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Sexy in the City

Page 96

by Alexia Adams, Galen Rose, Samantha Anne, Carolann Camillo, Nicole Flockton, Iris Leach, Olivia Logan, Nancy Loyan, Stephanie Cage (epub)

  A knock on the door had them springing apart. Their breathing was harsh and coming in short bursts.

  “That’s probably Phoebe. I need to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  He nodded and she touched his face before walking out the door.

  • • •

  “You need to tell me everything and I mean everything, Soph.” Phoebe shook her head as she sat. “I can’t believe I didn’t know.”

  She and Phoebe had taken a walk to the park just down the road from the hospital. They hadn’t said a word to each other, both knowing they needed to be totally focused on one another before any questions could be asked.

  “It’s been so hard, Phoebs, so much has happened I don’t know where to start.”

  “The beginning is always good place to start. I bet it all started New Year’s Eve, didn’t it? You guys have been together since then? I can’t believe you were able to keep that from me!”

  “Yes and no, in answer to your question about it all starting on New Year’s Eve.” Sophie took a breath. “Oh man, this is so … I don’t know. It’s been like a dream, a nightmare, and then a dream again.”

  “Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Sophie didn’t know why it was so hard to tell her friend what had gone on between her and Alex. There would be no easy way to say it other than just blurting it out.

  Here goes.

  “Alex and I slept together New Year’s Eve.”

  “What! And you didn’t tell me when we were away? How did you manage to keep it all from me? More to the point, how come I didn’t notice something so big had happened to you?”

  “Well, you were so preoccupied with John and it was a precious memory that I didn’t want to spoil by sharing.” At Phoebe’s affronted look she continued, “Even with you. It was special, magical, and so unbelievable it almost felt dreamlike and,” she shrugged her shoulders, “it was all mine and mine alone.”

  Phoebe nodded as if she understood. “Now I know why you looked shell-shocked when it was announced he was our new director?”

  “I had no idea. I couldn’t believe it when he walked into the resus room that day. My fantasy lover came to life. And when it was revealed who he was exactly, I couldn’t fathom the fact we would be working so closely together. It was all too much.”

  “So have you slept together since New Year’s Eve?”

  “No, we’ve only really started to explore a relationship in the last few days, but I know in my heart he’s the one.”

  “Are you trying to tell me that you love him?”

  Sophie let the thought float around in her mind. She touched her stomach and connected to the new life that was growing inside her.

  Yes, she loved Alex with her whole heart. And she loved their child, too.

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you, Phoebs. I love him and now I’m going to have his baby.”

  “Do you have any idea how or what Alex feels for you?”

  This was where things got a bit blurry in Sophie’s mind. She still had no idea exactly where she stood with Alex. Maybe it would be best to find out exactly where that was before she blurted out the news she was pregnant.

  “No, I don’t, but he’s coming over for dinner tonight. I won’t tell him I’m pregnant until I know exactly how he feels. I don’t want him to feel obligated to marry me or anything.”

  At that moment Phoebe’s cell phone rang, the sound of it scaring the birds in the nearby trees. They squawked their annoyance at their peace being shattered.

  “Oh man, its John, I forgot I was going to meet him. I’ll cancel.”

  Sophie shook her head. “No, Phoebe, it’s okay. Go and meet John. You know everything now. The next step is to find out how Alex feels about me.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to fob you off again. Goodness knows I’ve done it to you enough times recently. If I hadn’t, I might have noticed what was happening with you.”

  Sophie laughed. “You’re not my mother. It’s not your job to know exactly what is going on with me.” She pointed to the phone Phoebe held in her hand. “Call him back and go meet him. I need to get home anyway and organize dinner.”

  “Fine, but I expect you tell me everything tomorrow morning.” Phoebe stood and gave Sophie a quick hug. “Whatever the outcome, know that I’m here for you and I always will be.”

  “Thanks, Phoebs, and I know that. Go have fun with John.”

  Sophie watched Phoebe’s retreating back, glad she’d been able to share her burden with her best friend. At least she knew she would always have someone on her side.

  She sat for a few more minutes, hands sitting protectively over her stomach. A new life was growing inside of her. She couldn’t wait to meet him or her.

  When she got home, she put on a disc of her favorite music and then slipped into the shower. She pulled out a pretty sundress and quickly dressed. She applied a minimal amount of makeup and was soon ready to prepare a meal for her and Alex.

  Sophie was just making her way into the kitchen when the doorbell rang. A quick look at the clock told her there was still thirty minutes before Alex was due to arrive.

  Looking through the peephole she got a shock to see Alex standing on the other side of the door. Her stomach fluttered from a mixture of nerves and excitement. She really wanted to blurt out the news to Alex, but she had to find out how he felt about her.

  She could see his hand rising to press the doorbell again so she quickly opened the door.

  “Hi, you’re early.” Her voice sounded breathless even to her own ears.

  “I couldn’t wait any longer, I had to see you.”

  • • •

  Alex strode into Sophie’s apartment. Her scent wafted toward him and he breathed deeply, taking in the frangipani smell, and wondered if it was from her shampoo, soap, or skin lotion. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  Ever since the kiss they’d shared in their office, the first kiss Sophie had initiated, he had been waiting and waiting and waiting to taste and hold her again.

  She glowed and her hand fluttered to her throat. “Well, here I am, but I have to confess, I haven’t started on dinner.”

  Alex pulled her closer and buried his nose in her soft hair, the tendrils tickling his face. The scent of frangipani was so much stronger; he had his answer — it was her shampoo that smelled so delicious.

  “I don’t care about dinner. All I want to taste is you.”

  Alex found her lips with his. She was wearing strawberry gloss and the taste of it burst out on his lips. Her mouth opened beneath his and he slipped his tongue in, running it along her teeth.

  He didn’t want to wait any longer. He pulled his mouth away from hers. “Tell me you want this, Sophie. Tell me you don’t want to wait a second longer. Tell me to make love to you.”

  “Yes, yes, yes, Alex. I want it all, too. Make love to me. I need you.”

  He didn’t need any more encouragement — he bent and hooked his arm under her legs and lifted her. She felt light and boneless in his arms.

  Alex’s grip on her almost faltered as she buried her face in his neck and started to nibble softly.

  Somehow he made it to her bedroom without any mishap and laid her gently on the bed. He stood up and started to unbutton his shirt.

  Sophie lay with her hair mussed and the skirt of her sundress scrunched up, revealing long, luscious legs.

  “You are more beautiful today than you were when I first saw you,” he rasped out hoarsely.

  He disposed of all his clothes and lay down beside her, running his hand down the length of her silky leg.

  “You take my breath away,” he said as he once again took her lips.

  He would never get enough of her. He found the zipper at the side of her dress and lowered i
t. The metallic sound as it slid down to expose her porcelain skin filled the room.

  Memories of their first time together flooded his mind. He’d never thought he would experience making love to her again. He was going to savor every touch, every taste, and every sigh she made.

  Alex shimmied the dress down and quickly took care of her underwear. His hands reached out and caressed her breasts, massaging their fullness.

  “Oh, Alex, this feels so good.”

  “Trust me, it’s going to feel even better soon.”

  His heart stuttered as her hand reached up and stroked his cheek, her eyes smoky and full of an emotion he wanted to believe in — but knew it was too soon for her to feel it.

  He closed the distance and led them on a journey more potent.

  • • •

  Through the open blinds, Alex watched the fingers of dawn inch its way across the sky. As Sophie slept, he knew he would never tire of the feel of her in his arms.

  They hadn’t moved from the bed all night. They’d called downstairs and got some food delivered up, a perk for residents only.

  It was a magical night, even better than their first time together.

  He stroked her soft satiny hair; he’d done a lot of thinking while he was waiting for her to wake.

  He was going to marry her.

  She had given him the hope that there could be a future for him. A future that he had initially thought would be impossible after Amanda. But now, with Sophie, perhaps he could have it all. A wife and children and a home.

  She stirred in his arms and her eyes flickered open. They took a moment to focus and when they did, she smiled up at him.

  “Morning, handsome.” Her sleepy tone had him hardening instantly.

  “Morning.” He leaned down and gave her small kiss.

  He groaned as she pulled away. “I need to use the bathroom.” She put a finger to his lips. “Hold that thought.”

  As Sophie sat up, he saw the color leech slowly from her face; sweat broke out on her brow. She gripped her stomach and then her eyes widened. “Oh no.”

  She leapt from the bed and ran to the bathroom. He followed quickly and by the time he got there, she was already hugging the toilet bowl.

  As he rubbed her back, things clicked over in his mind. The nausea, the fainting, the smell of coffee. All classic symptoms of pregnancy.

  Sophie was pregnant.

  Joy swept through him at the prospect of seeing her body swell with his child. A blue-eyed, blonde-haired little girl, the exact replica of her mother.

  Then an unbidden thought entered his mind and words spoken to him not that long ago in anger came back to haunt him.

  Trust me, Scavoni, when I say don’t believe everything she says. She manipulates the situation so she comes out on top.

  He’d thought the words had been spoken in anger and jealousy, but now doubts crept in. Demons he couldn’t hold at bay clamored to be heard, listened to, and believed.

  Was Sophie pregnant with his child or was it Buchanan’s?

  Suddenly everything they’d shared on New Year’s Eve turned sour. Had she known then? Is that why she was so eager to jump into bed with him? Did he seem to be a better prospect than Buchanan?

  Now he felt sick.

  When her bout of nausea was over, he retrieved a face cloth, wet it, and wiped it softly over her face. He then led her gently back to the bed, the actions belying the turmoil that was festering through him, itching to break the surface.

  She sank down gratefully, closing her eyes, but he noticed the way her hand rested on her stomach.

  “When were you going to mention it?” he asked.

  • • •

  As she looked up at Alex, Sophie’s stomach lurched again and she took some quick, deep breaths. Her tongue crept out and licked her tinder dry lips.

  His tone, his stance, his words, all told her something was wrong, very wrong.

  “Mention what?” She cringed at the words — was she trying to cause a fight? She knew exactly what he was talking about. He was a doctor, he could connect all the dots. Her vomiting when she smelled coffee and now doing the same thing the moment she woke up. Alex knew she was pregnant. This wasn’t how she planned to tell him.

  “I think you know exactly what I mean. How much longer was it going to be before you palmed another man’s baby off as mine?”

  Sophie struggled to sit up; her mind was still hazy from sleep and her bout of sickness. “What?”

  “You heard me. Did you think that it would work? That I would believe this child was mine when in fact it’s Buchanan’s?”

  He thought the baby was Neil’s. A gurgle of hysteria swept through her. If only he knew that she and Neil hadn’t slept together for months before they’d broken up.

  “You think our baby is Neil’s?”

  “Don’t you call it our baby. You were engaged to Neil just two weeks before we met — of course the baby is Neil’s.”

  Anger was beginning to take hold of her. She gripped the sheet, scrunching it up.

  How could he stand there and accuse her of such a hideous thing? After everything they’d shared, surely he knew her better than to think she would lie about something as important as a pregnancy.

  “Ever heard of a paternity test, Alex? You’re a doctor — all it takes is a little blood sample to be extracted at the time of birth and, voila, all will be revealed. Or alternatively, if you can’t wait that long, then an amnio can be arranged.”

  “If you’re going to persist with naming me as the father I will be demanding a paternity test.”

  He started dressing, his movements jerky, and Sophie knew when he walked out that door he wouldn’t be coming back.

  All the fight left her like air gushing out of an air mattress when the valve had been pulled out. She couldn’t believe she could be so disappointed and let down by two men in the space of a few months.

  She wished now she’d never opened herself or her heart to Alex. With just a few words, he’d ripped it out and slashed it into a million pieces with a scalpel.

  “Aren’t you even going to discuss the possibility I’m telling the truth, Alex?”

  “If I stay here any longer I’m going to say things that will make it impossible for us to even work together.”

  “Running away isn’t going to help.” She used the same words he had uttered to her only a few weeks ago. “There are going to be plenty of times in the next few weeks when I’m going to have episodes like now. And then I’m going to start showing. What are you going to do then? Still deny it?”

  “Won’t everyone assume its Neil’s? No one knows that we’ve even been together.”

  Sophie recoiled as if she’d been slapped. She had never known Alex to be so cruel. Had she ever really known him?

  “I think you should go,” she whispered while trying to keep the tears at bay.

  “Why? I thought you wanted to discuss this,” he spat out.

  “What would be the point? Just go, Alex, and don’t bother coming back. I’m taking a sick day, tell admin whatever you want. Make sure you lock the door on the way out.”

  She rose from the bed and even though she was naked, she kept her back ramrod straight and strode into the bathroom.

  Sophie turned the dials on and stepped under the water, uncaring that it was cold. She just wanted to let the tears fall. With the water pouring down her back she let the tears trickle endlessly down her cheeks.

  “It’s okay, baby.” She patted her stomach. “I love you and we’ll be fine. And I love your daddy, even if he doesn’t love me.”

  • • •

  “Are you completely blind and stupid, Alex?” Phoebe demanded of him.

  They were alone in his office. He had been trying to concentrate, bu
t all he could think about was the look in Sophie’s eyes after their argument. It had been haunting his every waking hour and his dreams since he’d walked out of the apartment three days ago. They had been the hardest, longest three days of his life.

  He had snapped at everyone — even the toughest of residents now dreaded seeing him walk into a cubicle. He had never treated his staff badly. He was spending more time out of the office because he didn’t want to be around Sophie. The staff knew something was up between them. How could they not know when he and Sophie did everything they could to avoid being in their office at the same time? Right this minute she was doing some paperwork at the ER desk. He needed to sort his feelings out, deal with the outcome, and move on.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Phoebe.” He wasn’t ready to face it just yet, especially not with Sophie’s best friend.

  “I think you do and I can’t believe you would think so little of Sophie.”

  He scraped a hand along his face. His eyes were gritty from lack of sleep and his face was scratchy because he hadn’t shaved this morning. “I was warned about her, both professionally and personally.”

  “By who?” Alex saw the moment it clicked in Phoebe’s mind who had spoken to him. “You are even more stupid than I thought, if you believe anything that comes out of that bastard Neil Buchanan’s mouth.”

  He mentally stepped back as Phoebe moved up to his desk and pounded the shiny surface. “He was the one that cheated on Sophie. He and Sophie hadn’t been sleeping together for months. I know and trust my friend and I know Sophie wouldn’t try to palm off one man’s child to another man.”

  Alex could see Phoebe was on her soapbox and he didn’t even try to stop her.

  “I’m just surprised you could be so dense as to believe the words of a man whose sole purpose of sleeping with Sophie wasn’t to love and cherish her, but to climb up the social ladder. She and your baby don’t deserve you, Alex. I hope you enjoy your lonely existence while Sophie and your child have a beautiful life together.”


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