Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 5

by Anne Rainey

  “They want you,” Roni stated. “I could see it in their expressions. Be careful, they’re all three dominants and they know what they’re doing, whereas you’re a newbie.”

  “I know. I think Apollo must run the show though, because the other two follow his lead.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. I’ve seen him in action. He’s something else. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  Lydia slumped against the door. “To tell you the truth, I have no idea what I’m doing. I should probably just leave now.”

  “It’s your choice,” Roni said, her tone softening. “Say the word and I’ll come and get you. I don’t care if they do kick both our asses out.”

  Lydia straightened, alarmed at the thought of never seeing Apollo again. Never experiencing another of his scorching kisses. “This might be a huge mistake, but I think I want to stay.”

  “I had a feeling you’d say that.” She paused then added, “Okay, but they damn well better use condoms. And make sure they understand that no means no.”

  Lydia barely contained a chuckle. “Yes, Mom.”

  “Don’t be a smartass. You’re a babe and they’re like three big hungry wolves. I’ll be worrying all night so call me the minute you’re out of there.”

  “I’ll be fine, Roni, really,” Lydia soothed. “Besides for some reason I trust them. I can’t explain it, but it’s almost like I know them.”

  The line went quiet a moment, before Roni said, “That is strange, considering no one has ever seen them with their hoods off, and to my knowledge no one knows their real names either.”

  Lydia heard them shuffling around in the other room so she finished her call. “I’ll call you and give you all the dirty details.”

  “It’s that or I call 911 and come searching for you.”

  As they hung up, Apollo came to the doorway, fists clenched at his side. He didn’t speak, simply lifted one hand and crooked his finger at her. Lydia dropped her phone back into her purse and stepped away from the safety of the door. The closer she came to the imposing man, the faster her heart beat. By the time she’d reached him, she thought it’d beat right out of her chest.

  His hand came up and cupped the back of her head. “You have nothing to fear, baby. No one will hurt you, I promise.”

  Lydia reached up and touched the bottom curve of the hood, wishing he’d remove it. At once Apollo’s hand covered hers and she frowned. “Why the secrecy, Apollo?”

  “It’s my choice. Just as it was your choice to come here tonight. You wanted something when you ventured into Kinks. What was it, Lydia?”

  “The truth?”

  “Please,” he growled.

  “I-I wanted to have sex with a stranger.” I cannot believe I just said that.

  His gaze darkened. “I see. Is this a fantasy of yours?”


  “I would be pleased to make your fantasy come true, Lydia. The three of us can give you a night you’ll never forget. All you have to do is say yes.”

  She let him pull her hand down for a kiss. His tongue swirled around the center of her palm and her clit throbbed. Lydia imagined that talented tongue licking her to orgasm. Suddenly she felt another pair of hands on her, caressing her back and bottom. Lydia leaned her head back and saw that Poseidon had slipped up behind her. Zeus stood next to her, watchful and quiet.

  Lydia looked back up at Apollo and murmured, “Yes.”

  Apollo’s expression changed to that of a hungry lion. In the next breath he had her off the floor and cradled against his chest. He took her into the adjoining room, and placed her gently in the center of a large bed covered in a red satin comforter. Lydia sat up and held her hand in the air just as Apollo started to come down on top of her.

  “Wait, I’d like to freshen up a bit.” Okay, so she was stalling, but when a woman is faced with three large, gorgeous men about to make her every desire a reality, she’s allowed a little time to collect her thoughts.

  Apollo planted a hand beside her hip and growled, “You aren’t contemplating escape are you?”

  Lydia laughed, feeling herself relax a margin. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He held out his hand, she took it and allowed him to help her from the bed. He pointed to a corner of the room. “Through there. You’ll find everything you need.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lydia made it to the bathroom without tripping over her own feet. Amazing, considering her jangling nerves. After she flipped on the light and closed the door, Lydia collapsed against it. “I am in so damn deep.”

  Mac, known as Zeus to the members of Kinks, glared at Dane. “Fuck, what the hell are we doing here, Dane?”

  “I wish I knew. I’ve clearly lost my mind.” Dane knew he never should have given Lydia the tour, but the instant he’d spotted her sitting at that table his cock had stood at attention. Lydia had come into his territory and he’d be damned if he’d let her go now.

  Mac whipped around and said, “Trent, talk some damned sense into him, will you?”

  “He’s Poseidon and I’m Apollo,” Dane admonished. “Remember the rule. Even up here we use the nicknames.”

  Mac pushed his fingers through his hair. “Fine then. What the hell were you thinking inviting Lydia here, Apollo? What if she recognizes one of us? We’re so screwed.”

  “Could either of you have walked away from her?” Dane asked, knowing the answer. They’d all three been captivated by Lydia’s presence at the club. Dane’s paralegal was taking a walk on the wild side and he’d be damned if she did it with anyone other than the three of them.

  Mac came closer, nearly nose to nose. “My dick is hard enough to pound dents out of a damn pickup truck, but if she realizes who she’s with it’ll humiliate her. Are you willing to lose her forever?”

  Dane had already thought of that, but his libido wasn’t listening to reason at the moment. “She hasn’t figured it out yet and she won’t.” Christ, he hoped that was true. “We keep the masks on and watch our voices. Especially you, Zeus; that Texas accent is a dead giveaway.”

  Mac rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I already figured that out, genius, but what happens after? We go to work on Monday and it’s business as usual?”

  This time it was Trent’s turn to speak. “If this is our only chance to have Lydia beneath us, then we take it. She came here, we didn’t lure her. And I’d rather it be us than some other asshole. The other doms would’ve seen her for the little lamb she is and pounced.” Trent looked pointedly at Mac. “If you’re having second thoughts, then leave. We won’t stop you.”

  “I’m not having second thoughts, Poseidon. But I don’t want this thing to blow up in our faces either. This is Lydia we’re talking about, goddammit. She’s too sweet to screw with and you both know it.”

  “I would die rather than hurt Lydia,” Dane muttered. Just the thought had his gut knotting up. “But I can’t let her walk away, not now. I can’t explain it, all I know is she stays. We can figure the rest out later.”

  The door to the bathroom opened and Lydia stepped out. They all three fell silent as they watched her move toward them, her steps slow and a little unsure. The closer she came the harder Dane’s blood pounded through his veins. When she was directly in front of him, a shy smile curving her lips, he knew the truth. He could never have let her walk away.

  He reached a hand out and cupped her cheek. “You’re beautiful.”

  She looked down at the floor. “I’m really not, but thank you anyway.”

  Dane couldn’t believe she was so unaware of her own appeal. It was true she didn’t have the ideal hourglass figure and her facial features weren’t picture perfect either, but Dane had always found perfection boring. Lydia was anything but boring. Her nose was a little crooked and her glasses were outdated, and her curves were just lush enough to give a man something to hold on to. She had a freshness that appealed to him. She was nothing like the jaded women he’d too often dated. Lydia’s intelligence and strong wi
ll were extremely sexy. The thought of her submitting to him had his cock swelling painfully. He wanted to see her come apart in his arms. Before the night was over she’d be relinquishing her control and giving in to him.

  “You know we’re doms, don’t you?” Dane asked, needing her to understand what the three of them would demand of her.

  “Yes,” she tentatively replied, “but I’ve never done anything like this, Apollo. I’ve never—”

  “You aren’t trained as a sub, I know,” Dane inserted. “We aren’t going to expect more from you than you can give.”

  She squinted as if suspicious. “What do you expect?”

  “Only that you trust us to give you pleasure.” When she still looked wary, he said, “We don’t find it necessary to tie our women up and order them to call us master every time we have sex. It’s something we enjoy, yes, but not the only thing. Trust me, Lydia.” He took her by the waist and backed up until he reached the bed. He sat down and pulled her between his wide-spread thighs. Dropping his hands away, he ordered, “Take off your shirt for me, baby.”

  Dane’s heart sped up as he watched her shaking fingers pull at the ties of the waist cincher. In his peripheral vision, he saw Mac and Trent move behind Lydia, close but not touching. As she loosened the black garment and pulled it down her hips, Dane knew a kind of hunger he’d never known before. He’d wanted Lydia for too long. Craved her. Now that he was so close to finally burying his cock inside her tight little cunt it was torture to wait, to take it slow. Lydia deserved his control though, not some fast fuck that would leave her unsatisfied.

  She took off her glasses and placed them on the bedside table before taking hold of the hem on the sheer pink blouse. Dane had the urge to grasp the material and rip it off her. It was just a damn good thing patience had been the first thing he’d learned as a dom. He’d become adept at waiting, drawing out the pleasure. When the delicate fabric lifted, revealing a slightly rounded belly and black satin bra, Dane groaned. She tossed the blouse aside. Dane didn’t give a shit where it landed; his entire concentration was on her breasts. The tempting mounds were more than the bra could contain, sweet swells of flesh spilled over the tops of the curved cups. Lydia bit her lip and took the front closure between her fingers, then popped it open. Her round creamy tits filled his vision. Dane wrapped his hands around her back and pulled her forward. He covered one puffy pink nipple with his mouth and sucked. Sweet ambrosia filled his mouth.

  “Oh God,” Lydia cried.

  Dane let his tongue circle her areola, then pulled as much of her flesh into his mouth as he could. Slim fingers wrapped around his head, holding him tight against her body. He lifted only long enough to nip at the tempting tip. She moaned and pressed more fully against him. Dane caught himself and pulled back. “Take off the rest of it, baby. Show me that pretty body.”

  Her wet nipple glistened in the low light and he could swear he smelled the heat of her pussy. He couldn’t wait to go down on her, suck at her little bud and sip her honey. When her fingers went to the zipper at the back of her skirt, Dane held his breath. Her gaze never strayed from his as she slid the zipper down. Mac and Trent stood behind her, their gazes devouring the lush curves she exposed. When she pushed her skirt down her hips, Dane sucked in a breath at the panties she slowly revealed. Black satin with little red hearts. “Damn, that’s hot,” he growled.

  “Fucking beautiful,” Trent replied.

  Lydia covered her face with her hands and mumbled something he couldn’t understand. Dane reached up and pulled her fingers away and placed a kiss in each palm before entwining his fingers with hers. She was shaking like a leaf. “Don’t be embarrassed, baby.”

  Lydia shook her head. “I don’t know why I thought I could do this. I’m not a wild, impetuous person. Friday nights are usually spent with my DVR.”

  “I won’t allow you to feel shame,” Dane stated, hoping to get her beyond her own insecurities.

  “I’m not ashamed.”

  “Yes, you are. You think it makes you a bad person, being here with the three of us. Be honest, no lies.”

  Lydia sighed. “I usually have sex with the lights off and I’ve never engaged in anything even remotely this adventurous.”

  Dane grinned at her word choice. “Engaged?” She frowned and tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her. “Sometimes it’s good to let yourself just feel, Lydia. There’s nothing wrong with what we’re doing. We’re consenting adults here.”

  “Yes, all four of us,” she ground out.

  Trent and Mac both chuckled. Lydia winced. Dane dropped her hands and patted his lap instead. “Come here, baby.” Lydia eyed his crotch, her mouth dropping open when she spied the erection pushing against his fly. “It’s not a snake. Come here.” He put more command into the words this time and Lydia obeyed, causing Dane to realize that Lydia needed that little commanding tone in order to get her over her initial shyness.

  As she sat down, Dane had to bite back a curse. He needed to be out of the jeans. He desperately wanted to feel Lydia skin to skin. “Take your hair down. Let me see it.”

  Lydia reached up and took several pins out of the bun, then shook her head. Soft brown curls fell down her back and shoulders. “Damn, that’s a lot of hair.”

  “The bun keeps it out of my way while I work,” she explained.

  “The bun is kinky as hell, but this is beautiful.” He gripped a handful, brought it to his face and inhaled. Coconuts, yum. “Very sexy.”

  “Thank you,” she softly whispered.

  He wrapped an arm around the back of her and looked up at Trent and Mac. In perfect unison, they moved closer. Trent dropped to his knees and pressed a kiss to Lydia’s thighs, while Mac stroked her hair. As Trent’s mouth traveled closer to her black-satin-covered pussy, Lydia pressed her legs tighter together. Dane knew she was nervous, but he could also see the arousal that forced her to stay put. As Trent’s lips came into contact with her panties, Lydia jumped.

  “Shh, it’s okay. Let him touch you, baby.”

  “Apollo, I…” her words trailed off as Trent’s tongue licked her clit through the material. Son of a bitch, Dane had never been so jealous. He wanted his lips and tongue there. They’d shared women before, plenty of times, but he’d never gotten territorial. As he watched Trent spread Lydia’s thighs apart and lick again, Dane wanted to yank him backward; putting distance between them seemed suddenly imperative. Dane contained the urge, but barely. When he looked up at Mac, Dane could see a gleam of amusement pass over his expression. He’d punch the ass later for that little smirk. As Mac reached down and pinched Lydia’s nipple with his index finger and thumb, Dane snarled. The sounds coming from between Lydia’s sweet lips was enough incentive for Dane to let the games continue.

  While Dane smoothed his palm over her back, Mac slowly went to his knees. Dane watched Lydia’s eyes flutter shut. She leaned back and opened herself completely. It was like watching a flower bloom.

  “Such a sweet little pussy,” Trent murmured as he continued to tease her through her panties.

  Mac cupped one round tit and squeezed before dipping his head and biting the hard tip. Dane’s cock throbbed as Lydia moaned and writhed atop his thighs. “Take her panties off, Poseidon. Let’s see our pretty little submissive.”

  Trent lifted his head and grinned. Lydia’s eyelids fluttered open as Trent grasped at the edges of her panties and yanked, ripping the fragile material in two. Lydia gasped at the savagery of it. Dane’s mind was covered in a haze of lust as he looked at Lydia’s neatly trimmed curls glistening with the moisture of her arousal.

  “So pretty, baby,” Dane whispered. “The prettiest cunt in the world.”

  Trent placed his thumbs on the puffy lips and opened her. “Mmm, a juicy little peach.” He leaned down and licked her slit, then pushed his tongue deep. Lydia threw her head back and cried out. Mac continued playing with her nipples, suckling one, then biting the other. As Dane held Lydia still, it was anyone’s guess
which one of them would come first, Lydia or him. Watching her fly apart in his arms had his balls aching.

  Dane licked his middle finger and reached between Lydia’s thighs, sliding inside her wet heat. He’d barely breached her opening when her hips bucked wildly. As he pushed in all the way her cries grew louder, her legs widening to give him better access.

  “So fucking tight. I’m going to love having my cock here, baby,” Dane murmured.

  “Please…oh, God,” Lydia moaned as she threw her head from side to side. She wrapped her legs around Trent’s head and squeezed, trapping Dane’s finger inside her slippery cunt. Trent hummed his approval and clutched her hips, holding her still for his assault. All at once, Lydia shouted and thrust her pussy into Trent’s face. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, it made Dane wonder when she’d last been with a man.

  Several seconds went by before she collapsed backward, trusting Dane to hold her up. Mac and Trent both sat back on their heels and waited for their cue. Dane stood, cuddling Lydia close to his chest, then he turned and placed her in the center of the bed. Her eyes opened just as Trent and Mac both stood on either side of him. Without another word they undressed. When the last of their clothes were strewn across the floor, Lydia licked her lips, her gaze zeroing in on first his cock, then Trent’s and Mac’s.

  “On your knees, sub,” Dane ordered.

  Lydia rose slowly to her knees, a hint of fear in her eyes. Dane took his cock in his own fist and stroked it twice before he swiped a finger over the drop of moisture on the bulbous head. He held out his finger and murmured, “Be a good girl and crawl to me.”

  Dane was surprised as hell when she obeyed without question. She took hold of his hand and brought his finger to her mouth and sucked the digit clean. When she looked up at him, a naughty grin curving her lips, Dane knew he would crave that look for all time.


  Lydia was in another world. That was the only way to explain how she could even consider letting three men pleasure her at once. Up until that moment the wildest thing she’d ever done was let her high school sweetheart make out with her during a football game. She’d felt guilty afterward and had prayed for two days straight.


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