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Gifted Connections: Book 3

Page 38

by SM Olivier

I giggled as Faith came around the corner. She paused in the doorway and looked at Jaxson in confusion. She lightly tapped on the door. “Noah asked me to see if you’re ready.”

  “I am,” I smiled. “I’ll be right out.” I told her.

  I slipped my state ID into the inner pocket of my leather jacket, along with my cell phone. I didn’t own any purses, and I kinda liked it that way.

  “What was that about?” Dawn asked in bewilderment as Faith left the room.

  “I may or may not be lying on the couch down stairs listening to music,” Jaxson had the grace to blush.

  Rachel let out a scandalized laugh. “You probably confused the hell out of the girl. She probably thinks she’s going crazy.”

  “Jaxson!” I heard Noah yell up from the basement steps as we walked towards the kitchen.

  Jaxson gave us a wicked smile. “Guess he just realized that wasn’t me.”

  Noah came running up the stairs as I entered the kitchen. He skidded to a stop at the island. “You look so much better than I imagined,” he bit the pad of his thumb. “Will I sound like a pig if I asked you to turn for me?”

  I laughed, rolled my eyes, but still turned slowly for him. He looked devastatingly handsome in black dress shoes, black slacks, and a green button up that pulled a lot of the green from his eyes. I felt excitement unfurl in the pit of my stomach. I had a feeling we were going to have fun, and I needed the distraction.

  “You’re really taking her to a club by yourself, dressed like that?” Remy frowned as he came up the steps. He gave me an apologetic look. “You’re look fantastic, baby girl, but I’m sure a lot of other men will notice that, too. I’m not sure Twinkle Toes can protect you.”

  “I don’t think they should go on their own,” Jaxson said smugly. “I can get dressed real fast.”

  Noah ran a hand through his auburn waves. “You guys are ridiculous. We’re going to be fine. I don’t tell you guys what to do on your dates, so don’t tell me what to do on mine,” he said in exasperation. “Ready, beautiful?”

  I bit the bottom of my lip and looked at Remy and Jaxson hesitantly. “We’ll be fine,” I reassured them before I took Noah’s proffered arm.

  My heels clicked on the tile as we walked towards the door.

  “Have fun!” the girls chorused together.

  Just as we began to open the front door, Jace, Troy, and Drake came walking into the house laughing. Simultaneously they stopped.

  I heard Troy mutter an expletive before his eyes slowly perused my body from my toes to my head. “You’re taking her out dressed like that? You do realize you’re going to have to fight them off!” he finally turned accusatory eyes towards Noah.

  “We’ve already heard the lecture. We’re going to be fine,” Noah insisted.

  Jace’s jaw was clenched, and when I went to reach out to him, his barriers were up. He grabbed the top of my arm gently and kissed my cheek. “Have fun and be careful,” he said huskily.


  I nodded. “I will, thanks.”

  I don’t think my next request will be a French maid’s costume, or even that school girl outfit you had on earlier, Drake said with quiet intensity in my head. I definitely want to undress you wearing that outfit.

  I had to stop from showing my shock at his forwardness. I loved this secret side he had to him. I think the other guys would be shocked if they found out how Quiet Shy Drake could actually be. They weren’t lying when they said still waters run deep.

  As you wish…master, I replied mischievously back at him.

  I saw his eyes darken as we walked past them and felt the subtle brush of his fingertips on my bottom.

  I found out the moment we got to the club that they allowed under twenty-ones in, but we were forced to get a stamp of an X on our right hands. I was okay with that I really didn’t want to drink. The club was bumping and it looked pretty popular considering that the two-story building was packed. The bar was crowded and the dance floor was pretty full.

  Noah immediately grabbed my hand and led me into the middle of the dance floor. Even if the other guys thought he was soft for learning to dance, I thought it was sexy. I was mesmerized by his movements and his confidence on the floor. He moved in a way that demanded your attention. If he was on a stage full of professional dancers I knew my eyes would still be drawn to him. He had a presence about him when he danced. He had that ‘it’ factor.

  There were people that spent their whole lives performing, hoping they had the ‘it’ factor. People that poured their bodies and souls into their craft but still couldn’t obtain it. It was something that was bestowed upon them. Noah had it when he danced. There was no doubt about it. I was left wondering why he stopped to begin with. Surely someone else had seen it. I couldn’t be the only one.

  I was definitely a novice compared to him but still got lost in the music and tried to mimic his movements. It wasn’t long before I was laughing and enjoying myself. After several songs, I was breathless and hot.

  “Let’s get a drink,” Noah smiled down at me as he grabbed my hand. He nearly had to shout in my ear to be heard above the music and people.

  I eagerly nodded and let him lead me to one of the bars. He leaned across the bar and ordered two drinks. He handed me a frozen red drink with whip cream before drinking his own amber liquid. I took a sip of it and recognized it as a virgin strawberry daquiri and moaned in appreciation. It was cool and refreshing, exactly what I needed. I took my straw out and licked the cream off.

  I looked up to see Noah watching me with desire in his eyes. I realized what I had done and what it could have looked like and laughed with a shrug. “What, I like the cream!” I cried out in defense.

  He raised an eyebrow, and I nearly snorted with laughter as I covered my mouth. “You know that’s not what I meant!” I softly hit him.

  He laughed before his head dipped to capture my mouth with his own. His kiss was full of desire and possession. I nearly forgot that we were surrounded by people as I felt his hands slip under my jacket and onto the exposed part of my back. I leaned into him, wanting to get closer to him and let my tongue tangle with his.

  He was out of breath when he pulled away. “How did I get so lucky to have a beautiful girl like you love me?”

  I smiled up at him and draped my arms around his neck pulling him in closer as my hips swayed against his in the rhythm of the music. “How did I get so lucky to have a sexy man like you love me?” I shot back at him.

  He chuckled and buried his head in my neck. “Let’s dance. Your chariot turns into a pumpkin at midnight Cinderella.”

  “I’m hot, can we put my jacket in the coat check?” I asked.

  He nodded as he looked down at my chest that my neckline exposed. A thin silver chain went around the back of my neck holding it up. Three more thin silver chains connected in the back exposing most of my back. I knew the top was beyond provocative without my jacket on but I was burning up with the combination of the press of bodies and the heat on full blast.

  His eyes filled with desire once more. “We can do that. Do you want to give me anything of value to hold, just in case?”

  I handed him my phone and ID before slipping my jacket off. “Thanks.”

  “Have you ever been made love to in public?” Noah dipped his head against my ear.

  I looked up at him and laughed. “Define public,” I teased.

  He groaned. “I bought that top thinking it would be covered all night. I liked the idea of knowing you would have to wear a top like that, with no bra, for my imagination. Like wearing a skirt with no underwear. I never thought it would backfire, and I would have to suffer all night.”

  I gave him a teasing grin before I turned around and took his hand, leading him to the coat check. They handed me a tag as they took my jacket, and I handed it to Noah for him to pocket.

  I let him lead me back to the dance floor as a very seductive song came on. I had secretly been learning how to pole dance on YouTube. I hadn’t told anyo
ne. I was trying to think of at least one thoughtful gift for each of the guys for Christmas. I already got them each one present but each gift had a note letting them know what their real Christmas present was. For Noah, I already purchased the portable pole, and whenever I could find the time to show him his real gift, I would break it out and dance for him as he danced for me once.

  I tried to remember some of the moves I had learned as he turned me around and started to move against my back. I pushed my bottom into his groin area and started to grind against him as I leaned forward to reach for the floor. I flicked my head back to look up at him to see his reaction and I wasn’t disappointed.

  As I straightened up, I was emboldened by his reaction and leaned back against him as I lifted one of my hands to grab the back of his neck. I continued to move seductively against him and wasn’t surprised to feel his growing reaction.

  I don’t know how long we danced. All I know is my feet hurt. I was sweating. I was aroused, and I didn’t want the night to end. Even though we were surrounded by people, it felt like we were the only two souls on the dance floor.

  Several men and women tried to cut in, but we weren’t having it. I was laughing at something Noah said as I looked up and froze. On the top floor was Miranda, dancing with an older debonair man.

  Chapter 25

  Noah felt me freeze and followed my line of vision. He muttered a curse as he pulled out his phone.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him in surprise.

  “We need back up,” Noah insisted, he started to guide me behind a pillar.

  “We don’t have time for back up,” I protested.

  He gave me a raised brow as he held his phone up to his ear. He frowned slightly as he handed me my phone, barely looking at the screen as it vibrated in his hand− the screen lighting up. I looked down in confusion at the number that popped up. I didn’t recognize the number but then my eyes widened.

  “Hello,” I said into the phone holding my ear with my other hand, hoping to block out some of the outside noise.

  “We found her,” I heard the thick NY accent, but then I froze as he continued. “Her daughter left her alone with the boy. Moe and I are taking care of Miranda. Once she’s taken out, Jr. can transform into Miranda and Dr. Cornwall will come with us willingly.”

  I didn’t know if I had the capability to compel him through the phone, so I decided to give it a try. “You will stall Moe. He is to leave Miranda alone.” I commanded him.

  There was a pause before he stated. “I’ll leave Miranda alone.”

  “Forget this conversation,” I compelled him further.

  My phone beeped indicating that he had hung up on me. I looked over at Noah. “That was Lorenzo. They plan on taking Miranda out so she drops her cloak. Then the other two will be posing as Miranda and take Dr. Cornwall and the boy.”

  My stomach clenched and my heart raced. I didn’t know if my compulsion had worked or if the attack will soon occur.

  “Who did you text?” I asked Noah as I picked up my phone.

  “It was Jace,” he informed me.

  I dialed Remy. “Hey Blake, we’re on our way,” he said after the first ring.

  “They want Dr. Cornwall and the boy,” I stated without preamble. “We need to send a larger team out to them.”

  “Copy that,” Remy said, and right as I was about to hang up, Remy quickly added, “We already told Noah to stand down. Try not to engage the subjects. We don’t want to spook them off. There’s no telling if she’ll disappear again.”

  I peered around the pillar and could clearly see Lorenzo and someone I can only assume was Moe advancing on the top floor from two separate stairs. “We might have to. They’re here.” I hung up on him before he could protest.

  I glared at both of the men advancing on Miranda and her companion. Note to self: compelling people through the phone wasn’t among things I could do.

  Stop, I compelled both of the figures. They both simultaneously stopped in their positions. One was approximately ten feet away from them and the other twenty. Go get a drink. Don’t stop until you get kicked out. I continued.

  They both walked over to the bar and took seats, waiting patiently for one of the busy bartenders to get to them.

  I breathed a sigh of relief before I tried to return behind the pillar. From a distance, my eyes met Miranda’s. She had a look of disbelief on her face before she looked over at her companion.

  I’m not here. I was only your imagination, I informed them.

  Her companion looked my way and then whispered something in her ear. She shook her head, put her hand on her head, and laughed.

  I sighed out in relief as I slid back behind Noah. My palms felt sweaty from my nerves. I felt sick to my stomach. I never imagined meeting this woman, and now she was a little over a hundred feet away from me.

  “They’re here,” Noah stated as he looked over his shoulder.

  I had to catch my breath as my other five guys came advancing towards us. Jace was dressed in grey slacks, shiny black shoes, and a baby blue button-down shirt. Remy was dressed in black slacks, black shoes, and a charcoal grey button-down shirt that fit snug on his thick muscles. Troy was dressed in black slacks, black shoes, and a snow-white shirt. Additional buttons were undone so I could see a silver cross hung about his neck, his sleeves slightly rolled up revealing an expensive silver watch on one hand and a thick silver bracelet on the other. Drake was advancing towards us sans glasses. He had on light grey slacks and a powder blue v-neck sweater with a white dress shirt beneath that. Jaxson took a dressy-casual look in dark jeans, brown and tan loafers, and a mint green top.

  I noticed several girls checking them out and watching them hungrily. I smiled, knowing they were coming home with me. They made their way to my side, and I could see the looks of appreciation in their eyes as they looked at me in my outfit, minus the leather jacket.

  “She’s up there,” I indicated the balcony and froze. She was no longer there.

  “We need to cover all the exits before she realizes we’re here,” Jace spoke telepathically. “Blake and I will go to the fire escape. Noah and Remy, go cover the front. Drake and Troy, go to the kitchen exit. Jax, can you handle the alley exit?”

  Jax nodded, and we immediately began to weave our way to our respective spots. I could feel Jace’s warm hand on the small of my back. I continued to look wildly around, hoping maybe they went to the bar or restroom. We climbed the stairs, and I was impressed that they had gotten the blue prints to the club. Impressed but not surprised. That was something Jace or Drake would have done the minute they found out she was here.

  I thought I saw a flash of her gold dress and her golden heals exiting the fire escape. “Stop!” I commanded loudly in my head. “Both of you!” I added quickly.

  I tried to hurry without looking too suspicious. Jace ducked out the window first, then turned to give me his hand. From his unhurried actions, I had a feeling they were exactly where I told them to be. I unfolded my body slowly from my crouched position and looked coolly onto the woman that had given birth to me then abandoned us all.

  The man with her was just as tall as Jace and considerably older than her. Miranda should be thirty-five years old, and her companion looked like he was in his late forties early fifties. He was still attractive, with his russet colored hair liberally laced with gray, his ruddy skin and deep laugh lines around his blue eyes. He wasn’t laughing now.

  “She won’t tell you where they’re are,” he said between clenched teeth.

  Jace seemed frozen by my side. “Greg?” he asked in a confused whisper.

  It took me a second to realize who Greg was. He had been partners with Horatio and Will long ago. He was also supposed to be dead.

  Greg’s eyes narrowed on Jace for a moment before they widened. “Jace?” he asked quietly in surprise.

  Jace nodded curtly. “You died. I went to your funeral.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted in a rueful smile. “So, swi
tched sides, have you? Like your mother.”

  Jace shook his head just as Jaxson, Drake, and Troy came running into the alley. “We gotta leave!” Troy insisted as he stopped at the bottom of the ladder. “They called in back up. There’s at least twelve of them.”

  “Come with us,” I commanded them, not bothering to speak silently. I could feel both of them trying to resist me. Greg turned to glare at me before his jaw dropped and he looked between Miranda and me. His attention had been solely on Jace up until this point but even with my hair straightened there was no mistaking that we resembled each other… a lot.

  “Amanda?” he asked mystified.

  “It’s Blake now, we have no time. Go!” I snapped.

  It was hard scrambling down the fire escape in my stiletto boots and skin-tight shorts. I was thankful to have Jace bracing my body with his. He grabbed my hand and started running in the opposite direction.

  “We’re parked over here,” Jace stated in a clipped tone.

  “Grab the jeep and meet us back at the cabin,” I heard Troy say insistently into his phone.

  Jace already had the Tahoe started with his remote-start by the time we neared the vehicle.

  “We’re not telling you anything. You’re wasting your time,” Miranda insisted as she warily looked at me.

  I went to reach for the door and shove her in when my hands felt like I was stung by the biggest wasp imaginable. I hissed out in alarm and noticed what appeared to be a dart protruding from my skin. I pulled it out and looked around wildly. I saw a group of men advancing towards us.

  “Get in!” I yelled just as another dart pierced my shoulder. My hand was already swelling the size of a softball.

  I stumbled in after Miranda and Greg. Jace was already in the driver’s seat, ready to leave.

  Jaxson! I cried out desperately in my head, afraid to distract Jace.

  My vision was beginning to blur, and I was finding it increasingly hard to breathe. He looked over at me and his eyes widened.

  “We need to get to Noah,” Jaxson clipped out into his phone. “Now!”

  “No sign of pursuit right now. Pull off on that access road,” Troy stated as he looked back at me. He undid his seat belt and crawled into the back with me.


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