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Page 9

by Alessandra Jay

  “Great. You’re judging me and now I’m some charity case.” Juliet never said those words to any of the other therapists.

  Dr. Ember raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips as she gave Juliet an incredulous stare. “I'm not judging you one bit and I do not think of you that way. I would never. What you went through was heartbreaking and anyone who loses a parent or a loved one deserves a hug. Have there been other therapists that have made you feel uncomfortable for speaking about your past?”

  Juliet felt slightly dumb as she realized that the doctor was right. She just cared about her.

  “I guess. I don’t know. There’s been so many I can’t remember them all. But yes, most of them give me that same look.” It made her feel crumby.

  “That isn’t a look of judgment, Juliet. It’s a look of compassion. Can I ask, do you have any good memories with her?”

  That question caught Juliet off guard. “Only from when my dad was still with us. Those seem like a different life, though, because she changed so drastically after he left.” Without knowing, Juliet’s voice got so low it was practically a whisper.

  “Love can make people do crazy things. Not that it justifies her behavior. I just understand what it feels like to lose the person you chose to spend your life with. A loss like that can do terrible things to a fragile mind.” Dr. Ember placed her drink down and took Juliet’s out of her hands, placing it beside her own empty cup.

  “When did you have to start fending for yourself?” Without Juliet giving the doctor those details, she guessed them correctly.

  “About a year later. Her parenting method was to teach me something once, then let me make my own mistakes until I did it right. For most things, I didn’t mind because it stopped me from having to ask her for anything.” There it was, the look again.

  “It takes a very strong little girl to be able to keep herself alive after one lesson for all of those years, Juliet. I feel very honored to know you.” That was not something she’d ever heard a shrink say. All she could do was nod her thanks. A knock on the door made Juliet jump so high that the pillows flew across the room.

  “That’s just my next appointment. Would you like to come back a little later and we can talk some more?” Juliet felt bad turning the doctor down, but she didn’t think she had enough energy for another breakdown.

  “I think I’m going to go take a nap, then I’m meeting Nik for dinner. I’ll just keep my appointment for our next session and see you in a few days. I have your number if anything changes.” Juliet tried to sound reassuring and convincing enough. Another knock on the door and they both stood.

  “Alright, if you’re sure. Please feel free to contact me anytime. Keep up the good work with your ice progress. I can’t wait to hear what you accomplish next.” Opening the door, the waiting student waved a hand and entered the room without a single word spoken. Juliet hugged the doctor and was glad she did when she felt her embrace get tighter.

  Even though she spilled her guts about something that brought her misery, she felt better and lighter. It was her favorite part about sessions and speaking about her problems. The addicting sensation made her feel as if she could talk to anyone about anything. As she rounded the corner to get to her bedroom, she saw Nik standing there, leaning on her door as he waited for her arrival.

  “Hey! Did you get my message?” Giving her a hug that took her off of her feet, Juliet returned his tight hold.

  “Oh, right. I forgot…” Juliet felt guilty for forgetting such a sweet sentiment. Nik kissed her forehead, melting those worries away.

  “That’s alright. You’ve been busy. How was your session?”

  “It was good. I’ve had this migraine since I woke up this morning, but the doctor gave me some stuff that’s been helping.” Nik placed a soft kiss on her forehead, then stuck his lip out in a pout.

  “Sorry, babe. Did you not sleep well?” His genuine concern made her blush as love rushed through her heart.

  “Quite the opposite, actually. I slept great. Even had an incredible dream. I think that’s why I got the headache, I was focused so hard on the dream.” Thinking about the dream again brought butterflies to her stomach.

  “Oh? And what dream was this?” Nik threw himself on her bed, laid on his stomach and leaned his head on his hand.

  Juliet was suddenly nervous to pass along what she dreamt about. She was curious as to what Malachai had to say. But Nik’s reaction made her heart jump with fear of rejection. Not that she was even thinking of joining. As Juliet told Nik about all of the things she remembered from her dream, she watched his facial expression change from shock to understanding.

  “That sounds like a dope dream. Technically it wasn’t a dream because we have fought beside each other a few times now and your fighting gets better and better with each training day that passes. Fact of the matter is, the shifter military would be lucky to have you on their side.” Nik’s immediate support brought her the same warmth that filled her when Dr. Ember showed her the same reaction.

  “Thanks, Nik. It’s not something that I’ve ever thought about, and even still, I'm not thinking about. But the dream makes me feel like I want that life.”

  “It’s because you’ve felt the rush of being in battle before. You got a sense of it again while you were sleeping. Your mind is probably confused. How long did you stay in the gym last night? My friend said you were still in there when he left, and he left late.”

  “Honestly, I don’t even know. But maybe you’re right, my brain is just missing being in the middle of a battle.” Juliet agreed with Nik so they would stop talking about it. She didn’t do so well with change--and joining the military would be a humongous change.

  “Have you told Malachai yet? He’d get a kick out of that.” Juliet shook her head.

  Nik must have sensed the conversation go dead, so he spun over on his back and slid next to the space where Juliet sat.

  They stayed that way for a while, enjoying each other's company without having to say a word. She loved that Nik knew she needed those moments at times, and she loved how he had her back entirely. Not once did he make fun of her or put her down about a dream she couldn’t control. She had his complete loyalty and trust, and it was all she could ask for in a partner.

  Juliet’s head ended up on Nik’s chest, putting her in a sleepy trance. Just as she planned to, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep nap. By the way Nik’s breathing got heavy, she knew he fell out with her. She had never felt so filled with love than she did that entire day. She would be forever grateful for the support system that stood behind her. No matter how out of control she was, they were there for her, fully.

  Chapter 15

  Serious Message

  The loud rumble of Nik’s snoring was what awoke Juliet. Fumbling for her phone to look at the time, she gasped when it read that it was just after dinner. Nudging Nik while he groaned about being woken up, Juliet laughed at his sleepy, confused eyes.

  “We missed dinner. I can’t believe we slept that long.” She raised her arms high above her head as she stretched out her sleepy body.

  “Dinner? Huh?” Again, Juliet laughed because he was still half asleep. Nik rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

  “Never mind.” Juliet gave up and opened her phone to check her missed messages. Nik pulled his own phone out then grimaced from the bright light that his phone let off. Again he rubbed his eyes in an attempt to wake them up.

  “You’re going to rub your eyes off your face.” It was comical for her to watch him so groggy and disoriented. It was the first time they’d woken up with each other and it was just as cute as she ever wished it could be.

  “I can’t see! I hate naps. Such a waste of time!” He quickly became cranky as he again attempted to look at his phone. Still, Juliet thought it was cute.

  “Oh no,” he whispered.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “I have so many missed calls and messages. I missed my time at my post. I’m goin
g to be in so much trouble.” Nik put his phone back down and buried his head in his hands.

  “Let’s just go see my dad. We can tell him you were helping me with something in the journal. He’ll totally cover for you.” Nik’s head spun around.

  “You know I don’t like using the fact that I’m dating the general's daughter as an excuse, ever.” He was dramatic, and it made her smirk.

  “Just this once won’t hurt your reputation, Nik. How about we stay here, I’ll send him a message and you can help me with something in there so we're not actually lying?” She hated how good she was at lying.

  “You’re clever. I have a better idea. Why don’t I go get us some food and you go see your dad so he’s not reading it through a text? We can meet back here and you can show me what new things you learned. I’m not sure how I can help, but I’d love to observe your new tricks. Just keep that killer whip away, and no shifting.” He stood to stretch his own arms, then fell back into the bed beside Juliet, pulling her in for a hug.

  “You’re so bossy. But fine, we can do that.”

  Nik kissed Juliet's forehead before standing back up.

  “How does your head feel?” He was always so attentive, and it made her appreciate him more.

  “Better, actually. That dream is still stuck in my head. Even through the nap, it was like I was looking at pictures of the dream. So bizarre.” Juliet shrugged it off as she groggily stood to put her shoes on.

  “It's an interesting dream,” he agreed as he went to open the door, holding it open for her to exit first. With a soft kiss, they parted ways.

  Juliet walked more rapidly than usual because she wanted to get back to her room in time for the food. She knew he would be in his office and beelined directly to it. He always told her she didn’t have to knock to enter, but still she always did.

  Except that time. She was in a rush and didn’t think it would be a big deal. Dr. Ember sat across from Malachai, who stood the moment he heard the door swing open. Empty plates and half-empty glasses filled the table in the middle of the floor. The doctor didn’t look guilty, but her father had his eyes wide open and his face looked paler.

  “Juliet! What a nice surprise. Your father and I were just finishing up his session during dinner. How’s that migraine? Gone, I hope?” She wiped her mouth clean as Juliet nodded her reply.

  “Oh, don’t worry about him. That’s what he looks like after every session.” Her comment didn’t make Juliet feel much better, but it did make her crack a smile.

  “Uh, hi Dad? I just came by to see if you could talk to Nik’s boss guy ‘cause I needed his help with the journal and we lost track of time.” She didn’t like to lie. Especially when he was clearly trying to better himself.

  “Of course. Discover something good?” He lifted his drink to his mouth and chugged the remaining liquid.

  “Almost. We’re going to eat and continue. Just wanted to run it by you.” Juliet was ready to leave it at that and return to her room when Dr. Ember stood to embrace her.

  “Have you told your dad about your dream yet?”

  Juliet was going to tell him, but it wasn’t going to be then, and it wasn’t going to be in front of anyone else. Though she did trust the doctor and didn’t mind her presence, it still made her feel slightly uncomfortable.

  “Dream? What dream?” he asked as he walked closer to them. The doctor's eyes scrunched together as her hand covered her mouth.

  “I’m so sorry. I thought you already spoke about it. I can leave if you’d like.” Dr. Ember grew flustered and spun around to clean up her mess.

  “No, that’s okay. I was going to tell him tomorrow anyway, and you already heard it so I don’t mind.” Juliet didn’t want the doctor to feel like she’d messed up. Even without saying another word, Juliet knew she was still sorry.

  “So… what dream?” Malachai looked from his daughter to the doctor, then back to his daughter, waiting for one of them to answer.

  “Last night I had a dream and it’s been stuck with me all day. Which I don’t understand why it’s had such a big influence over me. But thinking about it brings an exciting rush to my brain, even though I know it was just a dream. Which is why it’s so confusing.”

  Malachai led her to a chair, cutting her off. “You’re rambling. Are you sure this wasn’t a nightmare?” He tried to be funny about it, but Juliet didn’t know if she should laugh with him or be more nervous about telling him.

  “No. It was like an action movie. And I was the main character. A soldier in the shifter army led by her father. A lethal fighter who fought alongside her boyfriend in battle after battle. I was so… brave.” Again, it made her feel both excited and anxious. Malachai took the seat beside her.

  “Wow, that does sound like an action movie. One I would definitely watch. What made you so nervous to tell me about it?” Malachai put his large hand over Juliet’s.

  “I don’t know. I guess because I didn’t know how to take it. If I should just chump it up as a dream or if it’s something that came to me as a sign. The possibility seems crazy and not like anything I would ever imagine doing. But then I get these flashbacks of the dream and it brings me such curiosity.”

  “I see. Well, I think it’s great that you got to see yourself in that kind of situation. While the thought of you in the shifter army brings me pride, the thought of your safety means more. The army is a dangerous place and a choice that will follow you forever. That being said, if you're ever curious and would like more information, please feel free to come to me and I’ll do my best to help.”

  His encouraging response was just what Juliet needed to hear. Though she still wasn’t convinced that it was a path that she wanted to take. If she had the time, she would have explained it further. She didn’t want to keep Nik waiting with their dinner, so she stood abruptly and tried her best not to be awkward.

  “Well, I better get back to Nik. I’ll talk to you guys later.” With a wave to the doctor and a quick hug to her father, Juliet turned to exit the room. Only, she didn’t get to leave just yet. Malachai’s office phone rang and Juliet knew it meant business because they usually talk through their walkie talkies.

  Dr. Ember stood and ran to Juliet’s side, knowing herself that something was wrong. They watched him say two words into the phone as he intently listened to the caller. Anticipation made Juliet so nervous she subconsciously grabbed Dr. Ember’s hand and held on tight. Finally he hung up the phone.

  “There was an invasion at the Coltar residence outside the Dome. They weren’t home at the time of it. When they returned, there was nothing left to save.” Malachai sat in his chair with his shoulders in a sag, his mood deflated.

  “Was it the vampires?” Dr. Ember innocently asked, even though it was something that seemed obvious. Even Juliet knew the answer to that question.

  “It was. There was a message they left in their wake: Our war begins with you. It was written on their walls in blood.” It took a matter of seconds for Malachai to switch into general mode.

  “Alright ladies, it’s been fun. I’ll check with you in the morning. Do not, I repeat, do not leave the Dome. There will be an announcement tomorrow of what’s to come. But for now, just stay in.” With an authoritative nod, he returned to his desk and picked up his phone.

  “Juliet, would you mind if we walked together? I just have to grab my things.” Dr. Ember shuffled her feet throughout the office, gathering her belongings. As Juliet waited by the door, she unintentionally listened in on her father’s important phone call.

  “Send two units to the Coltar residence. One to guard the premises and the other to help them clean up the mess. I want them escorted back here. And remind them to be on high alert. I'll speak with Oberon and meet you by the exit.”

  He continued to speak, but Juliet could no longer hear him clearly and she missed the last part of his message. She could sense the urgency in the room and it gave her an adrenaline rush. She wanted to know more. She wanted to do more.

bsp; As Dr. Ember and Juliet silently walked through the halls to their rooms, all Juliet could do was think of ways she could help. She couldn’t wait to get back to Nik to relay the message, if he didn’t already know.

  She knew how her night would go, though: sleepless. How was she expected to just go to bed after knowing what danger they were in?

  Chapter 16

  High Alert

  To her surprise, Juliet had another good night's sleep. It was odd that she knew about their emergency situation before anyone else. She wasn’t sure she liked that kind of power. She was anxious knowing something so vital.

  After she told Nik about what happened, he left in a rush. Turned out he had to report to his unit after all. Juliet couldn’t believe how envious she felt that he was able to be a part of the planning and the battle while she had to hide away in her room.

  Juliet knew she could be an asset. She only needed to work on her mental health, which she was doing. She knew her father’s offer to shadow her wouldn’t be on the table when they were in an emergency. She wanted to ask him anyway, even though she knew she shouldn’t.

  She already knew it would be a day that she wouldn’t see or speak to her father or boyfriend and that it would be like this for a while because they were busy securing the Dome. If she didn’t find a distraction, she would drive herself crazy. Choosing to train in her room, she retrieved her journals, retrieved the proper tools in case of a fire or ice emergency, and sat in the center of her floor.

  Devoting her time to come up with new ways she could use her gifts in combat, she must have summoned over twenty weapons. Some were just ice, but most of them she tried to mix because she already knew what she could do in battle with her fire. It seemed as if her confidence took over, motivating her to push herself far enough to learn what she could do by blending her gifts.

  As she wrote down each weapon in her journal, she double labeled the ones she thought were the most lethal. Her favorites were the ones that struck with her ice but did damage with her fire. Much like her ice whip, there was a dagger that shined bright from the ice but glowed an orange from the burning fire inside. The dagger would pierce the target, then immediately melt into deadly lava.


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