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Body Rush

Page 15

by Anne Rainey

  Roni’s mouth went dry and her throat felt tight. Nervous and even a little scared, she turned around and bent at the waist, her bottom facing Jake. A few seconds went by and she was beginning to lose her nerve when she felt the slide of the leather along her cleft. Her pussy creamed as Jake stroked the belt between her swollen folds.

  He bent over her body as he slid the warm leather back and forth. “Mmm, my hot little pussy,” he whispered into her ear. “So in need of fucking.”

  “Please, this is torture, Jake.”

  “Will you get down on your knees now, sweet?”

  Roni straightened and turned. Jake clutched the leather belt in his hand as if at war with himself. Without taking her eyes off him, Roni knelt down, then awaited Jake’s next erotic command.

  “Good. Now, touch yourself.”

  Reaching between her legs, Roni smoothed her fingers over her clit, her gaze riveted to his heavy erection. The hard, throbbing cock would stretch and fill her.

  “Fuck yeah. You look so damn hot,” Jake gritted out.

  Roni grinned and used her other hand to cup her breast and squeeze. Jake’s savage expression had her ready to explode. As she moved her fingers to her nipple, teasing and driving herself higher, she started to smooth two fingers into her tight opening. Jake’s hand snaked out and he dug his fingers into her hair. “Enough. I want your mouth. Suck my dick, baby.”

  When she continued to tease her own body, he tugged a lock of her hair, forcing her to stop.

  Roni smiled as her mind whirled with mischievous thoughts. It wouldn’t be any fun if he continuously got his way. Time to find out what the man was made of. She rose to her feet and quickly sidestepped him, heading toward the bedroom door. The deep timbre of his voice vibrated down her spine as he called after her.


  Jake couldn’t believe what he was seeing. She was walking away? He could bend metal with the heavy weight of his cock, yet Roni appeared unaffected.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  “I’m not in a very cooperative mood.”

  Damn infuriating woman would be the death of him. “Get your ass back here, Roni. Now!” Jake commanded.

  The tone in his voice should have stopped her cold. Grown men scurried when he used that tone. Not Roni. She was baiting him and he knew it.

  “If I’m forced to come after you, you’ll be punished.”

  “Sticks and stones, darling,” Roni called over her shoulder.

  In a few long strides, Jake caught up to her. He swung her around and flipped her over his shoulder, then swatted her ass.


  “Brat,” he shot right back as he took her back to the bed and plopped her onto it. Not giving her another chance to escape, Jake held her down with one hand and got on top of her. Straddling her waist, he leaned down and murmured, “I knew it’d be difficult for you to drop the dominatrix thing for a night. Good thing I’m a patient man.”

  As his lips crashed down on hers, Jake’s mind went blank. She so easily lit his body on fire with her addicting flavor. All he wanted was to fill her, push his cock inside her tight heat and stay there for about a century.

  He licked her bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth, nibbling the soft flesh. She arched up and moaned, as if ready to plead for him to fuck her. Jake wanted to. Hard. Slow. Both. She would give it to him; he knew it in his marrow.

  Before he lost his head entirely, Jake lifted the black belt from the end of the bed and smoothed the warm leather over her wrists. He tickled her a few times before he wrapped the belt securely around both wrists.

  He lifted and stared down at the little beauty. Her arms were above her head and she was completely at his mercy. Jake waited for her to protest, but she simply grinned up at him.

  “You’re a very bad girl. I gave you a specific order and you chose to ignore it.”

  “Your point is?”

  Jake chuckled. Even bound she refused to submit. “That smart mouth will get you into trouble one of these days, princess.”

  “A big, strong man like you can handle a little backtalk.”

  He chuckled. “Flattery won’t get you out of this.”

  “What do you propose then?”

  He slowly moved down her body until her pussy was level with his mouth. He kissed her swollen clit, then plunged his tongue deep into her silken depths. He closed his eyes and savored the sweet, tangy flavor of her passion. He would crave her hot, exotic taste. When he withdrew and lifted his lips a scant inch, Roni’s eager gaze ate him alive.

  “A blindfold.”


  She said his name in warning, but Jake wouldn’t be deterred. He was determined to take Roni to a place she’d never let another lover go. “Will you let me?”

  She bit her lip and closed her eyes tight, obviously reluctant. Jake placed another gentle kiss to her pussy before moving back up her body and teasing his way to her firm, round breasts. He nibbled on her berry red nipples, first one then the other, luxuriating in Roni’s whimpers and moans at his ministrations.

  Jake took his time playing, driving them both mad with lust. As he reached her lips, he groaned, “do this for me, baby. I promise if you don’t like it, I’ll remove the blindfold.”

  “Okay.” Roni breathed out. “But I swear if you do anything weird I’ll knee you in the balls so hard you’ll be walking with a permanent limp.”

  Jake cringed at the vivid image. “Vicious little thing, aren’t you?”

  “Not vicious, horny.”

  Jake lifted off the bed and glanced around the room. “Where can I find a scarf in this mess?”

  “The top drawer of my dresser.”

  She trusted him. Roni had never allowed a man to tie her hands and blindfold her, he knew it in his bones. She would be breaking new ground with him. Jake never thought he could feel such tenderness for a woman after Sarah, but something about Roni tugged at heartstrings he’d thought were long severed.

  As he moved carefully through the minefield of her bedroom, Jake heard Roni whisper his name. He turned, curious if she’d changed her mind.

  “I’ve never done this before.”

  The vulnerability in her soft voice went straight to his soul. “I know, baby. It’s okay. We’re going to take this slow and easy.”

  Her gaze traveled the length of him and Jake’s cock grew another inch as she widened her legs and shifted on the bed. He could see the soft pink folds of her cunt and the tight pucker of her ass. He wanted to fuck her there. Mark every inch of her. He ached to give her a night to remember. A night neither of them would soon forget.

  He opened the drawer she’d indicated and pulled out a red silk scarf.

  Stepping over to the side of the bed, Jake smiled wickedly as he drifted the colorful silk scarf over Roni’s sensitized body. He let the delicate fabric touch the silky skin between her breasts, her ribcage and her concave belly. He stopped there and waited. Roni squirmed, and he knew she was anticipating what the silk would feel like between her thighs, right where she ached most. Instead of continuing his teasing journey, Jake took the red scarf and placed it over Roni’s eyes, plunging her into total darkness. He secured it at the back of her head and waited. At once she went rigid, her hands fisting in the blankets above her head.

  “Don’t, princess,” Jake murmured. “It’s still just me. I won’t hurt you. You know that or I wouldn’t be here. Remember?”

  “I remember, it’s just…”

  “A little scary because you’re completely at my mercy?”


  Jake leaned down and touched her lips with his own. It was brief, a barely there caress meant to titillate. “But you and I both know that if you really wanted to escape, you could. The belt is loose around your wrists and you still have that wicked knee you threatened me with.”

  She smiled and Jake watched the tenseness leave her shoulders and spine. “That’s a good girl. Just feel me, Roni.”

>   Rewarding her for her bravery, he drifted his fingers over her pussy, luxuriating in her wet, silken heat. She arched off the bed and moaned deep, driving him wild with her total abandon. He pulled away and Roni let out a tiny whimper. Jake couldn’t be swayed. He wanted to see her spread open, screaming his name as he plunged deep. In fact he wanted to tie her legs, too, nice and wide so he’d have plenty of room to play. He didn’t think she’d go that far though. At least not yet.

  To be sure she wouldn’t move unless he commanded it, Jake whispered, “I’ll allow your legs to be free. However, if you move them without my permission I’ll have to punish you, Roni.”

  “P-punish me?”

  He grinned at the frown creasing her perfectly arched brows. “Yeah,” he growled, “I’ll be forced to do something like this…” Then he bent forward and leisurely licked her swollen folds.

  “Oh God.”

  “You like that?” Jake watched the catlike smile come over her face and he knew she was getting into their little game. Damn, such a willing and open woman, he could easily become captivated.

  “I think I can handle your form of punishment.”

  Roni’s husky voice played havoc on his control. Jake took a moment to drink in the delectable sight of her. Her swollen lips parted on a sigh, as if ready for his kiss, and her hands were clenched in tight little fists. Jake carefully moved onto the bed between her thighs. He reached up and pinched one perky nipple. Roni’s whimpers were music to his ears.

  “From the moment I saw you through the glass door at your office, I wanted to fuck you, princess.” She licked her lips and flexed her hands but stayed silent. Jake cupped her other breast and squeezed. “I watched you in that see-through blouse. I swear to God it was all I could do to keep from sucking these pretty tits.” Jake leaned down and swiped his tongue over one nipple, then the other, flicking and teasing her until she moaned his name. He lifted his mouth and smoothed his palm upward, until his hand wrapped around the slim column of her neck. “Your sexy ass, so firm and round. It makes a man want to touch and play.”

  “You’re making me insane, Jake.”

  He licked again at the berry tip, savoring the sweet taste of her. Jake continued suckling on Roni’s hardened nipple, gently brushing his tongue back and forth, creating a maelstrom of need inside them both. She arched upward, thrusting her flesh into his voracious mouth. When he gently bit down, Roni moaned and squirmed. Jake took his time, lavishing her other breast with the same attention, savoring the unique flavor of the little hellion.

  When he lifted away, Roni’s chest rose and fell with her rapid breathing. His cock swelled when he looked at her nipples, glistening wet from his ministrations.

  “You’re hot and ready for me right now, aren’t you?”

  She nodded as if too far gone to speak. He smiled, understanding exactly. He licked his lips. “First, if I don’t get me a taste of some of that honey I’ll surely die, baby.” He lowered his head and licked her swollen clit, then farther down to her dewy lips, before finally delving into the slick cream between. Her legs closed a little as if afraid of her own desire. Jake clutched her thighs and held her open. He tasted her tangy flavor on his tongue and knew he’d never sampled anything sweeter. He inhaled her womanly scent before sucking her clit between his teeth and nibbling. Roni’s tied hands flew to his head, clutching and grasping handfuls of his hair in stinging desperation for more. When his tongue thrust between her folds, she lost it completely and pushed against his face, undulating as he tongue-fucked her. A few more licks to her clit and she burst wide, screaming and straining against the unyielding hold his hands had on her soft thighs. He stared, mesmerized, as she became lost in the age-old instinct to hold on to the delirious feelings of orgasm for as long as humanly possible.

  Jake waited her out, keeping his tongue and lips against her sopping wet cunt while she gained control once again. As Roni collapsed back, the muscles in her thighs going slack as they fell open, her hands dropped back to the bed. Jake lifted and stared down at the tempting picture she presented. She appeared so still, as if nearly asleep already, exhausted from her climax no doubt. When he dipped his finger into her slippery cunt, her body went rigid. He pulled it out and brought the slick digit to her lips, rubbing her lube against them. Jake groaned and leaned down to lick her clean. She whimpered a little, soft precious sounds that tore his control to shreds. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of her. As her breasts came into contact with his chest, Jake caught himself and stopped.

  Rising up, Jake reached over the side of the bed and grabbed his jeans off the floor. Pulling out his wallet, he snatched the condom he’d slipped in earlier. As he leaned back on his haunches, he rolled it on. He lifted a few inches and positioned his cock between her slick folds. When he rubbed up and down, barely touching her clit, Roni bucked, as if intent on taking back control.

  “Be still,” he growled.

  “I can’t,” she groaned. “Please!”

  Jake slipped inside a scarce inch, then moved back out again. Fuck, she was tight. Too tight. He repeated the movement over and over, driving them both crazy with the maddening rhythm.

  “Oh, God, more. Fuck me, Jake!”

  “Mmm, not just yet, baby. You’re little cunt is too perfect. I won’t rush this.”

  “You’re the devil,” she bit out.

  He chuckled. “When you come this time you’ll do it all over my dick, won’t you, Roni?”

  “Not at this rate!”

  Jake reached up and squeezed her nipple, then tugged on the little bud.

  She bit her lower lip and stayed silent. Jake hooked her legs over his arms and glided his cock slowly inside her wet pussy a few inches. He watched closely as Roni chewed at the already tortured lower lip. He couldn’t stand it anymore. He let go of her thighs and leaned down to lick at the wound she’d caused, then slowly rocked his hips back and forth. He controlled every motion, waiting for her tight little cunt to accommodate his size. It wasn’t easy, not when he was so desperate to thrust forward. Bury his cock deep. He ached to pound into her, but he wanted only sweet pleasure for Roni. He wanted to hear her cry his name. He needed to be wrapped up in the sexy sounds she made when she reached the peak of satisfaction.

  “You’re so fucking tight, baby. You feel so damned good hugging my cock.” He kissed his way over her face and to her neck, where he found her pulsing vein all but begging to be nibbled on. He bit her gently before licking the little sting away. Roni groaned and began moving her hips, thrusting against his lower body. Jake was bigger and a whole lot stronger; it took little effort to control her.

  “This isn’t fair, Jake.”

  “You think I don’t want to drive my cock into you right now? If I did, it’d hurt you. You’re tight, princess; you need to soften up a bit more for me,” he warned.

  “It’s my pussy and I say it’s already softened, damn it.”

  Jake had to grit his teeth against her appeal, but he wouldn’t be swayed. “Slowly this first time, or I could hurt you.” To his horror, he saw a tear trickle down her cheek. He kissed it away. “Next time you can get as crazy as you want. Fuck my dick until we’re both sore. You can even tie me up if you want. I promise.”

  She smiled, but it wasn’t at all roses and sunshine. “I’m going to enjoy torturing you.”

  Jake could well imagine. When he resumed his slow glide inside the tight fist of her pussy, his chest swelled as he realized Roni had stopped fighting him. As her inner muscles began to relax, accepting his intimate invasion, Jake braced himself on his arms at either side of her head. Her eyes were hidden behind the red scarf, but her tempting mouth beckoned him. He placed a tender kiss to her lips an instant before thrusting his cock deep, burying himself to the hilt.

  “Jake,” she cried.

  He pulled all the way out, then plunged deep once more. He dipped his head and took her mouth, forcing her lips apart and sucking at her tongue. His control snapped as he fucked
her. Hard and fast. Thrusting into her while he licked and played with her lips and tongue. Her lush body trembled beneath him, her hot cunt held his cock like a lover’s fist. She belonged to him. The thought of any other man touching her supple curves, hearing her wild cries, pulled a possessive growl from deep within his chest.

  Suddenly she bucked against him and screamed his name as another orgasm took hold. Jake spun out of control. He drove into her, grinding his cock deep. With his arms caging her in, keeping her beneath him, he gave his passion free rein. Roni suddenly flexed her inner muscles, dragging a startled curse from him. Three more hard thrusts and he erupted, hot jets of come filling the condom.

  He collapsed on top of her, both of them exhausted and sweating. When she wiggled, Jake forced himself to lift his head. Her flushed cheeks and kiss-swollen lips pulled at him. Damn, she was beautiful. So goddamn perfect.

  “My arms are starting to ache, Jake.”

  Jake pulled out of her slick sheath and stood. “Stay still, I’m just going to clean up.”

  He went to the adjoining bathroom to discard the condom. When he came back, Roni had already managed to free her wrists. He watched her remove the blindfold and sit up. “I thought you were told to stay still,” he murmured as he walked toward her.

  “I don’t do orders well.”

  He rolled his eyes. “No kidding.” As he reached her, she tried to get up, but he was quicker. Within seconds he had her cradled in his arms. “Shower,” he explained when she glared at him.

  “I’m capable of walking on my own.”

  “And I’m capable of spanking your cute little ass.”

  When he entered the bathroom, he placed her on the counter and moved to turn on the water. After he had the temperature just right he moved back to her. She was frowning at him, her arms crossed over her perky breasts.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re staying the night?”

  He arched a brow. “Did you think I’d fuck you and leave?”

  She looked down at the floor. “Well, no, but…”


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