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The Mistake (Bad Bridesmaids Book 1)

Page 11

by Noelle Adams

  “Robert,” she gasped, clawing at his back. “Robert, please. I need... I need you. I need you so bad.”

  He made that hum of approval, his lips and tongue still working at her nipple.

  She arched and rocked and flailed helplessly and begged him to make her come, to take her hard, to give her what she needed.

  He seemed to enjoy her shameless pleading. His face was hot and pleased when he finally let her breast slip from his mouth. He was breathing just as heavily as she was as he gazed down at her. “Tell me what you need, sunshine.”

  “I just did.”

  “Tell me once more. I want to hear it again.”

  Normally she would have defied this kind of arrogant presumption, but at the moment it was just making her hotter, wilder. “I need you,” she admitted hoarsely, pulsing with the deepest sort of pleasure she could remember at being able to say the words. “I need you inside me. I need you to make me come. I need you to fuck me so hard. Please, Robert. Give me what I need.”

  “I will.” He gave her a very gentle kiss and continued against her lips. “I’ll give you everything you need. Anything you want. All you have to do is ask for it.”

  Before she could make her mind work enough to respond, he was pulling up and adjusting position. He shucked his pajama pants quickly. She’d rolled onto her side as he did, so he had to lift her thigh to part her legs when he moved back over her. Then he lined up his erection at her entrance and started to push in, holding himself up with his free arm.

  She let out a long moan as he slowly penetrated her, the size and hardness of him inside her stretching her deliciously. She clung to his neck as he finished the slow thrust and gasped loudly as her body adjusted.

  “Oh fuck,” he rasped, ducking his head against the crook of her neck. “Oh fuck, sunshine. You’re so tight and hot and wet and good. You’re so good. Always so good.”

  She arched in pleasure at the words as much as the feel of him inside her.

  “That’s right. That’s so good.” He pulled up slightly and grabbed her right thigh, pulling it up his body so her leg was higher. “Wrap your legs around me. We’re going to make this so good.”

  She did as he said, whimpering again as the move deepened the penetration and made it even better.

  When she managed to hook her heels, he moaned against the side of her neck. “That’s so good, sunshine. Just like that. Hold on to me tight. I’m gonna make you come so hard.”

  “Yes. Yes please.” She tossed her head back and forth against the pillow. “I need you so bad, Robert. Please.”

  He lifted his head so he could kiss her, and as he did, he made a slow, deep thrust. Out and in.

  He started that way. Slow and deep and torturously good, stimulating all her nerve endings as he matched the motion of his tongue with his thrusts. She clung to him with her arms and legs, making a lot of embarrassing, helpless sounds as an orgasm built at her center.

  It went on a long time. So long she wasn’t sure she could handle the pleasing torment of it. Eventually she had to pull out of the kiss so she could sob and beg for him to give her more.

  He did. He accelerated the rocking of his hips, moving faster and more shallowly and hard enough now to shake the bed. She cried out from the pleasure of it, eagerly riding him from below as their motion intensified.

  By the time her orgasm reached the edge, she was sobbing way too loud for a predawn hour in a hotel, but she couldn’t hold anything back. It felt like she was giving him everything. She came just as hard as he promised, her whole body convulsing with waves of pleasure.

  He didn’t stop taking her even then. He kept up his hard thrusts, grunting now like an animal on each instroke.

  She clawed lines on the back of his neck as she came again before she knew to expect it. And then again, like her body was perfectly primed by him and didn’t know how to stop.

  She was hoarse and sore and still tingling with pleasure as she finally whispered, “You come too. I want you to come now too. Please, Robert.”

  His face twisted, and his eyes flared. He jerked against her with a long, raspy moan as she watched him build up toward climax and finally let go. The wash of complete satisfaction on his face was like nothing she’d ever seen before.

  She loved it.

  All of it.

  And she loved as he came inside her with a series of short spurts.

  He collapsed on top of her when he’d worked through everything, and she held him tightly with her arms and her legs. Everything was sore. Everything felt amazing.

  They lay tangled together, hot and sweating and shaking with a few lingering aftershocks, for a long time.

  Until a random thought hit her. She gasped and stiffened. “Your wrist!”

  “What?” He lifted his head and blinked at her, groggy and flushed and rumpled as hell.

  “Your wrist. Your sprained wrist. Did you hurt it just now? I didn’t even think of it, and you probably ended up hurting yourself even more.”

  “Oh. No. No. It’s fine. I put my weight on my other hand. It’s fine.”

  She relaxed. They stared at each other for just a minute, and she giggled from the sheer joy of what had happened.

  He smiled back. Nothing dry or ironic or guarded about it. Nothing but a real smile.

  Strangely, that moment might have been the very best part of the morning.

  THEY ENDED UP DOZING off again and sleeping for a couple of hours. When Amanda woke up the next time, the room was light and her cheek was pressed tightly against Robert’s chest.

  His skin was rough against hers. His body was as hot as an oven. One of his arms was wrapped around her, holding her snugly against his side.

  It wasn’t a bad position to be in.

  She tried not to move, not wanting to wake him up or change positions. His breathing was deep and even.

  Never in her life would she have imagined Robert Castleman would be holding her like this. In his sleep. That she’d be cuddled against him and like it.

  That she wouldn’t want it to end.

  But she could feel his heart beating in his chest, and it made her feel strangely protective. Possessive. Like he was hers to take care of, and the beating of his heart beneath her ear proved that somehow.

  Maybe she was rattled by the car accident yesterday and not enough sleep, but she couldn’t fight the feeling. Didn’t even want to.

  When she had an itch on her back, she shifted slightly, trying to scratch it without moving too dramatically and waking him up.

  It didn’t work, so she tried again, attempting to move against his arm in a way that got to the itch.

  “What are these strange contortions you go through first thing in the morning?” Robert’s dry voice broke the silence. He sounded clear. Articulate. Fully awake.

  “I thought you were asleep!”

  “So you decided wiggling against me like that in my sleep was an appropriate behavior?”

  She giggled at his tone. “I had an itch on my back and was trying not to wake you up.”

  “I was already awake.”

  “Oh. Well, I didn’t know that.” She raised her head to check his expression. He looked even more rumpled than he had last night—his hair a mess and thick stubble on his jaw—but his eyes were alert. Not groggy at all. “You’ve been awake all this time?”

  “All what time? I haven’t been awake all morning. I went back to sleep just after you.”

  “Oh, I know. I meant you’ve been awake all the time I’ve been awake just now.”

  “Yes. I figured you were trying to doze again, so I didn’t say anything.”

  “That was very nice of you.” Her back still itched, so she made a face as she reached around to scratch it.

  She couldn’t get to the spot very well, but Robert reached over and ran his fingernails up and down at her right shoulder blade. “Here?”

  “A little lower. Yes, there! Thank you.” She gave an exaggerated groan as he scratched. Then she flopped dow
n on top of him again. “I’ve got to get up and going soon, and I don’t want to.”

  “Why do you have to get going? The wedding isn’t until two.”

  “I know. But Michelle has hired a stylist to do our hair and makeup. That’s at ten thirty. And I need to shower and wash and dry my hair before then so I’m ready to be made beautiful.”

  “You’re already beautiful.” He stroked her hair back from her face very gently.

  She snorted. “And you’re full of crap. My hair is a mess. I’ve got bruises all over from the accident. And these pajamas are not the most flattering outfit in the history of the world, you know.”

  “What the hell does any of that matter? You’re beautiful anyway.”

  Her cheeks warmed, but she made a face at him for good measure.

  “You don’t believe me?” he asked with a little smile. “Then see how fast it takes me to get hard again. I’m not a teenager anymore. It doesn’t happen at the drop of a hat with me. But with you, looking like you do right now...”

  She felt a shiver of pleasure, but she didn’t indulge it. “I appreciate the sentiment, but the truth is I’m kind of sore. You didn’t take it easy on me last night, you know.”

  He’d propped his head up higher with a second pillow, and he frowned down at her now. “Was I too rough?”

  “No. You were exactly the right amount of rough. But I’m a little sore. And anyway, I don’t know that we have time to get me going enough for me to enjoy it.”

  He arched his eyebrows. “Is that a challenge?”

  “No.” She snickered. “It’s really not. Some other time though. Maybe you can test your powers of seduction and see how fast you can get revved up.” She froze after she said the words, realizing she was presuming something they’d never actually discussed.

  Last night hadn’t felt casual. Or even close to casual. But they’d never made it clear whether it was going to be another one-night thing or whether they might be serious.

  It was serious for her. Of course it was. But maybe it wasn’t for him.

  He didn’t look surprised or uncomfortable. Just warm and relaxed as he murmured, “Definitely some other time.”

  She smiled as she rubbed his chest and then idly trailed her hand farther under the cover. She frowned when she felt the front of his pants. “You’re already hard. You really did want to have sex.”

  “Eh. I’m just halfway. It’s no big deal.”

  “I could probably—”

  “No. No way. Even if I was raring to go, it’s not your responsibility. It’s mine, and I can take care of it if I need to. You owe absolutely nothing to my dick.”

  She laughed at his choice of words and stretched up to kiss him lightly. “Thank you. Not all guys seem to realize that.”

  “Some guys aren’t assholes.”

  “That’s true.” She went to kiss him again. She probably shouldn’t since it might come across as clingy, but she really wanted to. And he didn’t appear to mind. In fact, he combed his fingers through her hair and deepened the kiss for a moment before he released her, as if he wanted to really savor it.

  Then she couldn’t resist pressing a kiss on his throat. Then his chest. Then his bare belly.

  “Um,” he said dryly, stroking her hair with a careful hand. “I know I said my dick isn’t your responsibility, but if you put your mouth down that way, it’s going to get the wrong idea.”

  Smiling, she trailed kisses down even farther.

  She’d had absolutely no intentions of doing this even thirty seconds before. But she was suddenly hit with the impulse and saw no reason to deny it. She pulled his pajama pants down and kissed his now full erection, sliding her fingers down the length of him and lowering her head.

  “Damn, sunshine,” Robert rasped, shifting his hips restlessly beneath her. “I thought you weren’t in the mood.”

  “I wasn’t in the mood for a long, involved scenario that included a lot of thrusting. But this... this I can definitely do.”

  He had a handful of her hair now, and he was using his hold on it to keep her from lowering her face enough to reach his erection. “Amanda, seriously. I don’t want you to do this only because you think it’s what I want. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. Ever. I’ll never want that.”

  She felt her throat tighten, unexpectedly touched by his earnestness. “Thank you, Robert. I mean it. I never do stuff with guys I don’t want to do. I always tell them no. I’ll do the same with you. I promise I will. If I don’t want something, I’ll say so. So I do want to do this. I really do.”

  He nodded and relaxed, loosening his hand on her hair but not releasing it. “Okay then. Thank you, sunshine.”

  “Well, I haven’t done anything for you to thank me yet.” With a smile, she was finally able to get her head into position and take the tip of him in her mouth. She gave a hard suck, and he grunted and jerked his hips.

  Excited by how much he liked this, she let him go so she could tease him some, licking and stroking and playing with him until he was so tense he was shaking and couldn’t stop moaning out his pleasure.

  Then she took him fully in her mouth and hollowed out her cheeks. He bucked his hips up toward her slightly, obviously trying to hold himself back. With a little doing, she found a good, satisfying rhythm, sucking him and bobbing her head. He kept holding her hair, using it to guide her motion but not in a rough or demeaning way. She kind of liked it.

  She liked everything about this, particular how she could feel his body tighten like a fist beneath her.

  He arched his neck and made a rough sound, his free hand fumbling at the covers and his eyes hot and primal.

  She took him a little deeper and sucked hard.

  He came apart beneath her, rocking with the waves of his climax and making a loud, helpless bellow of release.

  She let him slip out of her mouth just before he came, so he ejaculated on her stomach. Not that there was much—he’d come just a few hours ago.

  He was limp and flushed and smiling when he’d worked through his spasms. She let go of him and climbed higher up his body so she could kiss him.

  “Thank you,” he murmured. “You really didn’t have to do that, but it was incredible.”

  “I loved it too,” she told him, giving him one more kiss before she sat up. She felt a little self-conscious now. She didn’t even know why. “Okay. I really am going to leave now, right after I wipe this off.”

  He made a disapproving sound and reached out for her, but she gave his hand a playful swat. “No, I mean it. I don’t want to be late for Michelle, and I definitely need some cleaning up after everything. You can stay in bed and take it easy. I’ve got to go get in the shower.”

  “Okay. If you have to.” His eyelids were heavy. She’d never seen his expression so relaxed, so unguarded. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Yes.” She smiled, feeling ridiculously fond. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep, so maybe you should take a nap.”

  “I will. But I’d rather take a nap with you.”

  “I wish I could, but it’s not going to happen, so please don’t tempt me.” She made herself stand up, wincing at the soreness in her muscles and between her legs.

  “Come here for a minute, sunshine.” At her suspicious look, he added, “Just a minute. I promise.”

  She leaned down toward him and he pulled her face toward his, giving her a slow, tender kiss before releasing her. She was smiling like a fool as she walked toward the door.

  When she turned to give him one more look, he was gazing at her, his expression so incredibly warm. But the blow job she’d given him must have made him sleepy because when she came out of the bathroom after giving her stomach a quick cleanup, he was almost asleep.

  SHE WAS BACK IN HER room when she checked her phone and saw her sister had texted.


  It could be nothing. Stacey was often dramatic that way in text or in person. But just in case, Amanda sat down
on the bed and called before she did anything else.

  “Hey!” Stacey said, picking up on the second ring. “Are you okay?”

  “Of course I’m okay. You’re the one who demanded I call you.”

  “I know that. But that’s because you sent me a text that said you were in a car accident! How am I supposed to deal with that?”

  “I told you it was nothing serious in the text.”

  “Yes, but I was still worried. So you’re really okay?”

  “Yeah. I wasn’t hurt at all. Just kind of shook-up. And Robert just sprained a wrist. It wasn’t a big deal. Just a pain. We had to rent a car to make it to the wedding.”

  “That is a pain. What happened exactly?”

  Amanda told her sister the story, how the truck had forced them off the road and all the hassle they’d had to go through afterward. Stacey asked a few questions, clearly genuinely worried.

  Eventually the conversation shifted to other things, and Amanda casually asked how Dave was doing.

  “He’s fine,” Stacey said in a different tone. “He’s doing fine.”

  “What’s the matter? Is something wrong with him?”

  “No. Nothing’s wrong. We just had a fight last night. I wanted to go out to dinner, and he wanted to play his stupid video games with his friends.”

  “So who won?”

  “He did. Of course.”

  “How hard did you push?”

  “Not hard. I don’t want him to be annoyed with me or think I’m spoiled and always want my way.”

  “Obviously. But you’re not spoiled, and you can’t always bend to what he wants. So if you did what he wanted this time, be sure to do what you want next time.”

  “I’ll try. But I’m not very good about putting my foot down. I wish I was more like you.”

  “No, you don’t. If you were, Dave would never have fallen in love with you.”

  “That’s true. Then I wish I was a little more like you. I’m not very good at being strong.”

  “You’re plenty strong,” Amanda insisted, immediately defensive of her sister even if Stacey was the one bad-mouthing herself. “You’ve always been stronger than you think. Just remember that what you need and want is just as important as what he wants. You can’t always be the person who is giving in. He knows that. You just have to make sure he remembers it.”


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