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Page 17

by M. K. Eidem

  With the exception of Fala and Gyula, every male she had seen had treated her with respect. Actually, after a quick glance in her direction they had dismissed her as if she wasn’t there, and while she’d appreciated it since she was only wearing Wray’s oversized shirt, it also bothered her. Those quick glances had been so assessing… and now she understood why. They had all been wondering whether she would be ‘compatible’ with Wray.

  Hearing the chamber door slide open, she stopped trying to sleep and rolled over to watch Wray walk towards her.

  Entering their resting chamber Wray suddenly realized that if it weren't for Reeve's incompetence, the Searcher never would have been there to intercept the Ganglian ship. He never would have found Kim. He was actually in Lord Reeve’s debt and because of that, Lord Reeve's punishment would not be as harsh as Wray had originally intended. But there would be consequences because no matter what Wray had said, the Kaliszians and Tornians needed each other if they were going to survive the great infection.

  Sitting on the bed next to Kim, he ran the back of his hand along her cheek. “I’m sorry I upset you, Kim.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m still pretty messed up from what the Ganglians did to me and sometimes things upset me that shouldn’t.”

  “You shouldn’t be upset when I can’t be with you?”

  “Not like this. I know there are things you have to do, Wray. Duties you need to perform. This is one of them. It’s not as if my being there matters.”

  “It does to me, Kim.”

  “I know.” Reaching up, she put her hand against his. “I know I matter to you, Wray, and I’ll be fine here alone. I need to get used to it.”

  “Get used to what?” Wray asked, frowning at her.

  “Being alone.”

  “Why would you think you will be alone, my Kim?”

  Kim found she was smiling slightly at Wray’s endearment, he was saying it more and more and she liked it, liked knowing she was his.

  “Like I said, Wray, you have duties you need to perform, places you need to go. There are warriors you need to meet with. I can’t be with you when you do those things. It’s not something your females do and it will only cause you problems if you allow it. So I’ll be spending a lot of time in our chambers… alone.”

  “What ‘problems’ do you think you could possibly cause, Kim?”

  “I’m not Tornian, Wray, and that’s major. You’re going to have males that view me exactly the same way Fala and Gyula do.” Wray’s angry growl had her squeezing his arm reassuringly. “That’s just the way it is until you change the law, but that won’t change what people believe and then there’s that other thing…”

  “What other thing?” Wray demanded not liking how her eyes dimmed.

  “That thing about you looking for ‘compatible’ females. From what you’ve told me, the chances are slim that I’ll be able to give you offspring. What happens if I can’t? Will you be forced to send me away?”

  Wray’s eyes grew in horror at Kim’s words, at what his words had led her to believe.

  “No! Goddess, no, Kim!” Pulling her into his lap, he held her tight. “You are mine! Nothing will separate us. Offspring do not matter. We are compatible. You and me.” Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm so he could explain what he hadn’t before.

  “I will tell you truth, Kim. Normally when a male stays with a female that is unable to present fit offspring, he is forced to give up his position. Not,” Wray cut her off quickly, “because he is seen as unfit but because without fit offspring his blood line will end. That does not apply to me because I have Tora and he is fit. He will be the future Emperor so it matters not if we have offspring. As for not being Tornian… you will be once I present you to the Assembly of Lords.”

  “What?” Kim questioned giving him a confused look.

  “It is within the Emperor’s power to declare anyone Tornian that he deems worthy.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Yes, my Kim.” He told her giving her a gentle smile. “It will give you the protection of Tornian Law. No male would dare harm you, for it would mean his death. It would give you the freedom to go wherever you wished inside Torino and feel safe.”

  “You wouldn’t be upset if I couldn’t give you more offspring?”

  “No. All I want is you, Kim. If the Goddess chose's to bless us with male offspring I would love them as much as I love you.”

  “And if she blessed us with a female?” Kim had meant the question as a tease, but the look on Wray’s had her regretting it. “Wray…”

  “The Goddess hasn’t allowed a female to be presented to an Emperor since Lucan.”


  “She no longer considers us worthy enough to care for one.”

  “She’s wrong, Wray.” Kim vehemently denied. “You are.”

  “If I am it is only because of you, my Kim. Now,” Wray forced his dark thoughts away. “How would you like to go with me to Vesta?”

  “What?” Kim didn’t try to hide her shock.

  “I do not want to leave you, Kim. There is a clothier on Vesta that can make you female coverings.” He said slipping his hand up her thigh under her shirt. “Not that I prefer them, but I know you would.”

  “What are ‘female’ coverings, Wray?” Kim asked, shifting to give his hand more access.

  “Cloth that covers nearly all the body.” He told his hand moving up to the v of her thighs.

  “Really?” Kim questioned softly opening herself to him. “You want me covered up?”

  “From others… yes.” He growled slipping a finger into her as his thumb circled her nub. “From me… never.”

  Twisting, Wray pressed her back into the bed, his mouth covering hers. Somehow, in moments, Wray had them both naked.

  Kim eagerly wrapped her legs around Wray’s waist, her heels pressing into his fine ass and pulled him in deeper. Goddess, nothing had ever felt as good as Wray loving her. With every touch he showed her how special she was to him, how important. He always made sure she found pleasure in their Joinings, never taking his before hers.

  Knowing this, Kim raised her hips, squeezing and twisting in the way she’d discovered drove Wray crazy and was instantly rewarded by a low growl as he drove deeper into her.

  Kim opened herself up even further to Wray, giving him everything she was because he was everything to her. He accepted her even after what the Ganglians had done, accepted her flaws and even accepted the fact that she may never be able to give him offspring. She mattered to him. Her, and she wanted to give him everything he needed.

  Her entire being started to tighten as her release approached along with a strange tingling deep in her womb. She needed Wray, needed him now.

  “Wray!” she cried out, arching up as her orgasm exploded through her. Her vaginal muscles clamped down hard on Wray’s cock as she convulsed around him.

  “Kim!” Wray roared when she clamped down on him. She was demanding everything from him and he gave it to her. With one final deep thrust, he filled her with his heart, his soul and his seed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kim pressed her forehead against the glass of the shuttle window, trying to get a better look at the scenery below her. Vesta was amazing. She’d never known there were so many different shades of color, greens, purples, reds and browns. Wray had explained to her that the browns were lands recently harvested that were being allowed to rest and recover while the other colors were crops at different stages of growth. It reminded her of the beautiful patchwork quilt that had covered her bed back home. The one her grandmother had made.

  “It’s beautiful, Wray.” She said, turning to him.

  “It is.” He agreed but he was looking at Kim, not the scenery. Her eyes were clear and sparkled with excitement and happiness. He had been worried she might be frightened, traveling to yet another new strange place, surrounded by males she barely knew but she seemed to be taking it in stride.

  Before they had le
ft the Searcher, he had summoned the warriors that would be traveling with them and presented their new Empress to them. Traditionally, this would never have been done, a female, even the Empress, did not have direct contact with any male other than the one she was Joined with. If a male was there to protect her, it meant he had yet to acquire the means necessary to attract her, therefore he meant nothing to her.

  Kim had already shown through her actions with Damir that would not be her way and word had spread through the Searcher of the respect she had given a male she did not know. She unknowingly earned their respect and because of that, he had no doubt they would protect her, Tornian or not but she didn’t. It was why he had summoned them, knowing it would show her they were not like Fala and Gyula.

  Even though he knew she was uncomfortable, she stood proudly at his side and acknowledged each warrior with a nod of her head as he introduced them. It was another action that a Tornian female would never have done, cementing their commitment to her. He had seen it in the eye of every warrior.

  “Will we be landing soon?” Kim’s soft question brought his thoughts back to her.

  “Yes.” He said smiling at her. “We will land within the grounds of House Vestoria then proceed directly inside. From there we will be escorted to our chambers. Once you are settled and secure I will meet with Lord Reeve.”

  “I won’t be meeting him?” She asked.

  “You would want to?” Wray frowned. Why would she want to meet the male? Females only requested to meet with a Lord if she were interested in Joining with him. He knew Kim wasn't, but still…

  “Isn’t it expected?” Kim frowned back at him. “I mean, if I’m your Empress aren’t I supposed to meet your Lords?” This was something they hadn’t discussed. What her actual duties would be as his Empress.

  “Is it that way on your Earth?”

  “Yes, at least from what I’ve seen. We still have some Kings, Lords and even an Emperor, but they only rule a country not a world or universe. Their spouse,” Wray’s look told her he didn’t understand the word. “The female they’ve Joined with,” she said and waited for his nod. “She normally travels with her male, is with him when they are greeted by their hosts. Some are even involved in their meetings.”

  “It has nothing to do with her being interested in the other male?”

  “No!” Kim immediately denied. “Why would she be interested in the other male? She is there to help and support her male… unless of course she is the one in charge.”

  “What?!!” Wray wasn’t the only male who looked at her in shock. “The female rules?”

  “In several countries, yes. If she is from the ruling House and not the male, she rules. You’ve never had that in the Tornian Empire?”

  “Only in ancient time.” Wray quietly admitted.

  “You have that many females on your planet?” A stunned voice behind her had Kim turning in her seat to find twelve sets of eyes asking the same question the green-skinned warrior had.

  “It’s Jaqua, isn’t it?” She asked and saw his shock that she remembered.

  “Y…yes, Empress.” Jaqua couldn’t believe she’d remembered his name.

  “The answer to your question is yes.” Kim said, answering his question. “On Earth there are many females.”

  Wray turned around and growled at Jaqua for daring to speak directly to Kim. Jaqua quickly lowered his eyes.

  “Why are you growling at Jaqua, Wray?” Kim gave him a confused look.

  Wray was saved from responding when the shuttle suddenly made a sharp turn, causing Kim to gasp and pale.

  “It is fine, Kim.” Wray took her hand reassuringly. “We are just turning to land.”

  “We’re not crashing?” The eyes that moments ago were clear and sparkling were now clouded with fear.

  “No! Truth, Kim. This is normal.”

  Kim closed her eyes for a moment and forced her racing heart to calm. Wray said this was normal. He wasn’t concerned. The warriors with them didn't seem concerned. Squeezing his hand, she opened her eyes and let him see she’d calm.

  “Okay.” She said quietly, and gave him a small smile.

  When the hatch opened, the smell gave Kim pause. It was the sweet smell of fresh cut grass that had always hung in the air after her dad had cut their grass. It was so familiar that she felt her eyes fill.

  “Kim?” Wray looked at her concerned when she froze in the hatch of the shuttle. His warriors had exited first forming a protective front around the shuttle's hatch. Wray had followed, then turned to assist her down only to be shocked as tears filled her eyes.

  “It smells like home.” She whispered.

  “You lived where things grew?”

  “Just grass.” She whispered. “And not like this.” Her eyes traveled over the vast expanse of a green so dark it was nearly purple that lay in front of her. Just over the rise, she could see what appeared to be a large castle and behind that, mountains. “But it smells the same.”

  “Do you wish to return to the Searcher?” Wray asked. It wasn’t what he wanted, but if this was too much for her…

  “No.” Kim immediately denied, her eyes found his and she took a calming breath. “No. I want to stay with you. It just surprised me. I just didn’t realize it might smell the same.” She reached her hand out to him, knowing Wray would take it.

  “Emperor Wray!” A shout had them both turning.

  Kim’s eyes moved to the group of males approaching the shuttle, a tall red male in front of the others. He had black hair like Wray but that was where the similarities ended. This male was smaller than Wray, his muscles not nearly as defined and of course, he wasn’t the beautiful bronze Wray was.

  “Lord Reeve.” Wray responded and his warriors parted slightly, allowing Reeve to see the Emperor.

  “Sire, to what do I owe this unexpected honor?” Reeve asked.

  “You were not informed I would be arriving?” Wray’s eyes watched Reeve closely knowing Veron had contacted him more than once.

  “Yes. Of course I was contacted, sire, but I was not informed as to why.” Reeve’s eyes shot to Veron, his displeasure easily heard. “I wasn’t aware you had left Tornian.”

  “And who would keep you ‘aware’ of such things, Lord Reeve?”

  “No one, sire!” Reeve swallowed hard realizing what he had implied. “It’s just…”

  “Just what, Lord Reeve?”

  “It’s just that if I had known of your plans I would have made sure Tora was available to greet you.”

  “As I plan on being here for several days you will be able to arrange that.”

  “I… yes, sire.”

  “The clothier?” Wray demanded.

  “Is awaiting your summons, sire.” Reeve told him.

  “Good. Now I wish to get the Empress settled in our chambers. After that we will discuss what has brought me here.”

  “Empress…” Reeve’s voice trailed off as the Emperor’s warriors parted further, revealing the small female at the Emperor’s side. Reeve frowned deeply, his confusion easily seen, as his eyes traveled over the strange female before him.

  She was small, tiny, with flame colored hair and pale skin. She was obviously not Tornian making it impossible for her to be the Empress that meant she was usable. As small as she was, would she be able to take a Tornian male? He found he wanted to find out.

  “Yes, this is your Empress. Empress Kim.” Wray’s words pulled Reeve’s thoughts back to the present.


  “But what, Lord Reeve.” Wray asked, his voice deadly quiet.

  “I…” Reeve hadn’t been a Lord for so many years without learning when to keep his silence. “Nothing sire.”

  “Then show your respect to your Empress.” Wray ordered.

  “Yes, sire.” With a hand across his chest, Reeve bowed slightly to the ‘Empress’, the males behind him following suit.

  “Now you will lead us to the chambers you had prepared.” Wray ordered.

” Reeve’s voice squeaked slightly at the Emperor’s demand. He wanted him… a Lord… to act like a male from an insignificant bloodline and escort him to his chamber.

  “Yes, Lord Reeve. You.” Wray knew he had just insulted Reeve and didn’t care. He'd seen how Reeve’s gaze had traveled over Kim. Fala and Gyula had looked at her the same way. Wray wouldn’t tolerate it. He may not be able to punish them under the law, but he could take his displeasure out on Lord Reeve.

  Kim stiffened, her fingers digging into Wray’s arm as she silently watched Lord Reeve’s skin darken to almost purple. She knew he didn’t want to bow to her, to ‘respect’ her as Wray had put it. His eyes had hidden nothing from her, not their disbelief at Wray’s words or the lust as they’d passed over her. It was the same look Fala and Gyula had given her. She now knew where they had learned it.

  Wray felt the bite of Kim’s fingers as they dug into his arm. He knew Reeve’s response had upset her and he was done letting that happen.

  “Reeve!” Wray roared, his left hand moving to his sword.

  “Of course, sire! At once.” Spinning on his heel Reeve shoved the warriors behind him aside, quickly leading the way.

  Kim watched Lord Reeve’s long legs quickly eat up the ground between the shuttle and House Reeve and knew she would be running to keep up with him.

  “No, Kim.” Wray said quietly and looking up, she saw he knew what she was thinking. “We are in no hurry. It is a warm day. Let us enjoy it.”

  “It is nice out.” Kim said, smiling at him, grateful he understood. “I never thought I’d see the sun again. Never get to feel its warmth.” Tilting her face up, she soaked it up. “It feels wonderful.”

  “Then we shall take as long as you want.”

  “But Lord Reeve is waiting for you.” She said and looked to the rise where Reeve had come to an impatient halt.

  “He is but a Lord. You are the Empress. Your desires come before his.” Covering her hand with his, he slowly led her towards Reeve.


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