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Page 8

by M. K. Eidem

  “Are they coming for us now?” She asked, still chewing on her lip.

  “No, little one. They will not be able to come until the storm ceases.”


  “Good?” Wray gave her a confused look. It made no sense to him. Once Veron found them, he would be able to take her to the Searcher where Yakar could scan her and make sure she was truly healed. She would be able to rest in a comfortable bed, have plenty to eat. Why would she not want them to come?

  “Yeah…” Kim felt her cheeks start to heat at his confused look.

  “Kim?” Wray kneeled at her side. “Why don’t you want my people to come for us?”

  “It’s not that I never what them to come, it’s just…” she trailed off and finding she couldn’t look at him anymore, she looked at her hands.

  “Just what, Kim?” Cupping the side of her face Wray brought her gaze back to him. “Tell me.”

  Kim gazed into Wray’s warm gray eyes for several moments, then finally admitted. “I’m just not sure I’m ready to deal with other people yet. I like it here… with you, I feel safe. I know you probably think it’s silly, but I’m not ready to deal with the outside world yet.”

  Wray scooped her up off the rock and into his arms. “I do not think it is silly, Kim. You have survived much. Have shown great strength. You needing time before dealing with more people is not silly.”

  “I’m sorry. I know you’d probably like to get back.”

  “No,” he quickly denied, tipping her face up to his, “what I’d like is for you to show me more kissing.”

  “Really?” She asked hopefully.

  “Yes, little one. Show me kissing.” Shifting, Wray’s hands encircled her waist and lifted her so she straddled his lap, then lifted her so they were face-to-face and chest-to-chest.

  “Wray!” Kim let out a startled cry laughing as he lifted her. She gripped his shoulders as she steadied herself.

  “Is this the proper position?” He asked, his eyes moving across her face taking in her sparkling eyes before settling on her lips.

  “Yes,” she whispered softly, then slowly leaned in, lightly kissing first one corner of his mouth then the other.

  “Kim…” he growled at her teasing.

  “Shhh,” she hushed moistening her lips before pressing them firmly against Wray’s. When his lips parted, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and gasped as Wray’s unique flavor exploded over her tongue. He was spicy and bold and so what she wanted. Groaning, her fingers dug into his shoulders as her tongue searched for his.

  Kim couldn’t believe how good Wray tasted. The only other boy she’d ever kissed was John and Wray so wasn’t a boy. Here in his arms she knew she was safe. Here, she knew she was cared for and protected. It gave her the courage she needed to let her feelings guide her.

  Slowly she rubbed her breasts against his chest and felt them tighten in pleasure. Her hips moved against his hard lower abs and felt his shaft grow between her legs. It should have frightened her, but this was Wray. Shifting in his arms, she moved in for another taste.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray ordered himself to remain absolutely still as Kim pressed her lips to his. He would let her lead him in this thing called kissing. He wasn’t sure what was expected of him so when his lips parted, he had meant to close them, but then her tongue had slipped inside and his universe exploded.

  Wray found himself lost in the heaven that was Kim’s mouth. He was the Emperor, the ruler of his people. How was it possible that he had not known such pleasure existed? She tasted sweeter than the wild endary berry he so loved, but just as wild and just as rare. She was strong and fragile, fierce and oh so his! When she moved in his arms, rubbing her lush breasts against his chest, he felt his shaft swell uncomfortably in the constraints of his pants.

  Feeling her shift, he fisted her hair in one hand, tilted her head back and claimed her mouth as his. The Serai never trained a male to pleasure a female this way and yet he knew he was pleasuring Kim.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Kim wrapped her arms around Wray’s head as he took control of the kiss. For a male who claimed to never have kissed before he was a fast learner. She groaned when his tongue invaded her mouth to claim every part of it before wrapping around her tongue to suck it into his.

  She felt like she was coming alive for the very first time, every nerve ending tingled, every muscle tightened. Ripping her mouth away, she cried out his name as she gasped for breath.

  "Wray!" she cried out, unable to stop her hips from moving against him. It felt too good.

  "I am here, little one." Wray reassured her huskily, gazing down at her. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, her cheeks flushed with desire and her eyes were slightly glazed. He had never seen anything so beautiful. His hands slid down, slipping under her shirt, gripping the bare skin of her ass as she started to move.

  "Wray… What’s happening to me?"

  "You are finding your pleasure, little one." His hands helped her move against his thick shaft, groaning when her heat and wetness penetrated the fabric. “Goddess, little one, you feel so good.”

  “Wray… I don’t know…” Kim’s words were lost as Wray thrust against her.

  “Take what you want, little one. What you need. Let me see your pleasure. Nothing else will happen unless you wish it. My vow.”

  “I… I’m not sure how…” she whispered. Kim wasn’t naïve, she’d read about orgasms, had overheard other girls talking about theirs, but this was her, her and Wray and nothing had prepared her for this feeling. “Help me, Wray.” she pleaded.

  Wray’s heart pounded at Kim’s request, for he had never brought a female to release this way. A Tornian female would always lay with the male between her legs. He only used his thumbs to reveal her nub so his mouth could drive her to her release. It was only then that her channel would flood with the wetness needed for her to take a male, but he knew that wasn’t what Kim was asking of him.

  Tilting her hips, he opened her more fully so his thumbs could slide over her nub, carefully caressing it as she moved up and down his covered shaft. “Is this what you need, little one?” He asked, his eyes burning into hers.

  “Yes. Oh God, Wray, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.” Kim’s head fell back as Wray’s thumbs continued to rub her clit. He moved in progressively tighter circles, alternating between soft and firm, slow and fast as her hips pumped against him. She could feel something building with every touch, every stroke, something that was new and bright and wonderful and all she had to do was reach it, but it remained just out of her reach and she wanted to sob out her frustration.

  Wray watched Kim intently as he pleasured her with his thumbs. He’d never seen a female react this way to a mere touch. He had never been able to see a female’s expression as she sought her release either and it was beautiful. Kim was beautiful. She held nothing back from him, she let him see her need, let him hear her pleasure and it made him feel powerful, as if there was nothing he couldn’t do and because of that, he knew exactly what she needed. While his thumb continued to pleasure her nub, he slowly slipped one of his fingers into that hot tight channel barely explored before and found she was already slick with her own juices but her channel tensed at his intrusion.

  Worried he had frightened her, he pulled back only to freeze when she whimpered in denial. Searching the wide green eyes that pierced his, he found no fear, just need. Slowly he pressed back into her channel, twisting slightly and felt her channel convulse around him.

  Kim gasped when Wray’s finger first slid into her, her body tensed at the intrusion but it hadn’t hurt, it didn’t frighten her, it actually felt amazing. When he started to pull away, she whimpered in denial. She wanted him back, she wanted him deeper, she needed him deeper. Staring deep into his eyes, she silently begged him not to leave her, to help her. Somehow he heard her plea and returned to give her what she wanted and more. Soon she could take no more and cried out as she held on to the only
thing she trusted as her world exploded. “Wray!”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray wrapped his arms around Kim’s trembling body as she collapsed against his chest. He had never received a bigger blessing than what Kim had just given him by allowing him to be the first to pleasure her. It mattered not at all that he hadn’t attained his own release. She was all that mattered. He knew she still had fears, all valid after what the Ganglians had done and what the future held. Yet she had overcome them all, trusting him and that was worth any discomfort.

  Kim collapsed against Wray’s chest trying to catch her breath as her world slowly started to reform. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the feelings she had just experienced with Wray. Not in the stories other girls had told about their exploits. Not in those silly romance stories she’d secretly read. Those paled in comparison to the reality of Wray.

  For her to be able to experience something so amazing, so beautiful after all the ugliness... Wray had shown her, she could overcome her fears. Running her hands across his chest, she leaned back and looked up into his beautiful gray eyes. “Thank you.” She whispered.

  “Never thank me, little one. It was my honor.” Wray told her, capturing her lips for a hard kiss.

  “I never knew it could be like that.” She said her lips brushing his. “It was amazing.”

  “Neither did I.” Wray admitted.

  “You didn’t?” Kim pulled back, frowning slightly. “But I thought…”

  “Thought what, little one?”

  “Well… I mean… you're gorgeous. I can’t be the first female that you’ve…” Kim trailed off suddenly realizing she didn’t want to think about Wray with another female.

  “Pleasured? No, little one, but you are the first,” he put gently cupped her cheek to keep her from looking away, “that I’ve done so in such a way. The Serai never taught us this.”

  “The Serai?”

  “The Serai are animate creatures made from the sands of Creata." Wray told her. “They simulate Tornian females and are used to train males on how to pleasure them. Once this is done the male is allowed to find his release.”

  “His release…” Kim frowned, then suddenly realized Wray’s shaft was still rock hard between them. “Oh God, Wray! You didn’t…” How could she not have realized?

  “It is alright, Kim.” He reassured her.

  “No, it’s not. I… You need me to…”

  “I need you to rest.” He stopped the hands that moved down his chest. “I will be fine.”

  “But Wray…”

  “No Kim, even though there is nothing I'd rather do than Join with you, it is too soon. When you are ready, we will Join and it will happen as naturally as this did." Wray shifted her in his arms, cradling her across his lap. "Now I want you to rest.

  “Are you always so bossy?” She asked, settling in his embrace, surprised to discover she was tired.

  “I… yes, I guess I am.”

  “Well, that will have to change.” She told him then rubbing her cheek against his chest, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Kim swam in the pool, letting the water cocoon her in its warmth. It felt wonderful, especially after thinking she’d never be warm again. She'd woken as the luciferins were just starting to brighten, signaling the start of another day. Wray had been sleeping so soundly that she hadn't wanted to wake him. She knew he was tired even though he would deny it. He had survived a lot too, what with the crash of the shuttle and having to care for her. That he hadn't been injured had been a miracle.

  Carefully, she slipped out of his arms and went to relieve herself but instead of returning, the water had called to her. It had always been like that for her and the water. She loved it, loved how free she felt in it, loved how it embraced her. Every summer growing up, she had practically lived at the pool until finally her parents had one installed in their back yard just so she'd stay home.

  Warrior had loved it too. He would lie at the side, watching her swim until he got too hot, then he would jump in and cool off. It had driven her dad nuts when he would find Warrior in the pool because as soon as Warrior saw him he would get out and shake himself dry next to him. It had become a game between the two of them. Dad would get home from work and try to make it in the house before Warrior soaked him. He never made it. Kim smiled at the memory.

  There had been so many good times and happy memories. How could she have forgotten them? She had been so devastated after Warrior died that she blocked out all that had been good and just when things had started to get better, her parents had been killed...

  Sighing heavily, Kim rolled over onto her back and closed her eyes, knowing the water's buoyancy would keep her up. She wished she could go back and relive those days. She would have done so many things differently.


  Hearing her name Kim rolled over and found Wray standing at the edge of the pool, his hands on his hips. He didn't look happy.

  "Hi." She said smiling at him.

  "What are you doing?" Wray asked through clenched teeth. When he had woken and found her gone, he'd panicked, thinking that somehow she'd been taken from him. Reason had quickly taken over, but it hadn't calmed the frantic beating of his heart. He needed to find her; needed to reassure himself, she was safe. Finding her innocently floating in the pool, her hair fanning out around her, her breasts jutting up had his body instantly responding.

  "I'm swimming." She said, treading water.

  "I can see that." He could see everything thanks to the crystal clear water. "Why?" he asked, forcing his eyes back to her face.

  "Um... because I wanted to?" Kim said, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.

  "Why didn't you wake me?"

  "You were sleeping,” she said as if that explained it all.

  "That does not matter." He said through gritted teeth. "You should have woken me. Something could have happened to you!”

  "Swimming?" Kim's tone let him know she thought his comment was ridiculous. "Not in this lifetime." She said then disappeared under the surface swimming along the bottom until her lungs forced her to come up for air.

  Expecting Wray to be still at the edge of the pool, she was shocked when she was ripped from the water and pulled against a heaving chest.

  “Wray!” She exclaimed. She couldn’t believe he’d waded into the pool fully clothed, but one look at his pale face, let her know he was really upset. “Wray…” she repeated softly, her eyes searching his. “What’s wrong?”

  “You could have drowned!” He growled at her, storming out of the pool.

  “I’m a very good swimmer, Wray.” She said, trying to reassure him.

  “That does not matter.” He irrationally denied not stopping until he reached the rock where she had left her shirt. “You could have become trapped.”

  Kim frowned at him as he set her on her feet, but didn’t release her. There was no way she could have become ‘trapped’ in the pool, there was nothing to ‘trap’ her. So what was Wray talking about? Who was he talking about?

  “Wray… I’m okay." She said, put a reassuring hand on his chest. "I’m fine.”

  “You will not get in that water again without me!” He ordered in a hard, cold voice she’d never heard from him before. “Do you understand me?” When she just looked at him, he gave her a hard shake. “I will not lose anyone else, Kim!”

  “Who did you lose, Wray?” Kim asked quietly and suddenly realized that’s why he was acting this way. Someone Wray cared about had died… in water.

  “Van…” Wray said slowly lowering her to her feet, “my offspring.”

  “Offspring…” Kim trailed off. Wray had offspring… How was that possible? He’d have to have a female to have offspring... that meant… Wray had a female.

  Paling, Kim ripped her arms out of his hold and backed away from him. Oh God, she’d kissed a married man. She’d let a married man touch her. Suddenly she realized she was dripping wet and naked. Naked in front of a married man
. Grabbing her shirt, she whipped around and pulled it on.

  “Kim…” Wray had seen her pale before she turned from him. He knew he'd been rough with her, but seeing her underwater had brought back painful memories.

  Kim kept her back to him as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on her shirt. Pulling her dripping hair from under the shirt, she wrung the water out of it, not noticing the way the luciferins dimmed slightly in response to her distress.

  "Your offspring drowned." She forced the words past stiff lips.

  "Four years ago." Wray acknowledged remembering that terrible day. "The transport carrying him was swept off a bridge during a storm. He drowned before they were able to get him out." He didn't tell her that Tora had been in the same transport. Didn't tell her that the guards assigned to them had chosen to rescue Tora first since he was Wray's successor, leaving his younger brother to fend for himself until they could return. They did not return in time.

  "I'm so sorry, Wray." Kim found herself turning to him and the sadness in his eyes caused her heart to ache. He had truly loved his son. "How old was he?"


  "His mother must have been heartbroken." Kim knew what Wray had told her about Tornian females, but she still found it hard to believe they had no feelings for their offspring.

  "Adana died not long after she presented Van." Wray told her, thinking about his Empress. Would she have been heartbroken at Van’s death as Kim seemed to think, or would it have not mattered to her since her duty was done? Looking at Kim, he could see she was truly upset he had lost offspring. Van mattered to her even though she had never known him. If Van had been hers, she would have been heartbroken.

  "I... “Kim didn't know what to say, didn't know how she felt. On one hand, she was sorry that Adana had died. Wray had to have cared about her. On the other, she was relieved that she wasn't still in his life. Tears of shame filled Kim's eyes at her selfish thoughts. Wray had lost a female, had lost a child and all she could think about was how it affected her. She hadn't changed at all.


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