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Forbidden Embrace

Page 12

by Charlotte Blackwell

  “I heard that he may have been real, but never really knew for certain,” Matt jumps in.

  “There is actually a long standing tale about him and his demise,” Isaac adds.

  Nathanial is nearly bouncing, “Well, don’t just tease us like that. You have to tell us the tale.”

  With a chuckle Isaac begins, “It is said that Dracula was chased out of Transylvania. He fled to the docks and boarded a ship full of people that was headed to Whitby in North Yorkshire of the United Kingdom. Afraid of being found by those who were hunting him, Dracula transformed into a dog, as he had the power to shape-shift. Even as a dog, Dracula needed to stay out of the sun or he would burn, so he remained in the cellar onboard until night. Once nightfall was upon them, Dracula would transform back to his original form and find a poor soul to feed from, draining them to death. His only other option to feed was when a crew member entered the cellar.”

  “That is pretty cool; what happened next?”

  “Back in Whitby a couple saw the ship. Surprised as it had been so long since the last ship had passed through Whitby, they watched, wondering what was aboard. As the ship came to dock the couple realized no one was aboard the ship, and couldn’t figure out how it was being steered. Now of course, with a little practice, vampires can control minds and inanimate objects; this allowed him to steer the boat with his mind. Once he disembarked the ship, Dracula realized sunrise would soon be upon him–he needed to find a safe place to hide out. Not far from the docks is Whitby Abbey; Dracula raced up the nearly 200 stairs to find solace within the Abbey walls.”

  Nathanial is intently listening to the story, “So how did he end up here in North America?”

  “Once the people of Whitby found out about him, they hunted him and staked him. He was buried there at the Abbey. What the people didn’t know is he could be resurrected; because of his age and powers he was, and is, much harder to destroy. Dracula was staked, but not beheaded or burned, so he just needed a little help. It is said that his father Cyrus found him, as makers can sense their kin. He removed the stake and fed his son; not only mortals blood, but his own blood as well, bringing Dracula back to the world of the undead. They left a tourist’s bones in Dracula’s place and staked the remains, making it appear that Dracula’s body still rests in Whitby Abbey today. Only those of our kind are aware of the true story, and now you all share this knowledge.”

  “I assume that this is now a popular tourist attraction,” Matt adds.

  “You are correct son…many tourist go to see the grave of Dracula.”

  “Oh, I’m so there!” Nathanial announces.

  “Now that’s a very interesting story, but we have more important matters to deal with than a tourist attraction. I’m more concerned about, how bad is it going to be if they get their hands on–or should I say fangs in–Danika?” Eliza comically asks.

  “Well–being two of the most powerful vampires in history, I would have to say pretty bad. So we better get going and get to Boston,” Constance adds.

  We decide to leave Ms. Edwina, Matt and Nathanial here, just for their safety and in case Danika comes home. With the remainder of us jumping in our cars, we race down the interstate towards Boston; at this rate it should only take us about 15 minutes.


  In Boston I drop Eliza and Ebony off at Luke’s work and make sure they are set up. He’s on tonight and explained to his boss that a friend of the family has run away to the Boston area. His boss is allowing the girls to use his office as a headquarters. No one questions why we have not contacted authorities yet, as there is a waiting period. No one there, not even Luke, is aware of all our supernatural connections, so the girls need to be careful not to get caught using magic. We are hoping that they will be more successful scrying since we believe Danika is in the area and the pull will be stronger. We’re all armed with our cell phones and ready to go. Once Ebony and Eliza are set up in the office, my family and I are ready to proceed to the theatre district, where this club is rumored to be. We believe it to be below a mortal night club called the Bijou, as this is what someone suggested. Luke points us in the right direction and we speed off with urgency. Our only hope is that she hasn’t gone through with the initiation yet.

  In the parking lot of the Bijou we notice several party goers sneaking around the back; they are quick and the mortal eye would not notice them or anything out of the ordinary. We are swift and follow them to the hidden door in the back of the building. Nodding with acknowledgment to the guard inside the door we begin to walk down the stairs.

  “Hey, you guys are new, you got ID?” the burly man asks. Elijah begins to pull out his wallet. The man chuckles, “Not that kind of ID, the kind that will grant you access to our private club here.”

  We all laugh and Elijah says, “Yeah of course man, sorry first timers here.” Then Elijah flashes his fangs to the door man.

  “You got any regulars with you tonight?”

  “Regulars? Oh you mean…no, no, this is my clan.”

  “’Kay, just so you know you can bring regulars with you, but they require an arm band so they are marked. Red for free for all, meaning you can feed freely off them, and black for taken, meaning only their owner can feed from them. There is a bar inside–you can get a shot of freshly squeezed or you can get a tap. The selections for taps are presented on the bar and Buddy will assist you to find a good vein.” He goes over the rules of the club. “And hey, enjoy Club VC; tonight is gonna be a good night.”

  “Thanks…we’re just travelers looking for a place to fit in,” Isaac plays along.

  “Well, I think you may have found it, and if Boston doesn’t float your boat, we have clubs all over and can hook you up with a chapter that will be to your liking.”

  “Thanks for the help.” Isaac shakes the man’s hand and we continue to make our way down the stairs to another door.

  Inside the club, I’m shocked at what I see. Vampires are feeding freely off mortals and raving on the dance floor. I guess I’ve been somewhat sheltered since my Embrace, but I can’t believe my kind would act this way in public. My biggest question is, how do they get the mortals involved? It’s against all vampire laws.

  Alexander connects us all and says telepathically, “I assume they’re all compelled or hypnotized to some extent. Also, don’t forget we are amongst the rogue cult and they don’t follow the laws set forth by the Renata.”

  “Okay, try not to act to surprised by all this; we need to blend in to our surroundings. Plus, we are here for one reason, to find Danika,” Constance encourages us.

  Florence hasn’t been very talkative since Danika left. I know how bad she is hurting and want nothing more than to stop her pain.

  “Well, I think we should split up. I’ve heard some of these partiers talking about the initiation. Florence and I will go to the east, Isaac you and Constance can go to the west, and Alex, Mati and Sophia, why don’t you go straight south through the dance floor,” Elijah orders and we all agree. Alexander will keep our thoughts very tightly connected. We must be careful, as we are unaware if there are any other telepaths here. Alexander will keep our thoughts on lock down from others.

  Alexander, Matilda and I all take to the dance floor, dancing and appearing to be having fun as we make our way through the crowd. I accidently bump into someone. Turning around to offer my apology, I freeze as he turns to face me.

  “Sophia, ssssshhhhh. I’ve got this under control. Get out of sight before she sees you. I will meet Elijah in the men’s bathroom in five minutes to explain,” Caspian whispers and whips back around to dance with Danika.

  We duck out of the dance floor and Alexander calls the rest of the family to meet us by the men’s washroom. Still in shock Alexander and Matilda help me in the direction of the others. I just can’t believe he’s here, Caspian is here, and he didn’t run.

  “What the hell happened there?” Isaac runs to us. “Is it really him, is that really Caspian?”

  Florence takes a
chair in the corner; her emotions are visually apparent, and she, like the rest of us, is overwhelmed by the situation.

  Caspian walks around the corner, “Everyone get in the bathroom, she’s coming.”

  We all race to get through the men’s room door in order to avoid being seen by Danika.

  “Okay, before you all ask me a billion questions, I don’t have much time, Danika can’t be left alone for long. Drake and Cyrus have their sights set on her and you should all be careful; they know it was you that killed the others,” Caspian begins.

  “But…” I begin.

  “Sophia I promise we will talk later, but this is about saving Danika. She is very hurt by the way you treated her. She feels like an outsider in the family. Now Drake has been working on her since you moved to Wenham. He is the guy you’ve seen her hanging around with at the school Sophia. Now on New Year’s when she took off, she was here. That was the first night I met her. Tonight they plan on initiating her into their cult. She needs to fully drain and kill a mortal, and then complete the Embrace on one of the taps. The taps are people chosen for live open vein feeding here. Right before initiation the sprinklers go off, spraying blood through the sprinkler system. I believe this will start a feeding frenzy and begin the bloodlust. I’m keeping an eye on her, and Alexander you can go ahead and connect me to all of you. There is a place you can go on the west side; the entire club is visible from there. I’ll ensure that Danika stays on the south and east ends of the club. We will talk more soon. Just remember, once the sprinklers start it’s go time, and we’ll have to get her out of here if we haven’t yet.” Caspian slips back out of the restroom.

  The seven of us stand there in total shock, unable to move or speak, just looking at one another and wondering if that really just happened.

  Chapter 17

  Danika’s New Friends

  Dancing with Caspian is a blast–I’m so lucky to have made a friend already. I wait for him as he told me to, just outside the men’s restroom. I’m glad to have a friend to hang with and to show me the ropes around here since Drake told me that his father had work for him to do, although he said tonight is a special night and he will return later with a surprise for me. I can’t help but wonder what it might be.

  “Bout time...and you guys always say that girls take forever in the restroom,” I joke as Cas walks out.

  “Sorry, gotta look good; you know beauty like mine takes work,” he jokes back. “Are you thirsty? You should make sure you don’t get thirsty, since they allow some mortals in here, and if you take the wrong mortal their master will destroy you.”

  “I could use a little something. I’m thinking of trying the tap, is it any good?”

  “Probably not a good idea; have you ever had a live feed? I mean, you look pretty young and come off as a fairly new vamp.”

  “No you’re right, I have never tried a live feed; my old family didn’t live that way. I’m wondering if there is anywhere I can try it.”

  “Oh, I’m sure Drake will bring you in here when it’s not so busy. He should be able to train you to drink fresh.”

  “Who would have thought everything would be so difficult?” I complain a little.

  I begin to feel a little pang for the family I just left. I’m so confused and don’t know what to do. I’m having fun here, but some of these vamps are a little scary. The mortals they bring here are shocking…I think I heard someone call them minions. It’s just hard to believe that they freely feed off them; some of the mortals are so out of it that they look almost like zombies. I wonder what they do to them when they are finished or get bored of them. A lot of the mortals appear drunk as well. I noticed a small bar off in the corner that serves alcohol to the mortals; I have heard they are easier to compel or hypnotize when they are intoxicated. This is such a different life than I’m used to; I guess I never realized how much the Pierce family protected me.

  “Hey Danika, you okay? You look a little lost,” Cas makes note.

  “Yeah I’m fine, just thinking about how different this is for me.”

  “You know, it’s not too late to go back to your home; I can take you.”

  “Thanks but no, my so-called sister wouldn’t want me to come back anyways. They are just better off without me. I’ve got a few issues I need to work out for myself too. I just don’t wanna think ‘bout this anymore, let’s dance some more.”

  “You’re the boss tonight, kiddo.”

  Just as we start toward the dance floor, Drake comes out of nowhere. “Hey kid, want the big tour? I can show you my office and stuff.”

  “Yeah sure.”

  Drake takes my hand and pulls me from the dance floor. Cas is right behind us following. Drake turns around, his eyes glowing bright red with a black ring around the iris, and looking right at my new friend he says, “Sorry man, this is a private tour–you understand, right?”

  “Oh yeah, sorry sir…meet up with you in a bit Danika.”

  “I’ll find you after, promise.”

  Drake takes me into a back room, with his hands wrapped tightly around both my wrists; he pushes me up against the wall. “What do you think you’re doing with that joker?”

  “I met him last time I was here; he’s just being a friend. Now let go of me.”

  “You do not tell me what to do. I run the show around here and you will obey me,” he pushes me harder and presses his lips to mine. I try to fight him off, but he’s too strong for me.

  “Drake please stop, I…I don’t like you this way, I like girls.”

  “I don’t care what you like, I want you and I want you now.”

  The door slams open and a larger, older man barges in. “Son, you let go of that poor girl, this instant.”

  “Ah…yes sir. Sorry, Dad.” Drake releases his grip from my wrists.

  The man holds his arms open to me “It’s okay dear, come here.” His voice is filled with such authority. “My name is Cyrus…I think we briefly met last time you were here, young lady.”

  “Thank you sir,” I collapse in his arms.

  “Please don’t mind my son. He will never do anything like that again. He has a little bit of a jealous streak, don’t you son.”

  “Yes sir…sorry Danika. When I saw you with Cas I just couldn’t help it. I really feel you are the one.”

  “She is the one?” Cyrus raises his brow to Drake and receives a slight nod in return before continuing, “Well Danika, tonight is a special night. We are initiating special vampires into our exclusive club and we would be honored if you will join us. It is like a large family; we will always protect you and make sure no one, including my son, ever hurts you again.”

  “Really, you want me? I would love to join your club.” I don’t think I could say no if I wanted too. Cyrus has such a power over me, I have a burning need to serve him.

  “Wonderful! Why don’t you come to my office? Marci is in there and she will help you find something beautiful to wear. In about 30 minutes, I will come get you and we can announce it to the other members. I will present you on the stage.”

  “That sounds wonderful; I feel like a princess or something.”

  “Oh yes a princess; you are my little princess.” Cyrus winks at me as he opens the door to his office and leaves, pulling Drake behind him.

  The office is white…everything is white; the walls, the furniture, and there are a few paintings hanging on the walls, in white frames. It looks to be some kind of abstract art, and only painted in red, almost as if to represent blood. On a white leather sofa off to the side sits a petite woman; she is striking with long black hair and blood red eyes. Next to the sofa is an open closet, filled with dresses: also all white.

  “You must be Danika?” The high, yet musical voice rings out to me.

  “Yeah, are you Marci?”

  “I am, but I prefer to be slightly more formal. I am your elder so you shall address me as Miss Marci.”

  “Sorry, Miss Marci.”

  “You know now so don’t let it
happen again,” she demands as she rises from the sofa and begins to dig through the closet.

  “Miss Marci, may I please ask how long you have been working here?”

  “I do not work here. I’m Cyrus’s mate, his queen and right hand. Together we rule; he as a father figure, myself as a mother figure.”

  “My apologies, Miss Marci.” I feel the need to be very formal and proper with this woman. “How long have you been queen?”

  “Cyrus and I have ruled for centuries; he found me and Embraced me. I have been by his side ever since, as a good queen should. Now will you stop with the silly questions; you need not concern yourself with my duties and history,” she snaps.

  I am a little terrified; no one has ever been that intimidating to me before. She lays a few dresses out on the sofa. “Try these on.”

  “Miss Marci, is there a changing room?”

  “NO, you will do it right here! I must get a look at what we are getting.”

  “I, um, I don’t…”

  “You don’t anything, young lady. Around here you do what you are told.”

  “Yes, Miss Marci.”

  I’m now terrified, but try not to show my emotions as I’m sure I would just get reprimanded again; this lady scares the crap out of me. I proceed to disrobe and try on the first outfit; white leather pants and a corset style top, also in white. She points and instructs me to spin around with only a wave of her index finger. Then with one swift motion she shakes her head and waves off the outfit. This goes on for the next five outfits. Finally she gets up and swings open the closet doors, and after a moment of digging around she pulls out a white garment bag and hooks it on the door of the closet. Unzipping the bag reveals a long white silk gown.

  “Here try this one; maybe it will look good on you,” Marci snarls.

  “Why do I even need to change?”

  “You will not ask questions, girl.”

  “Sorry Miss Marci, it is very beautiful.”


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