Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 4

by Anne Rainey

  Lydia pushed her glasses up her nose and said, “I look like a prostitute. A near-sighted prostitute at that.”

  Roni stopped adjusting her black corset. “Are you saying my clothes are slutty?”

  “I’m saying on you they look sexy, on me they look abnormal.”

  Roni looked at her from head to toe. “I was going to suggest you take your hair down, but I think it actually looks better up. This place has a ‘no costume, no entry’ rule. And you have this strange librarian fetish look going on with the glasses and the bun. I didn’t see it before, but combined with that leather skirt and that sheer top, you’re going to be the hit of the ball.”

  Lydia wasn’t sure why she’d agreed to wear the pink chiffon blouse. It had an elastic neckline and cuffs, with a hem that fell below the waist. The black bra and waist cincher made it look deliciously sexy…for the bedroom. Wearing it inside a club for others to see had her knees knocking together. The fishnet stockings seemed to bring the outfit together. As she looked at her body, she had a strange feeling that she was really staring at her evil twin.

  “You know, you could have told me about the costume rule,” Lydia admonished. “I would’ve been better prepared.”

  “You would’ve made an excuse and backed out, you mean.”

  It sucked when your friends knew you so well. “Probably.”

  Roni took a bottle of red wine from the dresser and poured them each a glass. Lydia picked up her glass before Roni could bother to hand it to her. As she sipped it, Roni finished dressing. She really shouldn’t be surprised that Roni had such erotic clothing, but seeing her best friend dressed in a tight-fitting black latex catsuit and knee-high boots was a little shocking. With her blond hair pulled into a tight, high ponytail, Roni exuded confidence and sex appeal. The men at the club must drool every time she walks through the doors. She didn’t resemble Roni the psychologist at all. All she needed was a leather whip and a man on his knees begging to please her and her look would be complete.

  “You ready?” Roni asked, her tone one of concern.

  Lydia’s nerves were shot, but she nodded anyway.

  Roni grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bedroom. As they picked up their purses, Roni looked her over one more time and shook her head. “I can’t believe it’s really you. Damn, girl, you’re hot! You’re going to drive the doms crazy, honey, trust me.”

  Lydia wrapped her arms around her waist. “I’m not sure I want to drive anyone crazy,” she said, her voice rising as hysteria began to set in. “I’m not even sure why I let you talk me into this.”

  Roni opened the door to her apartment and ushered her through it. As she turned the lock and started down the hall, she said, “Because you need this and we both know it. And because you trust me not to get you into anything you can’t handle.”

  When she put it like that, there really wasn’t anything more to be said. As they arrived at the elevator, the doors opened and a man stepped out. His gaze roamed over Roni first, then Lydia. Her face heated as he lingered on her chest. When their eyes met, he smiled. Lydia wanted to sink into the carpet and disappear. Roni tugged her onto the elevator. As the doors shut she noticed the man hadn’t moved, and just before the doors shut, he winked.

  Lydia covered her face and groaned.

  Roni laughed. “You’d better get used to it; that’s going to happen a lot over the course of the evening.”

  “Get used to it?” Lydia cried. “I’m ready to make a break for it here!”

  Roni tsked. “Don’t be a chicken shit.”

  That had her standing straighter. “I’m not a chicken shit; I’m an introvert. There’s a difference.”

  The elevator dinged, indicating they’d arrived at their floor. As the doors opened, Lydia held her breath, worried they’d run into another man. This time there were no gawkers, just the silence of the lobby.

  Roni stepped out, then stopped when she realized she was alone. Lydia couldn’t seem to get her feet to move. As the doors started to close, Roni slammed her hand against the opening. “Not a chicken shit, huh?”

  Lydia gritted her teeth against the need to tell her friend to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine and stepped out of the elevator. Roni removed her hand and said. “Now was that so hard?”

  “Kiss my ass,” Lydia shot right back.

  “FYI, that’s not something you’re going to want to say at Kinks.”

  They both burst out laughing as they made their way to the parking garage. Lydia relaxed a fraction when she slipped inside Roni’s black Corolla.

  Roni started the car and turned toward her. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Roni’s face lit with excitement. “Let’s go play.”


  It wasn’t at all what Lydia expected. After she’d read through the rules and regulations, which were quite detailed, and signed on the dotted line, Roni had escorted her to the Great Room, which consisted of a large comfortable sitting area and several high round tables and stools along the outer edge of the room. Lydia tried not to gawk, but really, who wouldn’t? She noticed several couples kissing and touching, and it aroused her in a way she never expected.

  Her body heated instantly when she noticed a man sliding the handle of a whip up a woman’s thigh until it disappeared beneath her skirt. The woman flung her head back, her eyes closed as if in rapture. Lydia could imagine the leather handle sliding inside the woman’s pussy, or maybe her ass—and the thought made her tingle. When he pushed the whip deeper the woman’s mouth dropped open as if on a scream. Lydia’s pussy grew damp as she imagined the feel of the leather parting her swollen lips and sinking deep. She quickly looked away when the man spotted her watching.

  A pair of blond women seated on the floor next to an over-stuffed chair caught her attention. They each had a leather collar around their necks with a metal ring in the front, which attached to a leash. The man holding the pair of leashes was a large African American dressed from head to toe in black leather. He gazed down at both women with affection and said something to one of them, who immediately started to lick the other woman’s nipple through the sheer blouse she wore. The man petted her and continued to carry on a conversation with another man seated across from him. He had his own submissive seated on the floor between his thighs. Lydia’s jaw nearly dropped when she spied the woman’s fingers wrapped around his exposed cock. She slowly stroked him, teasing the head with her thumb, fondling it as if she were in a room alone instead of in a room full of people.

  Lydia felt as if she were on sensory overload. Her nipples tingled and her pussy had already soaked clear through her panties. As she let her gaze sweep the room, she noticed several men watching her, lust in their eyes. Suddenly, Lydia was grateful for the low lighting. It gave her just enough courage to keep from bolting out the door. She stayed close to Roni as they reached one of the round tables along the edge of the room. Roni pulled one of the stools out and sat down. When Lydia started to do the same she realized just how tricky an endeavor it would prove to be, considering the tight skirt allowed no room for movement. It took all her concentration just to get in the chair without exposing herself to one and all.

  Roni pointed upward and Lydia’s gaze followed until she spotted another level. “What’s up there?”

  “That’s what’s known as the Upper Dungeon. That’s one of the areas where members can play.”

  “Dungeon? That sounds so…medieval.”

  Roni nodded. “It sort of is, I guess. There are suspension racks, bondage tables, even a spanking bench. Would you like to go up and see it?”

  Lydia shook her head, her heart pounding too fast. “I think I’m good right here.”

  Roni looked over her shoulder, her eyes widening. “We’ve attracted the attention of the owners it seems.”

  Lydia swiveled around and watched in awe as three large men with leather hoods walked toward her. They all wore jeans and black T-shirts with the words GET YOUR KINK ON in bol
d white letters across the chest. The half-hoods the three men wore effectively concealed their identity but kept the lower half of their face visible. They were well over six feet and had just enough muscle to make a woman pant. The man on the left had midnight black hair and amber eyes that seemed to see clear to her soul. The one in the middle had sandy blond hair and a flirty half smile, while the man on the right had chocolate brown hair that curled at the ends. For some strange reason he looked familiar. As if she’d seen that curl before. They all three looked intimidating as hell.

  “Clyde tells me you have a guest this evening. Care to introduce me?” The deep timbre traveled the length of her spine as the man with the chocolate brown hair spoke to Roni.

  “Lydia, this is Apollo, Zeus and Poseidon,” Roni answered, as she gestured to each man in turn. “They own Kinks.”

  Lydia quirked her brow and stared at the one called Apollo. There was something about that brown hair and those mesmerizing eyes. She’d seen him before, she would swear to it. “The names of Gods?”

  “The nicknames are necessary to preserve our privacy,” Apollo explained. “What brings you to Kinks, Lydia? Are you new to the scene?”

  “Very new.”

  “Can I give you a tour of the place then? It might make you feel better if you know what we’re all about.”

  Lydia looked at Roni. She nodded. Lydia started to step off the stool, but Apollo was quicker. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her in the air, then set her on her feet, directly in front of him. This close she could smell his woodsy scent. “Uh, thanks.”

  He started walking and she tried to stay in step beside him, but it wasn’t easy with his long strides. He slowed his pace and one side of his lips kicked up as he looked over at her. “That skirt doesn’t allow much room, does it?”

  She laughed. “No, it really doesn’t.”

  When he held out his elbow, Lydia stopped walking and stared at it, unsure what to do. His brown eyes seemed to be daring her. He leaned down and whispered, “Afraid I bite?”

  “Around here, yeah,” she muttered.

  Apollo laughed and she heard a few snickers coming from behind her. She turned, frowning at the two men. “Do you two intend to follow?”

  The black-haired Poseidon shrugged. “What can I say, we like to watch.”

  Lydia rolled her eyes and looked at the other man, who had yet to speak, he merely grinned at her. “You two are in for a boring night then, because I’m not all that exciting.”

  Apollo asked, “If that’s the case, then why are you here?”

  “I let my friend talk me into it.” Lydia pointed toward herself. “I’ve been having second thoughts since I put on this outfit.”

  Apollo looked her over, his gaze resting on her breasts for several seconds. “You have a beautiful body, Lydia.”

  Lydia’s face heated. “Thank you.”

  “If you dress like this all the time you must hear compliments like that quite often. In fact, I’m surprised you aren’t here with a man.”

  Lydia barely contained a snort. “Well, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment, and I can assure you this is not how I normally dress.”

  “I see,” he said, then held out his arm once more.

  This time Lydia slipped her arm through his. His expression turned darker, more wicked, as if she’d just accepted an invite to his bed. She tried to force herself to breathe normally, concentrating on not tripping and making a fool of herself. As they reached a staircase, he let her go ahead of him. Lydia grasped the railing and carefully made her way up to the second level, trying not to think about the three men following behind her, possibly seeing up her skirt. When she reached the upstairs landing, Apollo was right there, taking her arm again. “In this place it’s always a good idea to be with someone,” he explained. “Or at least appear that you are. A beautiful woman alone attracts a lot of attention.”

  “I’m not beautiful,” she corrected him. “Please don’t let the sexy clothes fool you. I’m a slightly round and horribly near-sighted paralegal. That’s the real me.”

  Apollo touched the edge of her frames with his finger, tracing them as he murmured, “The glasses and the way you wear your hair, it’s like something out of an adult fetish film. You look like a naughty librarian and it’s damn sexy, Lydia. Didn’t you know that?”

  “N-no, I didn’t know that.” Lydia couldn’t move, could only stand there while Apollo touched her frames. When his finger stroked over the skin of her cheek she shuddered.

  “Is your boss a man?”

  “Uh, yes. Actually, three men.”

  “I bet they’ve noticed. I bet they’ve even fantasized about you.”

  Lydia shook her head, unable to catch her breath. “No, they’d never see me that way.” Well, it was just a little lie.

  “Don’t be so sure,” he said as he dropped his finger. “Turn around.”

  Lydia obeyed, there wasn’t any other choice. They stood in front of a doorway to another room. A woman was spread out on a table, her ankles and wrists bound as a man dribbled hot wax down her belly. She moaned and writhed, much to the man’s delight. Another man lay over a bench, his bare ass in the air as a woman in an outfit much like Roni’s black catsuit wielded a wooden paddle like a pro. She swatted him and the man begged for more. Lydia’s clit throbbed as she imagined what it must feel like.

  “Have you ever been spanked, Lydia?”

  She swiveled around on her heel. “Certainly not.”

  All three men stood close, only a few feet away, their gazes locked on hers. Apollo closed the gap between them and leaned down until their lips were but a breath away from each other. “You shouldn’t mock what you’ve never tried,” he chastised, then he pressed his lips to hers, gentle and teasing. At the first contact, Lydia went rigid, unsure if she should push him away and demand an apology or pull him in closer. When his hand cupped the back of her head and she heard him emit a low growl, she gave in and melted against his hard body. She wrapped her arms around his neck and angled her head for a deeper kiss. His tongue came out and swept over the seam before biting gently down on her plump lower lip.

  “Open those sweet lips, baby, let me in,” he softly ordered.

  Lydia sighed and Apollo sank his tongue deep, licking and tasting, playing with her tongue. He rained kisses over both her cheeks before drifting lower and teasing the side of her neck. Lydia knew she should stop him, push him away and go back to Roni. When he skimmed his tongue up and down her flesh, directly over her vein, it was all she could do to keep from coming right then and there. He bit down and her pussy pulsed and swelled with need. Her hands moved lower until she clutched at his shoulders, fingernails biting into flesh and muscle. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the moment. His mouth moved lower, skimming over the tops of her breasts. When he kissed each nipple through her clothes, her legs shook with anticipation.

  “Come with us,” he growled. “Let us show you pleasure.”

  Us, he’d said. Lydia pulled back, breathing as if she’d run a marathon. “Oh God, what am I doing? I-I should get back to Roni.”

  “Lydia, look over the railing,” Apollo demanded.

  Lydia looked down at the Great Room below, easily spotting Roni’s blonde ponytail. Lydia couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Roni stood in a corner of the room with a kneeling man’s face pressed against her latex-covered crotch. Roni petted the massive man’s bald head as he ground his face against her harder.

  “As you can see, she’s quite happily engaged at the moment. Come with us, Lydia, we won’t hurt you, you have my word.”

  Lydia looked up at Apollo, then over at the other two men, who’d stayed silent and watchful throughout the exchange. She could still taste the intoxicating flavor of Apollo’s kiss. “Why me?”

  A glimmer of sexual heat lit Apollo’s eyes as he lowered his head toward her ear. “Because we’ve always had a fondness for naughty librarians.”

  And just like that, she


  “An attached apartment?” Lydia asked as she was led into a room on the third floor. Apollo flipped a switch by the door and light flooded the room. The interior had been decorated in sleek, modern furniture. A black leather couch and loveseat sat in the center. A long oak bar ran along one wall. Along another wall sat a strange black padded bench with metal rings all along the sides. She had no idea what that was for. A forty-two-inch high-definition, flat-panel television sat on a shelf imbedded into the wall above the bench.

  Apollo shrugged. Poseidon and Zeus moved to the bar and took out a couple of glasses, then poured some amber-colored liquid in each of them.

  “While it’s interesting to watch the others downstairs,” Apollo answered, “we prefer our privacy.”

  “Do you bring women up here often?” For some reason the thought made her angry. She didn’t want to imagine the tall, dark-haired man in front of her entertaining other women in this room.

  He walked a few feet and picked up a remote control from a shelf. “Do you really want to know?”

  “Not really,” Lydia admitted as he pushed a button and the lights dimmed. Another button had soft music filling the air. Not at all like the hard pumping bass from downstairs, this music was soulful and seductive.

  Poseidon and Zeus leaned against the bar, their gazes on her. Lydia pulled her purse off her shoulder and took out her cell phone. “I need to call Roni. I don’t want her to worry.”

  Apollo nodded. “Of course, we’ll give you some privacy.”

  Lydia dialed Roni’s number as the three hooded men went through a doorway into another room. She couldn’t stop herself from wondering what was through that doorway. A bedroom or something more? As she remembered the dungeon from downstairs, Lydia shook her head. “Scratch that, I don’t want to know.”

  Roni picked up on the second ring. “Where are you?”

  She sounded worried and for some reason it calmed Lydia a little. “I’m fine. I’m still with the owners.”


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