Rescued By the Spy

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Rescued By the Spy Page 13

by Laura A. Barnes

  “No, my dear, you have been great company for her. She misses having a woman around to chat with. It has been a while since Ivy has visited the cottage.”

  “Will Ivy still come to visit?” Raina inquired as she set out the contents of the basket on the blanket.

  “Yes, Thorn and Ivy will bring the children for a visit as soon as she can travel,” Charles answered as he popped a grape into his mouth.

  Raina slapped his hands away from the food as she continued unpacking the basket. It appeared Mrs. Hobbs had included the entire kitchen.

  Charles laughed at her sternness. He pulled out a bottle of wine, uncorking it and pouring out two glasses for them to drink as Raina loaded two plates with cheese, meats, crackers, and fruit. Passing her a glass, they ate in quietness, as they smiled at each other between bites.

  Charles drew her out in conversation, about everything and nothing in particular. He loved listening to her talk and discuss important matters with her. He kept the conversation light with small jokes in between. She sat with her arms propping her body up, relaxed. She took small bites in between her discussion of the book she was reading. Charles regarded her animated face as she regaled him with bits of the comedy. It was refreshing to see her so happy. He wanted to make her smile and laugh this way every day.

  She laid back, her hand covering her stomach.

  “Oh, I am so full. Once again Mrs. Hobbs has done justice to a terrific meal.”

  “Oh, but we are not finished yet my dear.”

  Raina sat up and pulled the basket to her. As she looked inside, nestled to the back corner was a piece of their wedding cake to share.

  “Well it will hurt her feelings if we do not eat it,” Raina commented as she pulled the cake from the basket.

  “How right you are my dear,” Charles replied handing her a fork.

  Raina sunk the fork into the dessert, the moist cake clung to the prongs. Instead of sliding the delicious piece into her mouth, she brought the morsel to his lips. He opened his mouth as she guided the piece between them. As he closed his mouth over the cake, she gently brought the fork back as his lips wiped the frosting away. He licked his lips as he watched for her reaction. She dipped the fork back into the cake and fed herself a bite. She repeated his action of licking her lips.

  He leaned across from her, wiping his thumb across her lips. Pink frosting coated his thumb as he brought it to his mouth. Slowly sucking his thumb in, he licked off the frosting which coated her lips.

  “Mm. Delicious,” Charles moaned.

  Charles’ tongue replaced his thumb. Gently licking the frosting away from her lips, dipping inside her mouth for a taste.

  “Yes, most definitely delicious.”

  Charles pulled Raina into his arms and kissed her deeply. Soft, slow, deep kisses that seemed to last for hours but were only mere seconds. Lowering her body on the blanket, he pulled her tight against him. His hands roaming her body over her dress.

  Raina moaned against his lips. Her body melting against his. She needed to touch him. As she glided her hand down, she pulled his shirt from his trousers. Her palms slid up touching his chest. She felt as he sucked in his breath at her touch. Her fingers trailed up and down his chest, touching him with feather light caresses. Her touch became bolder as her hand skimmed lower.

  She could feel his hardness pressed against her stomach. He was so powerful. Becoming braver her hand slid over the front of his trousers, brushing across him. His grip on her tightened as she rubbed her hand back and forth. Charles’s kiss stopped as he hissed in a breath. His head fell backwards as he breathed in a gulp of air. Raina gazed at him as he fought an inner struggle. When he tilted his head back towards her, she saw the fire of desire light up his eyes. Desire for her.

  Her fingers slid over the buttons, slowly undoing them one by one. She watched as his eyes darkened to a forest green that matched the woods behind them. Peeling the placket of his trousers back, she guided her hand inside. Raina slid her hand around his warmth and enfolded him in her palm. Wrapping her fingers around him, she stroked him, one long, slow stroke after another.

  He pulled her head to him and ravaged her lips. He drank from her lips every ounce of passion she had for him. His kisses became greedier as she stroked him into a slow seduction. The slower her hand moved against him, his kisses became more desperate. She could taste his hunger for her as his lips devoured hers.

  His hands had worked the buttons of her dress undone and he pulled it down over her shoulders. His lips left hers to wander to the curve of her neck. There he placed soft kisses as his hands pulled her breasts free. The open air hit them, causing her nipples to tighten from the cool air off the sea.

  Charles traced his finger over her shoulder to her breast. His finger burned a trail around the tight bud of her nipple. His lips followed his finger, when he pulled at her nipple, Raina whimpered. Her hand stilled on his cock as she waited for his next move. When he drew her nipple in her mouth and sucked gently, Raina’s hand tightened on his cock. As he sucked her harder, Raina stroked him harder. When his tongue flicked back and forth as he sucked, Raina stroked faster.

  Charles sensed he was going to come out of his skin at this delicious torture. He began to kiss her other breast as his hand continued to tease her other nipple. His lips devoured her and brought her to a fevered pitch. Her hand stroked him faster and harder as he consumed her with kisses.

  He needed to be inside her, his cock was growing harder and throbbing in her small palm. Her tight grip stroked him to a need of release. Sliding his hand under her dress he found her wet. His fingers slid inside her. She was ready for him. As his fingers glided in and out of her, her wetness coated his fingers. He wanted it to coat his cock. He increased the speed as he stroked her, only to have her do the same to him. His thumb found her clit and stroked her while she clenched around his fingers. Charles knew she was as close as he was to explosion.

  As he rolled her over, he pulled her hands above her head and held them in one hand. Raina watched him as he slid himself inside her. She closed her eyes as he pushed in further. Slowly. Making her experience every throbbing inch of him as he moved in deeper. When he slid all the way in he paused. She opened her eyes begging him to move. He waited. She whimpered. Still, he waited. His body was shaking from the anticipation of Raina losing herself around him.

  He pressed into her and moved his hips in small circles. She gasped and tried to move her hands. He tightened them and pressed into her again. He felt her tighten around his cock as her wetness coated them.

  Raina wrapped her legs around his hips. Needing to touch him any way she could. She knew she was unraveling around him, but he wanted more. More than she thought she could give. But still he persisted. Raina lifted her hips to him, drawing him in deeper. She tried to make him move against her. She needed him. When she moved her hips with his, he let out a growl. Charles let her hands go as he drove into her.

  Raina pulled his head down for a kiss. Kissing him hungrily, she ran her fingers through his hair, her fingers gripping as he slid in and out of her. Raina matched him stroke for stroke as he made love to her. The power of their bodies as they pleasured each other became more powerful as they opened themselves to one another.

  Charles pulled Raina closer to him as he was kissing her deeply as he felt her body surrender to him. In return he gave himself to her, filling her with his love.

  Rolling over he pulled her close, covering them with the blanket. The touch of the cool breeze washed over their heated bodies, cooling them with a gentle touch.

  Chapter Sixteen

  RAINA HELD ONTO HIS hand as they made their way back to the cottage. Neither one of them had spoken since making love. She felt a new connection with Charles, an unspoken connection. It was too new and raw for either of them to explore. Afraid it could shatter, kept Raina from telling Charles how she cared for him. She realized their time here was ending. Where ever their paths take them, would this feeling stay this strong o
r would it weaken? Raina now understood in order to survive she had to put her trust in Charles. She needed to open herself to this vulnerability. The vulnerability of loving somebody other than herself.

  She looked up when Charles squeezed her hand. Raina stared into his eyes and saw what she felt. He appeared to understand her inner struggle and wanted her to know he was there for her. She smiled her appreciation at him. Squeezing her hand tighter he pulled her into his embrace. They stood along the path and watched as the sun rested against the sparkling blue water. The orange rays dipping their tips into the water; cooling off after a fulfilling day exploring life.

  Tugging on her hand he led her along the garden path. His arm wrapped around her waist as they walked inside the cottage. Hearing an unfamiliar voice coming from the kitchen, their feet led them to the uninvited guest. Upon entering they saw the gentleman seated at the small table with Mrs. Hobbs sharing a pot of tea. He sat there charming the elderly lady as he ate away at the cake, gossiping, unaware of their presence.

  “You do not say Mrs. Hobbs, married, is he? Well we didn’t see that happening, did we? What is the new bride like, charming I imagine?” he asked the caretaker.

  “Oh, she is such a dear. Her Lady has worked on bringing the gardens back to their magnificent glory since we lost the Duchess. Charles is so smitten with her, follows her around like a puppy dog.”

  The gentleman laughed at the picture that described the happy couple. He had seen them enter the room out of the corner of his eye, but kept Mrs. Hobbs chatting about them.

  Turning in his seat, he lifted the fork in the air, “I hear congratulations are in order my friend.” Sliding the fork between his lips he ate the sweet confection.

  “Delicious as always Mrs. Hobbs.”

  Mrs. Hobbs blushed at his praise. She came to her feet, bustling around the kitchen, looking busy. She should not have been gossiping, but she was thrilled for the couple and was glad to have somebody to share with, besides Mr. Hobbs. While Mr. Hobbs spoke few words, he also was one to only want to hear few words spoken to him.

  Charles pulled Raina to his side, holding onto her tightly. There was only one reason Maxwell was in Dover, and it wasn't good. He kept a hold on her, for fear of her fleeing. He felt her tense as soon as they came upon their guest. Her mind was working on twenty different ways she could make her escape. But if she thought he would let her out of his sight, she had another thing coming. Now that he had found her, she was going nowhere.

  Charles dropped the picnic basket on the table, rattling the plates. Turning to Mrs. Hobbs he thanked her for the delightful picnic and made their excuses. He nodded his head at their uninvited guest to follow them. Making his way to the library, he kept his tight hold on Raina. He was sending her the message of their unity and he would not let her go.

  After he shut the door, he led Raina to the settee. Once she was settled he turned towards their guest.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit Maxwell.”

  He watched as his friend settled into a chair opposite from Raina, smirking as he watched them.

  “Had I known of your nuptials, I would have brought a token for the celebration. But alas, I have nothing to give,” he said as he patted at his clothes.

  “How did you learn where to locate us?”

  “This was the only safe place you could come with nobody besides your family knowing your whereabouts. Well family and close friend, anyhow.”

  “Were you followed?”

  “Tell me, why do you risk your life and your family’s lives for this piece of baggage. A lady who for the right price could end your very existence in a heartbeat?”

  Charles lunged at Maxwell with his arm flying across, his fist connecting to his face. Grabbing him by the lapels of his jacket and throwing him from the chair. Advancing on him he was bending over to punch him in the gut when he heard the cocking of the pistol. As he looked down, he saw the barrel of the gun aimed at his stomach. When he glanced back up he saw the seriousness of his friend. Or the chap who used to be his friend. He heard Raina gasp as she saw the gun pointed at him.

  “I commend you on your display of affection for the lady. With your display of defending her honor, I now understand your feelings. But what I wonder; does she feel the same way towards you?”

  Maxwell waved the pistol for Charles to rise. As Charles backed away from him, Maxwell came to his feet with the pistol still trained on Charles.

  “Why are you doing this?” Charles asked. Everybody’s doubts on his friend were starting to ring true. His actions now were pointing to where his allegiance might truly lie.

  “So, do they madam, or should I say Lady Mallory? Will you risk your life for him? If I were to pull the trigger,” Maxwell cocked the pistol again. “Take my aim” he raised the pistol to Mallory’s heart. “What will you do?” Maxwell asked as his finger started to release from the trigger.

  Raina watched in horror as Maxwell had a gun pointed at Charles. He was spouting utter nonsense on defending and honor. All she thought of, was losing him. In the short time they had been together, Raina now realized he was her world. There was no greater gentleman than the one before her. He was her heart. She didn't even ponder what her actions would be; her heart knew what to do. As she watched Maxwell releasing his finger on the trigger, she cried out as she jumped in front of Charles, protecting his body with hers.

  Charles hands gripped Raina’s arms as she threw her body in the path of the bullet. He tried to move her body out of the way, but she fought against him to save his life. Raina waited for the echo of the bullet released into the small library. Her body tensed for the invasion, waiting for the pain to engulf her. The only thing that happened was the clank of the hammer hitting the firing pin.

  No smoke. No noise. No pain. Only the sight of a deranged Earl sliding the pistol back into his pocket, then making a bow towards them. As Maxwell staggered over to the bar cart, he poured himself a shot of whiskey. Throwing it back quickly, he poured himself another. As he clutched the decanter, he settled on the settee, throwing his legs across the cushions. He tipped his glass to Mallory.

  “Congratulations Mallory, it seems she feels the same way you do,” Maxwell slurred.

  Only then did Charles see Maxwell. His friend was drunk, he only spoke the words he did to see where Raina’s loyalties laid. His actions were a test for Raina, to see which actual side she was fighting alongside. While it was inexcusable, Charles understood. He meant no real harm. There was an underline message why Maxwell was behaving in this manner. But as he watched his friend continue to drink, he would not get his answers now.

  “Your smashed,” Raina accused Maxwell.

  “You are correct in that assumption Lady Mallory,” Maxwell answered as he slid his arm over his eyes.

  Raina stood glowering in her frustration. When he showed no sign of remorse for his actions, she turned to Charles for his response. It was when he shrugged his shoulders at her and moved the decanter from Maxwell’s hand and took a drink for himself, she became furious. She growled her aggravation at the two men as she stormed from the room.

  “Are you going to follow her?”

  “It would be in my best interest if I don't at this time.”

  “She is a feisty lady; your life will be adventuresome with her.”

  “Yes, I am aware,” Charles answered with a smile of contentment.

  Maxwell rolled his eyes at the demise of his single friend. While he was thrilled for the couple, he recognized the danger which lay ahead for them. He hoped the love he witnessed between them could endure the risk.

  “Don’t worry old chap, got rid of the followers along the trail,” Maxwell mumbled before exhaustion took hold.


  Charles sat and waited for his friend to awaken. Friend or enemy? Charles was not quite for certain which. All he noticed was the fellow before him was a wreck. He had never seen his friend like this, passed out drunk. Especially when he needed to be on h
is toes. Nightfall had come and gone, now the early morning sun was trying to peek out upon the horizon. Still, he did not leave his side. There had to be a viable reason for Maxwell to track him to the cottage. The only question remained, was his friend to be trusted?

  Hearing him groan, Charles shifted his eyes towards the settee. He watched as Maxwell stretched and wipe the gritty sleep from his eyes. He did not move from the chair. When Maxwell’s eyes met his, he raised his eyebrows in his usual sardonic eyebrow raise he was famous for. When Mallory responded with one of his own, Maxwell let out a long sigh.

  “You owe her an apology.”

  “I know, but I needed to see.”

  “You already saw, you were only trying to prove a point.”

  Maxwell shrugged at the comment and responded, “Maybe.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “Supposed to bring her back to Shears, he has a nice bounty on her head.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  “Yes, that is what I informed him you would say old chap.”

  “And what was his response?”

  “Whatever I had to do, to kill you both if I must.”

  “Then what is stopping you.”

  “I do not know anymore.”

  “What does he have on you Maxwell?”

  “He has information on what I want.”

  “What information? I think you are working a different mission than the one assigned to us.”

  “It is personal.”

  “As in?”

  “As in, none of your concern. I am only here to warn you, so you need to vanish with your new wife and hide until I can take care of Shears.”

  “We have no intention of hiding from that man, Raina and I will journey to London tonight. I have just received word from Thorn, it will be safe to return.”

  “You are writing your own death sentence if you return.”

  “No, my friend you are as long as you keep aligning yourself with him.”

  Maxwell rose from the settee and walked over to the windows. When he lifted the curtains, he searched out the windows for any sign of danger. He had been trailed here. While he had removed those followers, he knew more would come. Shears had men everywhere; who kept track of everybody’s moves. Nobody was secure from him.


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