The Bold and the Dominant
Page 11
being lied to by the pretentious whore pushed every one of his buttons, he wouldn’t let his anger get the best of him.
He slid his thigh once more against her pussy, increasing the pressure. She tensed, then wriggled ever so slightly.
Hammer gripped her hips to help her along, grinding her onto his leg. “Tell me again how much you’ve changed.”
She didn’t quite manage to bite back her gasp as she stared at his mouth for a long moment. Animosity and anticipation hung in the air, sharp. Strained. He waited.
Finally, Gwyneth pushed at him and tried to close her legs. “Get off me this instant.”
He didn’t budge, just kept nudging her cunt against him. “I’m still waiting.”
“For what?” Her breath hitched.
He took perverse pleasure in watching her struggle to control herself. Her pulse still pounded visibly in her neck. He felt her trying to pull herself together.
“For you to prove how you’ve changed.” He stared her down, thumbing her collarbone and raked his gaze over her even harder nipples. “Because you look pretty aroused to me.”
Her entire demeanor turned like a chameleon changing its color. Her perfectly waxed brows pinched together in a practiced look of anguish as she shoved at him. “Don’t torment me. You can’t fathom all I’ve been through. But I hope, for Liam’s sake, you’ll try.”
Macen didn’t buy it for a second. “All you’ve been through? You mean, all you’ve caused.”
Gwyneth gave a delicate sigh, her slender shoulders sagging as if she needed to unburden herself. “I wasn’t a good wife. I know. But my life has been hell since Liam and I separated. I’ve learned.”
“Oh, really?” Hammer placated.
“I’d give anything if I could go back and undo the damage I’ve done. I’ve lived with the terrible guilt for destroying our marriage.”
Hammer doubted she was capable of something as deep as guilt.
“I love our son…but every day I look at him, Kyle makes me realize how much I still love Liam as well.” She paused for dramatic effect. “I always will. So I’ve come here hoping that we can be reunited and become a family with Kyle.”
While it came as no surprise that Gwyneth meant to wheedle Liam into her life, watching the manipulative wheels spin in her head made Hammer’s stomach roll.
“I’ll do whatever I can to make it right,” she confessed. “I’m simply not sure what that is.”
“You want my advice?” Wow, did she have nerve.
Her chin quivered. “I’m determined to prove to Liam that I’ve changed.”
Hammer doubted there was any hope of that.
“He’s the sort of man who will be an active father to his son. And for Kyle’s sake, it’s imperative they foster a relationship now.”
“You think the kid needs him, huh?”
“Maybe you think I’m foolish to believe that Kyle’s emotional well-being is in jeopardy.” She sniffled delicately. “But without his father, my little boy will suffer a lack of knowledge, understanding, bonding—love—that only Liam can give.”
Hammer didn’t doubt that Liam would fill those roles without exception…if he were Kyle’s father.
“So will I.” Gwyneth reached up and cupped his face, surprising Macen. “You and I… Well, there’s always been a certain friction between us. I regret that. You’re Liam’s best friend. I’m his wife, so—”
“Ex,” Hammer cut in.
She smiled tightly, as if dismissing that technicality. “You’d certainly like to continue to have him in your life, as would I. So let’s put our hostility aside and bury the hatchet.”
Was she fucking serious? Gwyneth certainly wanted him to think so, based on the pleading note in her voice. He tried not to snort in her face.
He’d let her assume she’d hooked him—for now.
“Actually, I’d like to bury the hatchet, too.” In your head.
“Really? Oh, thank you, Macen.” She stepped toward him and hugged him tight. “I’m so relieved. Maybe…you’ll help me convince Liam that I love him so we can be a family?”
Hammer had to swallow the urge to puke, but he managed to keep his expression benign. “You’ll have to do that on your own. I’ll never lift a finger to help you hurt him again.”
She drew back as if he’d slapped her. “You’re still a bitter, selfish man, thinking of yourself rather than Liam. Pity.”
“And you’re a manipulative hag, so we understand one another.”
Resignation crossed her face. “You know…early this morning, I was sleepwalking. I inadvertently stumbled into Liam’s room.”
Stumbled, my ass.
“When I woke, I was so excited to see traces of Liam. Then I discovered a woman is staying with him. I smell her perfume on you, too. I gather you’re…sharing her?” She sent him a pitying expression. “Macen, what will you do when she becomes your next Juliet?”
At her low blow, a violent rush of fury surged up his body and slammed through his brain. Hammer tensed, curled his fingers into fists. If he didn’t, he would wrap them around her neck and squeeze until every ounce of life left her body.
He stared her down, willing his expression blank. “You’ve got a good nose.”
Gwyneth smiled, reminding him of a fucking politician—all flash, no substance. Total bullshit. “Well, I’m sure your little fling will pass before the poor girl does anything tragic. But Liam’s heart is too big to be content with your leftovers forever simply to help you recover from your terrible mistake.”
Hammer held in a snarl. “I thought we were ending our hostility, Gwyneth? Insulting me and my late wife doesn’t seem very friendly at all.”
“Oh, Macen.” Somehow, she managed to look torn as she reached out to him and cupped his arm. “You’re misunderstanding me again. Of course that’s not what I meant. What I’m trying to say is that my heart will fulfill Liam in every way. And for his sake, I worry about you. I think it’s time you found a woman who can love you for good. Or haven’t you been able to find one?”
Hammer had never hit a woman in anger. I might make an exception for you, you snatch-faced cunt.
Clinging to the last thread of his temper, he pasted on a smile. “Since we’re starting over, I presume we’re speaking honestly?”
“Of course,” she replied with a look of innocence.
“I told Liam not long after you two tied the knot that you were a scheming whore. I hated to be proven right, but I wasn’t surprised at all.”
Hammer watched Gwyneth waffle between a contrived shock and her usual haughty ice-queen demeanor. Her body tensed with an almost palpable hum. “I beg your pardon?”
“You’ve got two choices,” he drilled her in a calm, low voice. “One, you tell me exactly why you’re here. Once you do, I’ll write you a big fat check. Then you’ll haul your ass back to London so that neither Liam nor I will ever see, hear, or speak to you again.”
She peeled back her lips in a scathing, humorless smile. “You can’t afford me.”
“You sure you don’t want to try me? Give me a price and see if I’ll meet it.”
She scoffed. “No. I’m here for Liam.”
“Well, you’re going home empty handed, sweetheart. He stopped caring about you the minute he found you taking your personal trainer’s dick up the ass while you blew his boyfriend. Liam doesn’t love you. He will never love you. And he will never, ever consider being a part of your life again. I’ll make sure of it.”
Her little smile sent a warning prickle up his spine. “We’ll see.”
Chapter Seven
Behind Raine, the bed dipped. As she lay on her side, an arm slipped around her waist. Moist breath on her neck, stubble grazing her nape, and a familiar, woodsy scent drew her up through the layers of consciousness. She woke to the feel of a hard male body, warm and naked, spooning her against him.
Liam. Raine was intimately familiar with his touch. His musk—like the man himself—was a seduction. All
uring. Everything about him flirted with her senses, tempted and drew her in. Hammer felt completely different. Sharp, aggressive, darkly masculine. Unyielding.
Liam pressed his ready erection against her backside as he filled his hands with her breasts and groaned. “I didn’t mean to wake you…”
“I’m glad you did.” She lifted her heavy lids, expecting to see Hammer lying next to her, where he’d been before he’d stripped her down and tucked her in. Instead, she only saw the glowing numbers of the clock, noting that it wasn’t even ten thirty. “I guess I drifted off. Where did Hammer go?”
“He’s got a club to run, remember?” Liam pulled her to him, clutching her close. “I missed you.”
She snuggled back against him. After his odd mood in the car this morning and his stinging refusal to touch her, having him here was an unexpected but reassuring surprise.
“I missed you, too.”
“You feel good,” he breathed in her ear.
As he spoke, the scent of Scotch hit her nose. He’d been drinking?
She turned in his arms. “Is everything all right?”
His grave expression took her aback. His dark eyes burned. “I need you to kiss me, Raine.”
She met his stare, unblinking. Usually, he held her and pressed his lips to hers if the urge moved him. But now, the gravity in his voice said he needed her—and he didn’t often admit that aloud. Was he feeling guilty about his rebuff this morning? Maybe, but this felt like more, like him reaching out for her love.
The woman in her responded. Maybe she should still be angry or hurt, but Liam had been her rock since their first day together. She sensed that now he needed her to be his. She ached to know why, but it wasn’t the time to interrogate him.
Raine cupped his face. “Always.”
She laid her lips over his in a soft caress, testing her welcome and his hunger. He tensed as she leaned in, then breathed through the initial brush of her mouth. He grabbed her hips, kissed her in return, but he didn’t move or make a sound through the achingly gentle press of lips. His fingers tightened on her. Long and slow, he inhaled as if drinking her in. Raine wondered what troubled him.
She pulled back enough to search his face. “Liam?”
“My sweet love,” he whispered against her lips, then rolled her to her back and covered her body with his own. He tasted of the tart, smoky Scotch he’d consumed—and of desperation.
Clutching her nape, he held her still for his pleasure and delved into her mouth as if he could fuse them together. He didn’t test or apologize with this kiss. As he crushed her mouth beneath his, he claimed her, screaming “mine” without saying a word at all.
Raine jolted. From the moment Liam had taken her into his arms as a lost girl aching to feel like a woman, he’d cradled her in his sure hands, always steady and strong, beside her, supporting her, helping her grow, and never asking for anything in return—until now.
Carnal and thorough, he ate at her mouth. She felt his trembling, tasted his longing. He wasn’t asking her for help. Obviously, he had no intention of telling her what upset him. But in that moment, it didn’t matter.
Flowing around and under Liam, Raine opened and gave him everything. She had a million questions, but they didn’t matter now, when everything about his demeanor told her that she’d become his life preserver in a raging sea. He entreated her by laving his tongue against hers again and again. He held her tight.
Time slid by, endless and meaningless, until he robbed her of breath and she turned restless in her own skin, until the ache to have him deep took over and she clung, spread her legs beneath him, and moaned for his next touch.
His swollen cock, hard and hot, slid against her sex. Raine basked in the intimacy as liquid heat rushed between her thighs.
As if he realized he’d all but pounced on her, he pulled back and did his best to smile. “Did you rest well?”
The warmth of his body matched the concern in his voice.
“Yes,” she assured. “Did you get some breakfast?”
“I’ll eat a hearty lunch,” he promised.
Raine hated the thought that he’d gone without food. “I can make you something.”
When she moved to roll out of bed, he pinned her beneath him. “Stay with me.”
It was a command, brooking no refusal. She didn’t often see this side of her indulgent Liam. The only time she’d seen him uncompromising, he’d been very upset.
As if he realized how out of character he’d behaved, he tried to smile. “Tell me about your breakfast with Hammer.”
It set off all her alarm bells. “It was fine. I’m sorry you weren’t able to join us. Did you get everything taken care of?”
Liam tensed. She felt the spike of his anxiety all the way to her bones, especially when he nuzzled her neck again, as though needing the comfort of her skin. Raine wanted to give it to him, but she desperately needed answers.
“What’s going on?” She struggled to put some space between them so she could sit up.
He used his body to keep her down. “The business I need to attend to is more complicated than I thought. I don’t like that it’s made you doubt how I feel. I hate that I’ll be busy—and probably preoccupied—for another day or two. Hopefully, no more than that.”
Searching his dark eyes, she felt a flutter of fear low in her belly. “You’ll still be with us at night, right?”
“I’m hoping so. I promise I’ll do my best. I’m clearing my schedule tonight so that Hammer and I can take you out for a romantic dinner. Would you like that?”
Normally, she would, but the thick air of tension rolling off Liam made her insides knot. Something told her this invitation was more likely an apology or a precursor to bad news, rather than simply an amorous gesture. Raine didn’t like the worry notching up inside her…but she couldn’t seem to kill it.
She pressed her lips together. “Will you have to go back to New York?”
Liam cocked his head, then brushed his fingers down her cheek. “Don’t be putting the cart before the horse, love. Relax, will you?”
Liam wanted her to believe everything was wonderful when it wasn’t. Because he’d reached out to her, she was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. She was certainly willing to hold and love him if he needed her. But she refused to be placated.
Raine pushed at his shoulders until she made enough space to roll away and sit up. “What’s happening with you? With us? I’m scared.”
He cupped her chin. “There’s nothing to be scared about. The last thing in the world either Hammer or I want to do is leave you. I don’t know of any reason I’ll have to return to New York, so set that worry from your mind. Like I promised, I’ll do my best to be with you as often as possible. Trust me, I don’t feel whole when I’m away from you.”
His words warmed her. She felt the same.
Raine bit her lip and nodded. She’d let her insecurities get the best of her again, even though they’d both tried to reassure her. Maybe she just had to stop waiting for the worst and believe that whatever was happening didn’t mean the end of them. Maybe they were trying to protect her from something. No idea what, but God knew they both had the instinct.
“Can I do anything to help? I feel useless.”
“No. This situation will work itself out, but I’ll have to be on hand to steer it in the right direction. Believe me, I’m not leaving you. I never want to.”
The heartfelt vow made her sigh before he swallowed the sound with a searing kiss. He held her lips captive under his as if nothing in the world mattered more than making love to her mouth and cocooning her heart. Her uncertainty began to melt away.
Then he urged her to her back, covering her body with his own. He stroked her waist, easing down to the curve of her hip with his big hands before drifting up again to caress the plump weight of her breasts. Her breath stuttered. Her body caught fire again.