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Infinite (Strange and Beautiful, Book 1)

Page 32

by Brittney Musick

  He nodded but didn’t say anything else.

  I bit my lip nervously as I worked up the courage to ask the question weighing on my mind. Finally, I blew out a deep breath and forced the words out. “Are you still angry with me?”

  “No.” Jackson shook his head. “But next time you want to know something, will you do me a favor?”

  I raised my eyebrows, as if to ask what the favor might be.

  “Just ask me,” he said. “I can tell that it’s hard for you. I’m guessing you don’t like conflict, but if you want to know something about me, I promise I’ll answer. Okay?”

  I nodded with wide eyes. I was shocked he was able to figure that out about me.

  After a moment, he asked, “Are you still angry with me?”

  “No,” I answered and I knew it was true. This talk had helped remove any of my remaining reservations.

  “Good,” Jackson smiled, “so we’re cool again, right?”

  “Right,” I grinned.


  In light of my reconciliation with Jackson, I was beyond relieved and giddy. Tegan, who was probably just as happy as I was because I was no longer moping around, thought it was cause to celebrate.

  On Friday evening, she demanded, “We need to do something. Call Jackson and ask him to go to the movies.”

  “What? Ask him out on a date?” I was stricken with nerves.

  “No,” Tegan rolled her eyes without malice. “Ask him to go with you and I. We’ll tackle dating later.”

  I eyed her speculatively, wondering what exactly that meant, but I decided to wait her out and see what she was thinking. For the time being, a night out with friends sounded like just the thing I needed after the long weeks of stress.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t have Jackson’s phone number. I checked online first to see if he was on AIM, but no such luck. I ran downstairs and grabbed the phonebook, but there were a few Harts listed in our area. It didn’t help that I wasn’t sure where he lived.

  There was a Lawrence Hart and JD Hart listed. I remembered Jackson saying that his oldest brother Eric’s middle name was Jamison, after their dad, so through the process of elimination, I decided JD Hart was most likely the number I was looking for. Also, I thought the address listed was closer of the two options.

  Nervously, I dialed the number with Tegan looking on like an eager puppy. I was beginning to suspect she needed a boyfriend or crush of her own because she seemed to be living vicariously through me, which was just kind of sad given how screwed up things had been with me lately.

  The phone rang three times before someone picked up. I thought it sounded like Jackson, but after calling the Tylers’ house and getting Tierney and Tegan confused on many occasions because they sounded alike over the phone, I made a habit of always asking for whoever I was calling for instead of saying something stupid to the wrong person. “May I please speak to Jackson?”

  “Yeah, speaking.” He sounded a bit guarded, like he was anticipating wrangling with a telemarketer or something.

  “Oh, hey,” I sighed in relief. “I thought it was you. It’s Silly.”

  “Hey.” The relief was evident in his voice, and he sounded more like his usual laid back self. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, which is why I’m calling,” I replied. “Tegan and I were thinking of going to the movies tonight, and I thought I’d see if you wanted to go with us.”

  “What are you going to see?”

  “Um,” I bit my lip before I answered, “Charlotte’s Web.” It wasn’t until then I realized how bizarre it was that I was asking a seventeen-year-old guy to go see Charlotte’s Web.

  “Oh yeah, that just came out last week,” Jackson commented. “What time does the movie start?”

  “Seven fifteen.” I’d had enough foresight to check the times before I called even if I hadn’t considered how childish the movie selection might be.

  “That’s right,” Jackson said, as if he remembered this information, which I realized maybe he did since he worked at the theater. “Should I pick you guys up at your place or Tegan’s or . . .” he trailed off.

  “Could you?” I asked. “We’re at my place. I’m sure my mom would appreciate it if you saved her the trip.”

  “Sure, that’s no problem,” Jackson agreed. “I’ll be by around a quarter after six, so we can get there a little early. With it being so close to the holiday it’ll either be extremely empty or very crowded.”

  “Okay, that works. I’ll see you then.” I hung up, grinning from ear to ear, after we said goodbye.

  Tegan raised her eyebrows. “Maybe I should suddenly feel ill and need to go home so you and Jackson can go alone.”

  “No!” I was both tempted and horrified by the idea. “I want to hang out with both of you,” I said, calming myself. “Besides, I don’t want to trick Jackson into a date. That would be lame.”

  Tegan shrugged and the expression on her face seemed to say, “It was worth a try.”

  “But I do need your help finding something to wear,” I commented. I’d been sloth-like most of the day. I hadn’t bothered to shower yet and was still wearing pajamas.

  With Tegan’s help, I decided on the cream colored v-neck ribbed tunic Tegan gave me for Christmas—we’d exchanged gifts earlier in the afternoon. It was very pretty, but the low neckline left me feeling a bit exposed when I put it on after showering.

  “Cleavage is key, Silly,” Tegan insisted.

  “I don’t really have that much cleavage,” I pointed out, glancing down at my modest bosom.

  “You’ve got plenty,” Tegan sighed. “Besides, the point is not to be spilling out, but to give a hint of skin.”

  Well, I decided, I definitely had that covered. Or, rather, not covered, as the case may be.

  Despite the lower neckline, I couldn’t deny that the top looked good on me. Tegan pulled out the frayed denim jeans Mom had complained about buying to go with the top. Then I let Tegan fuss with my hair for a while. Despite telling her it wouldn’t hold a curl, she still gave it a try, but it was to no avail.

  Finally, she sat the curling iron down and threw her hands up. “Okay, I give,” she muttered. “You were right.”

  In the end, she pulled the sides back with clips, while complaining, “You need to wear your hair back away from your face more.”

  “Why?” I was mystified.

  “How is Jackson ever going to figure out what color your eyes are if your hair is always in the way?”

  I frowned. “I doubt Jackson cares what color my eyes are.”

  “Then why are we even bothering with all of this primping?” she demanded, eyes narrowed and hands on hips.

  I shrunk away from Tegan’s knowing gaze. “Because I want to look nice.”

  She grinned then. “Then our mission has been accomplished.”

  “Thanks,” I nodded, hoping she could tell I was sincere.

  I went to the bathroom to dab on some of the perfume Mom gave me the other day, saying she never used it because it was too fruity for her liking and she didn’t want it to go to waste. I almost wondered if Skylar had complained to Mom about me using her perfume on the sly. I figured maybe this was Mom’s way of solving the problem. Either way, I was pleased. I liked the new bottle of perfume better than what Skylar used anyway.

  As I stepped back into my room, the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock while Tegan checked her watch. “That’s probably Jackson,” she said.

  I nodded, grabbing my wallet while Tegan slung her purse over her shoulder. I followed her downstairs. When the doorbell didn’t ring again, I figured someone must have answered it.

  Skylar wasn’t home to swoop in and annoy, so I wasn’t that worried, but I hoped if either of my parents had answered the door that it was Mom. It was hard telling what Dad might say to a teenage guy asking for me.

  When we reached the bottom of the staircase, it was neither of my parents who’d answered the door. Instead, Luke was talking to Jackson.
  “Hey,” I greeted.

  Jackson nodded at Tegan and then grinned at me. “Hey.”

  “Seeing Charlotte’s Web, are we?” Luke questioned as Tegan and I slipped on our shoes.

  “Yes,” I replied. I made an effort not to be terse because Luke hadn’t been as much of a jerk lately.

  As if realizing this himself, he glanced from Tegan to Jackson and grinned. “You two better watch out. Silly used to weep like crazy when she saw the animated version. I hope you have some tissues handy.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Thank you, Luke.” I wished the power of my gaze could burn him, but he shrugged his thick shoulders. “I hadn’t been embarrassed yet today.”

  “Happy to help,” he smiled innocently as Tegan handed my coat to me from the front closet. I rolled my eyes as I pull it on and zipped it up.

  “I think we’re ready,” Tegan said, straightening her coat.

  “Drive safely,” Luke grinned as Tegan stepped around me and headed out the door. Jackson followed after, nodding a goodbye to Luke. I was the last out the door, and I paused to stick my tongue out at Luke before I pulled the door shut behind me.

  It was cold, and the first snow of the season came overnight, so I walked down the sidewalk carefully. It wasn’t really enough snow to cause most people to fret, but it had been coming on and off most of the day, leaving a light dusting on the ground. It was probably harmless to others, but due to my odd bouts of clumsiness, I proceeded down the sidewalk with caution.

  Jackson was seated in the driver’s seat and Tegan was in the back fastening her seatbelt by the time I reached the car. I slid into the front seat, pulling the door shut behind me and blocking out the cold air.

  “Everyone ready?” Jackson asked once I’d pulled on my seatbelt. If he thought my tiptoeing down the sidewalk as odd, he didn’t let it show.

  “Yep,” Tegan and I said in unison.

  We talked about holiday plans and our wish lists as Christmas music played softly in the background during the drive to the mall. The streets were filled with holiday traffic, and the mall was also packed with what I guessed to be last minute shoppers. The theater, on the other hand, was nearly empty.

  When Tegan and I started to buy our tickets, Jackson held his hands out to stop us. “I’ve got this,” he insisted.

  Tegan and I started to protest, but he shook his head. “I get a discount. Don’t worry about it.”

  We relented, but when Jackson tried to pay for our snacks at the concession stand, Tegan and I held firm. I didn’t feel right letting him spend all of his money on us, and I knew Tegan felt the same.

  “We just won’t get anything,” Tegan shrugged.

  Jackson huffed. I hadn’t taken him for the old-fashion type. After all, we weren’t even on a date.

  “How about this,” Jackson suggested after a moment. “You tell me what you want and give me the money and I’ll order so you can get the discount.”

  I had to admit the food at the concession stand was pretty pricey. Tegan and I locked gazes, silently conferring for a moment, before we nodded at each other and agreed to Jackson’s plan.

  “You two are rather stubborn, aren’t you?” he grinned before stepping up to the concession stand with Tegan and I in tow. The girl behind the counter whose nametag read “Christina” smiled.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” she commented, brown eyes twinkling as she gazed up at Jackson.

  “I just love it here so much I couldn’t stand to stay away,” he smirked.

  “Right,” she grinned, glancing between Tegan and I. “And pimping it, I see. For someone who claims to be incapable of finding a girlfriend, it sure looks like you’re doing pretty well for yourself. Two girls, hmm?”

  Jackson rolled his eyes. “Tina, this is Tegan and Silly,” he introduced, pointing to each of us respectively. “And this is Tina, my loathsome co-worker.”

  Tina didn’t so much as grimace at the “loathsome” descriptor. Instead she smiled, looking between Tegan and I again, as if trying to figure something out. “Nice to meet you.”

  I said, “Likewise,” while Tegan simply smiled and nodded.

  “So, what can I get for you?” Tina asked.

  Jackson placed our order and Tina huffed. “Go figure, I’m working the concession all by my lonesome, and you come in putting me to work like this.”

  “Blah blah blah,” Jackson grinned, as Tina moved around behind the counter getting our food and drinks. After ringing up our order, Jackson handed over the money and Tegan and I collected our things. “I’ll see you on Tuesday,” he said, waving to Tina as he grabbed the last of the items on the counter.

  “Mmm hmm,” Tina replied unenthusiastically. “Behave yourself in there. I don’t want to have to throw you out for any inappropriate behavior.”

  “Damn, woman, you ruin all of my lascivious plans. I thought I’d try to talk Silly and Tegan into a little ménage a trios,” he called over his shoulder before he glanced at me and winked. I peeked at Tegan and she giggled, and I blushed as we walked into the theater.

  There were only a few people seated already, and Jackson directed us to “the best seats in the place.” We took his lead, figuring he’d know better than either of us. I sat between Jackson and Tegan, and after situating our snacks and ourselves, we munched on popcorn and candy while we waited for the movie to start.

  Despite leaving over an hour early, the traffic and struggle to find a parking spot had filled up the time. When the lights started to go down, we quieted and relaxed back into our seats to watch the movie.

  Throughout the movie I tried to pace myself for the ending, yet, despite knowing it was inevitable Charlotte would die, I kept hoping there would be an unexpected twist in the movie that changed the conclusion. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, and I started to get weepy, as Luke predicted.

  I startled slightly when I felt something brush up behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and discovered it was a hand—Jackson’s hand, to be more precise. Tegan was seated on my right, and she seemed to feel me looking in her direction. She glanced at me briefly, but then her head snapped toward me for a double take, her eyes zeroing in on Jackson’s hand. Her mouth formed into a surprised circle, and I thought she was going to start giggling, so I turned my eyes back to the movie.

  My focus, however, was no longer on Charlotte’s death and Wilbur’s turmoil over the loss. Instead, my attention was on the warm arm wrapped around my shoulder. I forced myself not to start snuggling up to him. I reasoned he probably just needed to stretch, and I just so happened to be sitting in the seat in front of his arm. I didn’t want to get my hopes up that there was another motive for his arm around my shoulder.

  The movie’s conclusion lacked the same impact it might have had if I’d not been distracted by Jackson’s arm, but it was still a good movie. The credits started to roll, and the lights went up. Tegan stood and stretched, but I sat with Jackson’s arm around me for a few more seconds, basking in the warmth and closeness, before he moved to stand as well.

  We threw our trash in the bin by the exit, and Jackson waved to Tina on the way out as we zipped up our coats and stepped out through the side entrance to the mall into the cold night air.

  “What time is it?” Jackson asked as we walked out to his car.

  Tegan checked her watch. “Nine thirty.”

  Jackson seemed to consider for a moment before he asked, “What time do you two have to be home?”

  “Eleven,” Tegan and I said in unison. Even though I didn’t go out much, I was allowed an extra hour out during the weekend. Luke and Skylar didn’t have be home until midnight, which seemed unfair, but I usually didn’t go out enough to bother with asking my parents about moving my curfew back as well. I doubted they’d let me stay out until midnight now anyway. Maybe when I turned sixteen, though.

  “Should we make the most of the night and go somewhere else?” Jackson suggested.

  “Sure.” I tried to sound casual, but I was giddy and
unready for the night to end just yet. Besides, the holidays were just around the corner and I couldn’t think of two people I’d rather spend my last day with before being stuck with Dad’s mundane family.

  “We could go to The Bean,” Tegan suggested. It was the coffee and sandwich shop her family favored. “They have the best hot chocolate.”

  “A nice steaming cup of cocoa sounds pretty good right now,” Jackson agreed as we reached his car. He quickly unlocked it, and we all climbed inside and buckled up. “So, who’s directing me toward the cocoa?” he asked once the engine was running and the heat was turned up.

  I let Tegan navigate since I was so directionally challenged I still managed to get lost in the school corridors. Thanks to Tegan’s competency with directions, we arrived, despite the traffic, at The Bean within minutes.

  Inside, it was bustling as usual. I insisted on buying the drinks while Tegan and Jackson hunted a table for us. There was a long line, but it moved quickly. After ordering and paying, I had to wait a couple of minutes before I was handed a tray of hot chocolate. Cautiously, I carried the tray to the table Jackson and Tegan scored over in the corner.

  Before I’d even sat down, Tegan snatched her cocoa up and started sipping while Jackson placed a cup in front of me before taking the last one for himself. “So,” he began, eyeing me curiously, “Tegan tells me you write stories and poetry.”

  Thankfully I hadn’t taken a drink yet because everyone at the table would have been wearing it. I glanced at Tegan out of the corner of my eye and wanted to throw something at her. She, at least, had enough sense to look repentant. Instead of hissing at her like I wanted, I smiled bashfully at Jackson. “It’s just stupid stuff mostly.”

  “No, it’s not,” Tegan insisted. I glanced at her, thinking she was trying to make me look better in front of Jackson or trying to make up for sharing something so private, but instead of looking contrite, she seemed earnest. “They’re really good,” she continued, “but she refuses to let anyone—well, besides me sometimes—read it. Even then, she thinks I’m just being nice.”


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