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Accel World: Crimson Storm Princess

Page 7

by Reki Kawahara

  “Hahaa, that huh. OK OK, I will endure the 50cm one.”

  She grinned, took the short cable from Haruyuki’s left hand and plugged that into the connector on her red Neuro Linker. At that moment.

  “H... hey, don’t kid me! I will use that!”

  “No way.”

  Yuniko dodged Kuroyukihime’s extended hand and jumped to Haruyuki’s left side. Her body with youthful hardness was stuck to him and a sweet and sour like smell also drifted by. Haruyuki was lightly stunned. She hung onto his neck and extended the plug. Without any time to avoid, it was plugged into his Neuro Linker and wired connection warning appeared in front of his eyes and disappeared.

  “U, uwaa!? Wh, what...”

  Looking up at the flustered Haruyuki, Yuniko said with a fearless smile.

  “Hey, hurry and plug in that long one, then give it to that girl. Ah, also, if you peek in my memory you will be sorry, so careful.”

  With that speech, Haruyuki finally understood the meaning of three cables. Kuroyukihime wanted to daisy chain the Neuro Linkers of the four people here.

  Takumu and Yuniko’s Neuro Linkers are the light weight type with only one external connection terminal. To connect four people, it has to be done with the double terminal high end type Neuro Linkers of Kuroyukihime and Haruyuki in the middle. Yuniko who realized that quickly, must have picked the shortest cable to annoy Kuroyukihime. With an instant effect, Kuroyukihime’s right cheek jerked and her fists shook as she shouted in a threatening tone.

  “Hey you, don’t stick so close to him!”

  “I have no choice, the cable is short.”

  “You selected that one!”

  Kuroyukihime who raised her voice, eventually snorted and looked down at the Red King with an absolute zero degree black snow smile.

  “Exactly, that’s why I hate kids. Cable length as a measure of intimacy, truly ridiculous!”

  “Oho, no one said that right? I just thought the shorter one will have less signal lost.”

  “Y, y, you...”

  Seeing that absolute zero temperature raising quickly to the temperature of the sun’s surface, Haruyuki extended the cable, connected the other terminal on his Neuro Linker towards Kuroyukihime with ‘Your majesty please excuse this with your understanding!’ look in his eyes desperately. Kuroyukihime snatched that, while plugging it into her own Neuro Linker, she took out the usual two meter cable from her pocket and handed it to Takumu.

  As the half amazed and half smiling Takumu looked on while plugging that in, another two direct connection warnings appeared and the four people’s Neuro Linkers were finally directly connected, Haruyuki relaxed with a sigh.

  “...Ah, th, this... what is it for?”

  “First, let’s sit.”

  After saying that with a still gruff voice, Kuroyukihime sat down properly onto the living room floor. Before the cable was pulled tight, Haruyuki hurriedly follow suit, and Yuniko also sat down while sticking to his left side.

  Finally, Takumu sat down properly like he was wearing a kendo uniform, and glanced at Kuroyukihime.

  “Master, do we «Accelerate»?”

  “No, no need for that. After the full sensory mode, fly towards the access gate shown. Then, let’s go... Direct Link.”

  Seeing Kuroyukihime closing her eyes and relaxing her shoulders, Haruyuki hurriedly sang the command.

  “Direct Link!”

  Bit by bit, his fully body senses and the surrounding view went away. The Neuro Linker canceled the five real senses and led the consciousness towards the virtual world. In the darkness, only a strong falling sensation could be felt. If he kept waiting, he would full dive into Arita house’s home net. But before that happened, a round and shining access gate floated in front of him.

  He extended his unseen right hand and the moment he touched it, Haruyuki’s consciousness was drawn in by the gate.

  Light expanded from the center of his view and covered Haruyuki. The scenery from deeper inside was an unlimited wilderness lined by many strange purple rocks.

  While he was wondering where this place was, he looked down and was a bit shaky when he could not see his own body. However soon, he realized that this is not a virtual world but a VR movie that is a recorded video directly played in his brain. As evidence, the lower right of his view had a number that counted the play time and a slide bar.

  “Ah... senpai?”

  When he asked, a reply came from his right side.

  “I am here. Takumu-kun, and the little girl is here too?”

  He could not see her but it was without a doubt Kuroyukihime’s voice. Continuing, “Yes”, and “Stop calling me like that” two sounds echoed. Haruyuki looked around again, after determining there were only rock formations, he timidly inquired.

  “Err... wh, what is this movie file that is playing? If it is just watching a movie, why go to the trouble of direct connecting everyone...?”

  “To stop any chance of it leaking outside. If I send it through your house’s home net to everyone, there will be a cache left in the apartment server.”

  “I, I see.”

  He now understood the reason for direct connection, but the content of the movie was still a mystery. It could not be a movie that needed such precautions, as Haruyuki tilted his unseen head, at that moment - .

  Suddenly he heard a sharp wind cutting sound above. Without the time to look up, around 10 meters in front of him, a shape landed with a sharp sound.

  Deep black shining half transparent armor. Long and sharp sword like limbs. V shape head. Without a doubt, it is Kuroyukihime’s duel avatar, «Black Lotus».

  “That is, senpai...?”

  To Haruyuki’s involuntarily shout, Kuroyukihime answered with a ‘Un’.

  “That’s me. That is, two and half years ago.”

  “Two... and half years. No, before that... since senpai is in that shape, this is «accelerated world» right? That means this is a recording of a «duel»...?”

  ‘Does Brain Burst have this kind of function?’ he wondered and was about to ask, this time from his left side, Yuniko’s voice echoed.

  “Something called «Replay». A shit expensive item that can record. Instead of that, two and half years ago means this is what you earlier mentioned as «Pure color seven kings» vs «Chrome Disaster» fight’s replay, right? Then why just you?”

  “No, another will come soon.”

  Before those words were finished, from left side of the scenery a new duel avatar’s shape appeared. ‘Is this a many vs one battle?’, while Haruyuki wondered in mystery, he stared at it.

  About one head taller than Black Lotus. Slender, but with athletic limbs that have a feeling of volume. Left hand held a thick rectangle shield and right hand empty. The color of full body armor is - emerald like deep green.

  “What a beautiful green color... master, that is...?”

  Kuroyukihime replied to Takumu’s low sound.

  “Yes. The «Green King». Affinity type is close range or indirect... but, the second name more accurately describes the ability. That is «Invulnerable».”

  “Looks stiff. From rumors, all losses were from time out, and at those times its HP never went below half... that must be a lie.”

  “You will understand if you watch.”

  When Kuroyukihime curtly replied to Yuniko’s mocking tone, in the movie, Black Lotus approached the green avatar, and indicated with gesture the shade of a large rock right nearby. The Green King nodded silently, went behind the rock and leaned back against it. The Black King also hid behind a rock a bit further away. Clearly, they were trying for an ambush.

  Even understanding that this was a past recording, Haruyuki looked on while holding his breath. Suddenly ‘crackle’ like small sound echoed from his left side.

  He moved his view. The crackle crackle sound of dry ground being stepped on came slowly closer.

  A few seconds later, what appeared between the rock formations was a very huge duel avatar. Probably 50cm t
aller than the Green King. The body covered in bellow like metallic armor was strangely elongated, and the head tilted forward like a snake. Left and right arms were unbelievably long too. The hands that dangle down held a crude broad ax, its thick blade almost scraping the ground.

  The head was covered in a worm like slippery cylinder, with two black holes at the top. From the darkness inside, red filled eyes moved around.

  The full body armor was deep black cloudy silver. The avatar that looked around while sunlight reflected lightly off it suddenly stood still and stared straight at Haruyuki. At that moment, Haruyuki forgot that this was a recorded movie, and froze on the spot.

  ‘- What is this. This is a... Burst Linker? An avatar controlled by a real person?’

  ‘No way. This is like a robot... no, a wild beast.’

  “This guy is... the fourth «Chrome Disaster»? Compared to the currently ravaging fifth, the form and size are totally different.”

  To be expected, relaxed, however some light tension mixed in Yuniko’s murmur.

  “It should be like that. That black silver armor is an «Enhanced Armament», it would change depending on the shape of the avatar who wears it. But, its characteristic won’t change no matter how many hundred generations. That is, thoughts of only insane attacks...”

  Kuroyukihime responded quietly, like being led by those words, the huge black silver avatar raised the large ax silently.

  What the blade aimed for, was clearly the rock «Green King» was hiding behind. With whatever method, or just direct feeling, Chrome Disaster found out about the ambush.


  With a carnivorous beast like roar, the ax was swung down with furious speed. The thick rock was cut in half like butter, however right before that, the green avatar jumped out to the side of the rock’s shade.

  To chase after that, the huge ax was swung again. The Green King that turned around, this time he did not dodge, and held up the shield in left hand instead.

  Right after that, with a sharp metallic sound the shield extended in four directions, and from its rectangle shape changed to a huge cross shape. It was a size that covered all of the Green King’s body. In the center of that, the crude ax hit with power from high up.

  With a loud noise that hurts the ears, waterfall like sparks flew. The ax was rebounded, but the Green King also knelt down.

  “Gaa, Gagaa!!”

  An angry and joyful sound leaked out of Chrome Disaster, with unreasonable moves, he swung the ax down many times. The attacks where even one hit could cut apart a body, the Green King’s cross shield continued to guard against them simply.

  It was then that Haruyuki finally noticed that Chrome Disaster’s black silver armor had many deep wound like openings. While the ax was swung, from those wounds came black fog like substance that spread out in the air.


  After he unconsciously murmured, Kuroyukihime coolly replied.

  “That’s right. That guy fought with other kings earlier and was driven here. As for the health gauge, it’s near death. But still that savage. At that time, I was frightened to the depth of my heart.”

  ‘That would be the case. Even watching a replay like this, the urge to run away is strong.’

  While he whispered in his mind, he felt that his supposed to be sensory cut real body’s hairs were raised. Actually, it’s unthinkable. Against the strongest in the accelerated world, the «Kings», this one sided crazy rampage - furthermore, this was near death stage. This means, Chrome Disaster’s actual strength, could only be beyond level 9.

  Maybe Chrome Disaster got annoyed with the Green King since no matter how many times the ax hit, it could not break the defense, so it made a low growl. While continuing the attacks, that long head extended - suddenly, the mouth opened with a wet sound.

  From the mouth, or more like a concentric suction hole’s center, a long tube like tongue extended, that Haruyuki stared at while dazed. At that time Kuroyukihime said with a sharp sound.

  “That, is one of Chrome Disaster’s abilities, «Health Drain». That guy can steal duel opponent’s HP gauge.”

  Like those words said, the long tube went around the Green King’s shield and extended near the neck.

  “Look out!”

  Haruyuki shouted in reaction, and right after.

  The till now not joining the battle even once, hidden Black Lotus jumped out from deep to the view like a black lightning bolt.

  Her right hand sword swung down with unseen speed and cut off Chrome Disaster’s tongue from the root.


  From the round mouth, a clear scream and black darkness spew as the huge avatar leaned backward. Aiming for the large wound on its chest, Black Lotus’s left leg sword pierced all the way through without mercy.

  The long blade that pierced through the back suddenly shone a dazzling violet. The Black King raised her leg and cut upwards, dancing higher above, and elegantly flipped around. Before the shining deep black avatar landed, Chrome Disaster’s head was split in two - .

  There, the slide bar that showed play time in the lower right reached the far end.

  With Link Out command, Haruyuki returned from full dive, he noticed that his real hands were wet with sweat.

  Takumu who sat in front of him also looked similarly green in the face. Looking left, he saw the Red King Yuniko too was silent with stiff lips.

  “...That guy continued to fight in that condition for another two minutes before it finally ended.”

  Kuroyukihime murmured just that, and pulled out the two cables plugged into her Neuro Linker at the same time.Haruyuki did the same, while controlling his stiff hands, he inquired with a dry voice.

  “That... is that really a Burst Linker? Like us, a real player was inside that...?”

  “Without a doubt. The current fifth too, with big difference in fighting method... But, that’s that, Black King.”

  Yuniko stood up while saying that in a low voice, and glared at Kuroyukihime with an unusually grim look.

  “You guys went to a lot of trouble to defeat the fourth, that is certain since there is a replay to prove it. But... then, why did that «Armor», that enhanced armament did not disappear!?”

  “It disappeared!”

  Kuroyukihime stood straight up and shouted back.

  While grinding her teeth, Kuroyukihime sat on a chair by the table, and waited for the other three to sit down before continuing with a suppressed voice.

  “...When the owner of that «Armor», the fourth Chrome Disaster left the accelerated world forever, the Green King and I met up with the other five people, and checked our status window there. Everyone there clearly said it. That the «Armor» was not in their storage. That meant it disappeared... the curse about it transferring to the one who killed the owner was broken at that time. In fact, Chrome Disaster did not appear since then!”

  That final part was almost said with a shout, then Kuroyukihime glared at Yuniko with a challenging look.

  Withstanding the pressure from the deep black eyes directly, the second Red King returned sharply.

  “Then, explain the current situation! The fifth appeared, ravaging like the past is a fact!”

  “...What is the name of the fifth? Even wearing the «Armor» and mentally corrupted by it to become the fifth Chrome Disaster, the name registered in the system would not change. In a duel, you should be able to find out the name of the avatar inside the armor. The one who was taken over by the armor, which King was it!!”

  This time, Yuniko looked down and was silent.

  After a few seconds, blowing out a long breath, the girl shook her head left and right.

  “...It’s not a King. The fifth, is my... Red legion, «Prominence»’s member. The original name is «Cherry Rook»... but, he’s no longer the original person. He was eaten by the armor, and has disappeared.”

  That voice, contrary to the violent language, was somewhat dry and wavering.

kihime’s eyes became small, and she touched her thin color lips with her right hand finger.

  “Not a... King...? Red legion member...? However...”

  Kuroyukihime frowned and started thinking, then Takumu lightly raised his hand and said.

  “It might be like this, master. Enhanced Armament, even ones from shops, can be transferred to another Burst Linker in the real world with direct connection. It’s not something I should say, but thinking about that backdoor program incident, I don’t think all the kings are incorruptible pacifists. One of the Kings with an agenda might have sworn a false oath and secretly kept the «Armor» and might have given that to «Cherry Rook»?”

  “It would be... like that... It was mentioned earlier, Kings... level 9 players have no reason to desire lots of points. Since no matter how much is gained, you can not become level 10. That’s why, if given out... it’s only for the reason of strengthening your own legion and weakening other legions... so releasing the uncontrollable Chrome Disaster has way too high risks. Before that, for a Red legion member to have it, it should have come from the Red King. That certainly might be the case but... the Red King that had joined the subjugation two and half years ago...”

  Momentarily, Kuroyukihime’s voice paused, probably only Haruyuki noticed it.

  Suddenly under the table, Kuroyukihime’s cold left hand touched Haruyuki’s right hand. Gaining warmth from there, the suppressed wavering speech continued.

  “The Red King from then is no longer in the accelerated world. After just three months since the subjugation of Chrome Disaster, he was also struck down. So, it could not be from him.”

  “At that time, I was still a growing Burst Linker chick so I don’t know the details.”

  The Red King did not seem to notice Kuroyukihime’s momentarily conflict and interrupted with a somber voice.

  “Obviously, I did not obtain the «Armor» from the previous generation King and even if I did obtain it, I would not think of letting a member wear it. There’s no way... after seeing that fiendish like battle...”

  “Is the fifth also... that incredible?”

  To Haruyuki’s question, Yuniko looked up slightly and spit out.


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