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Black Light: Roulette War

Page 39

by Grant, Livia


  “Don’t just answer, fuckdoll. Think about it first. Evaluate yourself.” He still had an iron grip on her hair, and so all she could do was close her eyes to get the mental space to do what he asked. The pain was gone, like someone had turned off a rushing faucet, but where there had been pain on her ass and her breast, now… it tingled. Like a strange, heady rush running through her skin.

  “Kind of… fuzzy?” she tried, attempting to answer him to the best of her ability, and his slow grin confirmed she’d guessed correctly. He pulled her in closer, leaning down to nuzzle through her hair until his lips were on her throat, dragging heart-racing nips and kisses up her neck until he caught her earlobe in his teeth and nipped it sharply. Her breath caught with the flash of pain, but then his fingers were between her thighs, finding her clit in an instant, and there was no way to keep up with the mix of sensations as she spread her legs for him.

  “That fuzzy feeling can grow,” he purred against her ear, licking his way back down the column of her throat as his touch summoned magic below. She was still so sensitive, but it felt good again, a slow rising warmth washing up her belly. Promising more. Pierce’s teeth grazed her shoulder, sending goose bumps over her skin, and then he flicked his tongue out at the same spot. “The more pain, the bigger the rush after. Endorphins. People describe it as euphoric.”

  “I’ve never done anything like that before.” It came out as a breathy whisper, laced with the earliest beginnings of a moan as they hovered in the middle of the dungeon, so close together that she could only smell him. The spice of his cologne, the clean laundry scent of his shirt, and the warm heat of his skin underneath. She wished she could run her tongue over his skin. Taste him everywhere, because she already knew what he tasted like when he came, and she liked it.

  “Do you still trust me, little slut?” he asked, low and rough, and she whimpered as he amped up the pressure on her clit below.

  “Yes, sir.” The words were barely out when his teeth clamped down on the place where her neck met her shoulder, blinding pain tensing every muscle in her body as she cried out. She grabbed onto his shirt with both hands, pulling at it, desperate for him to stop, babbling pleas as the agony swelled and built until he mercifully released her.

  For a moment there was only the lingering ache, growing dull as it faded, and then she felt something new surge in to fill the space the pain left behind. It was like her nerves were… fizzing. A buzzing flood pouring through her that almost had her dizzy for a second, which only amplified as he thrust his fingers inside her.

  “Someone’s cunt is very wet again,” he whispered directly into her ear, pumping them in and out in a sinful rhythm, and she could only stand there. Up on her toes, clinging to his shirt like it could somehow anchor her in the wildly new sensations bombarding her. “Sure you’re not a teensy bit masochistic, my filthy little fuckdoll?”

  “I don’t know,” she breathed, biting back a moan as he tapped at her g-spot, and her hips worked mindlessly, seeking more, but then his touch was gone. Tori swayed on her feet, supported only by her grip on his shirt, and the fist still buried in her hair. The look on her face must have shown her desperation because Pierce chuckled softly. Tapping her mouth with his fingers, he bit down on his lip when she took them in without a word, cleaning her wetness from them while he watched. A low groan was her reward, and she felt a bubbly excitement inside at having an effect on him.

  “You want to come again, fuckdoll?”

  “Yes, sir. Very much, sir.” Nodding as much as she could within his grasp, she met his gaze and absolutely knew he wasn’t going to let her come yet. The wicked glint in his eyes promised a lot more lessons in pain and pleasure before she earned that.

  “Good to know,” he quipped, grinning at her before stepping away, forcing her to release his shirt. Pierce pointed at the floor, leaving her with a quick, “Stay right there.”

  As he wandered away, she couldn’t deny the way her veins were buzzing. Endorphins. Euphoric. Both of those things were very tempting, and she’d heard similar things before from the masochists at the club — but she wasn’t one. She’d never been one.

  You weren’t a fuckdoll before tonight either.

  You were ‘Baby.’ A little.

  Her mouth felt dry, and her head was anything but quiet. She’d been Baby for years. She’d sought out Daddy Doms and dated so many at the various clubs in the area that she’d jumped at the chance to join Black Light, hoping she’d finally find the Daddy that would feel right. There had been a few in the last year that she’d tried to date instead of just play with. Max had lasted three months, but she’d ended things before December came. He had money and she knew he had something elaborate in the works for Christmas, and her conscience wouldn’t let her keep pretending she was happy.

  Not that she was unhappy.

  Max had been a wonderful Daddy. Caring and stern, he’d loved to watch her color while he caught up on emails in the evening, and she never had to think about anything when she was with him. Utterly free, taken care of, safe.

  But you never came like that with Max. Or John.

  If she were being honest with herself, she was pretty sure she’d never come that hard in her life. Nothing about Pierce was slow and sensual, he wasn’t gentle, he didn’t call her sweet things, and when he’d called her Baby on the stage, she’d… hated it.

  Movement caught her eye and she looked up to see Pierce walking toward her carrying an armful of things with a case at his side, and, most importantly, completely fucking shirtless.

  Holy goddamn miracle abs.

  Pierce was tanned, a warm tone to his skin that told her how often he was outside and accented just how fit he was. His arms were defined, his broad chest even better than she’d imagined from how it felt through his shirt — but it was his abs leading down to his belt that had her mouth hanging open. He needed to be preserved in marble, a carved statue in the tradition of the Greeks. Hell, she’d keep it in her fucking apartment just to remember the night when she was his fuckdoll.

  The wicked smirk on his lips told her she was caught, but he didn’t say anything as Tyler, one of the main Dungeon Monitors, set down a wooden pony in the empty space Pierce had claimed for themselves.

  “Thanks, man,” Pierce said, giving Tyler a wave as the DM looked her over with a quiet laugh.

  “You guys need anything?”

  “We’re good—”

  “Actually—” Tori froze as she realized she’d talked over Pierce, but he just looked at her, waiting. “Water?” she asked, and Pierce groaned.

  “Fuck, that’s on me. She’s been a very wet little slut tonight, so if we could get a few bottles of water that would be great.”

  “I got you,” Tyler said, giving a quick salute before he walked off toward the bar.

  Pierce watched the man leave for a moment and then he caught her arm and spun her, delivering a resounding spank that felt like it instantly blistered her skin.

  “OW!” she cried out, stunned, and then Pierce spun her back to face him, moving in close.

  “If you’re thirsty, you speak up, slut. Do you understand me?” His voice was so intense that she was sure he was angry, but then he caught her chin in his fingers, his thumb rolling across her bottom lip as he tilted her face up. “I’m a dom, and I’m pretty damn good at reading people, but I’m not psychic. If you need something and I’m not providing it, it is your job to tell me. Fail to do it again and I’ll do a lot more than spank your ass, fuckdoll. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered, still reeling from the spank he’d delivered without hesitation. Tori stayed in his grip, watching his face as he seemed to almost say something else, but then stopped. She wanted to ask what it was, wanted to make him talk, but all she could do was try to wet her lips as she replayed his words. He’d somehow made her feel cared for, protected, and called her fuckdoll in the same breath. From anyone else on the planet, that would be too big of a contradiction t
o process, but from Pierce it rang true.

  It felt right.

  “Whoa,” Tyler said, laughing as he approached. A warm, big sound that seemed to break the tense silence between them. “Looks like someone was a bad girl. That’s an impressive handprint.”

  Pierce didn’t answer for a moment, finishing whatever thought was passing through his mind as his gaze kept her pinned in place, and then he turned away with a light pinch to her chin. “Thanks, Tyler. And, yes, my little slut was learning the importance of speaking up about things like hydration.”

  “Water is very important,” Tyler replied, chuckling as he passed off the trio of water bottles to Pierce. “If you need anything else, flag us down. Whatever you’ve got planned looks quite fun.”

  “Oh, it will be,” Pierce answered, but it sounded much more like a threat to her ears. But, instead of fear, she felt butterflies filling her stomach with anxious anticipation. There were a lot of different things on the floor next to the wooden pony, and she wasn’t quite sure about any of it… but she trusted Pierce. She really did, even if it sounded crazy or stupid in her own mind. They’d scened together, he’d taken care of her, and whatever his plan was — she’d be safe.

  “Come here, little whore.” He moved to the pony, tapping the side of it as he handed her a bottle of water. “Stand here, drink this, and spread your legs a few feet apart.”

  She obeyed, taking the first incredible sip of the cold water. It rushed into her stomach, chilling her from the inside out and slaking her thirst in the best of ways. By the time she pulled it away, the bottle was already half empty, and Pierce was on one knee, nudging her feet a little farther apart before he started to adjust the height of pony. The space between her legs could already remember the ache of the wood. It had been one of John’s favorite time-out punishments when she broke a rule, but she was sure using it with Pierce would be completely different.

  “Time to mount up,” he said, standing up to offer her his arm as she swung her leg over the top and quickly realized that he’d left it higher than her ex ever had. Her heels couldn’t touch the floor unless she wanted to put almost all of her weight on the rounded wood that slid easily between her folds to apply painful pressure to her pubic bone. Lifting onto the balls of her feet eased it, but Pierce just grinned. “How long do you think you’ll be able to keep that up, fuckdoll?”

  “As long as I can, sir,” she answered, and she felt an answering smile spreading over her lips, a small laugh slipping out as his gaze turned dark and hungry. “What?”

  “You’re just…” Pierce didn’t finish the words, instead he caught her by the back of the neck and kissed her. His tongue teased hers, a delirious rush that had her grinding gently against the wood as her fingers skimmed his side, brushing over the ridges of his abs. He was so warm, like all that sunlight he’d soaked up was stored in his skin, turning him into a heater as he claimed her mouth as his own. When he nipped her lip between his teeth, immediately soothing it with another bone-melting kiss, she would have given him anything. Said anything. Done anything.

  She wanted him.

  Really wanted him.

  Not just tonight, not for however long they had left.

  She didn’t want this to end, didn’t want him to stop kissing her, touching her. Years of wrong decisions made the choice brilliantly clear in her mind, clearing away the chaos that had been stirred up since he first told her to take off the outfit. Her costume. The one that let her stay where she was comfortable, where things were easy, where nothing was ever bad… but nothing was ever amazing either.

  Pierce was completely different. The opposite of what she would have looked for on her own, but as soon as she made the decision, she knew in her bones it was right. Finally right.

  A low, rumbling growl escaped their kiss as he pressed his lips to hers one more time and then leaned back. “Rope.”

  “What?” she asked and he pulled away completely, running a hand through his hair as his eyes skimmed the ground around him.

  “I’m going to show you the violet wand, fuckdoll. And then I’m going to make you come until you beg me to stop.” Pierce said it so casually that she almost laughed again, but she stayed quiet as she watched him crouch down next to her, marking the floor inside her foot with a bright strip of neon green tape. When he looked up at her, he growled again, standing up to capture her mouth in another fierce kiss, powerful enough to leave her breathless before he pulled himself back with a groan. “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” she asked, the laugh bubbling out of her as his intense gaze seared her, and then his hands came up to hold the sides of her head, his thumbs brushing her cheeks lightly.

  “Smile,” he whispered, looking at her like something new. “Christ, I thought you looked beautiful when you fell apart in my lap, and then when you were a beautiful mess, after you trusted me enough to let me fuck your face until you choked and cried, I thought that was it.” One of his thumbs brushed higher, like he was tracing the tears he remembered, or her ruined makeup, but all she could focus on was the word he’d used. Beautiful. Her heart raced; breaths too short to do anything but wait for him to continue. “But, fuck, your smile is… distracting. It’s so real.”

  There were no words. What was she supposed to say to something like that? Everything flitting through her head seemed too small, too flippant, and Pierce was neither of those things.

  “If you get the urge to smile, fuckdoll, I need you to bite your lip or you’re going to get us disqualified because I’m going to end up doing a lot of things to you, but using a violet wand isn’t going to be one of them.”

  “Yes, sir.” Tori wasn’t sure how she managed to say the words because her mouth was dry. A fucking desert had taken up residence on her tongue, but as he tore his gaze from her to walk around and mark the floor beside her other foot, she couldn’t quite remember how to get the water to her mouth.

  Could he feel the same way?

  It felt impossible, beyond her luck, but hope teased at her and threatened to make her smile, so she bit down on her lip like he’d commanded. Then she managed to drink the rest of the water, screwing the cap back on, and he took it from her, tossing it onto his bag. A second later, he was forcing a new bottle into her hand and she had to bite down on her lip to not laugh. “I’m not thirsty anymore, sir.”

  “You really want to argue with me when I’m about to have a violet wand in my hand, slut?” The tone was still edgy, dirty, but she heard the playfulness in it.

  “No, sir,” she answered, unscrewing the top to take a sip. He was working at the case, setting up the violet wand, and too soon he looked up at her with a smirk. The black handle in his hand started emitting a buzz, and then he brought the glass tube at the end near his arm and the quick pop made her jump, which resulted in her jarring her body against the pony and all she could do was groan as the ache spread.

  “Oh, my little whore, this is going to be fun.” The buzzing stopped and he set it down. “You need to be sure you’re done with that water, because I’m about to tie your hands back up.”


  “Yes, sir.” Just to be safe, she took one more sip, and he moved in front of the pony, watching her. His eyes skated over her curves, and she felt that flutter of excitement again. Nervous energy, anticipation, with a dash of fear. It was a surprisingly nice cocktail.

  “Come on, fuckdoll. Hand it over so I can make you cry again.” Pierce held his hand out, a devilish smirk teasing the edge of his mouth, and she was about to hand it over when she looked down her body.

  ‘FUCKDOLL’ was written just above her breasts, all caps, and below that, even larger, was ‘BABY.’ It was wrong. She didn’t want it on her skin anymore, and even though she knew it risked a punishment of some kind, she unscrewed the cap to the water bottle and quickly poured some into her hand, using it to scrub at the large letters on her stomach before he could stop her.

  Chapter 9


  What the

  He started to reach for the water, but his hand froze in midair as he realized what she was doing. The markers were washable, he wasn’t that much of an asshole, but as she scrubbed at the large letters for ‘BABY’ on her stomach, they weren’t fading very well.

  More importantly than whether or not she succeeded was that she was actually trying to take it off.

  “What do you think you’re doing, slut?” he asked, keeping his voice neutral, and she froze, those wide brown eyes lifting to look at him. She wore her guilt like a neon sign. If she were his, he’d never have to wonder if she broke a rule. Tori would probably cave and tell him before he could even bring it up — not that it would matter after tonight.

  “I was trying to… rub it off,” she mumbled, a pink burn in her cheeks as she avoided his eyes.

  “Do you have permission to remove something I’ve added to your skin?” Grabbing the water bottle out of her hand, he pried the cap from her fingers as well, screwing it closed before he tossed it to the side. She still had her hand covering the faded letters, and he snapped his fingers. “Arms down, whore.”

  She didn’t say anything, didn’t argue, but he could see the way her shoulders drooped as she obeyed him. It wasn’t necessary to be good at reading people to see that she was unhappy about him stopping her. But that wasn’t the most important thing for the moment.

  “Why were you doing that?”

  “I-I didn’t want to have that name on me for this scene. Sir.” Too quiet. Avoiding his gaze.

  “Look at me when you answer me, slut.” It came out harder than he meant it to, but it worked. Tori’s eyes met his again, and he watched her take a deep breath.

  “I didn’t want ‘BABY’ on my skin for our last scene, sir.”

  “Why?” he repeated, trying to keep his own thoughts locked down. No jumping to conclusions, no—

  “Because… I don’t think I’m that girl anymore. I… I don’t think it was ever right for me.” Her brows pulled together for a moment, jaw clenching, and he thought she might continue, but she stayed silent.


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