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Black Light: Roulette War

Page 55

by Grant, Livia

  Now that he had the front half of his pony in place, it was time to pay attention to his favorite end—her hind quarters. Christ, she had the perfect ass—round, soft, and the palest white where her Southern California tan lines ended.

  I’m going to love turning that white skin red.

  First things first. He struggled to get her feet into the platform boots purposefully shaped like hooves. The heel was not only uncomfortably tall, but it pushed her ass high enough that her back was now perfectly horizontal to the floor—exactly like a real horse’s back would be.

  A quick glance at his watch confirmed his worst fears. They were over thirty minutes in and he was still setting up their scene. Knowing time was short, Sean bypassed buckling on the full body harness still in the bag Dominick had provided.

  But no matter how short on time they were, nothing would prevent him from adorning his sub with the final piece of her pony costume. Stepping up behind her bottom, Sean took the top off the bottle of lube and started dribbling the slick wetness down into the crevice of her ass cheeks. Like the experienced partner she was, Karly didn’t balk at all when his fingers probed the ring of her anus, massaging in the oil for a few seconds before lifting the bulbous butt plug with the long sorrel-colored horsehair tail attached to her tight ring.

  “That’s a good girl. Let me get your tail shoved in where it belongs so we can get your training started.”

  Karly’s ass opened up easily, sucking the large metal plug inside until it was fully seated. He let the flowing tail fall toward the ground as he nudged at her ankles, forcing her to spread wider. The open stance might help stabilize her on her feet, but more importantly, he was sure it would make her feel more vulnerable—on display.

  “Very nice,” he admired just as an audience member whistled appreciatively.

  Sean stepped back, taking just a few seconds to admire the beauty that was Karly Starr restrained into submission, adorned beautifully with the trappings of the pony play kink. His own cock seemed to scream for permission to come out and play, but he pushed down his growing need in lieu of the long-term satisfaction he’d get dominating Karly all night.

  The music was still pretty loud so he went to stand in front of Karly again so he could be sure that she’d hear the snap of his leather belt as he pulled it from his jeans. The buckle clinked as he wrapped the end in his palm.

  The fear in her eyes was tangible. It was his reminder that while she may be experienced in the sex department, she was closer to a newbie when it came to power exchange games. He found himself wishing he’d probed a bit more to find out what experience she had with impact play, but there was no way he was taking the time to unbuckle everything now to ask her more questions.

  He’d just have to trust his Dom instincts to know when she’d had enough.

  He lifted the tail up and over Karly’s back, exposing her ass fully to him again and, rather than dragging things out further, pulled his arm back and lashed his tardy filly with her first leather stripe. Her surprised wail around the bit in her mouth fed the sadist inside him nicely. His second and third stroke came so fast she didn’t have time to cry out her complaint until they were both over. Still, she was wiggling her ass from side to side so hard she was almost dancing in those high-hoof boots.

  There was no way to make out the words she was mumbling around the bit, but he suspected she was trying to convince him to go easy on her, but what fun would that be? Her distressed gurgles turned to pained whines that went straight to his cock.

  This scene, right here, ranked an eleven on his hot-as-fuck meter. He was only a few minutes into their first kink and he knew without a doubt this night was already making his annual membership fee worth every fucking penny.

  Chapter 6


  His belt was surely on fire. It had to be because it was leaving stripes of heat across her ass so hot she was sure one of the DMs would need to step in with a fire extinguisher.

  She was unprepared for the pain. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told him she didn’t really get into all of the BDSM games of the club. The Dominants she’d played with before had been easily manipulated into providing the hard sex she’d wanted without the hardcore power exchange games other subs wanted.

  But Master Wilde was having none of it, and for the first time since joining Black Light, she found herself contemplating using a safe word to stop their scene. Only her own competitive nature stopped her from stomping her foot. She would hate being a quitter. If other submissives could handle a few belt stripes, so could she.

  It was just before his tenth stroke that the world seemed to go completely dark. For a brief second, Stephanie worried she was fainting and blacking out, because not only had her vision gone black, but even the pounding music had stopped. One second later, the line of fire from Sean’s belt proved to her that she was, in fact, very awake. Surely every member in the club had to hear her howl of pain around the damn bit in her mouth in the otherwise silence of the club.

  Despite the burn across her ass, she was grateful that Sean was at her side in a flash, leaning against her, stroking her hair and back softly while he comforted her.

  “Hang on, Karly. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I won’t leave your side until they figure it out.”

  Through her tears, she could tell the emergency lighting had clicked on, lending a bit of light to the space and throwing shadows throughout the club as spectators and roulette participants could be heard wondering what was going on around her.

  But the hubbub around her faded to a blur when she felt Sean’s palm gently massaging the heat of her ass. The sharpness of the pain had subsided, leaving a new kind of fever behind in its wake. The fire that had hurt so bad had somehow ignited a need unlike any she’d ever felt before, deep at her core. Sean’s fingers easily slipping through the slick of her bald pussy told her she had an abundance of wetness leaking from both ends of her body.

  “I see my little filly is enjoying her punishment.” The sexy gravel of his voice was close as he teased her. “Too bad we got interrupted by the black out.”

  His fingers were too light. She wiggled her ass, this time trying to make him come into contact with her clit, but he was too careful and before she could get the friction where she needed it, the lights and music came blaring back on and his fingers were gone.

  “Please…” Stephanie growled her frustration around the bit in her mouth as her Dom stepped in front of her narrow line of sight, leaning down so that their faces were just a few inches apart from each other. His tenderness as he reached out to wipe away a few of her tears confused her.

  “Are you learning your lesson, or do you need a few more reminder strokes to drive my message home about being on time for important events?”

  For the first time, she was actually grateful for the damn wood in her mouth, preventing her from speaking because, God help her, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t be asking for him to belt her more. She’d been searching for the kind of sex to fill the gnawing emptiness deep inside her. Maybe her Master Wilde was onto something. If pain was what it took to stoke her fire of sexual need, she’d gladly take more.

  “Interesting. Don’t look now, but I think you’re enjoying the BDSM games you swore you didn’t like when we met.” Either her face was too expressive or Master Wilde could read minds. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m more than happy to finish teaching you your lesson. The real question is if I can make you come from just a punishment alone or if I might need to mount you like the stallion I am.”

  Her Dom’s hazel eyes had gone dark with his own desire. Despite being restrained and immobile, Stephanie felt powerful, finally understanding how much the scene was turning her Dom on as well. The boots were too high as she wobbled and almost fell. Then he was there, his left arm lifting her up at her waist while his right palm connected with the heat of her ass.

  Over and over he spanked her, varying the speed and strength of his swats, keeping her off-balan
ce. Just when it would almost hurt too much, he’d back-off, massaging her flesh and letting the pain morph to feed her need until the spanking resumed. Over and over he edged her higher until the music and sounds of sex surrounding her blurred into a haze. The only thing that remained was the pulsing need of her pussy to be filled.

  “You’re taking your training well, filly.” His gravelly voice was sexy as hell.

  She’d thought she needed to get laid before she’d arrived that night, but now… now she needed it like she needed her next breath. The sound of animalistic growling reached her ears through her sexual haze and, seconds later, she realized it was her making the sound around the bit-gag.

  The crack of something really hard against her ass was like an explosion of fireworks, beautiful and dangerous at the same time. Soft kneading followed, massaging the warmth and helping her ride out the pain like a surfer rode out a wave to its end.


  Again. Pain. Heat. Massage.



  Harder this time. Deeper pain. Intense hunger.

  God, she needed his cock inside her.

  She tried to cry out, “Fuck me, please!” but knew it had come out in an unintelligible cry. He answered with more pain.

  Crack. Crack. Crack.

  It was too much, yet it wasn’t even close to enough. She was losing her mind. Scratch that. Her mind was gone. The only thing left were primitive carnal cravings, and the sexy as fuck man who was playing her body unlike anyone else, including herself, ever had in her entire life.

  She was so close. He hadn’t touched her pussy again. Not so much as a brush against her clit or a finger inside her, yet here she was, ready to explode.

  The sound of his deep voice talking against her ear called to her through her fog, especially when she heard the crude story he was weaving for her.

  “You’d love it if I mounted you right now, wouldn’t you, filly? Did you know that’s how they breed thoroughbreds like you, Karly? The filly’s owners wait until she is in heat—fertile— just like you are now. Then they tie her into a narrow stall, immobilize her with only her sex on display for when the stallion and his long cock get led in.”

  His voice was mesmerizing her as he told the naughty tale of how he’d like to breed her.

  “I can smell you. You’re dripping wet, preparing yourself to be mounted and bred, aren’t you?”

  Her mantra of “Yes, yes, yes…” was unintelligible thanks to the damn gag in her mouth, but she suspected Master Wilde knew exactly how bad she wanted him inside her. A tiny sliver of her sanity suspected she was going to be embarrassed at the end of the night when she recalled how out of control she was in that moment, but she was too far gone to give a shit about that right now.

  Her heart pounded to the same pulsing beat she wished he’d fuck her with—hard and fast—as she listened to his raunchy story continue.

  “But the really rare horses… they don’t even get the brief joy of breeding naturally. They have to be artificially inseminated—the sperm stolen from the stallion and injected into the filly without any satisfaction at all for either of them. Maybe that’s what should happen to you, Karly, since you were a naughty submissive and were late. Maybe your real punishment is having to go home without even one orgasm. Is that what you deserve?”

  Despite his harsh words, she counted on the fact that his own haunting need would prevent him from ending the night without coming, but then it dawned on her that as her Dom, he could push her to her knees and face-fuck her to his own satisfaction while leaving her bereft.

  Surely, he wouldn’t do that to her on Valentine’s Day. But then again, this wasn’t exactly a romantic dinner date between lovers.

  She tried to shake her head to tell him that no, she didn’t want to be left on the edge, but the stocks held her too secure. She was at his mercy. Still, when he left to walk behind her, hope flared.

  Please, for all things holy, fuck me until I pass out.

  Chapter 7


  It would be so easy. All he had to do was whip out his dick and slam it home. Karly was primed and ready and, with her experience, she could no doubt handle a nice, long ride on his prick.

  So why did that idea just feel wrong? It sure as hell wasn’t due to some noble act of chivalry on his part. On the contrary, the only thing keeping his dick in his pants was that he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction—at least not yet—of getting the only thing she’d joined Roulette for in the first place.

  Anyone can fuck her. I want to rock her whole world.

  Sean enjoyed edging her immensely. He suspected he’d just delivered her first dose of impact play, and if he were a betting man, he’d put all his money that it wouldn’t be her last. The wetness spilling from her pulsating snatch betrayed just how much Karly had relished her punishment. He loved how uninhibited she was and her unapologetic craving for sex. Three hours would never be enough to exhaust all of the dirty ideas for bringing her pleasure and pain he had running wild in his brain.

  So, he’d better cram as much in as he could in the time they had left.

  He pulled the final item out of the leather duffle the costume guy had given him for their scene, grateful his sub couldn’t see what was coming. Sean lined the leather crop up with the center of her ample ass cheeks and delivered a forceful blow that painted a welt from left to right. Her gurgled scream escaped from around the bit in her mouth, once again tempting him to unzip his own pants.

  Her scream of “No!” was easy to understand around the gag, but it didn’t match how she wiggled her ass toward him, subconsciously asking for more.

  Had this been a real punishment, the next strike would have already landed an inch lower on her butt. If she were an experienced submissive, hungry for the pain and knowing it was the price to be paid to hit subspace, he’d be setting a steady pace.

  Sean smiled at the irony that the retired pornstar was actually closer to a BDSM newbie than the other participants in the game they were playing. It was that realization that had him standing close enough to brush against her left hip as he leaned down to massage her bottom. He couldn’t help but smile at the physical heat he felt radiating from the small welt forming.

  He waited until Karly’s breathing slowed before stepping back and delivering a parallel line of fire under his first stripe.

  Sexy cry. Rinse. Repeat.

  Her low-level growl as she rocked the back half of her body was seductive as hell. He was mesmerized watching her climb higher and higher until the perfect finale for her pony play scene came to his mind. He glanced at his watch, knowing most couples probably were on their second or hell, third, kink by now. But why the hell should he take a chance at rolling again when he had his submissive exactly where he wanted her.

  So, after a particularly hard stripe with the crop, Sean threw the implement to the stage floor and leaned in to massage her again. But this time would be different.

  “Such a good little filly. It’s time to do an exam. I’ve inspected you from head to hoof. The only thing left now is your internal inspection.”

  Sean unbuttoned his cuffs, rushing to fold the fabric up his forearms before stepping closer.

  She no doubt was expecting his cock to do the probing, so her groan of disappointment when she felt three of his fingers stroking her instead made him smile. She was so fucking wet and smelled like sex as he tested her, adding a fourth finger—and then steepling his thumb in and piercing through the copious juice spilling out of her pussy to push until he buried his right hand inside her cunt. His filly cried out around her gag as he forged forward until he was buried up to his wrist.

  Sean paused long enough to give her a chance to stomp her safe word. He suspected if any woman in the club could handle an impromptu fisting, it would be his little pornstar, but he also didn’t want to make any assumptions. She was retired after all, and a BDSM novice.

  As his right fist flexed inside her, his left palm conne
cted with the punished skin of her ass. He didn’t even try to hide his grin when Karly’s animalistic growl returned, this time accompanied by the sexiest damn wiggle of her ass he’d ever seen. If he wasn’t going to move his fist, she was determined to throw her body around in an attempt to find the friction she was so desperate for.

  My little pony is ready to be ridden hard and put away wet.

  To be gentle with her would be insulting. Karly Starr came to Black Light to get laid. More accurately, she was desperate to come.

  As he toyed with her, flicking her clit with his free hand, he taunted her. “It’s time you learned. Any asshole with a dick can fuck you, Karly. Hell, most of the Doms in the club are even up to the challenge of making you come. But that’s not good enough. I’m going to make you lose control tonight.” The words were the truth. He wouldn’t be happy with their game of chance unless he made her take her first ever trip to subspace.

  So he got to work, flexing his fingers inside her into a tight fist, then extending them, brushing the walls of her tight pussy, searching for that magical g-spot. He knew he struck gold when her knees suddenly buckled, her ass dropping fast enough his hand got yanked all the way back to her wet, dripping lips.

  Sean hugged her waist from behind, lifting her back into position just as he shoved his fist back inside her, this time deeper until several inches of his forearm stretched her open wide. With the hard bit in her mouth, the only sounds Karly could make were appropriately animalistic growls as he flexed his fingers, probing every nook and cranny of her cunt, pulling his arm in and out, emulating how his cock would be fucking her later.

  The first contractions of her pussy walls squeezed his fist just as he used his left hand to pull the thick tail plug out of her ass and shove it back into place. She took the double-penetration like the pro that she was, but he needed to push her harder… higher.


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