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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 25

by Karen Deen

  “What about the fourth box?” she whispers.

  “It can wait for the next round. Right now, I just want to make love to the woman who has taken my heart.” Crawling up the bed over the top of her, our mouths lock again and the fireworks ignite.

  “I just need to suit up.” I lean to the side of the bed to reach my drawers, but Tilly is trying to stop me.

  “You know I’m clean, I trust you. Make this the perfect end to the perfect date.” I know that this woman is it for me, there will never be another. Tonight, she is giving herself to me and I already know, I’m never letting her go.

  “My little one, I will never take this for granted. It will only ever be you tonight and always.”

  As we join for the first time with not a physical or spiritual barrier between us, our fate is sealed. I’m hers and she is mine. Just like it’s written in the stars.

  “We really should have showered this chocolate off,” Tilly mumbles as she starts to wake up. She’s lying on my chest which is still covered in smears of sticky chocolate residue from last night’s shenanigans with the contents of the last box.

  “Nah, that would have taken the fun out it. Plus, it gives me an excuse to clean you up this morning before I make you dirty again.” I’m not sure either of us have the energy after last night, but I’m happy to try.

  “You are a sex maniac, you know that?” Tilly leans up and rests her chin on my chest looking up at me.

  “Morning, beautiful.” I drag her up my body to kiss her. “Mmm chocolate for breakfast.”

  “I’m not surprised, the amount you kept rubbing on your cock for me to suck off, there’s bound to be some left on my face. You are a naughty man, Dr. Gray.”

  “Only with you, my girl, only with you. Now let’s shower and clean up. All good things unfortunately come to an end. This work thing is definitely overrated today.”

  “I’m showering, you’re in charge of coffee.” Tilly tries to get up.

  “No way. We are showering together and then if you’re lucky, I’ll make you coffee and breakfast. Actually, let’s start with dessert first.” Tilly jumps up and runs for the shower with me hot on her tail. The sound of her giggle is pure joy.

  That’s all I want to hear, for the rest of my life.

  Tilly in my bed, in my home, happy.

  If I play this right, soon it will be our bed, our home.

  With the shower taking longer than normal, I decide that breakfast will be a little simpler than I was intending. Fruit, yogurt, and pastries. Of course, coffee too, otherwise I might lose Tilly if I don’t provide strong caffeine first thing in the morning. I leave Tilly to shower in peace after I washed her, made her dirty again, and then when I offered the second wash I got booted out.

  I hear the door open and know it will be Bella bringing Memphis home. I had her babysit him last night just in case I ended up at Tilly’s place. Even though we stayed here, it was nice not to have to worry about him getting me up early. I hear his little feet come running across the apartment looking for a pat. I crouch down to say good morning.

  “Dude. Clothes would be great. The visual I just copped from under that towel was not fun,” Bella says as she walks into the kitchen shielding her eyes.

  “Now you know what to aim for in your future man.”

  “Really, for god’s sake, Gray. Why would you even put that thought in my head that I should compare my future man to my brother’s dick? You are such a weirdo sometimes.” I walk towards her and put my arm around her shoulder.

  “You love this weirdo, though.”

  “I would love this weirdo even more if he was clothed.” Bella is trying to get out of my grip when I hear Tilly coming from the bathroom.

  “Hey, big boy, can I finally have the keys to the padlock? I need to get dressed.” As she appears with a towel wrapped around her fresh from the shower. Thank god she wasn’t game enough to come out naked.

  “Oh shit. Sorry.” Bella starts laughing as Tilly, pink-faced, backtracks into the bedroom screaming at me. “Gray! Get your ass in here right now!”

  Hearing her voice, Memphis is off chasing after her to see his girl.

  As I come into the bedroom, she’s crouched down giving him some love and telling him his daddy is in big trouble.

  I just laugh, unlock the bag, and walk into my wardrobe to get dressed so I can properly introduce Bella to my girlfriend.

  “Stop laughing, before I put you on a strict no-dessert-ever diet.” She’s trying to wrestle with her bra and is failing miserably. I walk over to offer my help.

  “No touching, you. Get over there. You are in the doghouse for not warning me. I can’t believe the first time I meet your sister I’m naked in a towel talking about keys and locks. Can you imagine what the hell she is thinking? Gray, seriously, concentrate on me.”

  “Oh baby, but I am, you look so fucking sexy when you’re angry and standing there in stockings, heels and lace underwear. Let me assure you, I am certainly looking at you.” I duck as she throws a pillow at me.

  “For fuck’s sake, Gray. Out now. Go and apologize to your sister for having to see that. No one needs to see me near naked this early in the morning.” I walk over and grab her, pulling her into my body.

  “Matilda, stop stressing. My sister will love you just like I do. This’ll be a story we will laugh about for years.”

  I feel her collapse into me.

  “I just want her to like me, and I’m afraid that wasn’t a very good first impression.”

  “Finish getting dressed and then come out and meet her properly. You will see how it made no difference. Bella is just like me. She’ll think it’s funny. Now hurry up, we both have to leave for work soon and I haven’t fed you yet. Well, let me rephrase that. I haven’t fed you food yet.” I start laughing, walking away as she’s groaning at my joke.

  “Get used to them, Tilly, they will never change.”

  “Great!” is all she yells at me from the room as I leave.

  “Be nice, she’s freaking out in there,” I warn Bella as I grab the coffees off the counter, ready for Tilly to walk out any minute.

  Her face as she walks out tells me how anxious she feels.

  Before she gets to the kitchen, I hand her the coffee. “Here, take a big drink and it’ll help.”

  She smiles, pulls back her shoulders and walks confidently towards Bella. Matilda is in the house now. “Hi, Arabella, I’m Matilda, but my friends call me Tilly. I’m so glad to finally meet you. I’m so sorry about earlier, the whole towel thing. Your brother neglected to tell me you were coming by.” She goes to put her hand out to shake Bella’s hand.

  I couldn’t love my sister more than I do right now.

  “Come here, silly.” She grabs Tilly and hugs her, laughing. “I’m excited to meet the woman who has stolen my brother’s heart, clothes or no clothes.” They both start laughing and the moment is broken. “Plus, anyone who has Grayson threatening me to be nice to you because they have him scared is a goddess in my books. Welcome to the family.” They hug again, and I know everything is going to be perfect.

  Smiling, I walk to hug them both, but Tilly puts up her hand.

  “Nope, you’re still on the shit list.” With that, both girls take a seat at the counter and start chatting, eating all my breakfast, and Bella is more than happy to share all my shit habits with Tilly.

  “Hey, I didn’t invite you here to make me look bad. Remember, Bella, you are Team Gray.”

  She waves her hand at me and smiles.

  “Pfft that boat sailed the moment you flashed your dick at me this morning and told me to compare my next boyfriend to it. Team Tilly all the way, bro.”

  Tilly nearly choked and sprayed her coffee across the counter.

  “You what? Oh Gray, seriously. No wonder your sister wants to kill you at times.”

  “That’s it, I’m on my own now. Not only did Memphis ditch me, now Bella too. That’s some serious power you have, little one. Can you at least leave me
my friends for Team Gray?”

  The girls both laugh together.

  “Take it from me, you don’t want any of those boys anyway. They’re all jerks just like this one.” Bella points at me and takes her last mouthful of coffee. “Try growing up in this city with four big brothers. Hell, I tell you, pure hell.”

  My phone goes and we all stop, knowing what it means.

  Once again, the call of my doctor life cuts a moment short.

  Only this time, it’s a good thing. I have a feeling the girls are just getting started.

  “Go, I’ll get a cab,” Tilly says. I lean down and kiss her, grab my keys and bag that is always ready at the door.

  “Love you.” I blow her a kiss and close the door hearing my sister gasp and blurt out the words “Holy shit.”

  I agree, holy shit is right.

  Holy shit, my life is perfect.


  Chapter Eighteen


  Gray walks out the door, rushing to his hospital call. Bella looks like she’s in shock.

  “Holy shit,” she says as she turns to look at me.

  I can feel the way she’s looking at me. She wants to know more. About me, my life, who I am, and what my intentions are with her brother.

  I don’t blame her. I would be the same with my sister if I ever saw her. It’s a bit hard to be protective from the other side of the world.

  “You’re really it. His special one. I never thought I’d see the day. Dad told me it would happen, but I never believed him. He said when the time is right, each of us will find that person who will make the world stop.” She reaches out and takes my hands, squeezing them.

  “I know it’s quick, and lord knows I tried to slow him down, but I’ve fallen in love with him. His charm is hard to resist, and when he wants something, he doesn’t give up,” I start talking fast to explain. Bella gets the most beautiful smile on her face.

  “Promise you won’t hurt him. I’ve never seen him like this. He has fallen hard. If you don’t feel the same, please tell him now, don’t drag it out. Because looking at him, I doubt he intends to ever let you go.”

  I squeeze her hands back. “Him never letting go is fine by me. Bella, Gray and I are on the same page. I can guarantee I would never have let it get this far if I wasn’t looking for more than a fling. He has my heart and I’m not asking for it back. I gave it willingly.” Now it’s my turn to make another person cry. Bella has tears running down her face.

  “He told me once when we were both drunk talking about Mom. Missing her. That he was never going to commit to any woman, in fear of her leaving him like Mom did. His memory is of the only woman he had given his heart to leaving him and breaking it. He also watched my dad’s heart shatter and never heal. For you to break down every barrier he thought he had, I know you are it for him. But if you walk away, it’ll be the last straw. His heart would never mend again. I know it’s heavy, but I need you to know. He’s not as tough as he seems.”

  My heart has just burst, for the love this woman has for her brother. The short meeting that I had with their father, I can see where they both get their tender side from. I know I would have loved their mother too if she raised children to be this loving.

  “Bella, I promise I won’t hurt him. Thank you for caring so much for him. He is blessed to have a sister like you.”

  She bursts out laughing. “Can you tell him that when he’s complaining I’m being a pain in his ass? Which will be regularly, just warning you. I’m hoping you will be a bonus for me and keep him off my back. I love him, but he needs to remember I’m not ten years old anymore. Team Tilly, remember, so help a sister out.” I already love Gray’s sister. We are going to get along like a house on fire.

  “I have loved meeting you this morning, but I’m really sorry I need to leave for work. I wasn’t expecting to be staying here last night. Even though Grayson obviously was. He had my friend Hannah pack a bag with my work clothes for today and everything I needed. He just forgot my laptop and work bag, so I need to call into home on the way.”

  Bella just grins at me and points to the bag near the front door.

  “What the hell? How in god’s name did he get that here?” I can’t believe he even thought of that.

  “He had me swing past your apartment last night after you left, to pick it up from Hannah. Oh my god, Daisy is the sweetest little girl. She almost wet herself when she saw I had Memphis with me. I ended up staying for a glass of wine with Hannah while she played with Memphis. Daisy is cute and your friend Hannah is so funny. We all need to go out for a girls-only night. It would be so much fun.”

  “You think Hannah is wild, wait to you meet Fleur and Deven. Now that would be a crazy night out. We have to do it. Gray might kill me for corrupting you, but he will just have to suck it up. I can’t wait. Let’s organize it for after the foundation function. By the way, is there anything you would like to contribute to the night?” Her face drops a little and all the sparkle leaves.

  “Bella, what’s wrong? What is it about the night that’s worrying you?” She shakes her head and then stands up, trying to show me it’s all good.

  “I need to go so you can get to work. Oh, look at the time, I need to get moving too. I’m so glad to finally meet you. Look after my brother. Thank you for coming into his life.” She leans in and gives me a quick hug and is scurrying towards the door.

  Before I even have time to stop her and say goodbye properly, Bella is gone. I have no idea what the hell is the issue with the foundation function, but I intend to find that one out. Bella doesn’t seem as on board as the others.

  Grabbing all my things, I make sure Memphis is fed and has water. I have cleaned up and locked the door, now finally heading to work. I can imagine the reception I will get from the two class clowns. All I know is I have not had enough sleep to be able to deal with them. However, nothing is going to bring me off my high today.

  Grayson loves me and that’s all that matters.

  It’s that simple really.

  The morning goes as I expected.

  I arrive at the office to Fleur, Deven, Hannah, and Daisy all sitting waiting for me. Hannah figured she may as well come in for the date debrief to save me repeating it twice. There was oohing and aahing, screaming and laughing. Of course, they didn’t get every detail, but it was fun to share my excitement. I had already called my mom from the taxi like I promised I would. She’s already wanting me to bring him home so they can meet him. Normally I would find an excuse to avoid that, but this time I can’t wait to see her and have Grayson meet my family.

  Luckily, we have a function to prepare for so I could cut them off. Otherwise the coffee would have spread into lunch and beyond while they pumped me for information. Deven just keeps telling me to stop smiling so much and then gives me a cheeky grin. Fleur on the other hand just keeps asking about his friends, hounding me for a group date ASAP. Hannah left telling me how jealous she is and to keep enjoying dessert which then triggered the asking for ice cream from Daisy. A normal morning all round, really.

  Heading out of the office, my phone buzzes in my pocket of my pants. I have my hands full so decide to wait until I’m in the taxi to look at it. Fleur is right beside me and we’re juggling a few boxes and bags each that need to go to the function.

  “We really need to buy a van, you know. It would make life easier. It’s not like the budget won’t allow it,” Fleur complains as we’re loading into the taxi.

  “Who’s going to drive it? It’s not like either of us want to do it. I hate city traffic and you’re hopeless in anything bigger than a matchbox car,” I reply while we slide the last of the bags onto the back seat.

  “Well, maybe we need a driver too. Can we make him good-looking, with one of those chauffeur hats? Oh, and no shirt.” She looks back at me from the front seat, while the taxi driver just rolls his eyes.

  “Because that wouldn’t be weird at all, would it.” I remember my phone and grab it from my jack
et pocket.

  GG: Should I be worried what my sister told you after I left?

  Tilly: Depends, what things have you got lurking in the dark?

  GG: Nothing, but I’m sure Bella will make up some.

  Was she okay though, nice to you?

  Tilly: Of course. She is lovely, we got along great.

  GG: Thank goodness, I didn’t want to have to divorce my sister.

  Tilly: Wow, what a compliment. But don’t ever feel you need to put me before her.

  I know you two are close.

  GG: Thank you but it’s okay. You are both in your own special place.

  Tilly: I miss you already

  GG: Me too, little one. Please tell me I can sleep over tonight.

  I don’t want to sleep alone

  The boogie monster might get me.

  Tilly: You should be more afraid of what I might do to you!

  GG: Promises, promises. I can’t wait for that!

  GG: Damn pager is going again. Will message soon, don’t panic if I don’t. Just busy

  GG: Love you xx

  Tilly: Totally understand. Love you xx

  I didn’t realize we’ve just about arrived at the function place. I look up from my phone, probably with a stupid lovesick grin on my face.

  “No guesses who you were messaging. It’s written all over you face. Is this how it’s always going to be?” Fleur gets out and starts unloading the parcels.

  “Absolutely, so get used to it and no bitching. You told me to go out and get laid, so I did. It’s your fault. No one to blame but yourself.” I’m still on the high from my message with Gray, so I’m not letting her bring me down.


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