Rescued By the Spy

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Rescued By the Spy Page 14

by Laura A. Barnes

  “You need to move Raina out of here today, I got rid of Shears’s men, but more will follow.”

  “I know, we are leaving at nightfall.”

  “We need to make it look like I have killed you.”

  “I think we can figure something out.”

  Maxwell nodded his head and continued to watch out the window. Mallory realized he was not going to confide in him. As close as they were, Maxwell always kept a part of himself shut off from his friends. His secrets were his own. While in the past that was fine, but lately his secrets were putting every one of his friends in danger. Danger which caused mistakes to be made and lives put at risk.

  “One day you will realize your friends are here for you, I only hope it will not be too late.”

  With those words Mallory left the room. He had preparations to make for them to leave tonight. Also, he needed Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs to help him pull off a double homicide at the hands of Earl Zane Maxwell. After word reached London of their deaths at his hands, no London ballroom would be available as his hunting grounds. But the inside of Newgate Prison would be his new home. He wanted to find Raina and calm her down. She never searched for him through the night after Maxwell passed out. He figured she was still angry with him.


  Raina let herself in from her walk, she strode by the library, still angry with both men inside the room. One for pulling the obnoxious prank and the other for allowing it. She was the angriest at Charles for not searching for her last evening. When she walked by, both doors were wide open. When she peeked her head inside, it was to find a deserted room.

  As she walked through the small cottage she tried to search out Charles, but only came up empty. She never even ran across Mrs. Hobbs, to inquire to his whereabouts. Deciding to retire to her room, she climbed the stairs. When she opened the door, she found Maxwell stretched out in the chair before the fire, reading the book she had the night before. Closing the door, she advanced on him, walking right up to him, she slapped him across the face. He grabbed her hand after she struck him. His fingers lightly held her wrist.

  “I will allow you one and only one.”

  “You deserve more.”

  Maxwell nodded his head, “Correct as always my dear, but none the less that is all you will have.

  Raina jerked her wrist out of his hold and walked to the window.

  “I hear you have given him doubt on my character.”

  Raina spun from the window, “That is the plan is it not. To cause doubt in everybody’s mind on your allegiance.”

  Maxwell sighed, “That is the plan.” His voice sounded wearied.

  “I have not gone through everything I have gone through for you to give up now.”

  “Don't make it sound as if it has all been horrific my dear. From my view yesterday afternoon, you appeared to be enjoying yourself immensely.”

  “You scoundrel, I see peeping should be listed to your crimes.”

  “It is not peeping when you were out in display for anybody to witness.”

  “Have you no shame sir?”

  “Oh, I have plenty as you are well aware.”

  Raina made an humphing sound as she turned to her belongings. Searching through her things she threw the contents of her bag across the bed. As she searched she asked him, “I suppose you are here for the jewels?”

  “That is one reason I am in your bedroom.”

  “And the other reasons?” she inquired.

  “Why to kill you and Mallory of course,” he responded to her as if they were discussing the weather. Plain and simple to the point.

  She paused and raised her eyes to him. To gauge the truth behind his words. But as always Maxwell hid his emotions behind his calm façade. His eyes wouldn’t give him away, for they never did. Raina dug deeper into her bag, wrapping her hand around her knife she kept hidden. While she had her doubts on trusting Maxwell, he had saved her life many times over the course of the last few months. While trusting was hard for her to do, he had proven to be an ally. But she saw the other side of him, his friends had not. The side which warranted whether he could be trusted. Also, on whose side he was truly on.

  She was the only one who knew of his special mission. One she was forced to join before revenge had overtaken her life. She kept his secret because to keep his secret kept her alive with the Crown. Raina was a spy who was knowledgeable on both sides. But the Crown thought she could be of valuable use to them. They applauded her revenge because it kept their hands from being soiled.

  “Drop the knife Raina and hand over the jewels. I have searched your bag and the room, so quit playing me false. I have come for a job to do and I will succeed in doing it. We can either do this my way or we can do it yours. Which will it be?”

  Raina only tightened her grip on the knife at his words. Assessing her position, she knew if they struggled Charles would come to her rescue. Not that she needed him to, she was trained to take bigger men than Maxwell down. However, by the state of Maxwell’s behavior she knew Mallory’s aid would be much appreciated.

  “I gather by the look in your eyes you have chosen. I mean you no harm.”

  “You are threatening to murder us.”

  “No, I am merely stating my mission to you, and that is to kill you.”

  “One and the same.”

  “No, my mission is to execute you, but how the mission plays out and how it is perceived is another.”

  Raina pulled her hand out of the bag and held the knife in front of her in defense.

  “Explain yourself.”

  “I will as soon as you hand me over the jewels.”

  Raina could not hand him what he seeks. In her search through her bag she did not find her jewelry box. While the box looked to be an innocent young girl’s trinket, it was anything but. The secret compartment held the jewels Maxwell spoke of. Jewels she was to safeguard but had failed. In her hurry to leave the Thornhill’s, she must have left them behind. She only hoped in her absence they would not be found. She could never forgive herself if those jewels fell in the wrong hands. They were the only thing keeping a young charge from becoming another one of Shears’s victims.

  “I am unable to at this time.”

  “Now you explain yourself,” Maxwell growled as he came forward to sit on the edge of the chair. His nonchalant manner disappearing at this bit of news.

  “I am afraid I have misplaced them, but I know where they are.” Raina held out her hand to stop him after he came out of the chair towards her.

  “Where?” he demanded.

  “Hillston House.”

  “Damn it Raina,” he roared. While the coarse language was rough to any other ladies’ ears, it was not to hers. She had heard worse, especially in the last few months. While at one time she was considered a lady, a lady she no longer was. Even if she aspired to be, this war made it impossible for what she most desired.

  As rapidly as he had come at her, he retraced his steps slumping back into the chair. Only this time he didn’t slouch as if he had not a care in the universe, he slumped in defeat. Leaning forward he ran his fingers through his hair over and over. Then finally he leaned back with his head lying against the cushion of the chair, he closed his eyes. Raina could see the fight leaving his body to be replaced with defeat.

  “The Thornhill’s residence is as safe a location as any.”

  “How so?”

  “Ivy will keep it safe for me. I trust she will. If they open it, they will only find my trinkets. The jewels are hidden in a secret compartment,” Raina explained.

  “There is only one problem.”

  “What could that be?”

  “Thornhill holds the red ruby as well.”

  Finally, Raina realized the depth of Maxwell’s desperation. The reason he was acting like a crazed man. Without those jewels he lost all leverage in his search. The search could end Shears and every man involved. They needed to retrieve those jewels from Thornhill. While those jewels were in Thornhill’s possession, it
only brought danger to his family. While he was unaware of the risk it involved, it was only a matter of time before danger would be upon them. What had she done? She unknowingly brought chaos to Charles’s family. Would he ever forgive her? Now was not the time to wonder, they needed to act as soon as possible.

  “I will sneak in and retrieve the jewels, then you can carry out the mission.”

  “The jewels are not my only mission Raina. I was sent here to murder you and Mallory and that is precisely what I will do.”

  Before Raina had realized Maxwell was upon her. He peeled the knife from her fingers and pulled her in his grasp. Raina fought against his hold, but she was no match for his strength. She let out a scream to wake the dead, it was her only weapon left. She only hoped Charles was near.

  “Yes, continue to scream. This way I will not have to search for him, he will come to your rescue,” Maxwell urged her on.

  Raina clamped her lips shut. But it was too late, Charles came rushing into the room in her defense. Only this time Maxwell had his gun aimed at her instead.

  Chapter Seventeen

  CHARLES HAD SEARCHED THE cottage and grounds looking everywhere for Raina. When he could not find her, he decided to wait for her return in her bedroom. As he came upon her room, it was to find the door closed and hushed voices beyond the door.

  When he pressed his ear against the door, he listened to Raina and Maxwell. The only argument he overheard was missing jewels. They were quite familiar with each other. Too familiar actually. There was more to their relationship than he realized. Were they working together? Was Raina still involved with Shears? Impossible, her anger towards the man was as plain as day. Or was it all a cover-up, to throw everybody off their game. Listening closer he heard the desperation in both of their voices. When he heard them arguing, he realized he needed to help her. Before he entered the bedroom, Raina let out a screech loud enough to bring everybody in the house to her rescue. But no sooner had she belted out the shriek she stopped.

  Pushing the door open, Charles ran in to rescue her. Only this time it was Raina who was at the end of Maxwell’s gun not him. He came to a halting stop before them. When he glanced at Raina, he noticed the small shake of her head and the look in her eyes telling him to back away. But he also recognized the fear, fear only he could see. Charles lowered his hands and backed away and turned his stare to Maxwell. What he saw there surprised him most. It was the look of a desperate man willing to go as far as he must, to achieve the results he needed.

  “Killing us will not gain you what you think it will.” Mallory tried to reason with him.

  “It will get me one step closer.”

  “What Shears may promise you, he will not fulfill. You are only performing his dirty work for him.”

  “Not this time.”

  “We can work together and figure out a different solution. I promise I will help you find whatever you are searching for.”

  “He is the only one with the information I seek.”

  “Let me help you friend.”

  Maxwell scoffed at the word, “Friend? Do you really think I believe you still consider me a friend after everything I have done to you?”

  Mallory only had one word for him, whether or not he trusted him, “Yes.”

  This only made Maxwell laugh. A deranged laugh, that a desperate man would give, when he was running out of options. He believed Mallory meant it or thought he meant it, but Maxwell knew better. There was only one way to end this, and it was to kill them and retrieve the jewels from Thornhill. Afterwards he could present himself to Shears with the jewels and the news of Charles and Raina’s death.

  Waving his gun at Mallory, he motioned for him to take a seat in the chair. When Mallory complied, he thrust Raina away from him and moved to the door. After he shut the door, he walked towards them where Mallory had risen from the chair and pushed Raina behind him.

  “This is not what I want to do, you must understand killing both of you is my last hope,” Maxwell pleaded with them.

  “We understand your desperation Zane, but there must be another way around this dilemma.”

  “No, this is my final opportunity with Shears. If I do not show him my loyalty, he will have me killed, then I cannot complete my mission. Then our existence as we understand it, will change and not for the better.”

  “But your mission will be complete when we bring Shears and the men who support him to justice.”

  “There is no justice with greed and corruption my friend.”

  “There will be.”

  “That is not my only mission Mallory.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Why don’t you ask the new Lady Mallory?”

  “Why would Raina have knowledge on your mission?”

  Maxwell laughed at them, “Not yet sharing secrets while lying amongst the bed pillows?”

  Mallory turned to Raina for an explanation. She backed away from them, turning her back as she put more distance, making her way over to the door.

  “Not so fast,” Maxwell stopped her.

  “Raina?” Charles questioned.

  Raina turned towards the men, scowling at Maxwell she muttered, “Damn you.”

  “Tsk, tsk, such language for a lady. But then you are not a true lady are you my dear.”

  Raina’s anger got the better of her and she advanced on him, slapping him across the face. Which only made Maxwell continue to laugh at her more. He has now put her in a position to continue to lie to Charles. She cannot betray her cover and he realized her dilemma. He was an utter bastard. She recognized the only way out of this mess was to continue her lies. Lies which were building more the longer she stayed with Charles. Lies that would crumble. You could only spin lies for so long before somebody figures them out. Even though your mind believes the lies, the truth always surfaces. And when they do, they usually hurt the ones you love the most.

  Charles’s hand reached out and turned her towards him. His eyes searched hers, for any truth to Maxwell’s lies. What he saw in her gaze he could not tell. The tension between them spoke of a deeper relationship than he was aware of. But her eyes swiftly concealed what she was thinking let alone feeling. Was there honesty in Maxwell’s words? He had a sense he would not find out while Maxwell was anywhere near them. He needed to get Raina alone to find out. But to do that he had to get them out of here alive before Maxwell fell true to his own words and killed them. He slid his hand along Raina’s arm and held onto her hand. Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, he conveyed his feelings of support to her, with no need for her to utter any lies to what she was keeping from him. She looked up to him and he noticed the look of surprise in her eyes of his acceptance.

  Acceptance was hard for Raina to understand. How did Charles not question her for what Maxwell was saying? But then it was Charles, always understanding to the final word. His faith in her was new to her. Not since her father, had anybody had this much understanding or belief in her. Raina finally realized the depth of his feelings for her in this one simple act. The pressure of his hand against her explained his thoughts. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw it all. It overwhelmed her, but she understood. She gave a small nod of her head and closed her eyes at his affection. When she opened them again, it was to see what she had been missing all along. A soft smile touched her lips. A smile which spoke to him, she hoped. When she saw his return smile, she noticed he understood. Their unspoken connection made her smile grow wider. A small laugh escaped between her lips.

  “Why are you two smiling and laughing? Do you not comprehend your fate?” Maxwell growled.

  Raina turned back towards Maxwell at his words and watched as he shook the pistol at them, his hand shaking. She saw the signs and realized it would happen in a matter of minutes. Minutes she could talk her way through. Express with just enough words to make him wonder where she stood.

  “Oh, why yes Lord Maxwell, I completely understand my fate and the fate of those I love.”

you think you have found love?”

  Smiling over at Charles, she whispered, “Yes,” then turning towards Maxwell she spoke more loudly, “Yes I have found love. Love, I will not let you destroy with your rantings.”

  “Rantings you know to be true, it will only be a matter of time before your love knows them too.”

  Maxwell lowered himself onto the edge of the bed. He felt lightheaded suddenly, arguing with Raina only made him become more unfocused. His mission needed to end and if he could carry out his mission, he could be on his way. He probably was getting sick to his stomach because of nerves. This wasn’t how he wanted to end his friendship with Mallory, but it was the only way. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he closed his eyes briefly to remove the black spots that had appeared between his eyes. As he heard Raina prattle on about her loyalties and where they lay, he tried to stop the ringing in his ears. When he opened his eyes he heard movement, his eyes tried to focus on the two figures before him. The only thing he was making out were two blurs wavering in front of him. Closing his eyes again and openly them rapidly, only made matters worse. A wave of dizziness overtook him. He felt himself passing out backwards onto the mattress. As his head hit the soft counterpane, his last thought was of his failure.

  Raina gradually inched towards Maxwell, her smile growing wider as she watched the drugs finally overtake him. They sure took their time taking him out. He had no idea what hit him. She suffered no remorse for what she did, only a sense of relief in escaping this dilemma. She knew he would try again, but by then hopefully they could convince him of an alternative route. He was desperate, and that drove him to this behavior. Soon she would have to come clean with Charles on her involvement with Maxwell. If not, Charles would have Maxwell locked up for treason. If that happened, then Shears would escape justice. Then it would only give him more power than he already has. In doing so would risk the mission Maxwell needed to complete. But it could also make sure the failure of every one of their missions and the safety of England and the Crown.


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