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Black Light: Roulette War

Page 43

by Grant, Livia

  “No problem.”

  “So, are you from California?” Alice asked. “I’m from L.A. Born and raised.”

  “I’m from Kentucky, but I moved to L.A. when I was eighteen,” Rachel replied, as dark memories rushed back. She’d fled her hometown of Graceville, KY in the middle of the night, desperate to escape her tyrannical father. Desperate for a life outside the ultra-conservative community in which she’d been raised.

  “Oh? Are you an actress?”

  “Nope. I’m Kimmie Walters’ personal assistant.”

  “Get out of town! Really?” Alice’s eyes widened.

  “Yep, for the last six years. She came into a boutique where I was working and I helped her try on some dresses and the next thing I knew, she was offering me a job.”

  “I love her talk show. She’s amazing. You’re so lucky.”

  “Yes,” Rachel agreed. “I am very lucky. She’s so sweet and authentic. She helped me turn my life around.” When the boutique had knocked her down to part-time status, Rachel had been struggling to make ends meet and worried she wouldn’t be able to pay her rent the following month. The chance run-in with self-help guru Kimmie Walters had saved her from becoming homeless, or perhaps turning tricks just to pay her bills.

  Suddenly, the lights in the theater dimmed and the stage became illuminated with spotlights. The murmuring of the crowd quieted and a collective sense of anticipation swept through the movie theater.

  “Oh, looks like things are about to get started,” Alice said, and Rachel focused her attention to the stage, where Black Light West co-owner Chase stood holding a mic as he peered over the crowd.

  Chase welcomed everyone to the club and soon passed the mic to the emcee for the evening, a young, petite blonde named Madison who was dressed in a sexy black leather outfit. Rachel quickly realized she had seen the blonde at Runway West, the dance club located directly above the Black Light West BDSM club. She’d gone there a few times with Kimmie.

  Rachel tried to listen carefully as Madison went over the rules for tonight’s event, but her mind kept wandering. Her recent conversation with Alice had dredged up dark memories, memories she wished she could permanently erase from her mind. For eighteen years, she had lived in constant fear, all the while dreaming of the day she would turn eighteen so she could leave home for good.

  She had run away twice before her eighteenth birthday and both times the police had found her and taken her back home. A shudder ran through her when she recalled the lonely hours she’d spent locked in a cold, dark closet afterward, enduring her father’s preferred method of punishment. Now twenty-five years old, Rachel still hated the dark and she slept with the lights on every night.

  ‘You filthy little sinner. Do you want to burn in hell where monsters will claw out your eyes? Because if you leave Graceville, that is exactly what will happen. You’ll fall in line with the fornicaters, the adulterers, the liars, the cheaters, and the sinners. You don’t want that to happen, do you? Now, you stay in here until you’ve learned your lesson. Pray, Rachel. Pray for forgiveness.’

  But she hadn’t prayed for forgiveness. Instead, she had prayed for freedom, prayed that she would one day succeed in escaping.

  She took a deep breath and tried to will the memories away. Her father’s voice was a deep, painful echo in her mind. She wished she could forget his face, forget the way his voice sounded. Rachel took another deep breath and tried to focus. Madison was getting ready to start the non-M/f pairings, and the M/f pairings would follow next.

  Breathe in. Hold five seconds. Exhale slowly.

  She coached herself through the deep-breathing exercises Kimmie had taught her, a method that worked well for preventing panic attacks. Rachel hadn’t had one in over a year and she wasn’t about to have one in the middle of Roulette. She’d been anticipating this event for weeks. No way would she allow ghosts from her past to ruin her evening.

  She stood next to Alice as they watched the non-M/f pairings get matched. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed Mr. Mountain Man staring at her again. To her shock, he appeared concerned. Had he noticed her panicking? Oh hell, had it been that obvious? When he gave her a soft smile and a nod of encouragement, she realized he must’ve witnessed her nervousness. Warmth panged in her chest and she envied the sub who matched with him tonight, whomever it would be.

  Only three non-M/f couples needed to be paired up for the evening, so Madison soon started matching up the M/f couples. Rachel waited for her name to be called, trying to be patient as she focused on breathing in and out, slowly and carefully.

  Every time she glanced at Mr. Mountain Man, he was still looking at her, staring at her with an intensity that stole her breath.

  “Our next dom up to the wheel is Daddy Xavier. Come on over and roll for your submissive,” Madison said in a cheerful voice, her blonde ponytail bouncing as she made a sweeping gesture toward the roulette wheel. Rachel watched with her heart in her throat as Mr. Mountain Man himself emerged from the group of doms to take his turn rolling for a submissive.

  She held her breath and waited for Madison to announce the winning submissive. Time seemed to stand still and a loud buzzing noise filled Rachel’s ears. It took Alice nudging her to break her out of her anxious trance.

  “Hey,” Alice whispered. “That’s you, right? The emcee just called your name.”

  “Dolly?” Madison said, walking closer to the gathered submissives, her heels clicking on the stage floor. “Is Dolly here?”

  Rachel stepped forward and started walking toward the stage, feeling as though she were in a dream. She couldn’t believe it. She was going to belong to Mr. Mountain Man for the next three hours.

  Daddy Xavier. Her heart beat faster. He was a daddy dom.

  The dom who’d been staring at her helped her step onto the stage, his large warm hand clasping hers with a firmness that sent pleasurable shivers down her spine. He gave her a brief smile, his eyes warm. “Good evening, Dolly.”

  “Uh-hi. Hi, Mr. Mount—I mean, hello, Daddy Xavier.” Her face flamed over the mistake she’d almost made. Daddy Xavier, Daddy Xavier, Daddy Xavier… She repeated his play name in her mind over and over in hopes that she wouldn’t slip up. How embarrassing would it be to accidentally call him Mr. Mountain Man? She would never be able to meet his dreamy blue eyes again.

  He squeezed her hand and drew her closer. As he stared down at her, the noise of the crowd faded into the background. She heard the distinct thump of each heartbeat in her ears and swallowed hard as heat pulsed through her.

  What would it be like to submit to Daddy Xavier? Would he be a soft cuddly daddy who liked to dote upon his submissive, or would he be extremely strict? She exhaled a shaky breath. Oh, she hoped he was a mix of the two. Gentle and caring sometimes, and stern and demanding at other times.

  “There will be plenty of time for staring adoringly into one another’s eyes later,” Madison said, her voice cutting through Rachel’s dazed reverie. “Come on over and spin for your first activity, Dolly.”

  A few people in the crowd laughed and Rachel’s face flamed hotter. She didn’t blush often, as she wasn’t easily embarrassed, but in Daddy Xavier’s presence she felt unsettled and vulnerable. That sexy blue gaze of his seemed to pierce straight to her very soul and left her feeling stripped of all her defenses. She got the sense that he wasn’t the kind of dom from whom she could hide anything.

  Rachel finally extracted her hand from Daddy Xavier’s and accepted the offered marble from Madison. She spun the activity wheel and tossed in the marble.

  “Pet play!” Madison announced a few seconds later. “Oh, how fun! You’ll make the cutest kitten or puppy, Dolly.” The emcee winked at her before moving on to the next pairing.

  Pet play. Her palms broke into a sweat as Daddy Xavier guided her to stand near the other paired couples. How was she supposed to act like a kitten or a puppy or some other kind of pet? She gulped hard and fought the urge to fan herself.

  Daddy Xavier gr
asped her hand and smiled down at her, his eyes once more filled with warmth. “Have you ever done pet play before, Dolly?” he asked.

  Heat seared her cheeks. “Um, no, but it seems kinda hot.” She certainly wasn’t averse to trying it, though she couldn’t help but worry she would screw up the scene and ruin the evening. Please let him be patient and understanding.

  The warmth in his eyes increased, his eyes gleaming a brighter shade of blue. “Well, I’m glad you think so,” he said, placing a finger beneath her chin. His touch sent a heated wave of awareness throughout her entire body. “I think you’ll make the most adorable little kitten.”

  Chapter 3


  Xavier wrapped an arm around Dolly and pulled her closer, thankful that he’d been matched with her. When he’d first caught sight of her in the crowd, he’d been struck by her beauty. Then, when he’d glanced back at her a short while later, he had thought she looked upset, as if she were panicking and having trouble breathing. He had been ready to rush off the stage to help her when she’d glanced up and met his gaze, at which point she had started to appear calmer.

  He couldn’t help but wonder what had upset her. He peered down at her, admiring her short, dark locks. Normally, he preferred submissives with long hair that he could wrap his hands around, but the short haircut suited Dolly. She kept her gaze trained on Madison as the emcee directed the final couple to roll for their activity.

  The fun was about to get started and Dolly would belong to him for the next three hours.

  His cock hardened in his pants as he took in her curves and long legs. She was tall, though at six-foot-three he had a few inches on her. As he observed her every little move, the quick but rapid breaths she inhaled, the nervous manner in which she repeatedly clasped and unclasped her hands together, and the timid sidelong glances she occasionally shot him, his protective instincts rose to the surface.

  He wanted to wrap this little sub in a blanket, set her upon his lap, and rock her gently until the last of her nervousness dissipated. Yet at the same time, he also wanted to push her limits and watch as she struggled to obey his commands.

  She called up both his caring and his strict side.

  He couldn’t wait to get started.

  Pet play.

  Heated arousal coursed through him with such sharpness that his vision momentarily blurred. He tightened his hold on Dolly and reveled in the startled gasp that escaped her throat. She turned slightly in his arms to meet his gaze. He wasn’t sure if seconds or hours passed, but the world ceased spinning as he leaned closer and cupped her face in one hand.

  “I can tell our couples are excited to get started, so everyone have fun and play safe!” Madison’s announcement jarred him out of his trance. It was a bit after eight o’clock and all the couples were now matched.

  Still cupping Dolly’s face, he rubbed his thumb along her cheek and leaned in to inhale the floral scent that clung to her. When he straightened and met her eyes again, he said, “I’m going to enjoy training you, little kitten.”

  * * *

  Xavier led Dolly through the crowd of spectators in the main play area. She was quiet, her face was flushed, and he sensed her growing excitement. Guiding her toward the wardrobe area, he kept her hand firmly in his. He liked the feel of her tiny hand in his large one. Again, that urge to protect her rose from deep within.

  “Have you ever done pet play before?” Dolly asked as they arrived at the wardrobe.

  The wardrobe assistant was already helping one of the other couples, so Xavier drew Dolly close while they waited their turn. “Yes, though it’s been quite a while,” he replied, holding her gaze, mesmerized by the golden flecks in her gorgeous blue eyes. “Kitten play is my favorite though, and it’s probably also the easiest for a novice like you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not a novice. I’ve been going to BDSM clubs for years and I’ve watched a few pet play scenes. I’ve just never actually participated in one myself,” she said in a defensive tone.

  “Why not?” he asked, reaching for a lock of her hair to brush it behind her ear.

  Her face reddened. “I-I’m not sure. I guess, well, I enjoyed watching the scenes—they were hot—but the idea of behaving like an animal and even making animal noises…” Her voice trailed off and she looked away for a moment. “It seems embarrassing. I’m not sure I could actually do it.”

  He grasped her hand and peered at her intently. “I’ll be with you the whole time, Dolly, making sure you’re all right and that you’re enjoying the scene. It’s my intention for you to enjoy it, little kitten.”

  “Hi, can I help you?” the man behind the counter asked.

  “Yes, we’re doing a kitten play scene,” Xavier explained. “Do you have a collar and leash, a tail, and maybe some cute ears?”

  The man smiled. “Of course. I have a kitten play kit that comes with all that, sealed in a package. Do you want to use a changing room here or would you like to take the items with you?”

  “We’ll take it with us, thank you.”

  The wardrobe assistant disappeared into the back for a minute before emerging with a small black bag. “Here you go,” he said. “Makes it easy to carry after you open everything. I included a bottle of lube, too.”

  Xavier accepted the bag and peered at the kitten play kit inside that was sealed in clear plastic wrapping. “This’ll be perfect. Thank you.”

  He led a red-faced Dolly out of wardrobe and back into the main play area, where he scanned the room for a good location to conduct their first scene. The place was packed with spectators, but he finally spotted a platform along the wall that would work. Conveniently, it contained a spanking bench.

  Dolly’s eyes widened as they got closer to the platform. He helped her step up onto it and a few spectators instantly gathered around them. He noticed Dolly was trying very hard not to glance at the onlookers. Did being watched make her nervous?

  He peered into the black bag and reached for the kitten play kit, tearing open the clear plastic wrapping before shoving it all back inside the black bag, getting everything ready for easy access. Then he turned and looked Dolly up and down. The outfit she was wearing, a tiny black dress with a plunging neckline, worked well for her kitty persona.

  Cupping her face, he waited for her to meet his gaze. She gulped hard and stared at him, her face bright with excitement, her cheeks flushed and her chest heaving faster than before.

  “You’re my little kitten, Dolly,” he said in a firm tone. “And every good little kitten needs a strict but caring owner to tend to her needs.”

  A half-moan, half-whimper escaped her, and in the next moment, he noticed her fidgeting in place, pressing her thighs tightly together as she stood before him.

  “Some kittens call their owners Master, but you’re a very new baby kitten, so you’ll have a daddy instead, and you may call me Daddy throughout our scene, little kitten. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Da-Daddy.” A fresh flush appeared upon her cheeks. He thought she looked radiant as she stood trembling with excitement and blushing bright red.

  “Good kitty. Now, step out of your heels and get down on your hands and knees like a sweet little baby kitten.”

  Chapter 4


  Rachel’s heart pounded in her ears as she stepped out of her heels. After losing her four-inch heels, she was struck by how exceedingly tall Daddy Xavier really was. She glanced up at him in awe before remembering his command. He wanted her on her hands and knees. Like a sweet little baby kitten.

  The memory of his words, delivered in his deep, sexy voice, made her tremble with need.

  She lowered herself to the floor, all the while conscious of the many eyes upon her. From her peripheral vision, she noticed the crowd of spectators growing. Being watched had always embarrassed her, though with that shame her arousal never failed to rise higher and higher, and as she settled upon the floor, her pussy throbbed harder.

  Her dress was so sho
rt that she felt the fabric moving up to the curve of her bottom, leaving her barely covered. A quick glance at her bosom showed her cleavage had shifted forward. She wasn’t wearing a bra and when she wasn’t standing up straight, the dress didn’t exactly support her.

  On her hands and knees, she awaited further instruction from Daddy Xavier. Her pulse quickened when he stepped closer and his boots filled her vision.

  I’m a kitten and he’s my daddy.

  She thought about the contents of the bag from costume and her tummy did a quick flip. Would he really make her wear a tail? Would he make her crawl around? Would he collar her and walk her with the leash while everyone watched?

  He knelt beside her and reached for her hair. Gently, he stroked his hands through it, up and down, even working his hand down the back of her neck.

  “That’s a good little kitty,” he said. “Daddy likes it when you obey.”

  Heated waves coursed through her, even as goosebumps rose on her arms. He continued petting her for another minute, petting her as if she were a real kitten who needed attention from her daddy. She leaned into his caresses with a soft sigh, anticipating each gentle stroke of his hand through her hair.

  Still petting her with one hand, he moved to her side and pushed her dress up to her waist, revealing her thong-clad bottom. He made a stern tsking noise that sent flutters to her stomach.

  “Little kitties don’t wear thongs,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Little kitties wear tails. We’re going to have to fix that. But first, Daddy needs to put a collar on you. Ears, too.” Leaving her ass bared for all to see, he reached into the bag and withdrew the thin black collar. There was a tiny bell attached to the front that jingled as he brought it closer to her neck. “Hold still, little one. This collar will help remind you that you’re my pet, my belonging. You belong to Daddy, don’t you?”


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