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The Estian Alliance

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by M J Webb

  Jake West - The Estian Alliance


  M J Webb

  (The final novel in the Jake West series)

  Copyright (c) 2012 M J Webb

  All rights reserved.



  First Edition, License Notes

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Please check out my site where you can find more information on characters and places which feature in the series.

  For my children.


  A series of three large novels are not penned without the help and advice of many kind hearted souls. I have been extremely fortunate to have received support from numerous friends on this wonderful journey. Chief amongst all has to be the immensely talented A J Hateley, who has once again performed wonders for the artwork which adorns the cover of this, the last book in the trilogy. I am extremely proud to work with such a brilliant illustrator and I wish her every success in her new career with the publishers Penguin.

  I also owe a great debt of gratitude to Tanya Knapper, who has read and advised on all three novels and provided that essential independent viewpoint that every author craves. Thank you for your honesty and patience Lady T.

  Luke Thompson, who I am certain has a huge literary career ahead of him, has always been there for me if I needed a fellow author’s input, and he gave me perhaps the greatest piece of advice I have received to date (apart from ‘give up’ that is). Thanks mate.

  Here’s the group thanks; I’m bound to miss someone so apologies. Thanks for your understanding, encouragement, help and support… June and Graham Marklew, Simone and Brian, Mum, my best mate Wayne, Jim Smith, Vix and Brogan Mullis, Charity Parkerson, Lynn Hallbrooks and all in the Literary Guild, Lucy and Rox, Rob Faulkner, Andy Walls, Brian Norris and all at work, Sue Grier, Mike Maynard, Brian Beard, Jackie and Chloe Ward…..

  Finally, an extra special thanks has to go to my wife. Not only has she had to put up with me over the last nine years and more, she has also had to contend with the writing bug that invaded my soul. I have to say that she bore the burden with varying degrees of restraint. But, she came out on top in the end and even proved to be my most valued and often used critic. Her help has been as constant as it has been vital. No words can convey the respect I have for her for that.

  This is another book penned for my Jack and Sophie, my two adorable munchkins. They will be the true heroes of their own destiny I am sure. But, it is also written for all those who are young at heart, and have a little imagination. I hope you enjoy the series and will help to spread the word.

  Thanks for reading and the very best wishes to you all.


  As chronicled in the novels ‘Jake West - The Keeper of the Stones’ and ‘Jake West - Warriors of the Heynai’, the reappearance of a Keeper changed everything for the long suffering people of Estia. His was a long awaited return which was to spark the flame of resistance in their troubled land, igniting a fire which burned to varying degrees of intensity within them all. His eagerly anticipated reappearance inspired all those who had previously been too afraid to act, as well as stirring to action seasoned veterans of the Ruddite wars, moving them to display ever more extraordinary degrees of valour. It reinforced the Estian people’s belief in the prophecies of old, the legends and stories which told of the Keeper’s role in their eventual liberation, and their deliverance from the forces of evil which had plagued their world for a thousand years. It was a rallying sign, a call to arms for a people sick to death of living in fear, in the very depths of despair. It was the defining moment in a long and bitter struggle, one which until now had seemed to have no end. It was a once in a lifetime chance to do something right, to fight for a just and moral cause, to help and protect their family and friends, and secure for them all a future, one which was worth having. Moreover, the return of the latest Keeper of the Stones, ‘The One’ who was destined to lead them to victory and freedom, was something that had been foretold, predicted. It was something that was always meant to be. It was fate. It was destiny. It marked the end of innocence for some, the beginning of anarchy for most, and the restoration of hope for all.

  …And yet, as far as they were concerned, Jake West and his best friend, Ben Brooker, were just two ordinary fifteen year old schoolboys from Lichfield, a quaint and picturesque city in the heart of England, where nothing ever happened of note… Or so they thought.

  Jake West. To understand the legend, you must first understand the boy. There was nothing at all special about Jake West. Nothing that would distinguish him from any other fun loving teenager. Nothing… Except for his lineage. And the rather strange and unique family history he had recently unearthed.

  The life-changing role Jake had thrust upon him was an incredible burden to ask of one so young. And it was one from which he should have been spared. The last Keeper of the Stones (his grandfather, Harry) had faked his own death and fooled everyone, on many different worlds, into believing that the precious gems and awesome weapons had been destroyed. But, a chance venture by the boys into Harry’s cluttered attic, would lead to a startling discovery for our two young heroes and unlock many secrets that were meant to remain hidden, changing their lives forever.

  When Jake inadvertently opened the box of stones they discovered in an old chest, he alerted everyone by his actions to the stones’ survival. From that moment on, a sequence of world-shattering events which could not be stopped were set in motion. Unknowingly, he had claimed his birthright, and he had also placed himself and all those he loved in mortal danger. He and Ben would soon be hunted across worlds. Having unwittingly revealed one of the world’s greatest secrets, he had no option now but to become a Keeper and fulfil his destiny, for like it or not, he had just been transformed from happy-go-lucky teenager, to world saviour and greatest hope we have in the battle against evil, in an instant.

  And so their remarkable journey began. It would be a voyage into the unknown which would decide the fate of us all. Over the next few weeks, Jake would be pursued by ferocious warriors and beasts that seemed to come straight out of his worst nightmares. But somehow, he would find the strength within him to survive and flourish, to lead a rebellion, and raise the hopes of an entire continent. Together with his new allies he would free an army of prisoners and slaves, battle against the most powerful wizard ever known, attempt to restore the box of stones so that they might be used to defeat him, and try to find a way to return him and his friend safely home. The boys would undertake a series of perilous missions in order to acquire the replacement gems they needed. Jake would pass trials and tests designed to defeat far better men. Together, they would fight battles, lead a newly reformed army straight into the greatest civil war in Estian history, raise a sleeping dragon, and manage to survive an onslaught from an army of the living dead, all the time keeping alive the hopes of millions for an end to tyranny.

  However, the dark forces of King Vantrax would prove far too numerous and powerful to defeat. Jake, Princess Zephany and the entire Estian force would be routed and made to retreat south, to the city of Te’oull. They escaped from the burnt out ruins of the once mighty fortress of Dassilliak with their lives barely intact, and they had to leave behind their badly wounded King. Jake West and his allies were beaten and on the run, with nowhere left to go. The final battle in the Estian wars loomed and it would be fought at Te’oull. He now placed all of his faith and trust in the four spirits known as the Heynai, the protectors of the Estian people, and the ones who had
bestowed upon them the box of stones. It was they who had recruited the Keepers to guard the awesome weapons, as well as the wizard, Tien, to guide them… And it was they who would surely come to his aid now, in this, his moment of greatest need?

  If they did not, if they failed to answer the call and chose to abandon him, then Jake West and Ben Brooker, as well as Princess Zephany and the entire army of the Estian Alliance, the last great hope of the their world and ours, were surely doomed.

  Chapter 1

  31st August - The Kielth Mountains - Siatol

  “…But this is madness, Sereq! Sheer and utter folly!

  No. No, I say! We must not go. We have to stay. Who is this boy in whom you have placed so much faith? Do any of us really know him?” cried Terristor.

  The ancient spirit’s voice and face were now more animated than they had ever been. “…We know so little, and yet you are about to sacrifice everything for him, in the hope that he truly is the one who will lead our people to victory? Without us?! Madness, I tell you. You cannot ask us to do this! Charr… You have that look about you, the one that tells me your mind is already made up? Then, I hope for all of our people’s sakes that you are not mistaken!

  We have all gone along with everything you have asked of us so far, because we too want to believe in him, just as we believe in you, but… No, I am sorry, it has to be said. He may be ‘The One’ we have waited for, but even so, he cannot do this without us. He needs our help. He is just a boy. He is a stranger to this land, a novice in the art of magic, to our ways… and I need not point out to you that he is taking on the most powerful wizard we have ever faced.

  Please, will you not reconsider? Will you not see sense? Faith is a wonderful thing, Sereq. However, what you are proposing is way too much. Hear me, please?! His army is defeated. His allies are too few and too weary. Ranged against them now are thousands of battle-hardened warriors, hoards of invincible Thargws! With our help, in time, he has a small chance of winning this fight. He has the very faintest of hopes. Without us though, it is already a lost cause and he will never prevail! Surely you can see that?

  I… I take no pleasure in saying these things to you, my friend. We have followed you faithfully for hundreds of years. You have led us well and we have stood by your side proudly. We have fought many adversaries together and there is no one I hold in higher regard. But, in all we have done, we have always thought and acted as one. We have spoken as one… Until now!”

  The dark and damp cave within the Kielth Mountains sheltered the four ghostly spirits known to Jake as the Heynai. Aided by the chosen Keepers, they and their stones had protected the Estian people for centuries, and they were also responsible for rescuing the latest of them, Jake West, with their timely action at the Battle of Dassilliak. The collapse of the mountain was a stupendous feat of magic, it had ended the Lords of Srenul’s pursuit and saved the teenager’s life, but it was only one of a number of spells they had cast to aid him, his friends and his cause. The Heynai were now recovering from the debilitating effects of their magnificent deeds. Their energy reserves were all but spent. They had done far too much in the past day or so to save the two young boys from Earth, way more than they should have done. Their astonishing feats had almost destroyed them completely. The spirits had taken way too many risks in trying to keep the teenagers alive and they knew only too well that they had been incredibly fortunate to survive. At Dassilliak, they had withdrawn from the fight through necessity in order to rest and recover. When their strength began to return they took the opportunity to talk openly amongst themselves about the dire situation still facing the young Keeper, the boy who carried with him the hopes of millions, the ally they had met only days before. The discussion had been a long and heated one but finally one desperate, pleading voice had cried out louder than the rest.

  “I too must apologise to you, Sereq. I am in agreement. Terristor speaks the truth,” added Lapo, feeling compelled to give his opinion once again. “…There are too many unknowns here, too many questions you have no answer for. You place way too much confidence in the teachings, in this boy. Surely you have some doubts? Yes, he has surpassed expectations so far. He has indeed achieved more than we anticipated, and in so short a time. But, the odds and the stakes are now far too high for such an enormous leap of faith! King Vantrax and Sawdon will descend upon Te’oull very soon with a force far greater than any ever known. They have already sacked the mighty city of Dassilliak, the greatest defensive fortification in the land. Never before has it fallen. They have conquered almost the entire continent…!

  Tell me, even if this boy is the Keeper whose coming is foretold, what can he do against such a force, if he is alone?”

  The leader of the Heynai said nothing in reply. His face was expressionless as he considered carefully his fellow spirit’s words. Nothing could be heard around him but the whistling of a gentle wind as it moved through the rocks.

  “Sereq!” cried Rutax, forcefully. “Answer us! Now is not the time for silence. If we are to do this thing you ask, we must all be in agreement. And unless you can convince us right here and now, it is not going to happen. After all, you are talking about surrendering all that we have fought for, yielding all we have worked hard to achieve and maintain throughout the hundreds of years since we died… Our very reason for existence.

  Who will protect our people when we are gone? Who will defeat the forces of evil which plague this land? Please, do not say the Keepers. They come and they go at will. They are not ever present and most do not have the power to defeat the wizards, not alone. And I for one believe that this boy has yet to prove himself worthy of such high expectation.”

  The dark recesses of the cave were illuminated by the light emanating from the four ghostly apparitions. The Heynai floated just above the ground, facing each other in an impromptu circle as they debated the issues and the decision before them. With heavy hearts, they were deciding upon not only their own fate, but the fate of countless millions, on many different worlds, including their own. Silence descended briefly as Sereq carefully considered his reply. The weight of the burden he had to bear was etched into his grey and weary face. He was so, so tired of living. He was tired of fighting. And he knew what had to be done. After a short while, he looked at them each in turn, before responding in a soft, gentle and heavily fatigued tone.

  “We… We have given all we have to give, my friends. We are losing this war. The new stone the dark wizard has found has tipped the balance far too heavily in his favour. It is now time for us to face facts. The spells we cast over the past few days in order to help the Keeper and his companions have cost us dear. They have all but destroyed us. The energy and effort they took to create left us almost powerless, defenceless. We will need more of the same if we decide to stay, to fight alongside Jake. I have to tell you now that we will not be strong enough. We will not survive to see this war won. Our fate on that path you would choose is to perish before its outcome is known. And, when the final battle comes, we will be unable to influence it in any way.”

  “Kraas… I… I did not realise. Then, what are you suggesting?” asked Terristor, shocked by his leader’s words. “You speak of sacrifice? But, without us here to guide him, he will be lost?”

  “Yes, Sereq, what exactly is it you propose? We are not blind to the needs of the Keeper. Neither are we so attached to this world that we would forsake the realm beyond, if our people were helped in any way by our leaving. We will not concede defeat and betray our oaths however. We, like you, swore to defend this land and its inhabitants, until the end of time if necessary.”

  “Time, Lapo?” replied Sereq, seizing upon the word like a Thargw with the scent of blood in his nostrils. “Yes, a fitting turn of phrase. That is what it is all about now… Time. It has finally come for us. It is also the one thing we can give to our friends. And it is the one thing they need the most.”

  “Kuh! As usual, you speak, but you do not tell,” huffed a frustrated Rutax. “Enough ri
ddling, please?”

  Sereq smiled warmly at the wraithlike image of his friend. “Very well, as you wish. Jake needs time to gather his force at Te’oull. Even now, thousands of fresh volunteers are making their way to the city. They are coming from all corners of Estia to join him in this fight. Our people are answering the call we made in their thousands. The war of wars is not far away my friends. It has long been foretold and it now stands at our door. Remember the prophecy;

  ‘…A thousand year fight is upon us, for the age of evil has come.

  In the war of wars that confronts us, salvation shall lie with ‘The One’.

  A Keeper to unlock the secrets, long hidden inside of a box.

  A warrior chosen to wield it. The one without whom all is lost.’

  This war can still be won. But, if King Vantrax reaches Te’oull first, with his vast army of seasoned warriors and merciless beasts, the Estian Alliance and its leaders, Princess Zephany and Jake, will be destroyed. We can not let that happen! They need time. Just as Ben, Verastus and Brraall need time to join them. Gellsorr may protect them now, however the dragon is about to encounter a deadly foe, and I cannot predict the outcome. The effects of casting those spells linger on for me, I am afraid.”


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