! I prod and poke with my mind into hers. I see no issues. I continue to focus on Ariana for several more turns until she seems like her mind and emotions are in reasonably good shape. I turn and kiss Ariana’s cheek. Her eyes open, and I tell her, “I’m going to influence you, Ariana. You will remember everything I tell you and you will be able to ask me to change my guidance later. Are you okay with that?”

  Ariana scrutinizes my face for a moment. Finally, she whispers, “Do it, Lord Jack.”

  I exert influence and tell her, “Ariana, listen to me and obey. Do not push me into a pocket. These instructions are to help you heal. When I’m finished giving you instructions, you will fall asleep and execute them while you sleep. You will reinforce that you are strong, capable, loving, and dedicated to your people. You will work to order your thoughts. You will determine which are truly yours and those which have been planted by someone else. Then you will determine whether any of those that were planted might have value. If you find some in this category, you will write them down when you awake. Then you will purge all of the planted thoughts from your mind. You will not draw on our connection as you no longer need it. Are my instructions clear?”

  Ariana looks into my eyes adoringly, “Yes my Lord.”

  I kiss her lips tenderly, letting the touch linger. “Sleep now, Ariana. You will sleep until you hear your name called.”

  She closes her eyes and falls asleep and then immediately awakens. “Hello, Jack. You might want to change your instruction. Titania is railing against me. I won’t be asleep long enough to fulfill your instructions.”

  “Okay,” I tell her. “Sleep until Lorraine and Morgan call your name together, I call your name, or someone nibbles on your ear. Clear?” She smiles as her eyelids slowly close, and she falls into a restful slumber.

  *Eliana, please shut down the connection.* I feel what she is doing, and then I feel a headache coming on.

  I twist and sit up to rub my temples as I do some deep breathing. Myra asks, “Are you getting a headache again, Jack?”

  “Yeah,” I groan softly. “I’m going to need some more fuel, water, and some of that special medicine that only my family can give me.” I smile at her gently.

  Megan runs out into the sitting room, “I need food and water for Jack right now. What do we have?” There’s a murmuring that I think is Daphne before Megan responds, “Great! Let me have the basket please.” She steps to the bed and lifts out a chunk of cheese. I take a bite out of it and chew it slowly.

  I look down at Morgan. She is watching me as she reclines back into Esmi’s arms. I pivot to sit perpendicular to the line of her body before I swallow the cheese. I tell Morgan, “Please sit up in front of me, Morgan. Myra, Megan, please sit on either side of her. Esmi, you can stay behind her and keep pouring your love into her.”

  I assess Myra’s brain and then I compare Morgan’s to hers. Morgan’s is almost identical structurally. The traffic along the neural pathways and emotions are unique to her, but that is expected. There is one difference ‘structurally’ that concerns me. I assess Megan’s brain and compare Morgan’s to hers. Mega’s is the same as Myra’s. Ariana’s resembles Myra’s and Megan’s. I consider comparing Esmi to Morgan but as a Nighthag, I would expect her brain to have structural differences.

  I turn around, “Lorraine, would you come kneel beside me? I need your help.”

  Lorraine unwraps from Ariana, “Certainly, Jack.” She gets up and walks to the foot of the bed and then squeezes past Megan to take the position I indicated. She keeps her knees close in a perfect Geisha seiza, but I can smell her arousal. I look in her eyes and then very deliberately slide my ga
ze down her lean, beautiful body. She shuts her eyes and shivers with arousal as I take her in. I let her see my lust for her before I slowly smile at her. She bites her lip like a young girl as I close my eyes and assess her brain. Comparing Lorraine to Morgan, again I see the same structural difference.

  I turn to my beautiful patient, “Morgan, what behavior do you do that no Sidhe would ever do.”

  She chuckles, “I tell lies, my Lord. It is how I saved Sissi. We put on theatre in my torture chamber, and then I marched out and reported to Mommie-Dearest that I had whipped the shit out of her and about cut her tits off with my strokes. It was fabulous acting.”

  Myra says, “I took part in the theatre too, Jack.”

  I nod, “Yes, but that was misdirection. That’s allowed. Sidhe cannot lie. Honestly, it's one of the things I love about the Sidhe. I have always tried to conduct myself the same way since I left the army, but for me it’s a behavior preference. It’s not a biological imperative. Morgan, I intend to fix it. Are you okay with that?”

  She shrugs, which has an interesting effect on her breasts. I shake my head to focus, which irritates the headache. Megan jumps off the bed as Morgan says, “It was useful, but I’m hopeful I don’t need it ever again. I am good enough at evasion and misdirection that I don’t need to be able to lie explicitly. Besides, telling the truth can be very entertaining sometimes.”

  “Okay, sweetie. Let’s fix that,” I tell her.

  Before I start, Megan returns holding something in front of my face that I didn’t expect to ever see again. I’m mesmerized, “Is that Ritter Sport Trauben Nuß? The absolutely best chocolate in the world with hazelnut and raisins?”

  Megan laughs, “Yes, Jack! It’s my favorite. I get it at Trader Joe’s or Aldi. They always carry Ritter, but I stock up whenever they get the fruit and nut variety. Cadbury will carry you in an emergency, but they are not the same.”

  “Exactly! The Cadbury version is pretty good, but it’s sweeter and has less cocoa flavor. I prefer Ritter. One more reason to love you, Megan.” I kiss her, but she breaks off pretty quickly.

  “Don’t just admire it, Jack! Eat! You need the fuel,” she tells me. I bite off a square and chew it slowly and savor the treat. She feeds me three more squares and then licks her fingers as she locks her eyes on mine.

  “Goddess, that’s hot!” Morgan exclaims.

  We all laugh. The headache is still there, but I think I can do this last piece of work before I need to take a break. I breathe deeply as I find the correct level of abstraction. Once I’m ready, I clasp Morgan’s face in both hands and will the changes in her mind. I pull her face to me and kiss her, sending loving, healing energy into her. It’s done!

  Morgan has wrapped her arms around me and is chasing my tongue around her mouth. ‘How’d that get there?’ I think to myself. I push her face back gently. The headache is getting worse.

  “I’ve got to take a break. Esmi, she’s all yours,” I say.

  “No, she’s not, Jack. I think she’s been yours from the moment you met her. You might as well fuck her and have a complete set of sisters,” Esmi says as she pops up behind Morgan and wraps her in a hug. “Isn’t that right, Princess?”

  Morgan turns to look at her, “Yes, Esmi. It is. I love you and want you to be my partner in life, but I want Jack to make love to me desperately. I want him to make love to you, too. You deserve to have that.”

  I’m about to respond when Megan says, “Then come out to the sitting room. All his women are going to shower Jack in love. It’s all prepared. Come!” Megan jumps off the bed, and her pretty full breasts bounce and then point back at my eyes. She giggles and grabs a hand each from Morgan and Esmi before dragging them off the bed and out the door. Cheers greet them as they step into the sitting room.

  Myra scoots into Megan’s spot and wraps her arms around Lorraine, who is still kneeling beside me. She asks her lover’s mother, “Do you want my man to love you, Lorraine? Do you want my husband to lay you down and fuck you as only a strong man can? Do you want him to adore you?”

  She opens her eyes and takes a ragged breath before answering simply as she looks into Myra’s eyes, “Yes.”

  Myra hugs her and kisses her. “Then do, Darling. You’ve been so good to me throughout my life. I know you love my mother and are committed to her not just as a subject to a queen, but as a loving life partner. You are the partner my father could never be. She would not begrudge you this. I suspect she will want a turn herself. Lie in my husband’s arms. He will shower you with love as you shower him with love in return. It will be beautiful. Go,” she says as she gives Lorraine a gentle push.

  Myra looks at me and says with a broad smile, “Do me proud, husband.” Then she leans forward to kiss me and dismounts the bed to walk to the sitting room.

  “Give me just a second, Lorraine. I’m trying to get this headache under control.” I close my eyes and breathe deeply for a few breaths. At the third one, I feel her breasts against my face and her arms around my head in a hug as she presses her body against me.

  I wrap my right arm around her and hug her close. She says, “Trina told me what you’re going through. Let my love heal you, Jack.” She kisses the crown of my head.

  I’m still sitting cross legged perpendicular to the edge of the bed. I reach my left arm out to caress her wonderfully soft skin as she holds me. I feel her love enfold me.

  I open my eyes and look into hers. Her eyes are wide, but fearful. As though she fears I will reject her love. That is NOT going to happen. I squeeze her to me tighter with my right while I run the fingers of my left through her beautiful, silky, feathered brown hair.

  I tell her, “Lorraine, you are a physically and spiritually beautiful woman. I am honored that you give your love to me, Gorgeous.” I kiss her and let my passion for her rise as my hunger for her drives me to devour her lips. I grab a handful of tushy and lift her to sit her in my lap with Little Jack pointing straight up, pinned between us.

  I hold her with my left as my right hand roams her sleek body. I squeeze her bum, caress her legs, back, arms, and finally her small, beautiful breasts. She moans into my mouth as I cup her breast and caress first one, then the other. I tease her nipples and eventually pull on them gently.

  I stop kissing her long enough to cup her face and tell her, “I am going to devour you, Lorraine. I want to hear your moans, groans, and cries of passion. You won’t disturb your love. Give me everything you have, Darling.”

  I lay her back onto the bed as I resume kissing her. Her legs open as I rotate out from under her, and I am washed in the smell of her arousal. I cup her sex as I start kissing down her neck, down her chest until I arrive at her breasts. I suck her entire right breast into my mouth and maintain suction on it. Lorraine gasps and wraps her arms around my head to pull me closer. I slide my fingers through her wet folds as I use the suction of my mouth to pull on her whole breast. It slowly slides out until I’m only suckling her nipple. I lick, nibble, and lightly bite it as I slide a finger into Lorraine’s entrance. She flexes her abs to push her sopping wet pussy into my right hand. I pull my left hand from under her and grasp her nipple firmly between its fingers as I move my mouth to her left breast and suck it all into my mouth as I slowly drive my digit in and out of her sopping wet pussy.

  “Oh! Jack! I’m almost there - OOOOH!” she gasps as I push another finger inside her.

  I continue to pump her pussy with my fingers while I start treating her left nipple like I did her right. Then I back my fingers out a bit. She whimpers prettily until I start curling them quickly against that magic spot rapidly. I pinch and pull her right nipple with my fingers as I clamp my teeth gently around her left, pulling it and lashing it with my tongue.

  Lorraine is bucking on the bed, pinned beneath my torso as I lay across her to suckle her left breast. She wraps both arms around my head and holds me close Then she screams as I feel a couple of squirts and a little longer spray over my hand. She’s squirming, trying to get
away from the over-stimulation. She releases my head and is trying push her way back to the headboard. I let her go and slide over her leg to land in the puddle she is leaving on the comforter. Then I bury my face into the wet folds in front me - licking and nibbling her labia, licking her hole, and licking all the way up to her hard little nubbin sticking out of the apex of her inner labia. I give her clit some well-deserved attention, first licking it, then sucking it gently, alternating back and forth. I don’t get much going on before she grabs both ears and pulls me up. I crawl up her body, kissing every morsel of flesh that passes my face until I’m looking down into her wide eyes.

  “What are you doing to me, Jack?” she asks with wonder in her voice.

  I murmur, “Loving you, Lorraine. Just loving you!” We share a passionate kiss as she slowly gets control of her body back.

  She pushes my face back and looks at me like she’s trying to memorize every inch of my face.

  “Please, Jack. Take me now,” she pleads.

  I reach down and wet Little Jack in her dripping moisture before posting him at the door of heaven. Then I look in her eyes as I slowly push forward into her tight wetness. I can’t believe she ever pushed a baby out of this channel! She is tight, wet, and I feel her start to clamp down on me as I press slowly into her.

  “Aah!,” she moans. She looks back into my eyes, “Jack, you feel so good inside me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been stretched like this.”

  I only make it in about half-way before I have to stop. She’s still not relaxed enough after that strong orgasm to allow me to just drive in. So I back out and push forward with a little more force. After a couple of more repeats I find myself hilted in her. I hold my weight on my right elbow as I reach down and squeeze her bum before returning it to help hold my weight off her. She sighs, and I kiss her gently as I adjust my weight to keep from squishing her.


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