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Rescued By the Spy

Page 4

by Laura A. Barnes

  When Tommy finished washing up, Raina brushed his hair and straightened his clothes before the Thornhill’s arrival. She was finishing tucking in his shirt when they walked into the room.

  Tommy ran across the nursery, right into Thornhill’s embrace. Marcus Thornhill swept him up into the air and tossed him, catching him in his arms. They both laughed at the excitement. Ivy Thornhill watched with loving eyes at their display of antics. Tommy explained his story about the battle he was playing to the Thornhills. Thorn set Tommy on the floor, following him over to his battleground and laid on the rug to play with the young lad. Ivy wandered over to the sofa and lowered herself gently on the cushions, leaning back and resting her hand on the small swell of her stomach. The lady was a few months pregnant with their first child. She settled into the couch with a serene smile on her face as she regarded their play.

  Raina stood off into the shadow of the room, observing their family in envy. She didn’t begrudge them, but she wished for a sense of family for herself. But alas, she had none. She was alone in this world; with only herself to look after. At one time she only felt hatred towards Thornhill. She had thought he took her last remaining family from her. So, she wanted to destroy him and everybody he loved.

  She learned that he was not the enemy she believed him to be. She was directing her anger to the wrong man. The same man she was helping at the time. The wrong man that had taken her whole family from her. The wrong man she had set on destroying. Now instead of destroying Thornhill she would use him to destroy the one that ruined her life and who was still trying to harm this family.

  When Raina looked towards the couch, she found Lady Thornhill watching her. She smiled at Raina as she rubbed her stomach with one hand and patted the sofa with the other.

  “Please join me Mrs. Whitlow, I think these two will be at this battle for a spell,” Ivy said.

  Raina made her way over to the sofa at a slow pace. She made sure that her steps resembled an older lady with extra weight. She had taken the padding from her last disguise and distributed it throughout her costume. So instead of looking pregnant she looked like an elderly woman with a few added pounds.

  Thornhill jumped up from where he was playing and offered her his help to the couch.

  “My apologies Mrs. Whitlow, I was caught up in the excitement from young Tommy here. Please let me help you,” Thorn explained while reaching for her arm.

  Raina flinched at his touch. Thornhill looked at her in puzzlement, but Raina relaxed her arm under his. While she recognized he wasn’t her enemy anymore, old habits were hard to let go of. At one point she hated this man with a vengeance and was still somewhat angry at the treatment she suffered from him earlier this year. It would take time to forgive him. The last thing she needed was to draw any suspicion her way.

  “I apologize My Lord; my old aches and pains are bothering me. The damp weather does that to this ancient body,” Raina tried to explain herself out of her predicament.

  “No, I am sorry Abigail. We have you doing too much for us.”

  Raina lowered herself next to Lady Thornhill.

  “Nonsense, I am most grateful for the position you have given me Lord and Lady Thornhill.”

  “Please, we have asked you to call us Thorn and Ivy,” Ivy told Raina.

  “That is most improper and not a good example to show Tommy.”

  “You are correct, Mrs. Whitlow. How about when we are alone we shall be on a first name basis? When other servants or guests are around, we can refer to each other with our proper names. Will you agree to that?” Ivy tried to persuade her.

  Raina nodded her head in acceptance. She liked this woman. Ivy was kind and caring to those she loved. She had welcomed Mrs. Whitlow into her family with open arms. While she was suffering guilt on her deception, she knew this was the only way. This was her only connection to Charles. Under any other circumstances, Raina believed they could have been true friends.

  “Well I have a brilliant plan then. I will take Tommy with me tomorrow to finish getting the ship ready to return to Margate and Abigail can join you tomorrow Ivy,” Thorn explained.

  He lowered himself on the arm of the sofa, pulling Ivy’s hand from her stomach up to his lips. Thorn kissed Ivy’s palm as he smiled at her in amusement.

  Ivy let out a chuckle and grinned back at him.

  “You wouldn’t be trying to maneuver your way out of joining me tomorrow would you my dear?” Ivy asked.

  “Of course not, madam. I am only looking for a way to give Abigail a rest from our son.”

  Ivy laughed at his excuse and leaned back into him as he curved his arm around her. They smiled into each other’s eyes, lost amongst themselves.

  “Please say yes, Mama. I want to help Papa with the ship.” Tommy heard what was being discussed.

  “What do you say Abigail, care to accompany me tomorrow for a relaxing day of shopping and visiting friends?” Ivy laughed.

  It was hard not to relax and enjoy yourself with this young family. They caught you up in their enjoyment of life.

  “I would love to join you tomorrow Lady Thor…” Raina started to finish but stopped at the clearing of throats from Thorn and Ivy.

  “Lady Ivy I mean.”

  “Ivy will do Abigail.”

  “Ivy, I would love to help you with your day tomorrow.”

  “Well then it is agreed. We are off to the ship tomorrow young man. But for now, you need to give your Mama kisses. We are off to the Blackstone’s for dinner,” Thorn told Tommy.

  “Night Mama,” Tommy said to Ivy as Ivy wrapped the boy into her arms.

  Ivy gave him a kiss on the cheek, “You go to bed for Abigail tonight when she tells you and we shall see you in the morning.”

  Thorn and Ivy said their goodnights and left for the evening.

  “I will get our dinner trays brought up Tommy, why don’t you read a chapter of your book and I will be right back.”

  “All right Abigail, then after dinner will you continue your story?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes, as we put you to bed, I shall tell you more,” Raina promised.

  Raina saw Tommy settle into a chair by the fire with his book as she left the nursery. She slipped quietly down the stairs and pressed herself up against the wall outside the receiving room. She knew the Thornhills were taking a carriage to the Blackstone’s with Ivy’s father George Mallory, the Duke of Kempbell.

  “So, what have you heard? Is Charles out of danger?” George asked Thorn.

  “Yes, Jake and Sammy were able to get him to the safe house. I got word this afternoon he refused to wait for my help, he is riding to London. I expect him by late tonight,” Thorn explained.

  “He is wanted for murder, London is the last place he needs to be seen,” Ivy complained.

  Raina gasped at this information. Murder? Who was he to have murdered? She knows in her heart that Charles could never kill anybody.

  “Those charges won’t stick with the Crown; the War Office realizes he was framed. Shears has set him up good this time,” Thorn explained.

  “Why was he in the tavern girl’s room?” Ivy asked.

  “Jake said she knew information on Shears, but when she left the room Charles was duped by another serving girl. She drugged him and disappeared. Jake got Charles out before Shears came.”

  “That doesn’t explain how the girl was murdered,” said George.

  “I guess Shears saw the girl’s death as a perfect opportunity to frame Charles. He was the last one seen with the wench,” Thorn explained.

  “Well hopefully by tomorrow morning Charles will be here and can tell us his plans,” Ivy replied.

  Raina walked away towards the kitchens to have their dinner sent to the nursery. This was horrible, she knew Bessie was dead; but felt in her soul that Charles did not murder her. When I left him, his friends were on the way into the room. This had Shears written all over it. Poor Bessie, she only ever wanted to be loved. While she was not the cleanest person to share quart
ers with; she had a kind heart. When Ray didn’t want her working up front, Bessie always stuck up for her. It saddened her that Shears snuffed out another life for his evil agenda.

  Charles was coming to London. He must have the same information on Shears that I do. I would have to make myself invisible when he is near. Raina’s heartbeat quickened at the thought of seeing him again. Would he be able to see through this disguise? No, it was too believable. He did not know it was me at the tavern, at least I didn’t think he did. I hope he makes it home to his family safely but other than that I must focus on my mission. To destroy Shears. I cannot let my feelings jeopardize everything I have accomplished in the last few months. Especially for a man that fancies any lady. Not just ladies but tavern wenches too. The man was not worth it, no matter how he made my heart feel. Raina tried to convince herself on her feelings for Charles Mallory, but with no success. She still longed to gaze upon him and to savor his lips upon hers.

  Lost in her thoughts of Charles, Raina was not paying attention to the direction her feet were taking her. She jostled into a solid form. As she looked up, she stared at the Duke of Kempbell as he reached out to steady her. His hands grabbing a hold of her shoulders to stop her from falling. They were gentle on her, but they still made her tense at his touch.

  Backing away from him, she dropped into a curtsey.

  “Please forgive me, Your Grace,” Raina said in a soft feminine whisper.

  “No problem, it is the fault of an old man not looking where he was going,” he replied.

  Raina realized that she had not disguised her voice when she asked for his forgiveness.

  “Oh, posh sir. You are younger than I,” Raina deepened her voice with a crackle to it.

  “You must be dear Mrs. Whitlow that is helping my Ivy out with young Tommy.”

  She nodded her head in acknowledgement. Raina relaxed when she realized that he did not notice her voice changing.

  “I hear nothing but positive reviews on your performance. I know that daughter of mine; she will not rest for a minute. I am forever appreciative on any help you can give her in her time of need.”

  “Oh, I am the one that is grateful; for the Thornhills giving an old lady a chance at employment. They are a joy to work for and Tommy is a delight. Speaking of Tommy, I must see to his supper and bedtime. If you will please excuse me, Your Grace.” Raina dropped into another curtsey as she tried to remove herself from his presence.

  “Let me see you to Tommy before I leave. I want to give the boy good news.” George Mallory offered his arm to Raina to go with her to the nursery.

  She slipped her hand through his arm and walked with him. Trying to keep herself relaxed, she was thankful for the silence as they made their way up the stairs.

  When they entered the room, he patted her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. When she raised her eyes to his, he winked at her. Startled, her eyes opened wider in surprise. Before she could reply he was being charged at by Tommy.

  “Grandpa George, do you want to see my battle?” Tommy asked.

  “I’ve heard rumors on this battle. I must leave for dinner with your parents. Would you like me to join you on this battle tomorrow when your Uncle Charles gets here?”

  “Uncle Charles is coming to town?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes, my boy, he will be here tomorrow. You can regale us with your battle when he arrives.”

  Tommy jumped up and down in excitement.

  Raina watched the two, admiring how the older gentleman had accepted an orphan as his grandson. There were no false airs, he took joy in the young lad. There was more to this family than Raina had given them credit for. She thought they were all alike; all the pompous aristocrats. But she was becoming to see they were a kind and generous family. It made her want to know them better. However, she would never be given the chance to know them in the intimate way she desired.

  The Duke gave Tommy a hug goodnight and bowed to her.

  “Until tomorrow madam,” he said as he walked out of the nursery.

  Raina settled Tommy at the table as the servants laid out their dinner. They enjoyed a quiet meal. Tommy told her exciting stories about his Uncle Charles, the hero. She sat there savoring everything she could discover on Charles Mallory.

  After dinner she got him ready for bed and settled into a rocking chair next to his bed.

  “So where did we leave off young man?” Raina asked.

  “The part where the maiden trapped the evil captain in the cave,” Tommy answered.

  “Oh yes. Well the evil captain swore revenge on the young maiden, but she knew she had won for the day. She needed to get back to her patient so she…,” Raina continued with the story as she watched Tommy drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF LONDON, the party of four stopped to rest their horses. As they came near a creek, the men slid off their mounts. Jake and Sammy walked the horses to the water as Mallory and Maxwell stretched their legs. Maxwell nodded for Mallory to follow him. Jake watched as Maxwell led Mallory around the bend of the creek and off into the trees. He made to trail them, but Mallory waved him away. Jake shook his head at this, in obvious disagreement.

  Mallory understood Maxwell was not out to harm him, so he followed. When they had gotten deeper into the woods, Mallory called out for Maxwell to stop.

  “What is it Zane?”

  “You need to call off this witch hunt. You are going to get yourself killed.”

  “No, I will kill Shears and it would be in your best interest not to keep yourself aligned with him. Because after he is dead, you run a huge risk of getting yourself killed too,” Charles told him.

  “You don’t understand Charles. He has deep backers that protect him. You can never get close enough. For every warehouse you burn to ashes, he is putting up two more. You cannot handle the power these men hold. I can’t keep protecting you.”

  “I have stopped several of these men. It won’t take me much longer to put the rest of them away.”

  “There is one man more powerful than the rest that support him. You won’t be able to reach him.”

  “Who is he Zane?”

  “If I knew I would stop him myself,” Zane growled as he kicked a tree in his frustration.

  “I can’t end this fight, I have to see this through to the finish. He will regret what he did to me and to those that I love,” Charles swore his vengeance.

  “I can keep him away from you and your family if you quit this pursuit of Shears,” Zane promised.

  “Those I love will never be safe as long as he walks free. Plus, I must keep the pressure on him, to keep her protected.”

  “She is in a secure location.”

  “How do you know? Where is she?” Charles asked.

  “She couldn’t get any safer than where she has hidden herself,” Zane answered.

  Charles advanced on Zane, he was desperate for any news on Raina. He grabbed him by his shirt pulling him forward, so they were face to face.

  “Tell me where to find her,” Charles demanded.

  “I promised her not to betray her whereabouts, she….” Zane began to explain.

  Too caught up in their argument, they did not hear the approaching footsteps until it was too late. Charles and Zane were grabbed from behind as three men attacked them.

  They yanked Charles by his arms, pinning them behind his back. While the man behind Zane seized him by the neck and preceded to choke him. The third man came around Zane and laughed while Charles struggled in his friend’s arms. He smiled at Charles revealing two gold teeth in front. He pulled back his arm and sucker punched Charles in the stomach with one fist. Then his other arm hooked to the side to land a blow into his ribs on his left side.

  With the wind knocked out of him, Charles sunk to his knees, gasping for air.

  The gold tooth man circled the men, rubbing his fist into his other palm.

  “The boss ain’t going to be too thrilled to discover you consorting with the enemy
Maxwell,” Gold Tooth said as he struck him across the face.

  Zane’s head flew backwards from the force of the punch. He managed to hit his captor in the face with the back of his head. Caught off guard the captor staggered a few steps before dropping his hold on Zane. Zane took advantage of this, sliding his knife from his boot as he continued after him. The two fought on the ground, his enemy wrestling to stay away from the weapon. They rolled next to a tree where Zane pinned his attacker. Pulling his knife back he slid it into the captor’s side. He watched as the man struggled to breathe.

  Zane struggled to his feet as he turned to help Charles when he saw Gold Tooth and his friend taking turns with Charles thrashing him. He didn’t stand a chance. Gold Tooth himself was over six foot five inches and pure muscle. The other was no small bean himself. Together they were a force to be reckoned with.

  With his arms clenching his stomach, he made his way over to Mallory to help. Gold Tooth saw him approaching out of the corner of his eye when his hand swung backwards and caught Maxwell on the side of the head. After regaining his balance, he went after them again, going after the partner instead. He lowered his head and ran into his side.

  The partner stumbled backwards letting go of Mallory. That is when Maxwell took the lead and thrashed the cohort, showing no mercy. But Gold Tooth was not done with Mallory yet. He continued his assault.

  Zane saw Jake and Sammy come into the clearing. They doubled up on Gold Tooth knocking him over to the ground. When Zane had finished on the partner, he moved to help them. They had Gold Tooth’s arms pulled back and were tying him up to the tree.

  “Get him out of here, I will finish with this one,” Maxwell ordered them.

  “No, we will take care of him and you,” Jake countered.

  “Don’t be daft man, leave before the others show up to finish us all off.”

  “Jake, we don’t have time to argue we need to get him help, he is worse than before,” Sammy shouted.

  “This isn’t over Maxwell, Thornhill will come for you. You have trapped Mallory for the final time.”


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