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Gifted Connections: Book 3

Page 10

by SM Olivier

  I’m going too, I stated as I pulled out my flash light. When Jaxson went to protest, I held up my hands. I can use my force field if something tries to attack us.

  Then I’m going too. Drake held out his hand as he dropped his pack. I knew he wanted to amplify our gift, so we could walk and use our force field together.

  I took his hand. I concentrated on the thought of protecting us and felt the warmth start in our connected hands and emanate from us. I opened my eyes and we were all within a nice bubble. We walked in and shined our flash lights everywhere.

  The cave wasn’t that large, but it was pitch black. The opening barely shed light on us. Remy and Drake had to stoop to get in. The cavern itself was open, with rocks and boulders scattered about. If I had to guess, I would say it was roughly two to three hundred square feet.

  Gravel crunched beneath my boot. I was relieved not to hear or see anything. We felt like it was safe to drop the field since there was no imminent threat.

  We made our way around the whole perimeter, making sure nothing was hiding. Our flashlights bouncing off the wall. I could see old animal droppings, but nothing seemed fresh.

  I had to stifle a startled scream when a mischief of mice scattered behind a boulder I was investigating. Even though there weren’t any large animals present, we didn’t want to be sharing the cave with any other critters. Well, I guess mice wouldn’t be too bad if they left our food alone.

  Mice. I laughed self-deprecatingly at myself when they rushed over from my squeak.

  They both laughed at me.

  My flashlight followed the path of the mice as they scurried into the wall. They had gone through a tunnel-like hole. I knelt on all fours and peered into the hole. I could easily squeeze through there, but it would be a tight fit for Remy, width wise. I could see that it was approximately eight feet deep. It opened to something else. I didn’t think it was the outdoors, though, because I couldn’t see any trees, branches, dead leaves, and other woodland debris. A faint bluish green glow was all I could see.

  I didn’t know if it was my imagination, but I also felt a warmth coming from the tunnel. “Can I borrow your head lamp?” I asked Remy.

  Remy handed me his head lamp. “What do you see?” he asked as he crouched down.

  “Don’t know,” I shrugged. “But do you feel that heat?”

  His eyebrows scrunched together. “I do.”

  “I’ll go first,” Drake insisted as he turned on his own head lamp.

  Their over protectiveness could be grating at times, but I also felt pleased that they wanted to protect me.

  I followed close behind Drake. I tried not to wince or complain as little rocks and debris jabbed painfully into my palms and knees. I was thankfully distracted a moment later when Drake let out a sharp breath as he paused on the other side.

  “You need to see this,” he breathed in awe. He stood up and moved over.

  I gasped. In front of me was another cave with natural pool of sorts in the middle. There was light filtering from a hole above us. The roof in this cave was higher; it had to be at least thirty feet tall. You could walk into the pool much like you could the beach, and it looked like it got deeper the further you got in.

  I walked over to the edge and the heat increased. I could see the steam rising from the pool.

  “It’s a geothermal hot spring,” Drake explained quietly. “I read about this state being known to having them, but I assumed they were only in resorts or other places tourist might visit.”

  “Do you think it’s safe to get in?” I asked excitedly as I knelt and put my hands in it. “It feels like a hot tub.”

  He nodded with a smile. “I don’t see why not.” He crouched down next to me to put his hands in it, too.

  “We can build a fire and put our sleeping bags right there,” I declared pointing to areas that were along the opposite wall.

  “If Remy can fit,” Drake pointed out.

  I frowned. “True.”

  “Remy barely fits,” Remy said dryly from behind us.

  I laughed as he struggled to squeeze his wide shoulders through the opening into the cave.

  “I got tired of waiting,” he explained to me as he kissed my forehead.

  “Look what I found here,” Drake called from the corner of the cave. I hadn’t even noticed he had wandered off.

  We followed him to where his voice was coming from and we saw another opening you had to climb up to get too. It was covered in brush and a few downed rocks.

  “That will come in handy if the other cave is discovered,” Drake stated.

  “I’ll just move some of the rocks to clear us a path up.” Remy stated as he climbed up onto the rocks.

  He moved some rocks around to make it an easier climb up and cleared a path. Then he moved the largest boulder covering the entrance, so we could fit through easier. I scrambled up next to him.

  “I’m totally sneaking up on the other guys,” I said impishly as I pushed some of the brush aside.

  Remy and Drake chuckled. “Go for it.” Remy smiled.

  I squeezed out of the opening, careful not to let the brambles and ivy catch my appendages or impede my exit. I climbed out and noticed we were on a steep incline. I looked around and recognized a large tree whose roots had ripped from the earth. It was precariously leaned over onto its neighboring trees. It had been close to where the mouth of the other cave was. I climbed up on my hands, knees, and feet. The climb was roughly ten feet up, but I did it.

  I carefully picked my way over the terrain. I saw the opening that was over the spring and peered down into it. Remy and Drake had already removed their coats and they were picking up the debris down below. I continued walking until I could see Troy, Jace, Jaxson, and Noah quietly talking as they sat near the opening.

  “Rawr!” I roared above them. Jaxson and Noah predictably scrambled up and skittered backwards.

  Noah was clutching his heart. “Not funny,” he scolded with a smile.

  “No, it wasn’t funny. It was hilarious,” I crowed. “You should have seen your faces. I even made Troy and Jace jump.” I said smugly looking at them. “It’s clear in there.” I began my climb down.

  I felt Troy’s hands embrace my waist and help me down the rest of the way.

  “We should grab some sticks and branches,” Jace recommended as he rubbed his hands blowing into them. “That sky doesn’t look too promising.”

  “That’s an excellent idea, but I may have a better idea for us to warm up.” I beamed.

  We spent the next hour grabbing all the dead wood we could get ahold of, which wasn’t that difficult since winter was setting in. It was a bit tedious, though. Troy pulled a tarp out of his pack, and we loaded what we could onto the middle of it while Remy and Jace pulled it through the tunnel with the rope Remy produced from his pack.

  Drake was sitting in the entrance with string, a sturdy stick, and some straw-like fibers he found in the woods. The floor that we were sleeping on was clear of all the big rubble, but it still needed to be cleared more efficiently if we wanted to sleep comfortably. I had to admit I was impressed with how good it looked—I hoped it worked just as well.

  Jaxson, Noah, Troy, and I were acting like kids as we raced each other in and out of the cave. I think we were all eagerly anticipating a dip in the pool later. Most of us expected not to bathe for days, and after the filth we accumulated on our bodies today, we were all ready to feel clean once again.

  We had made numerous trips when the snow started falling in fat flakes.

  How much more should we get? I asked silently.

  I think we should continue collecting it, Troy answered. The more we have the better. Mountain snow is unpredictable. It may come down all night and we may be stuck here until it’s safe to move again. I don’t want to be caught in it, and I don’t want to be collecting wood in it either. We’ll call Pops when we get in and ask him if he has a better idea on how much we’re expecting. It’s warm inside for now, but we have no clu
e how much the temperature may drop at night.

  I dropped my load off onto the tarp and made my way back outside. Near the fallen tree were logs the size of me. I tried to lift one end to drag in, but it was too heavy. I closed my eyes and imagined myself picking it up. Then I lifted it.

  I win! I called triumphantly as I held the two hundred pounds log up over my head.

  Show off! Jaxson snorted good naturedly.

  That’s kinda hot, Noah murmured in my ear.

  I giggled and looked over at him with a wink. Oh yeah, you should see my feet.

  His eyebrows drew together. What’s wrong with your feet? They’re small and cute.

  They’re not cute right now. I’m pretty sure I have blisters on top of my blisters. I joked.

  He frowned. Why didn’t you tell me? We could have fixed you up. Let’s go inside and I’ll heal them. You’ve already done enough.

  I set my log down for a second, so I could cup his cheek with my hand. Thanks, dear, but we’re almost done, and I don’t want to rest until everyone’s ready to rest.

  Stubborn girl, he muttered.

  If I grab a few more logs like this, I’m sure we should be good, I said confidently.

  When we finally crawled back into the cave, Remy picked up a boulder and placed it over the opening.

  “Now we can all sleep tonight and not have to worry about taking shifts. We’re pretty well hidden here,” he explained. “They’ll have to do some major climbing to come in the other way, and we can hear them long before they find us.”

  “What happens if they smell our campfire?” Jaxson asked as he began helping Troy gather some kindling.

  The guys had neatly stacked the wood off to the side. By my estimation, we could be stuck here for a week and still not run out of wood.

  “If they do, we have two escape routes,” Jace remarked. “Although I think this snow will hold them off for a while.”

  “There’s already at least an inch out there,” Troy agreed.

  “You guys should take off your clothing and hang them up,” Drake told us as he jumped down from a rock shelf I hadn’t seen on my first inspection. “I have some five-fifty cord hung up. Your clothes will have time to dry out before we put them in our packs.”

  We only had enough socks, underwear, and thermals for four days. We had planned to wear our pants and black sweatshirts a few times since it was our outer wear and didn’t touch our skin.

  “Where did my pack go?” I asked as I sat down on a large rock. He didn’t have to tell me twice. I had a pair of flip flops calling my name. These boots needed to come off.

  “My lady,” Drake said with a quirk of his lips, pulling aside a wool blanket a few feet away.

  I was surprised how well Drake had set up everything. Our sleeping area was nestled in a natural recess in the wall. Blankets were draped like curtains between each sleeping area. Now I was glad we decided to pack them. Large boulders taller than I was separated the nook from the pool. It was close enough to the fire for us to feel the warmth but far enough away from the opening above us to escape any possible draft. His broom must have worked because the whole area was swept clean. Our packs were neatly lined up on another shelf roughly five feet up from the floor. It was a great deterrent, just in case our little friends had stuck around. Our sleeping bags laid side by side, ready for us to slip into. I looked at it longingly, but my priorities were as followed; undress, bathe, eat, sleep.

  I ambled over to my pack and opened it up, withdrawing a clean sports bra and underwear. I pulled off my boots and hissed as I tried to take off my socks. The fiber had adhered to the blisters on my heels and toes. I could feel the skin tear as I removed my socks.

  I stifled the curse that wanted to rip from my throat. It hurt a lot, and I was powerless to stop the sting of tears that burned my eyes.

  “Let me see,” Noah said softly behind me.

  I jumped, startled. I didn’t even hear him sneak up on me. He was down to his cargo pants and flip flops. We had all packed flip flops just in case. We knew our feet would need airing out each night.

  His bare chest now reflected shadows from the fire that Troy and Jaxson had built.

  I turned and held up my bare feet, reluctantly. He was going to be pissed.

  “Dammit, Blake,” he cursed at me. “Why did you let it get this bad? You could have told us to stop at any time.”

  “I was fine,” I muttered in shame and anger. “I’m not a delicate flower, and honestly, when I pulled my socks off it made it worse.” I grimaced at the large angry red and bleeding spots on my feet.

  “We didn’t need to set the pace we did,” Jace said sternly from behind Noah. “Noah’s right. When we stopped to take breaks, you could have told us you were in pain, and Noah could have healed you.”

  “I didn’t think it was that bad,” I protested once more. “It hurt, but I could manage. It was bad enough you guys carried my pack for me.”

  “Your pack weighs at least forty pounds. You weigh…one ten. We all have you by at least sixty pounds. The extra forty pounds barely fazed us,” Noah said vehemently.

  I stood up feeling irrationally angry. I knew they were right, but I now felt foolish for not speaking up earlier. I also appreciated their concern for me, but they were being a bit excessive with their protectiveness.

  “Where are you going?” Jace tried to block my exit. “Let Noah heal them, Blake.”

  “After I wash them off,” I insisted. “I wouldn’t want to get blood on him,” I muttered angrily. I hobbled towards the pool. Cursing my own stupidity because it took everything within in me not to cry.

  “I don’t care about the blood, Blake,” Noah yelled at me. “Get back here!”

  “Nope,” I said immaturely. “I don’t understand how me getting a few blisters turns into you both acting like I’m foolish. How it gives you to right to act so overbearing. You’re not my fathers, you’re my connections.”

  “Blake,” Noah advanced towards me.

  “I’m taking a dip,” I glared at him. “I’ll let you know when or if I want you to heal me.”

  “Blake,” Jace growled low at me, but I turned and glared at him.

  “Stay,” I compelled them both. They weren’t going to let me get further away otherwise.

  Out of spite I turned and looked at them when I got to the water edge and started to strip. I could hear the others laughing and talking around the corner, hanging up their clothing. I tossed my cargo pants, thermal pants, thermal top, t-shirt, and sweatshirt off to the side. When I saw them both frozen where I left them, I raised my eyebrow.

  I had planned to wear my sports bra and underwear in the water, but I wasn’t done punishing them. I knew it would drive them both wild if I decided to jump in naked. Not the most mature decision, but technically I wasn’t an adult for a few more days.

  I removed my bra first and watched their eyes widened in surprise and lust. Then I slowly shimmied out of my underwear.

  “Blake,” Troy had been laughing when he came around the corner but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the ending of my strip tease. “Are we skinny…dipping now?” His voice had grown husky.

  “Yup,” I said defiantly. “Everyone’s invited except for those two.” I pointed an accusing finger at Jace and Noah.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Jaxson stated as he shucked off his boxers. Troy and he raced down to me.

  “It feels amazing,” Jaxson stopped beside me. He smiled. His beautiful dimple appearing. “What did they do to piss you off?” he whispered quietly. His eyes dancing with mischief.

  I still hadn’t made a move to move in further. “They were being slightly overbearing,” I whispered back.

  “Blake Thomas, did you compel them?” Remy asked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. He was down to his boxers as well.

  Up until recently, he rarely went shirtless around me. Or around anyone that wasn’t family. He hated the scars on his back from his stepfather. I think t
he more comfortable he got with our connection, the more he dropped a lot of his natural walls.

  “I did,” I said pertly. “Do you want to join them? Do you want to start telling me what I should do? What I should have done?”

  Remy chuckled deeply and held up his hands. “I’m good. Joining you looks more fun.”

  He removed his boxers and walked towards me. I tried not to let him catch me watching him. He was so sexy. They were all so sexy.

  “Like what you see?” Remy asked with a wink.

  I blushed but looked up at him with a smile. “Always.”

  He growled something unintelligible before he dove into the water behind me.

  “Drake,” I called out to him. “Want to join us?”

  He ducked his head for a moment and looked at Noah and Jace, before joining us. However, my shy guy wouldn’t take his boxers off, no matter how many times I asked him to.

  I had only been in the water for about five minutes before I started feeling remorseful about my behavior. I should have spoken up, and they wouldn’t be so overbearing if I had just communicated with them. They may have gone slightly overboard, but I deserved it. If they didn’t care so much about me, they wouldn’t have gotten upset.

  I finally got out of the water and walked towards them, releasing my hold on them.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered. “I should have told you my feet hurt. I shouldn’t have gotten angry with you for caring about me.”

  Jace bent down and pulled a towel from his pack. He went up behind me and placed over my shoulders. I should take you over my knee and spank you for your behavior and teasing me. He lightly bit my earlobe. Right before I slip into you. He telepathically spoke to me. Somehow, I think you’ll like that.

  I turned to him as my eyes widened. You can’t. I said tartly. I already told Jax he could be the first to spank me.

  His own eyes widened before his eyes darkened. I won’t tell if you don’t.

  “Are you two finished?” Noah said dryly. He had been watching our exchange, and I’m sure he knew we were having a private conversation.

  He didn’t look like he was ready to accept my apology as he looked at us, his hands on his hips.


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