Body Rush

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Body Rush Page 19

by Anne Rainey

  “I like you on your knees, Jake. It turns me on.” Roni waited to see if he’d reply, but he stayed silent. The only indication that he’d heard her was in the flexing of his biceps. “You show remarkable restraint, pet. If I didn’t know better I’d think you’d done this before.”

  “Permission to speak, Mistress.”

  Roni could barely contain her gasp of surprise. She’d expected this particular game to be new for Jake, but his submissive pose and words told a different story. Jealousy stole through her at the thought of Jake submitting to other women before her. As unfair as it was, she didn’t like the idea that she wouldn’t be his first mistress. “Permission granted,” she said, unable to contain the bite in her voice.

  “I’ve done some Internet research this week. I wanted to be properly prepared for you.”

  Her heart soared. So he hadn’t done this before. This would be his first time submitting to a woman. Roni’s pussy creamed at the thought of giving him his first taste of pleasure at the hands of a dominatrix.

  “You’ve pleased me well, pet. I think you deserve a treat for your hard work.” Roni placed the riding crop beneath Jake’s chin and forced his gaze to hers. Flames of desire licked over her breasts and pussy. His hot, savage gaze ate her alive. Roni had to swallow and take several breaths before she could speak without trembling. “Unzip my tits.”

  Jake grinned. Slowly reaching up with both hands, he pulled the zippers back, revealing the swollen orbs. Her nipples tingled when his fingertips accidentally brushed across them.

  “Good boy. Now, pull them out and suck my nipples.”

  “My pleasure, Mistress.” He growled low as one large hand slid inside the opening he’d created and tugged. Once her breast was framed by the shiny black material, he did the same with the other. Roni moaned as cool air brushed her nipples. She kept her gaze on him as he leaned forward and licked. She cupped the back of his head, aching and ready for him already.

  “I didn’t say lick. Suck it like you were told, pet,” she demanded in an attempt to keep to the erotic game they were playing.

  Jake hummed, then opened his mouth and sucked her nipple into his hot, wet mouth. Roni grabbed a handful of his hair and held him to her, loathe to let him go anytime soon. His tongue stroked the hard bud and her clit throbbed, as if begging for his touch. As he moved to the other breast, suckling hard, arrows of sensation ripped through her.

  “Oh, God, that feels so good,” she moaned.

  “Damn, I missed you,” Jake whispered a second before he gently bit down, nibbling on her as if she were a luscious dessert.

  “Stop,” she demanded and tugged on a fistful of his rich, dark hair. The little sting forced Jake to remove his mouth.

  When he sat back on his haunches and looked up at her, Roni nearly caved. Christ, even on his knees he had a commanding presence. He didn’t have to speak—Roni could feel his need to take over. He wanted her and forcing him to go at her pace was pushing him to the limits of his restraint.

  “Stand and undress, pet.” Within seconds Jake was nude, his huge cock pulsing with the need for release. A pearl of moisture glistened at the tip and Roni couldn’t resist the invitation to lick it off. She closed the distance between them, lowered her head over his erection and swiped her tongue once around the bulbous head before sucking it into her mouth. The warm sticky liquid coated her voracious tongue. Jake’s harsh groan forced her to pull back. His hands fisted at his sides as his gaze pinned her in place. Roni knew their game had only just begun.


  Jake couldn’t take his eyes off her. It wasn’t just the clothes, though those were hot as hell; it was the way she moved. An exquisite self-confident woman taking command of her man. It intoxicated him. He’d never understood female domination and he hadn’t been lying when he’d told her aggressive women did nothing for him. Submitting held little appeal, but Roni had changed him. Besides, letting her lead meant he was free to enjoy.

  “Would you like to know a secret, pet?”

  “Yes,” he groaned, all too aware of how close he was to coming. The round swells of her tits were mere inches away. He could close the gap and have her hard little nipple in his mouth so easily. Jake stayed still and tamped down the urge to take over.

  She smoothed a palm over one hip before venturing to the juncture between. As her fingers passed over the pussy she had yet to reveal, Jake’s mouth watered. A trickle of sweat traveled down his spine as he waited for her to speak.

  She stepped forward and whispered. “I had these pants custom made.”

  Jake didn’t give a damn about the pants, but he couldn’t say that without ruining their little game. “Yeah?”

  Roni smiled as her gaze traveled down his body. When she reached out and wrapped her fingers around his cock and squeezed, Jake cursed.

  “Mmm, you’re beautiful. This cock belongs to me, doesn’t it, pet?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Jake growled. “But if you squeeze it one more time I’m going to come all over your pretty fingers.”

  Roni laughed and released him. “I’d be very upset if you decided to come before I had a chance to play.”

  Jake started to speak but remembered he wasn’t supposed to and held his tongue. As Roni started to move toward the couch, Jake stepped forward.

  Roni held her hand in the air. “I didn’t give you permission to move.”

  Jake froze. Fuck, she was good at sounding bitchy. It took him a full ten seconds before he could form a reply. “Yes, Mistress.”

  Roni arched a brow, then took a seat on the couch. Jake licked his lips as she spread her thighs wide. His eyes narrowed as he noticed a series of snaps over the seam of her crotch.

  “Do you like my pants?”

  “I’d like you better out of them…Mistress.”

  Roni extended a hand toward him. “Come over here and unsnap them for me.”

  Jake didn’t need to be told twice. Within a few strides, he stood in front of her. Roni’s cheeks turned pink as he bent at the waist and ran his hand over the smooth, shiny material covering her pussy. As he popped the first snap Roni shuddered beneath his touch.

  “You drive a man to the edge, princess,” he admitted, his voice hoarse with desire. “I can’t seem to muster an ounce of control around you.”

  Roni ran her hand over his abs and hummed her approval. “I like you out of control, Jake.”

  He undid another snap, then another, revealing soft, bare skin. There weren’t any panties blocking his view. “Christ, you’re so fucking sexy.”

  “Unsnap them all, pet, then taste me.”

  At her gentle command, Jake dropped to his knees. “My pleasure, Mistress.”

  He spent little time unfastening the remaining snaps. As he pushed the material wide, Jake’s cock flexed, his balls drawing up tight. Not only weren’t there any panties, but she’d also waxed. He let one finger stroke the baby-soft skin he’d exposed. “I like this. Such a lovely cunt.”

  “I hoped you’d be pleased.”

  “You did this for me.” He made it a statement, but she nodded in confirmation anyway. Knowing she’d wanted to please him had his chest swelling with possessiveness. Her legs were spread open, her hands at her sides, nails digging into the couch cushion. Jake inhaled her luscious scent.

  “The sweetest nectar,” he growled as his head descended.

  He kissed the soft bare flesh first, needing to show her how much he adored his pretty present. She whimpered and clutched his head between her palms. Jake slipped his hands beneath her ass and held her still for the invasion of his tongue.

  He swirled his tongue over and around the little knot before dipping inside her tight, hot passage. The instant her sweet cream hit his taste buds Jake forgot about their little game. She invaded his senses, slipped inside his soul.

  Jake licked her slit, entranced by her uninhibited response. “I want you needing me, Roni,” he whispered against her hot, wet flesh. “Only me.”

  “I do ne
ed you. This week has been pure hell, Jake.”

  Jake heard the catch in her voice and it did him in. “Have you touched yourself, baby? Did you use your fingers to take the edge off?”

  “No. I only wanted you.”

  Her candid reply forced something primitive and savage to well up inside Jake. “You have me, princess.”

  Jake spread her legs wider and tasted her pussy. He kissed the tip of her swollen and sensitive clit, thrilling at the way her body began to move against his mouth. As he parted her with his fingers and sank his tongue deep inside her opening, Roni thrust against his face. He knew she was close. He nibbled on her clit, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves. The sudden burning thought of another man touching and licking Roni tore a growl from his throat. Jake had never been a jealous man, but he knew if any other man dared to take Roni from him he would have gladly gone for his throat.

  The need to claim and mark rode him until he found himself moving away from her pussy. He used both hands to grasp the shiny black material of her pants and yanked. The material gave way, exposing the satiny curve of one hip and thigh.

  “Jake,” she whimpered.

  “Mine,” he said, answering her unspoken question. He put his mouth on her inner thigh, licking and suckling until a small purplish mark appeared.

  “As long as I get to do the same,” she said, her voice husky with arousal.

  An image of Roni’s blond head between his thighs, nibbling and teasing, sprang to mind. He grinned. “Not a problem, princess.”

  Jake began sliding his tongue in and out of her, slowly, building her pleasure by small degrees. He used his thumb to stroke over her clit, teasing and playing. All too quickly Roni screamed and buried her fingers in his hair, anchoring him to her as she rode out her climax.

  Several seconds later her hands fell away and Jake stood. Unable to hold back, he wrapped a fist around his cock and squeezed. Roni’s eyes were closed and her lips were parted as she attempted to drag air into her lungs. Jake reached down and cupped her chin. With her gaze once again holding his captive, Jake said, “I need you.”

  Roni smiled and stood. As skillfully as a stripper, she bent and pulled off the high heels and peeled away the black plastic clothes, revealing smooth womanly curves. Her seductive movements shredded the last thread of Jake’s control. He pumped his cock, captivated by the tilt of her lips as she padded leisurely toward him. Unable to wait for her to start issuing demands, Jake bent and picked her up, cradling her in his arms.

  “Bedroom,” he growled as he headed out of the room.

  Roni laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Jake, you’re supposed to let your mistress control the show, remember?”

  Jake didn’t feel like smiling. He was too far gone already. As he moved along the dark hall to his bedroom, he said, “My mistress can order me around later, after I’ve gotten my dick inside her for a few good hours first.”

  She hugged him tighter. The gentle swells of her tits fueled his need to push his cock deep inside her cunt and stay there for about a decade.

  “I’ll spank you later for your disobedience you know,” she warned.

  “Deal,” he whispered against her hair.

  As he entered the bedroom, the moonlight streaming through the window allowed him to see the bed. He crossed the room and placed her in the center before turning on the lamp on the nightstand. He stood back and took in his fill of her. The black comforter emphasized the golden halo of her hair and smooth ivory skin. Her bare pussy drew him like a moth to flame. Jake leaned forward and kissed the smooth flesh. “Mmm, my pretty little princess.”

  “Jake, I need you so badly.”

  Her breathless voice, so filled with eagerness, drove him crazy. “I’ve ached for you all week,” he admitted. “Each time you called I was a click away from answering.”

  Hurt filled her gaze. “Why didn’t you?”

  “At first I was pissed at you, but then the hurt took over. I didn’t think I could hurt for a woman again, Roni.” It was nothing short of the truth. It hadn’t been a comfortable realization to know how easily she affected him.

  “And now?”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and cupped her breast. “I was prepared to come to you. I’d planned to wait until tomorrow morning. I was going to make you breakfast.”

  She frowned. “But when I came here you were so angry.”

  “I’m still pissed about the bet.” He pinched her nipple, rewarded by her gasp of surprise. “My pride took a hit with that little remark, but I’m not about to let my pride ruin everything.”

  She cupped his cheek. “A reasonable, forgiving man. I’m not sure I deserve you.”

  Jake reached over and opened the drawer on his end table. He took out a condom and handed it to her. “Show me how deserving you are, princess. Roll the condom on, after you lick my cock like a juicy popsicle.”

  Roni turned to her side and patted his thigh. “Stand up for me.”

  Her expression, centered completely on his dick, seemed to have the same effect as a lick from her soft, wet tongue. Jake held back the need to pounce on top of her, finesse be damned, and instead got to his feet. “Okay, I’m up.”

  Roni stared at him for another few seconds, which felt more like an eternity. After ripping the foil open with quick efficiency, she moved to a kneeling position on the mattress and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. As she took him into the palms of both her hands, Roni looked up at him with a siren’s smile curving her sweet lips, then dipped her head and slipped his entire length into her mouth and sucked.

  Jake let out a hoarse cry of pleasure-filled shock and grabbed fistfuls of Roni’s heavy fall of hair, preventing her retreat. She wrapped her arms around his hips and dug her fingers into his buttocks as she swirled her tongue over and around the bulbous head of his penis.

  Jake lost all semblance of control when she moaned and used one talented hand on his balls, fondling and caressing just the way he liked it. He was close, too fucking close. Suddenly she slid her lips off him, releasing his dick with an audible pop. Jake’s legs shook with the effort to keep from stepping forward and fucking the hot haven of her mouth. When gentle fingers deftly rolled the condom down his pulsing shaft, he cursed.

  Roni sat back and smiled up him. The naughty smile and the way she licked her lips had sweat gathering on his brow.

  “Is that the way you like it, Jake?”

  The little witch knew he liked it a whole hell of a lot. “Jesus, baby, I’m so turned on here I can barely remember my own fucking name.” He grabbed her hips and turned her to face away from him. When she tried to wiggle out of his grasp, he held her tighter. “Be still,” he softly commanded. When she relaxed, he pushed at her upper back, urging her to put her face against the mattress. Now her ass stuck up in the air, facing him.

  “Such a juicy little butt. I want to fuck it, princess.”

  Roni moaned and spread her legs wide. It was all the encouragement he needed. He put one knee on the bed, then the other, until his cock and balls were wedged between her buttocks. Jake nudged her, forcing her thighs wider still. Roni’s legs trembled, the nervous reaction revving him up the way nothing else could. He leaned over and opened the drawer on his nightstand. Jake took out a tube of lubricant and uncapped it before squirting some of the gel onto his index and middle fingers.

  “Tell me, princess, has a man ever taken this little ass before?”

  Before she could speak, Jake swirled his fingers around her anus, once, twice, then he pushed them inside. Roni groaned and clutched the comforter tighter. “One tried. I…didn’t like it, Jake.”

  Jake had to grit his teeth against the fear in her voice. “Easy, little baby, slow and easy.”

  To prove she had nothing to fear from him, he pulled his fingers out and only pushed his middle finger in. With little effort, Jake slid past the tight ring of muscles protecting her anus. His other hand moved beneath her body to caress her clit. Roni moaned his name and pres
sed backward. Jake slipped his finger in another inch, until finally he was buried to the last knuckle inside Roni’s tight ass.

  “Christ, you make me nuts. I want to pound this ass, princess.”

  “That feels so good. Oh, God, Jake.”

  Jake pulled his finger free and added a second, stretching the sensitive tissues. He pumped in and out, teasing her at first, before moving faster, harder. He finger-fucked her tightest hole and plied her clit at the same time. She moved her hips, forcing his fingers deeper than before, and Jake cursed.

  “Mmm, you want it harder now, baby? You want my dick filling this little hole?”

  Roni shook her head and pressed her face into the mattress, as if unable to give into her own forbidden needs.

  With his other hand, Jake took her clit between his finger and thumb, then squeezed hard enough to coax a moan from her. She moved against his hand as he pumped the little bud.

  “Who am I, Roni?” Jake growled. “Tell me.” He needed to hear her acceptance. He’d never had a desire to gain a woman’s complete trust. Something about Roni tugged at the animal in him. He suspected she’d always push him to his limits.

  “Please, just fuck me, Jake.”

  It would be so easy to slip his dick inside her, to give them both what they craved. Instead, he pulled his fingers out, pleased by Roni’s tiny whimpers. He bent over her body, caging her in, and nipped her earlobe. “Am I yours, Roni? Do I belong to you?”

  She dropped her head to the bed as if in defeat. “Yes!” she screamed.

  He kissed the side of her neck and murmured, “Then you belong to me. This isn’t dirty or bad. It’s not painful either, not when a man knows what he’s doing. It’s just a different way for me to love you, princess.”

  She sighed, her body going pliant beneath his. “I do trust you, Jake,” she whispered.


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