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Page 26

by M. K. Eidem

  With a cry Gyula fell to his knees, writhing in pain. "Mercy!" He pleaded with the Emperor he’d wanted to kill. "End me."

  "Suffer Gyula!" Wray replied as he put a foot on Gyula’s shoulder, shoving so he fell to the ground. "It will give you something to talk about when you met Emperor Lucan!" Turning his back on Gyula, Wray's eyes searched for Kim and found her... gone.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "This can't be!" Fala cried out, as yet another of Tora's blows landed, severing his sword arm.

  "It can be." Tora responded striking again. "Today you go to Daco, the only God, depraved enough to accept you."

  "No!" Fala denied. "I go to the Goddess."

  "Never!" Tora promised. "You will rot with Lucan and all the other males that have brought this plague upon us!" With that final statement, Tora severed Fala's head and watched as it bounced across the ground, seeming to want to get as far away from Fala as Tora did.

  The sound of footsteps coming up behind him had Tora lifting his dripping sword, prepared to defend himself again. He expected to find Gyula, instead he found Veron and several other warriors entering the area.

  "Why are you here?" he demanded. “You should be searching for the Empress.”

  "We were following the Emperor. Did he not pass here?"

  "No." The sound of swords clashing had them all sprinting towards the river.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Kim watched in horror as Wray fought with Gyula. This was what she had wanted in the cave, but now… seeing the brutal way Wray attacked Gyula, she wished it wasn’t happening. Not when it puts Wray at risk. The very thought of him being harmed terrified her.

  Warriors stepped in front of her blocking her view of the carnage taking place in front of her. Kim wasn't sure if she was grateful or not. She could hear the swords clashing, hear the grunts and growls coming from Wray and Gyula and her imagination was filling in the blanks. The sound of footsteps rushing up from behind had Kim turning, ready to defend Wray's back, if necessary.

  Finding Tora and Veron rushing towards her, she relaxed and taking a deep breath took a step back. Suddenly the ground gave way and before she could even scream, she was underwater.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Tora rushed into the area, not knowing what he would find. Seeing Kim was unharmed, the worry that he would be too late disappeared, but just as it did, so did Kim.

  "No!" he bellowed as she fell into the swiftly moving water. Dropping his sword, Tora immediately dived in after her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Kim frantically kicked towards the surface, wanting out of the inky darkness that was surrounding her. Breaking the surface, she tried to fling her hair out of her face. Kicking so she twirled around in the water, she tried not to panic when she realized how far from the bank she was.

  The current was stronger and faster than she’d thought. She knew if she struggled against it, she would never survive. Instead, she needed to work with it, letting it take her downstream as she worked her way to the bank.

  Rolling onto her side, Kim kicked with the current, angling towards the riverbank. She extended her still bound hands out in front of her and pulled, trying to do a one handed sidestroke, while keeping her head above water. It wasn’t how she’d be taught, but it would have to do.

  It was also harder than she expected. Her waterlogged gown kept wrapping around her legs, trying to pull her under. All too soon, her body started to chill and tire. The effects of the drug she’d been given, her desperate run through the woods, not to mention her fear that Wray might be injured had taken its toll on her strength. A strength she had only just begun to regain since the Ganglian attack.

  Suddenly it felt as if someone or something struck her from behind. It latched onto her gown and pulled her under.

  Spinning and twirling underwater Kim tried to get her bearings, tried to figure out what was happening and tried not to panic. But it was so dark… So cold... She could feel herself being pulled deeper and deeper into the river’s murky depths. Her hands were suddenly free and her numb fingers desperately clawed for the surface, but to no avail, then as suddenly as she had been snagged, she was free, but what good did that do her? She didn’t know which way was up.

  She couldn’t see. Her lungs were burning. She was colder than she’d even been, even on that damn Ganglian ship. She could feel her life slipping away and there was nothing she could do about it.

  ‘Wray!’ she silently screamed.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray shoved aside warriors his eyes searching for Kim. Where could she have gone! Why couldn't he find her?

  "Majesty!" Veron’s call had Wray spinning to find his Captain running along the riverbank. "She fell!"

  Wray's heart stopped at Veron's words.


  Not the river! He couldn't lose anyone else to its deadly grip.

  Rushing to the edge his eyes frantically scanned the surface, searching for his love. Finally, a flash of red glinting in the muddy water caught his eye and he saw her, struggling to keep her head above water.

  Not far behind it, he saw another head, this one as dark as his own skin.


  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Tora’s eyes never left Kim as he swam towards her with strong powerful strokes. He let the force of the current aid him. He was nearly to her when she suddenly disappeared beneath the dark water as if something had tugged her down. Refusing to lose her Tora dove after her.

  He went deeper and deeper into the river’s murky depths frantically searching for her. He wouldn’t fail again. Wouldn’t let another member of his family perish in a river. His lungs began to burn, but he refused to abandon his search, finally, when he thought he had failed, he felt the brush of hair against his hand and he desperately fisted it. Following it down, he found part of Kim's covering. Grabbing it, he kicked for the surface just as his vision began to dim.

  Breaking the surface, Tora’s lungs sucked in the life giving air before turning the unresponsive Kim onto her back. Wrapping an arm securely around her, he kicked towards the bank.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray could do nothing but watch in horror as both Kim and Tora disappeared under the river’s surface. The pain that filled him nearly drove him to his knees.

  Tora! His first male!

  Kim!!! His love!!!

  He felt his heart stutter and knew it was about to stop because he couldn’t survive without her now.

  When they broke the surface, his relief knew no bounds, but it was short lived when he realized Kim wasn’t moving.

  Jumping over the edge Wray slid down the bank, ignoring the startled cries of his warriors and waded out into the river. He reached them just as Tora began to falter and took Kim from him. Veron was instantly there supporting Tora, making sure that he too reached the bank.

  Wray carefully laid Kim down and while he’d accepted his warriors’ assistance in climbing up the bank, he’d refused to let anyone take her from him. She was his!

  Pressing his hands down against her chest, he forced the water from her lungs and prayed to the Goddess.

  ‘Please glorious one! Please! Don’t take this female from me. I need her. I will do anything… anything you ask of me.’ He pleaded.

  ‘Anything Emperor?’ While the question filling his head shocked him, he didn’t let it stop him from pumping on Kim’s chest.

  ‘Anything!’ He responded.

  ‘You vow to love and protect her whether she gives you fit offspring or not?’

  ‘Yes!’ Wray shouted in response.

  ‘So be it, but know this Emperor… if you fail me, my wrath will know no bounds.’

  ‘If I fail Kim, nothing you do will matter.’

  His response, gave the Goddess pause. ‘Good answer Emperor.’

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Kim was adrift. Cocooned in a darkness that held no pain, no cold, not fear. There was… nothing.

  Nothing was g

  ‘Is it?’ A voice questioned.

  ‘Yes.’ Her response was instant and knew she had displeased the ‘voice’.

  “What about your Warrior?’ She asked.

  ‘Warrior?’ Kim frowned struggling to understand the question. ‘What warrior?’

  “Have you forgotten him so easily? Perhaps you aren’t the right female for my new beginning.’

  ‘New beginning…’ Something fired in Kim’s mind. The darkness that was trying to hold her started to fade and in its place were memories… feelings. Good ones… Bad ones... Ugly ones…

  ‘Yes.’ Somehow, Kim knew it was the Goddess speaking to her. ‘You have to remember it all. Accept it all. Before you can return… to him.”

  ‘Him?’ Suddenly Kim was thrust into the light and everything returned at once.

  ‘Wray!’ Her mind screamed.

  ‘Yes. But I’m not sure he is for you.’

  ‘He is mine!’ Kim dared to growl at the Goddess appearing before her.

  ‘You think you are worthy enough for one of my finest? For him?’

  ‘No.’ Kim’s response was instant and heartfelt, her eyes dimming, but she refused to back down. ‘I’m not and I never will be, but no other female will ever love him as much as I do. No other will ever understand him as I do. No Tornian female will ever put him first, like I will.’

  ‘They have their reasons.’

  ‘Not with Wray they don’t!” Kim argued back.

  ‘In this you are correct.’ The Goddess paused and it could have lasted a moment or a millennium as her eyes bored into Kim’s. ‘Are you ready to be my beginning? To accept what must be. No matter what that is?’

  ‘I can accept anything as long as I have Wray.’

  Slowly the Goddess leaned forward, touching a hand to Kim’s chest. Kim instantly felt life flow through her.

  The life she hadn’t realized she’d been lacking.

  ‘Then live and live well child.’

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Veron along with every other warrior silently watched as the Emperor frantically tried to force the water from the Empress’ lungs, tried to get her to breathe again but few believed that it was possible.

  She was such a small fragile female and the river was powerful and dangerous. There were grown warriors that could not survive it, not after the storm, they had the night before, not when it pulled one down into its murky depths.

  It was whispered that after a storm the God Daco was able to rise up from those black depths, was able to pull the unsuspecting down into them, stealing their life and forcing them to serve him... forever.

  Tora may have pulled her from Daco’s grasp, but there was no way she would survive.

  Veron was about to step forward, about to force his Emperor and friend to face the unpleasant truth… his Empress was now in the hands of the Goddess. As he took that step, the Empress’ back arched off the ground and she took a desperate breath.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray quickly slid behind Kim, supporting her as he leaned her forward so she could eject the water clogging her lungs. Finally, after several minutes of harsh coughing, she collapsed against him, pale and exhausted.

  “Kim.” He whispered, running a gentle finger under her chin to tip her face up to his and watched her eyes flutter open.

  “Wray…” she whispered, her hand reaching up to touch his cheek, then her hand fell away, her eyes rolled back and she went limp in his arms.

  “Get a Healer!” Wray roared scooping Kim up in his arms, he charged back to House Reeve. “Now!”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Caitir jumped as the door to the Emperor's chamber suddenly bounced off the wall, the Emperor rushing in, cradling the Empress against his chest.

  “Oh no.” She cried out her hand covering her mouth as her eyes quickly took in the Empress' pale skin and wet filthy coverings.

  The river…

  Caitir moved quickly, but she still barely got the door to the resting chamber open before the Emperor was through it. He moved directly to the bed and carefully laid the Empress down.

  “Where is Yakar!” He roared at the males that were following him.

  “He is transporting to the surface as we speak sire.” Veron told him.

  Wray growls his displeasure before giving Kim his full attention.

  While the Emperor spoke, Caitir had moved cautiously towards the Empress. She didn’t like how blue the Empress appeared. Reaching out to touch her Caitir found her wrist suddenly captured by the Emperor's powerful grip.

  “I… I mean no harm sire.” She stuttered. “I was just going to get her temperature. She appears very cold.”

  “The river pulled her into its deep waters.” Wray admitted in a tortured voice and slowly released Caitir’s wrist.

  “The deep waters…” Caitir’s eyes widened with fear for she understood what that meant. Putting a careful hand on Kim’s arm Caitir couldn’t believe how cold she was. “She needs to be warmed! Immediately!" Caitir declared. "These coverings need to be removed!” Her hands immediately went to the laces that held the gown together.

  “Get back!” Wray ordered harshly.

  “But majesty…” Caitir began, then jumped back, as the Emperor pulled a blade from his waist.

  But instead of attacking her, as Caitir thought he would, the Emperor slice through the Empress’ covering making one long cut from top to bottom.

  “Get out!” Wray roared over his shoulder at the warriors standing there watching. He would allow no other male to see the beauty that was his Kim. “Caitir,” He said his hands going to his shirt. “Go start the cleansing unit.” She immediately rushed to do his bidding.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Inside the cleansing chamber, Caitir immediately turned the unit on high and steam began to fill the space. She then found clean cloths and soaps for the Empress and then the drying clothes that would be needed after. Turning, she went to assist the Emperor only to freeze when he walked into the chamber, completely naked, the Empress cradled in his arms. He didn’t even spare her a glance as he walked by.

  “Leave us!” Wray ordered then stepped into the unit, giving Caitir a full and unobstructed view of his gorgeous backside.

  “Bless the Goddess.” Caitir whispered, then blushing hurried from the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Entering the resting chamber, Caitir saw the filthy condition of the sheet, the ruined covering and immediately went to work getting rid of them. The Empress would need clean sheets and many more blankets when the Emperor finished cleansing her.

  With an armload of dirty sheets, she walked out of the room and shoved them into the arms of the nearest male.

  It happened to be Veron.

  “These need removed. Clean ones need to be brought in, along with heavy blankets.” She ordered.

  “You think you can give me orders female?” Veron growled at her.

  Any other day Caitir would have cowered in fear at the large male growling at her.

  Not today.

  Today, she cowered before no one. Her Empress was in need and she would see to it.

  “Yes!” she growled back, never breaking eye contact with the male she knew was the Emperor’s Captain. “The Empress will need a clean bed once the Emperor has finished cleansing her. She will need blankets to keep her warm. Are you going to deny her these things?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Should I go back in there and tell the Emperor that you refuse, Captain?”

  Veron couldn’t believe it! This female, this Auyangian female was daring to stand up to him. Him! How could this be? Yet he also knew she spoke the truth. The Emperor would be enraged if these things weren’t properly prepared for his Empress.

  To the shock of every male there, instead of Veron tearing into the female, he turned and shoved the soiled linens into the arms of one of Lord Reeve’s warriors.

  “Take these!” Veron ordered. “Dispose of them and have clean ones here in the
next five minutes or you will see the end of my blade!”

  The warrior paled at Veron’s words, then flushed at the menial task assigned him. This was not the job for a warrior from such a worthy House.

  Still, he spun on his heel and hurried from the room, for he knew the Emperor’s Captain did not make idle threats.

  “Is there anything else the Empress is going to need?” Veron demanded, turning back to Caitir.

  “A healer and the blessing of the Goddess.” Caitir told him, her eyes full of worry as she looked back to the resting chamber.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Wray gripped Kim securely as he stepped into the cleansing unit, not wanting the slightest chance of her slipping out of his hold. He hadn’t realized how truly cold she was, until Caitir had pointed it out. He remembered how cold she had been when he’d found her on the Ganglian ship. Remembered how she had loved the heat of the pool on Pontus.

  Turning, he let the water stream through her hair and down her back, warming her as he reached for the cloth and slowly started to cleanse her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Kim slowly came awake to the sound of running water and the feel of Wray’s hands moving over her body….

  “Hmm... Didn't we talk about you cleansing me when I'm not awake?” She meant her words to come out playful instead they sounded more like a croak. Why was that?


  The uncertainty in Wray’s voice had her opening her eyes. For some reason they were in the cleansing unit and Wray’s eyes were full of concern. Why?

  “Why are you cleansing me?” she whispered a sense of dread filling her.

  “You don’t remember?” Wray asked carefully.


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