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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 48

by JG Jerome

  It’s a grizzled, wrinkled female Dark Elf wearing tac gear and leaning on a staff. Nou’ra follows my eyes, and then her eyes open wide. She grabs my shirt in her hand and pulls me with amazing strength.

  “Ma-tri-arch,” she croaks.

  I pick up the small assassin in a bridle carry and stand. I carry her to the Matriarch.

  I stand in front of her, holding Nou’ra close to me. I just look into her eyes. She stares back at me.

  “Why?” I finally ask her. “Why did you have her killed?”

  “I didn’t, Jack. You did,” she says. “You convinced her to tell you her name. We forbid that. I did nothing. Her own brother cut her throat. Notice how she surrendered to her death? She knew she would die as soon as she told you her name. If not today, as soon as one of the Nameless heard of it.”

  I open my mouth to speak, but she interrupts me by holding a finger aloft.

  “Also, you requested to treat with me. The Lady of the West informed you that your assassin had to die for us to talk. Yet you healed her after you had defeated her. She was dying on the floor. The stage was set. All you had to do was let her die so I could approach you.”

  I respond coldly and softly, “That’s fucking insane. You throw away a trained, capable asset to arrange a meeting and because she told me her name? She’s an irreplaceable PERSON!”

  The Matriarch responds fiercely, “She is not a PERSON! She is NAMELESS! She was born to serve and die!”

  “She DID die!” I shout back. “Her spirit left her body. I had to fucking RESURRECT her!”

  That shocks the Matriarch.

  I spin around and call, “Trinity! Corrina! Remove her shackle, clean her up, and let her rest. Get her some food. She needs to create blood cells and finish healing. I can’t do any more for her until her own healing processes kick in without turning her into a meat puppet. Her healing has started, just not enough to finish the work. She needs fuel and rest. As much energy as I burned, it was harder on her than it was on me.”

  Trinity scoops Nou’ra out of my arms, and Corrina retrieves a key from her blazer that opens the shackle. I caress Nou’ra’s cheek and tell her, “Heal Nou’ra! I will come find you shortly.” She smiles at me.

  Corrina opens the door to let Trinity pass with her charge. Trina whispers into Corrina’s ear, and then she follows them out the door. Then Corrina closes it and pulls her knife. She keeps it in her fist as she crosses her arms while she guards the door.

  I turn back to the Matriarch. I try to keep my tone more reasonable as I say, “You apparently think I’m just like the guy that hired you. I’m not. If it is possible for two people to be diametrically opposed in every possible way, I am the proof. His focus seems to be on fear, loss of hope, and destruction. He is called the Dread Lord. I need to find him, because I need to end him. Not ‘want to.’ I would let him live in peace if he were no danger to people. Sadly, he is. There are very few instances where I think that killing someone is appropriate. I must kill him. Even as misguided as your peoples actions were here, my desire is to forgive you and build a trusting, supportive relationship with you and your people.”

  I notice Frannie, Karla, Sherrine, Grace and Louis are arrayed to either side of me.

  Grace takes my hand in both of hers, “What can I do to help you, Master?”

  I smile at her, “Grace, you being here holding my hand is a huge help. Thank you, dear one.” I kiss her gently, and she gasps gently in surprise. Then I wink at her. She almost smiles before she releases my hand but moves to stand behind me, placing her hands on my shoulder.

  The Matriarch of the Nameless watches all of this without expression. She says, “I watched this Dread Lord as Nou’ra negotiated with him. He has no compassion or empathy for any living creature. It’s as though he has eaten his own soul. I can see the differences between you.”

  She pauses for a moment as she rocks back and forth on her staff before continuing, “Jack, I’ve been in power for a grand total of three days. Until the council got word of your request to treat with you, I was the head trainer. The council deliberated for hours until the Patriarch struck down one of the proponents of treating with you with this very staff. He said, ‘We have built our entire purpose for life around serving the needs of those who would have us kill this person. We have been approached for a contract to do just that. We will not abandon our traditions to hold hands and sing Kum-Ba-Ya with the line that is responsible for us being anathema among our own people.’ I blinked behind him and killed him with a poisoned blade, much as Mik’la just killed his sister. Three more attacked me. I killed them with my blade, my hands, and finally with this staff”

  She chews on her lip, “Jack, he had a strong contingent that supported him. I also had many that feel the same way I do - that we need to end our vendetta for something that we ourselves caused. I didn’t want to be Matriarch, but there was no one else willing to stand to drive the change. Our traditions are as important to us as those the Goblins hold are to them. Unlike the Goblins, our traditions are all that let us tell ourselves that we have honor and worth. I heard what you said to Nou’ra, and I agree with your statements. However, I will have to tread carefully. But I do want to pursue an alliance.”

  “Will you rescind this ‘death for telling your name’ edict?” I ask her.

  She chews her lip and rocks on her staff. She murmurs ‘tradition’ as she thinks. Eventually, she stops moving and looks at me, “No, Jack. I will not.” She raises her hand to forestall my objections. “What I will do, is to change the rules so that our Allies may know our names without repercussion. I will also agree to be the ally of the Green Lord. We already have an alliance with the Host. The Goblins have refused so far, but maybe you can help with that?”

  I grimace, “I may have done that already. Saureg and I had a serious disagreement. The new king’s name is Salt. I’m willing to host talks if it will help. Give him a week or two. He’s even newer than you.”

  She nods, “How long?”

  I shrug, “Maybe four hours. I killed Saureg on my way here, which is how Louis and his beautiful colleagues ended up in my family.”

  She tries to stifle a chuckle, then it escapes momentarily before turning into a full belly laugh. “Moving fast, Jack?”

  I share a reserved smile, “I do what I can, Matriarch.”

  She extends her hand, “My name is Sel’dra. On behalf of my clan, I am pleased to be your ally. My people call themselves Drow rather than ‘Dark Elves.’ We’re genetically similar to the High Elves, but there are significant differences. We evolved on the same planet in our home dimension as the Wild Elves did. We are more closely related to them genetically than we are with the High Elves,” she says as she indicates L’liana.

  Sel’dra walks to the three male elves chained to a ring in the wall. Their shackles are around their necks, and the chains are just barely long enough to allow them to sit. They lean against the wall with their eyes shooting daggers at me.

  I hear a knock on the door. I turn to see Corrina open it a crack and then Nou’ra blinks in to stand before me. She’s wearing a clean Raven’s uniform like the one that Grace is wearing. She stumbles a bit, and I step forward to catch her. She holds onto my arm to steady herself and looks seriously into my eyes.

  “Nou’ra,” I scold her. “You need to be in bed.”

  “Not yet, Jack,” she insists. “I need to be here. I promise you I will rest once my work is complete.”

  She lets go of my arm and stands facing the Matriarch.

  Sel’dra turns back to face the three naked assassins leaning against the wall. Indicating the one on the left, “This is Mik’la, Nou’ra’s eldest brother.” He’s not paying any attention to me; he’s completely focused on his sister. He looks like he is seeing a ghost.

  Sel’dra indicates the man in the middle, “This Med’ra, her younger brother.” He’s smiling at Nou’ra. She continues, “And the one on the right, is Co’cha. Co’cha was the assigned witness to yo
ur assassination. Unfortunately, he brought his two chums along to see the death of the Green Lord.”

  I shrug, “It hasn’t happened in over 4,000 years. I can see why they might want to see it from a professional perspective. I didn’t have an assigned witness on my assassination assignments. I usually just brought back the head or photos depending on the importance. There was one time where the hand had to suffice.”

  All five assassins look at me like I’m growing a horn out of my head. I shrug, “I was a warrior in the shadows. I didn’t care for those assignments, but I’ve done enough to appreciate what’s involved. It’s probably different from how you do it, but the preparation is probably similar.”

  Sel’dra says, “Co’cha was to finish Nou’ra if she was wounded or captured. I’m curious how he plans to explain her getting locked into a cell and questioned by her target.” She gives him a ‘you’re in deep shit’ look.

  Sel’dra looks at Nou’ra, “What are we to do with you?”

  Nou’ra responds, “Nothing. You let my brother kill me. He succeeded. You collect my fee from our bank, and that will pay off most of the balance owed on my apprenticeship. What is left will be forfeit because I died on assignment. I was born nameless, and I died nameless. As Jack resurrected me, I belong to him.” She looks up me and smiles warmly. Then she looks back to the Matriarch. “One of his wives, the one named Trina, told me that there is a home here for me and that she will have much important work for me to do. My Lord Jack will need to give me a name.”

  The Matriarch looks at her emotionlessly, “You don’t seem too broken up.”

  “I’m not, Matriarch. Mik’la was much too joyous at the thought of killing me. I earned my death. I knew it when I told Jack my former name. I didn’t care. I’ve never had a friend before. Our culture doesn’t encourage it. I judged it worth the price, even for the short time I would be able to enjoy it. I was right.”

  The Matriarch arches an eyebrow, “Nou’ra is dead. Long live, Nou’ra.”

  Nou’ra bows deeply from the waist as she answers, “Thus mote it be.” She stays in that position.

  The Matriarch holds her staff across her body and gives her the ‘bow of equals,’ “Thus mote it be,” she replies. Nou’ra groans a little as she turns erect.

  “May I, Jack? The one you gave me is outside.” I look down to see she is pointing at Eventide.

  Suspecting what is to come, I turn to the door. “Corrina, please get our family in here. All of them that are nearby,” I request as I pull Eventide. I look at Nou’ra and hand her the blade.

  She takes it in her left hand and slices her right hand open. Then she turns the handle to me and returns it. I look in her eyes as I cut my own right hand and hold the blade up for all to see Eventide absorbing the blood. Then I return Eventide to her sheath with my left as all the Ravens file in. Once they stop trickling in, it looks like we’re only missing Christie, Georgia, Myra and Megan. Even Peg is here, holding my coat. Interestingly enough, Esmi is here, too.

  I grasp Nou’ra’s hand tightly with my right, and she turns to face me. She says, “Jack Jerome, my friend. I was born nameless, and I died nameless. I returned only through your commitment and friendship. I am not worthy of this gift, but I gladly accept it. In return, I offer my friendship and my service.” She grips my hand hard and bows her head.

  I intone, “Nameless, once known as Nou’ra, for your friendship, I offer my friendship. For your service, I offer my service. For the family you left behind in death, I offer my own. Henceforth, you shall be known as Jessica, from the Hebrew name Iscah, meaning ‘gift.’ Not to commemorate my healing of you, but rather to remember the gift you have given to me and my family by returning to us. Welcome to the family, Jessica.” With those words I push healing energy into our hands, and the wounds heal. I cup her face and kiss her chastely on the lips.

  She smiles up at me and whispers, “Can that be ‘friends with benefits,’ my Lord? I’m finding the idea more appealing by the minute as I enter this new life.”

  I chuckle, “As soon as you are healed, if you desire it. Trina can help arrange that, too. She’s appointed herself ‘Chief Concubine’ and steadfastly refuses to marry me.”

  Trina calls out, “A wife is a partner, Master. I need you to own me!” I see her brilliant smile as she declares her need for me publicly.

  I smile back at her, “Pet, would you please put Jessica into your room to rest?”

  Trina comes over to hook an arm through Jessica’s, “It would be my pleasure, Master. I bet Peg will watch over her and take good care of her.” I look to the Brownie, and she nods with certainty.

  “Are you sure, Peg? I know enough about your story…” she holds her hand up and I stop.

  “She dinna kill anyone in my family. I have no problem caring for our new lassie,” she says emphatically.

  I smile and tell her, “You are a gem, Peg.” Then I call out, “Trinity!” I scoop up Jessica into a bridal carry, and she squeals delightfully. Trinity steps forward, “Please carry our newest family member to Trina’s chambers. Trina will show you where to go. Catch up to us in the audience hall.”

  “Yes, Master,” Trinity says with a bow before gently taking Jessica from my arms.

  Trinity carries Jessica off, and I notice that Peg is standing at my feet looking up at me.

  “Your coat, m’Lord,” she says. She holds the coat out in her arms.

  I take a knee in front of her and gently lift the garment from her grasp. I hold it out and turn it back and forth. “This looks perfect, Peg. It looks brand new. Even the lining looks great.” I whip it around my shoulders and pull it on.

  Peg steps forward and adjusts my lapels, “We can’t have you looking shabby to talk to the Summer Queen now, can we Lord?”

  “No ma’am. It’s a good thing I have you taking care of me, Peg.” I wrap her in a hug. “I’m very lucky.”

  She hugs me back for a moment and then pats my arms. I sit back and she says, “Go ‘long witcha.” She turns and trundles out the door surprisingly quickly. I think she wipes her eyes as she passes through the door. I stand up and wonder what I can do to ease her pain.

  I turn to Sel’dra, “She loves you.”

  “I love her, too. I wish I knew how to ease her pain,” I share with the Matriarch.

  “She remembers too much,” she says. “It’s common for Elves and Brownies. Sometimes elderly Sidhe, Goblins, and even humans can be overcome with sadness for all the ones they’ve left behind. I will probably go through it some time in the next couple hundred years.”

  Then Sel’dra sighs and says, “I must go now, Lord. We have a long way to travel. Will you release them into my care?”

  “Of course,” I tell her.

  Corrina unlocks their shackles. Each rubs his neck as the shackle slides away. When they are all free, she tells them, “Your belongings are in lockers outside. Numbers 1, 2, and 3,” she says as she points at each. “Go in peace. Don’t come back.” She Vana-waves them towards the door.

  Sel’dra bows to me, “Thank you for your understanding and support, Lord Jack. I look forward to a long and productive alliance.”

  “I am sure we will make it so,” I say before I bow back to her. When I rise, she is gone.

  I reach out with my sense for living things and sense something moving towards the door. As I notice it she appears to my eyesight as well. ‘Hmm. Illusion or glamour., Jessica, will explain it to me.’

  As Sel’dra leaves, I and the Goblins are alone in the cell.

  Frannie saunters up to me and wraps an arm around me. Her dark eyes bore into mine as she asks, “Are you ready to go to the Summer Court, Master?”

  I nod, “Yes. I need to check in with Trina and Sera before we go. We’ll need to pick up Myra enroute.”

  “Got it,” she says. She kisses my cheek and sashays toward the door knowing I’m watching her muscular ass clench under the short leather skirt.

  Chapter 48 - Emotions

bsp; I follow as Grace joins Frannie on the lead. Karla and Sherrine flank me. Louis covers the rear.

  As I pass out the door, I see Chelsea leaning against the wall with her arms crossed and her head down in a classic defensive posture. I walk over and lean against the wall next to her.

  She looks out the right corner of her eyes and buries her face in her hands. Finally she crosses her arms again and says, “You don’t want to be around me right now, Jack. I don’t want to be around myself right now, but I don’t get a choice.” She leans back on the wall and throws her hands forward in exasperation, “I’m pouting! I’ve never pouted in my life!” She curls forward again, “I can’t believe I’m this jealous after knowing you for 24 hours!”

  I caress her back with my left as I squeeze her shoulder with my right, “We talked about this before. I don’t think I can do anything about that other than love you, Chelsea.”

  She pivots to stand in front of me before she presses her body against mine and tucks her head into my neck. I wrap her tightly in my arms, and she hooks her arms under my armpits and holds herself tightly against me. We stand there just holding each other for a couple minutes.

  I see Frannie talking to Corrina. Corrina then calls Mari over and whispers instructions to her. Mari takes off at a brisk walk out of the jail.

  Chelsea finally looks up at me with a big sigh, “Please don’t give up on me, Jack.”

  “Not happening in this lifetime, Chelsea. What am I?” I ask.

  “Green Lord?” she answers uncertainly.

  “More important than that,” I tell her quietly.

  She surveys my face for half a minute before whispering, “Mine.”

  I nod, “I am yours. What are you?”

  “Yours,” she whispers as her eyes brighten, and she slowly smiles.


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