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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 16

by Karen Deen

  “Oh my god. What the…” She looks at me dumbfounded. “Hot, white tank top, it was you.” She just sits there for a moment and then blurts out, “Damn Hannah and her universe crap.” Collecting her bag at her feet, she looks ready to run again.

  Oh no you don’t, little one.

  This running stops right now.

  This is all too much. For the last few weeks, this woman has been turning up in my life. What is going on? I just don’t understand one little bit. Maybe that’s the point. We aren’t supposed to understand.

  I place my hand on her arm before she bolts from my car.

  “I think I’m beginning to like this universe. Tilly, you can’t deny there has to be a reason we keep running into each other. Otherwise it’s just super random and weird.”

  “Hannah told me as much as I fight it, the universe has other ideas.”

  “Is that a bad thing?” Please say no, Tilly.

  She just looks at me for a moment and then drops her face with her insecurity. My heart skips a beat until she shakes her head side to side a little to tell me no.

  Thank god.

  “I know you want to run, but at least let me walk you to your door, please.” I lift her chin making her look me in the eyes. “We take this as friends and see what happens from there, no pressure.”

  “Okay,” she quietly whispers and then starts to open her door. As I make it around to her side of the car, she’s already pacing towards the door of the apartment building. She might have agreed for the escort to the door, but she is still running.

  We don’t talk as we enter the building or the elevator. When we reach her floor, she just exits, and I follow like an obedient puppy. It’s late so all is quiet or just a low hum of the television as we pass doors. Finally, she stops in front of what I’m guessing is hers.

  She turns to look at me after retrieving her keys from her bag.

  “This is me. You aren’t going to stalk me, are you?” I can see her attempt at humor is trying to take away her nerves and break the tension.

  “Only if you want me to, Tilly. It won’t be stalking, though. It will be so much more than that. Open the door and I’ll leave you to head inside like I promised.” As hard as that will be. The key turns in the lock and she steps in one foot and hesitates. I can see she’s thinking. Slowly she turns to say goodbye.

  “Goodnight, Tilly.” I lean forward slowly to kiss her cheek.

  As I get closer, though, she turns and kisses me squarely on the lips.

  The shock of her taking the leap has it being a quick peck.

  She steps back and I follow her into her apartment.

  No way can I leave it at that.

  I pull her head back and give her a kiss that will leave her wet long after I’ve left. She moans into my mouth.

  Fuck, she is killing me.

  I’m torn, I promised I would not take the night too far, yet she’s giving me all the signals she wants me to stay. As we break apart, I lean my forehead down on hers and she wraps her arms around me. We stand there for a moment until her hand moves and I hear the door quietly closing behind me.

  I’m still unsure how far I should be going so I continue to test the waters.

  “I can’t do this, Gray. You’re a client” she whispers as I trail kisses down her throat. I place both my hands on her face and have her complete attention.

  “Yes, and I’m a doctor and a man and I was fucking you before I was a client, so tell me why I need to stop, because I’m at my breaking point. I want you bad. You have turned my world upside down, and I need more. I need to feel you again. All over. Every part of you. I want to kiss you, taste you, and I want to cuddle with you until the sun rises. No need to run this time. Don’t you want that too?”

  “God yes, Gray. All of it. I just…” I don’t give her the chance to say another word. My mouth lands hard on hers and devours the lips that have been taunting me all night. It doesn’t take long and her body is pressing hard against mine and she’s kissing me, as urgently as I’m wanting her.

  She pulls away, murmuring to me.

  “Just once more.” Like she thinks she’s not already mine.

  “In your dreams if you think that. Once will never be enough. Tomorrow you’ll be lucky to walk.” She giggles a little and kicks off her shoes. Then standing on her tippy-toes, she starts to push off my jacket. For someone who is hesitant, she’s leading this show. I’m happy to let her take this first part, but when it comes to the real action, that’s when I want the control of her pleasure. A gentleman never comes first, and if he does, he better be making it up to his lady tenfold.


  I should be stopping, I try, albeit not very hard.

  There is just this magnetic pull, and every time he’s near I can’t think clearly.

  It’s just a raw need to get naked. Enjoy every part of him and let him take me to another place full of pleasure.

  That one night was enough to know I want more. As much as I try, I have absolutely no restraint.

  “I knew you’d come around to my way of thinking,” he whispers as he nibbles on my ear while I’m undoing his buttons. He makes it hard to concentrate on the job at hand. My knees go weak and my body is screaming for his touch in all sorts of places.

  My legs barely working, I’m stepping back so I can see his abs, and he grins down at me as I run my hands over him. The hussy in me wants to lick every part of him. Oh god, what is he doing to me? I’m never like this with men. Yet Gray, holy shit, he makes me want to be all sorts of naughty and have him spank me for it.

  His finger runs down my jaw as he tilts my head up.

  “What are you thinking? Your face is telling a story, and I think it’s one I might be interested in.” His hand slowly slips down my arm and up again.

  “Thoughts that I have never entertained, before you,” I whisper, not wanting to tell him yet needing him to hear me loud and clear. His groan tells me which it is. Before I can even take a breath, he is on me.

  Drawing my body to him.

  Tilting my head to the perfect angle for him to kiss me with so much passion, I think I may have set off the beast.

  So much for me taking my time and savoring his body. He’s already unzipping my dress, and I feel it falling off my shoulders while he’s still continuing to kiss me. I fumble with his belt wanting him naked as quickly as he’s stripping me.

  What is it about this man? For the love of god, I just want to be fucked within an inch of my life, and it can’t happen quick enough.

  Leaning down I grab his wallet that has fallen on the floor. “This better have the right sized condom in it this time.” I giggle while he just takes it from my hands and pulls out what we need. I drag him to my bedroom leaving our clothes strewn all over the living room floor. We make it to the bed, and I push him backwards. He falls heavily. Well, he is a large muscly man, after all.

  I didn’t get to explore much last time, so I want to feel and taste it all. Gray looks up at me with a wicked smile.

  “Like what you’re seeing, little one?” His voice is lower now and I can tell he’s holding back from taking me. He is indulging my fantasy.

  “Very much so.” I start crawling up his body to take his boxer briefs. Dragging them down over his cock, it slowly comes into view. I hope the moan I just made was inside my head, but by the look from Gray I know it wasn’t.

  My hands slide back up the insides of his legs as I’m sitting on my knees between them. He lies back taking in the view, with his hands up under his head. The ultimate position. I wish I could capture it in a photo. His abs tense and that set of V muscles that lead down to his cock stand strong. They are like arrows to the promised land. My hands run over every inch of his chest. The little bit of hair, that makes him feel rugged, tingles the tips of my fingers. Looking up, I see his jaw clenching. He’s hanging on by a thread. Time to give him a little show too.

  I very slowly place my hand around his throbbing cock and slide it up and dow
n a few times. Bringing out the little soft groans from him. On the next up slide, I keep my hands going up to around my back and release my bra. It is not as sexy as the first night, but his eyes tell me it has the desired effect. Pushing the straps down my arms, the satin bra falls forward and on to his hardened cock. His eyes are starting to roll a little, and I’m not sure how much more he can take. I place my hand over the satin and drag it up his shaft. His hands are moving to grasp my hips.


  “Tilly,” he moans almost like a guttural growl. I want to push him over the edge, and I know just how.

  “Mmm,” I let out as I lean forward and take him in my mouth as deep as I can.

  “Fuck! Tilly, you need to stop.” I shake my head, but on the third time I’m sliding him out, his hands grab my head and drag me up towards his face.

  The way he starts to kiss me, it’s like he’s never going to see me again. His hands roam all over my back and ass as I lie completely flat on top of him. He grabs my ass cheeks and squeezes them to push me hard down on him. The heat in the kiss has me now grinding against him.

  It happens so quickly. Gray flips us so he’s on top of me and I’m pinned to the bed. My heart races and my body is throbbing. I want him to touch me. I also want him to take me and give it to me with all he has built up. We are both wired and ready to let go. He pulls back onto his knees and rips my panties off me. He freezes for a moment, just taking in everything he’s seeing. I can’t breathe just watching him. He leans over to grab the condom and slowly rolls it on like even his touch on his cock is nearly pushing him over the edge.

  Both his hands move forward to show my breasts attention as his mouth lowers down and he takes the first swipe through my folds with his tongue. It’s slow and deep, ending up with him sucking my nub until I explode and cry out. I can’t hold it any longer. Riding the high, I feel him enter me with one deep thrust.

  Wrapping my legs around him, Gray lets go of all the pent-up sexual tension I had built every time I looked at him and touched him. I feel like he’s giving me more than his body. This feels like so much more. I can’t think or talk. My breathing is heavy, the moans are broken, with the occasional oh god that I can manage to scream in between gasping for the air my body is craving.

  “Can’t hold on much more. Come with me, little one,” Gray gets out through his gritted teeth as he continues to hold on and not come before I do. That thought is enough that it pushes me over the edge once again. I can feel him let go too. Those last pulses inside me make me shudder as he pushes as deep as he can go, creating pleasure for us both.

  His weight on his elbows so he’s not crushing me, his head drops to my chest. I can hear him catching his breath as I take my hands and run them through his hair. Still connected, I feel the closeness like I never have before. Gently he slides out and rolls to the side, leaning down and kissing me softly and tenderly. Not like before, where it was frantic, hot and demanding. This is trying to tell me how that felt. The emotion and connection we both felt.

  It’s crazy when we’ve only known each other a few weeks. Yet it’s like our bodies know each other from another lifetime.

  “Let me clean you up, beautiful.” He softly speaks to me as he rises from the bed, walking towards my en suite. Not closing the door, I watch him in all his glory dispose of the condom and grab a cloth, running it under the warm water for me. Why does he have to be so perfect?

  I lie back like a princess while he wipes me over. No guy has ever taken such care of me. When he returns, he climbs straight onto the bed, grabbing the blanket at the end of the bed and pulling it up. He then places his arm around me and draws me so close I end up lying half on his body while he cuddles me. Not that I’m complaining one bit.

  I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but the way I feel right now is something I’m not used to.

  It’s confusing yet calming.

  It came from nowhere, and I don’t know what to do with it.

  This is why I have avoided anything serious. I don’t have time for these thoughts of confusion in my crazy world. Yet I know I’m not going to able to keep running, nor will Gray let me.

  “What’s wrong, baby? I can hear your breathing getting faster,” Gray mumbles as if he’s already half asleep. His hand is rubbing me so softly on my back which is like a lullaby to a baby in trying to calm me down.

  “Gray, I don’t know what’s happening. What is this between us?” I lean up on his chest to look at him.

  “Beautiful, don’t overthink this. It’s whatever we want it to be. Friends, lovers, partners, husband and wife, there are options.” He starts laughing at the panic he must be able to see on my face.

  “I’m joking. Just relax. Why don’t we just keep being friends and date a little bit to see if you can cope with me. I know I’m a lot to take on, my personality, my life, my career. Oh, and god forbid my family and friends. Once you assess all that, you’ll likely kick me to the curb anyway.” His other hand is now holding my face and stroking my cheek.

  “I wasn’t looking for anything like this. I just feel like I’m at the top of a roller coaster after going through a few of the ups and downs and getting close to the top of the big dipper that launches into the corkscrews. I know I’m crazy, but I’m used to complete order in my life. You…” I pause, waving my hands up and down over his body, then lean and kiss his lips lightly.

  “You are the total unknown that happens in an event. It has me scrambling trying to work out how to manage it. Keeping the world calm around it.”

  “Yes, but you always work it out, don’t you? It never derails the event, does it? Everything still turns out perfectly.”

  Looking him in the eyes, I realize he has a point.

  Why am I trying so hard to fight this? Instead of just letting it take its course, whatever that may be.

  I know exactly why.


  No one wants their heart broken. I had it once and never want to feel that again. It hurts too much.

  Pulling my head to him, Grayson kisses me again, trying to make me understand what he’s feeling, making me realize how serious he is about this.

  “Just try, Tilly. Can we just try to date? You must admit it’s been pretty great so far. Well, apart from a few verbal spars, but hey, this make-up sex was so worth it.” That cheeky grin sucks me in again. Every damn time.

  “I can’t believe I’m even saying this.” It’s like he’s holding his breath. “Let’s take it slow. Especially until after the foundation launch event. We need to separate business and pleasure.”

  Within seconds, Grayson is cheering like a schoolboy.

  “Shh, you’ll wake the neighbors.” I smack him on the chest.

  “Now that is where you are wrong, little one. Me making pleasure my business is what is going to wake your neighbors, and they better get used to it.” As he grabs me, I know that speech about going slow has gone out the window as soon as I said it.

  Holding me tightly, Grayson lets me know exactly what is happening between us. To be honest, on the inside I’m screaming like a schoolgirl too, as he says the words out loud.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  The rest of the night is hot, heavy, and a whole lot of burning love.

  Chapter Twelve


  Mmmm. Stretching my arms above my head, legs out straight, I can feel every muscle in my body. In a good way. So good that I feel like a bad little girl. Thirty-two years old and I feel like a nineteen-year-old after a wild night out. I start to giggle a little because the honest thing is, I wouldn’t know what that was like. I’ve always been on the conservative side.

  Until now.

  Since a certain hunky doctor showed up.

  I roll over, realizing I’m alone in bed.

  Where is he? A moment of panic that he’s left runs through me until I see his clothes folded on my chair beside my bed and my dress from yesterday lying over the ottoman.

  My anxious feeling start
s to settle down when I hear faint noises coming from the kitchen and the smell of coffee is starting to call my brain awake.

  Sliding out from under the warm blankets, I start to pull my robe off the hook and head to the bathroom to make myself presentable.

  Just sitting down on the toilet, I hear the banging on the front door. I’d know that rhythm anywhere.

  Fuck! Daisy’s here.

  Jumping up and trying to pull myself together, I run only to make it to the living room as my little buddy is already standing inside the door. Hands on hips staring up at a giant towering over her, shirtless and with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looks slightly confused as he gets a lecture from her about answering the door without all his clothes on. I want to laugh, but I know this is going to be a challenge to sort out first.

  “Daisy, what are you doing here so early on a school day?” I walk into the room and catch Gray’s eyes that are reading, please help me.

  “Tilly.” She runs towards me and takes a leap into my arms. “Who’s he?” She points with aggression to Grayson who is still looking a little confused.

  “He’s…” I hesitate, trying to think how to explain this. Before I can continue, the hot guy in the towel with the big ego beats me to it.

  “I’m her boyfriend, Gray, pleased to meet you.” I glare at him as he walks towards us with his hand outstretched to Daisy. All her confidence is gone, and she’s burrowing her head into my neck as he gets closer. Not sure he’s picking up the daggers I’m throwing his direction yet.

  “Sweetheart, this is my friend.”

  “Boyfriend,” his determined voice jumps in again, this time glaring at me. I get a flashback to last night, the words ‘you are mine’ feeling so good as he claimed me.

  “This is my boyfriend Grayson, but you can call him Gray. Now he is going to go and put some clothes on before he catches a cold, isn’t that right, Dr. Gray?” He’s smiling now, having won the silent argument between us.


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