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Portals of Infinity: Book Three: Of Temples and Trials

Page 14

by John Van Stry

  “Huh,” I said thinking about it, it made sense. “Don’t they have a god already?”

  Fel shook his head, “They’re still worshipping the forces of nature and their ancestors”

  “Forces of nature?” I blinked.

  “Life, death, the weather, the harvest, things like that. When you have a God, it’s easier to influence those things. Without one, it’s difficult, but it can be done. To be honest I’m surprised a God hasn’t risen up among their own kind yet, but they’re still rather new, they only learned how to catch and ride wolats, in the last forty years.”

  I nodded at that.

  “So when are we taking on Tantrus?” I asked moving on.

  “Not for a while yet,” Fel told me.

  “But didn’t we just deal him a major blow? Shouldn’t we take advantage of that?”

  Fel shook his head. “He is weakened with the loss of the temple, but he’s still very strong, and I’m still recovering from what happened to me as well. There is much yet I still have to do, and that Rachel will have to do, to be ready for when that battle comes.”

  I nodded and took a drink of my beer, mostly out of habit; I knew it was a dream but still it tasted good. Just another sign that Fel was a god.

  “Well at least the people and the nobles all know that Barassa is looking at us. Hopefully that will help everyone pull together.”

  Fel nodded, “It will. Exposing the advanced scouts really woke up a lot of people; no one had expected them to start nosing around for several years yet. The hidden temple in Tradeson was an even larger shock, and not just to our people.”

  My ears perked up. “Oh?”

  Fel smiled a little craftily, “The other Gods were surprised as well; they didn’t think Trantus had the skill or the ability to do that. And as the story of what happened spreads among their faithful, I’m sure there will be quite a bit of searching for other hidden temples next year in their cities.”

  I was a bit surprised by that, “So Tantrus and Barassa may end up with a lot more enemies soon?”

  “Most likely, yes. Tantrus is a greedy god. Even if he abandons what he has most likely started in other cities, which I am sure he won’t, there will still remain enough traces of his work.”

  I smiled, “So does that mean they’re not all mad at you anymore?”

  Fel laughed, “They’re still suspicious of me, but I’ve been playing my hand in the open, following very traditional rules. They’ve all just discovered that Tantrus is not.”

  I nodded, “You know, that idea of theirs, using priests as shock troops. Do we have anything like that?” I asked curious.

  “A fighting order of priests?”

  I nodded, “Yeah, something like that, and not suicidal as his seemed.”

  “We don’t, but I admit the idea is intriguing. However a thing like that would take a couple decades of work, and a fair bit of resources.”

  “So I shouldn’t expect it soon,” I said laughing.


  “So what happens next?”

  “For the short term, we consolidate. I consolidate my hold over the new towns and cities, my priests and I increase the flock of the faithful, and tend to their needs. Rachel builds up her armies and her resources.”

  I quirked an eyebrow, “She talk with you about this?”

  Fel grinned, “You can’t see each other, but she’s sitting in here right now and I’m talking with her as well. You don’t think you’re the only one who I bring here, do you?”

  I shook my head, “No, I didn’t. But it would be nice to all talk together at the same time.”

  “No, then I wouldn’t be guaranteed your undivided attention,” Fel said smirking. “I know the both of you two well.”

  “Guilty as charged I guess!” I said raising my mug in a salute. “So what’s on my plate?”

  “Well nothing for the next few weeks, so enjoy some time with Rachel and your son Baron. Aryanna will be borrowing you for a little while, but that’s almost a month away.”

  I sighed, “What am I going after this time?”

  Fel shook his head, “Nothing. I think she’s going to have you scout out some recruits.”

  I looked at Fel surprised. “Me? Look for recruits?”

  “Don’t worry, I’m fairly sure she has them picked out already, she just needs someone to look them over, tell her your opinion, and perhaps give them a push in the right direction.”

  I nodded.

  “How are things going with Felecia and Fordessa?”

  “About as well as I would expect.”

  “Is that good?”

  Fel smiled, “Don’t concern yourself with it. You did what I needed you to do. It’s Narasamman’s turn now.”

  I nodded again. “I just think it’s a good idea.”

  “Of course you do, I put it in your mind so that when Fordessa saw you in her temple she’d want to investigate it further.

  I blinked. “You can do that?”

  “Of course I can, I just need your permission.”

  I paused a moment. “I don’t remember giving you that.”

  “You gave me permission to wipe that too,” Fel said a little more seriously than his usual self. “I’ve known about Fordessa’s group since they showed up, Joel and Kayryn alerted me to it. So I told you what I wanted you to do, and you agreed.”

  I though about that a moment, it sounded like something I would do. I was committed after all. My wife and children depended on Fel’s continued success. Plus I liked him.

  “When did that happen?” I asked curious.

  “That night that I talked with you for no apparent reason when you were in Tradeson and asked you to check out the musicians.”

  “Huh, well I guess it worked. Goodnight Fel.”

  “Goodnight Will.”


  (Treow – New York)

  I was standing in a dark alley as I waited for sunrise. I was in the sphere of Treow, which was Stephanie’s and Joseph’s home sphere, and it was rather disorientating. It wasn’t so much the matriarchal society, though I was sure I’d run into issues with that soon enough, but that in some ways it was exactly like home.

  The landmasses were all exactly alike. Much of Europe was the same country wise as well. But the United States was anything but united, the articles of Federation were all that was every written, and it was even weaker in some ways than the one back home had been. Needless to say, each of the States was more like its own country here.

  So having some things be the same, but a lot of other things very different, was confusing. It almost lulled you into a false sense of security.

  The tech level was also strange, some of it was ahead of what I had known, and some of it was not.

  I hadn’t personally experienced too much of it so far, Aryanna had gone over the important things when I stopped in at her temple as I transitioned through Hillshire to get to Treow. Interestingly it was not connected to Fel’s sphere, or my home sphere, at all.

  The gate I had come through was in the middle of Central Park, which had the same name, but a much different layout. It was more organized, with lighted walkways and a lot more restrooms and much better landscaping. There were also a lot more fountains for some reason.

  As I waited, I saw someone finally show up and open up the business I had been watching. I needed some local money, identification, and more suitable clothing. The place across the street offered all of that, for a price.

  This was another new thing I had just learned, a few portal jumpers got together many years ago, and decided to start a business. Over time, that business grew. They catered primarily to the locals, providing things that usually were not easily found in the local sphere, but they also catered to other portal jumpers and even the deities that they served. Apparently most high tech worlds had them and they had some method of communicating to one another.

  I gave the woman opening up the place a few minutes to finish opening up, and then I strolled
across the street and into the shop.

  “Good day, Master, Mist?” She said looking at me.

  “Mist Will,” I said and gave a small bob of my head. “Are you Madam Pipes?”

  She nodded, “Yes, that would be me. However I do not believe we have met, surely I would have remembered such a fine creature as yourself,” she said smiling and looking me over. Married men here were referred to as Master, and single men as Mister, though it was often contracted to ‘Mist’. Aryanna had told me to expect to be hit on a lot. The equal rights movement had been stamped out rather efficiently here apparently.

  “Aryanna sent me,” I said walking up to the counter.

  She looked up at my face, “Aryanna? Where’s Stephanie?”

  “Stephanie is unavailable, I was sent here to take care of some important matters that needed to be seen to.”

  Madam Pipes nodded, “You’re not a champion then?” she said, and I got the feeling she was getting ideas.

  “I am, I’m just not hers.”

  Madam Pipes swore, “and here I was hoping I might entice you to stay a while and visit.” She gave me a look when she said ‘visit’ that made it pretty clear just what kind of visiting she wanted to do. I blushed, after the Sireens and all that mess I really wasn’t enjoying this as much as I might have.

  “Madam Pipes, do you really proposition every man that walks in your shop?”

  She winked at me, “Just the hot ones, and you are one well put together specimen. So what can I do for you sonny?”

  “Identification, local currency, a map, a phone, and a place to stay.”

  “Oh I got a place to stay alright,” She said with a smirk and I had to laugh at that.

  “I was thinking more of a room I wouldn’t be sharing.” I told her.

  She grinned at me, “There’s a Y down the street for young men from out of town. It’s a large bunkroom, but it’s clean, safe, and they don’t let predators like me in at all.”

  “I guess that will do,” I said.

  “Now, as for the other things, what do you have for me?”

  I set the bag I had been carrying on the counter. She looked inside and went ‘ahhhh’ as she saw what was in there.

  “Do you know what this is worth?” She asked looking up at me.

  “To the penny,” I replied. “Aryanna was very clear on what I should expect back from you.”

  “Aw, you’re no fun.” She groused.

  “Well maybe when I’m done I will be,” I said and winked back at her.

  “Oh ho! One of those are we?” she laughed.

  I just sighed. I guess the stories my mother told me about the nineteen fifties were true.

  I got the money I needed from her, a small suitcase, a couple of changes of clothes, some identification, and a few odds and ends. She gave me a pinch when I left and I just shook my head. I had the distinct impression by then that she was acting a bit more outrageous than she would have with a local.

  Getting a bed at the ‘Y’ was pretty easy, and it was exactly what she had said it was, a large bunkhouse. It was clean, and a couple of old men who made it clear that if I didn’t behave, I’d be tossed, out oversaw it. Also, they only allowed young men of virtue to stay, so if I started coming in late, or drunk, I’d be tossed out.

  Nodding as they explained the rules, I put my things in the locker assigned to me, then left for the day. I had two possible recruits Aryanna wanted me to check out, and I wanted to find where they were before I started. I wasn’t really sure how to go about this. Aryanna had given me some pointers, and told me the kinds of things she wanted to know. But it still felt rather strange.

  Walking through the city was different. Almost all of the workers were men. Women did not work much in the service industries, or in any job that had physical labor involved, or a high risk of injury. Those were all jobs for ‘men’. Women were predominately in the white collar jobs. Not all women worked either, but all men certainly did.

  The first woman worked at a recording studio, I didn’t know what she did there, just that she worked there, and had lunch nearby at a particular restaurant fairly often. I went by and scoped the place out, found the restaurant and went into have breakfast as long as I was there.

  The food was good and as I was walking out, I was surprised to see the woman I was supposed to be looking for walking in. She was nice looking, but the two with her were definitely better looking. But when she looked up and saw me I, felt embarrassed for a second, because I had been checking her out.

  “Hi!” I said and smiled as we passed.

  “Hi,” She said a little surprised.

  “Woah, he was hot!” I heard one of the girls say.

  “Yeah, and did you see how embarrassed he got when Jane caught him looking at her? You should go chase him down Jane! I bet he’s hot for you!”

  “Gals, we got work to do this morning. Let’s just get our coffee and leave...”

  I picked up the pace and moved away for now, flashing back on how I had first met Stephanie. This just might be easier than I thought.

  I took a subway next across town, rather than walk it. There was a dojo there and the other woman was a student at it.

  Walking inside I saw the Dojo’s Master and bowed to him.

  “I would like to sign up for the advanced class please,” I told him.

  “I haven’t seen you around here before, I’m Jim,” he said walking forward and extending his hand.

  “Will,” I said and as soon as he had a grip on my hand, he attacked me.

  I recognized the move; this style was thankfully almost exactly like the one I had studied back home. And with everything sped up it was rather easy to make the counter. He came back with a leg sweep and I jumped back out of range and took up a fighting stance.

  He held up his hands, “Just checking. You have no idea how many greens try to sneak into advanced.”

  I relaxed and nodded. “My instructor used to just set us up to spar with the ones who tried that. They learned pretty quickly not to lie.”

  “I don’t think the women would appreciate that,” he said shaking his head.

  “Well I never saw any women try and make it into the class that way, maybe he only let the guys take the beating.”

  Jim laughed, “Oh, I like the sound of that. So, pretty impressive moves there. Where did you learn?”

  “England, my Mother is an exec with a trading company. She didn’t want me sitting idle reading books after school, so she sent me to a dojo there.”

  He nodded, “That would explain your counter, we do it like this,” and he showed me a different grip break than the one I had used.

  “That’s pretty slick,” I said.

  “So when do you want to start?”


  We made arrangements, I knew what class I wanted, and I enrolled in that one.

  Now all I needed was something to do during the day. If Madam Pipes hadn’t been such a letch, I would have just asked for a job around the shop, so I’d have something to do, and to make it look like I worked there.

  But I wasn’t interested in the possible baggage that would come with that. So when I saw a ‘help wanted’ sign on the front of a bar a few blocks over as I was walking back to the subway, I figured I might as well check it out. The owner took one look at me as I walked in and smiled.

  “You’re hired!” She asked looking me over.

  “What’s the job Madam?” I asked looking around.

  “Waiting tables.”

  “Sounds easy.”

  “Topless,” She said still smiling.

  “Still sounds easy.”

  “Oh they’re gonna love you!”

  I sighed and shook my head, “Do I get to keep my tips?”

  “Half are yours, the other half goes into a pool that we share out. This way if someone has a bad night, they still get something. Also it gives the cooks a share.”

  Just then, one of the waiters came out of the back; he was wear
ing skintight shorts with a short horsetail off of it, a detached white collar, detached white cuffs, dark sneakers, and not much else.

  I almost laughed as I figured it out, the name of the place was ‘The Stable’, and I guess we were all the ‘studs’.

  I spent the rest of my afternoon getting trained on how they did things, and then went back to take my first class at the Dojo.

  Marti, the girl I was looking for was there. She started checking me out immediately, giving me rather aggressive looks. Most of the students were men; as I understood it, even though women ruled here men still did most of the fighting, and that most men were expected to be able to defend the women of their household. Women on the other hand did not fight, and most women didn’t even bother to learn how. So I found it interesting that there were women in the class, especially as this was the advanced class. There were only three women, and of those three, only Marti had any muscles, to be honest she looked pretty ripped.

  In martial arts, there are finesse fighters, and power fighters. I was a finesse fighter myself, because it was more challenging to learn to fight that way. I suspected that Marti was a power fighter.

  “Class!” Sensei Jim said as he walked into the room.

  “Sensei!” We all responded and lined up. I noticed Marti lined up next to me.

  “Before we start, I want to introduce Will.” He nodded towards me. “Will is from another school in London, some of what he has learned is different from what you have been taught. Learn from him those differences, you may find some of them useful. Then show him how we do things here.

  “Stretches!” He called out then and led us through a fairly typical warm-up.

  After that, he paired us up to work on one of the short forms. As Marti was next to me, I was paired with her.

  “I’m Will,” I said and bowed to her.

  “I’m Madam Marti,” She said a little harshly, “Mist Will.” And then gave a rather curt bow.

  We went over the first form, and she was rather rough with me when it was her turn. When she actually made contact on a punch that was supposed to be pulled I looked at her.

  “What?” She said with a smirk.


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