Dick Does Jane

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Dick Does Jane Page 4

by Brynn Paulin

  The nerves in Jane’s belly flipped so fast she wasn’t sure she could speak. “I…um…” Her shoulder lifted. “I was…not scared…but…not…sure,” she told him. Her words stuck in her throat, and her face burned as she stuttered them out.

  “You took an extra twenty-four hours to get here because you were unsure? Unacceptable, Jane. You will be unsure many times as we go forward, and I’ll expect you to obey without hesitation. In this house, delayed obedience is disobedience. Understand?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  The deep resonance of his voice held more and more promise that she’d been forgiven her transgression and more and more promise that he’d hold the control over her that she’d desired for years. It had never made sense to her, but she’d wanted it badly.

  “In this case, I’ll let it slide. Mostly. Your concerns should have been discussed with me. Your failure to arrive yesterday, or even call, told me you didn’t want to proceed. Do you think that was a good thing?”

  Well, now she felt low—especially since she heard just the faintest iota of hurt in his tone. He’d told her his fear was that she’d run and not give them a chance. Then she hadn’t shown up. Nice move, Jane.

  “No, Sir,” she replied in a small voice.

  “So this is what we’re going to do.” The foot that had been on his knee hit the floor. Resting his elbows on his knees, he leaned forward and pinned her with a stare. “We’ll get past this then go on. There will be punishment, Jane.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Looking forward to it, Sir. She bit her lip. He was willing to move forward. And she’d probably get a spanking. The muscles in her pussy tensed. She wasn’t scared. She wanted it more than she could explain—but the beauty was she didn’t have to explain to Dick. He understood.

  “First, there’s something else we need to do,” he told her. He opened a folder to the side of his desk and pulled out a paper. He placed it on the blotter then pulled out a pen and laid it beside the sheet. “Come here, Jane,” he instructed.

  When she did, he pulled her onto his lap. She almost moaned as warm pleasure prickled along her skin. Other than to wrap an arm around her, Dick didn’t touch her as he moved the chair closer to the desk.

  “The club I belong to provides these lists to anyone who wants them. It’s a good jumping off point for determining what can and cannot happen in a scene. You’re fully aware of what constitutes a scene?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, knowing it was a D/s episode between them that might or might not involve sexual activity. She hoped there wouldn’t be many that did not, because obeying him made her hot.

  Quickly, she directed her focus to the paper—she already had one punishment coming and who knew what that would be. Though she was anticipating it, she didn’t want to push too far.

  “A few of the items have been blacked out,” Dick told her, pointing to one of the places on the sheet where black marker had obliterated the text. “Those were things I absolutely wouldn’t do under any circumstances, and I didn’t want to scare you with them. You are to go through the remaining items on the list and mark the things you’d like to do. Y for yes, X for no, and M for maybe. Okay? You need to be absolutely honest on this. Embarrassment has no place here.” He stood with her in his arms then put her back in the chair. Bending, he kissed the top of her head. “Just because I might have left something on there, don’t think you have to say yes. And don’t over think it. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

  Be absolutely honest. Jane blew a breath between her pursed lips as he closed the door. Picking up the pen, she scooted closer to look at the list.

  A lot of bondage, punishment and discipline were on it. Yes, yes, yes. Toys? Most definitely. Biting? She shivered and marked yes. Blood was a definite no. She grinned and marked yes to role playing, too. Hoping it was okay, she put extra Ys beside playing doctor, school and police.

  All those scenarios had her blood pumping. So far this looked like just what she’d imagined for so long.

  Piercings and tattooing were definitely on her negative list. Exhibition? Maybe. Including another person? Maybe. No, that would be a yes. The idea sent moisture into her cunt. But… Wait. Should it be a maybe or a no?

  Don’t over think it.

  Being completely honest, she crossed out the M and said yes. Once that decision was through, she easily finished the questionnaire, horribly grateful nothing gross was on the list. She’d heard stories…

  “All set?” Dick said as he returned.

  She nodded and stood. “Pretty easy,” she said. When can we get started? Now? How about now?

  “Good. Now, I want you to go upstairs to my bedroom while I look this over. I left you instructions on the bed.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Jane,” he called, stopping her on the way to the door. Before she could turn, he was behind her. His hands cupped her hips, and he drew her back against his body. His mouth pressed to her shoulder.

  She trembled, loving the feel of him against her body.

  “I can’t wait to finally have you,” he told her. “Thank you for being brave enough to come here today. Trust me, and you won’t regret it.”

  She closed her eyes and turned her head into him. “I trust you, Dick. That was never an issue.”

  Jane only hoped this new Dick was the real one. She didn’t know what she’d do if she committed herself to this and it turned out to be a ruse. Quickly, she buried the thought lest he sense it, because the truth of the matter was she didn’t quite trust him. Not with her heart and soul. She didn’t really trust anyone.

  For now, though, she’d give him her body. The rest would come.

  Chapter Four

  Jane was shaking by the time she got upstairs to Dick’s bedroom. Just as he’d mentioned, he’d left a note on the bed. Examining his bold scrawl across the heavy stationery, she took deep, calming breaths. At the rate her arousal thrummed through her, she’d come the second he touched her. How was it that she hadn’t been moved to sleep with him before? How on earth had she believed him boring? Idiot…

  But there was no doubt she’d know the feel of Dick in her and over her before tonight was through.

  He’d instructed her to take off her dress and panties, leaving on everything else. Afterward, she was to go to the playroom. Her teeth sank into her lower lip. Despite the episode two evenings ago, he’d never really seen her naked. What if he wasn’t turned on? She shook her head. She was being a nitwit. Now was not the time to fall into old insecurities. Hadn’t she spent years growing past this?

  Steeling herself, she pulled open her zipper. Her dress seemed to cling to her as she peeled it off. A fine sheen of perspiration marked her upper lip as her nerves raised her temperature. Impatiently, she swiped it away. Folding the garment in half, lengthwise, she draped it across the plush armchair that sat across from the bed. The positioning of the chair gave her pause, and she couldn’t help envisioning Dick casually sitting there while his sub lay across the bed, possibly pleasuring herself…possibly tied to the posts while a toy worked her over.


  Knowing she had to get moving, she pulled off her panties, wadded them up then shoved them beneath the dress. A full-length mirror stood nearby, and she paused to look at herself. Her bra barely covered the peaks of her breasts while the garter belt holding her stockings highlighted her blemish-free ivory skin, especially that of her pussy which had been waxed free of her auburn curls. Would he like what he saw?

  Turning, she looked at the smooth, white curve of her ass. Soon it would be marked. It embarrassed her a little that she couldn’t wait.

  Embarrassment has no place here. Right, tell that to the recovering cutter. The insides of her arms weren’t so blemish-free. If he looked closely, he’d see the tiny white lines where she’d once given herself pain just so she could feel something. Anything.

  That was a long time ago. A zillion therapy sessions or more ago. Recently, she’d discovered giving herself an orgasm w

as so much better. But an orgasm and the pain he’d give her…

  Jane smiled feeling a lot better and even more confident.

  She ran her hands over her torso. This was exactly what she wanted. How often had she used her vibrator and imagined a rough voice in her head, speaking coarsely? Spanking her? Disciplining her? Touching her…

  The touching was most important. She’d imagine her blankets were hands all over her, rubbing her skin and holding her in place for her master.

  Every single time. She didn’t get off unless she “heard” his voice. Dick’s voice sounded a lot like that when he commanded her.

  Her nipples beaded against her bra as she thought of him talking dirty to her while he fucked her. She wondered if he’d talk to her while he spanked her, too. She’d never find out if she didn’t move it and get to the playroom.

  He waited for her when she entered the room, and she immediately slowed. Her hand dropped to cover her pussy.

  “Don’t make your punishment worse,” he grated, sending a tremble down her spine. “You are never to hide from me. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied, dropping her hand but wanting it over her more than ever. This was getting all too real, and seeing Dick like this, deep in his role as Dom, turned her on more than she’d been the entire time they’d dated before. He’d done a hell of a job suppressing this side of him before. She had no doubt this was the real Dick. No one could fake this with such confidence.

  He was so…powerful. Her mouth was dry just being near him. While she’d undressed, he’d shucked the shirt once more and now stood before him in his bare-chested magnificence. His cock was a prominent ridge behind the soft denim of his pants that hung low on his slim hips. She wanted to follow the thin trail of hair from his navel to his cock. The sparse curls disappeared beneath his waistband, but she imagined them cradling his arousal.

  She shifted, squeezing her pussy as it reacted to her imagination.

  Dick raised an eyebrow. “Is this how you present yourself?”

  Crap. “No, Sir,” she replied, parting her legs and putting her wrists at the small of her back. She’d had so many things running through her mind. This small detail had escaped her. Only, she supposed, it was a really big detail. And now, damn it, she had no defense against the insidious arousal grasping her pussy.

  He circled her, randomly trailing his fingers over her and raising goose bumps with each slide of his hand. “I’ve gone over your questionnaire. I find we’re quite compatible. On most points,” he added. He stepped close, and she moaned as his heated chest pressed to her arm. His smooth, hard skin felt so good against her. His lips brushed her ear. “But I’ll never share you. You’re mine, Jane. Completely mine.”

  His hand came up and curved around her breast then jerked down the cup covering it. Immediately, his fingers took possession of the tip. He pulled and rolled the supple point until her legs trembled and her head tipped back as she cried out. Sliding behind her, he yanked down the other side of the bra and took that tip as well. Jane thought she might go mad as he twisted and tugged, wrenching taut the tension in her womb. Her cunt was flooded with her need, and she felt a rivulet creep to her thigh as she drew close to orgasm.

  Was she allowed to come? Did he have to command it or give her permission?

  One of his hands slid down her torso. “Are you wet for me, Jane?” His fingers glided into her pussy before she could reply. “I see you are. Very, very wet.”

  He rubbed her clit while she whimpered and leaned into him for support.

  “I’m going to come,” she gasped.

  “No, you’re not,” he rasped and pinched her nipple. “Hold it back. Hold it back, now. You are a bad girl, and bad girls don’t get to come until their masters say so.”

  “Please,” she begged as two of his fingers pushed inside her.

  “Find a way to stop it, Jane.”

  How could she when he was finger-fucking her and scraping against her g-spot? His thumb slashed repeatedly over her clit.

  “No…” she keened, biting her lip as she felt her body drawing to the edge of release.

  “If you come, I’ll punish you then send you home for the night,” he promised.

  She barely heard him as she breathed frantically and tried to think of anything but the drive of his fingers and the sound of her arousal around them. The wet sound combined with her helpless cries clawed at her, begging to free her climax. Her fingers flexed, desperate to clutch anything that would detour her thoughts.

  It was Dick’s rigid cock that filled her hands. Without asking permission, she opened his pants and shoved down his underwear enough to take the solid column into her hands. Closing her eyes, she focused on the feel of its ridges and the smooth, ever-so-soft skin of the glans. Her thumb pressed into the nickel-sized spot beneath the head, hoping he was as sensitive there as all men were purported to be.

  Dick groaned, shoving into her grasp and proving he loved her touch. His fingers slowed as she stroked him, and Jane grappled with her slowly returning control. She drew it around her while she continued to jack her hands along his cock. Instead of fighting her orgasm, she reveled in the mutual pleasure.

  She moaned in disappointment as he pulled his fingers from her cunt and his cock from her hands. With a sigh, she adjusted her stance. Her abdomen was heavy with the intense need to fuck him. Couldn’t he just bend her over one of the benches and fuck her into next week?

  His next words denied her. “Jane, go to the wall and pick your punishment device.”

  Punishment? Wasn’t denial of her orgasm enough? She didn’t like this one bit. But she wouldn’t change it either. Reluctantly, she admitted a secret part of her did like it. It liked it a lot and had waited for this moment for a long time. There was no refuting the excitement still building inside her.

  A tremble worked through her as she eyed the implements hanging near the apothecary chest. A kinda scary-looking whip, two crops, floggers and paddles of varying size, shape and material… The variety set her off-balance.

  Her eyes wide, she realized she’d made a bit of a misstep, not that she planned to change her direction. But she’d never fully thought out pain and punishment. Wondering about being paddled and coming face to face with an instrument that could leave welts on her ass were two very different things.

  And she had to pick one.

  “Go get a closer look,” he urged in a low voice. She heard a zip. If he was refastening his pants, he meant business.

  She gnawed on the inside of her lip as she walked closer to the tools. Reaching out, she fingered the tails of one flogger. The wide strands of leather were buttery soft. She took it off the wall and trailed it over her arm. It tickled, but she didn’t suppose that would be the case if Dick wielded it with some force. She glanced back at him and the muscles that bulged in his arms as he crossed them and watched her. Definite power, and a no on the flogger. For now.

  Shaking her head, she replaced it. But what to choose? It wasn’t as if there was something here that wouldn’t redden her ass. And didn’t she want that? She wanted to feel the aftereffects of Dick’s domination tomorrow when she sat…

  Biting the corner of her lip, she shifted her gaze to the paddles. One in particular drew her eye. Medium-sized, it had a small painting on it. Leaning closer, she examined the picture.

  Yes… That was what she wanted. The woman had her hands tied behind her back while she rode the man. One of his hands grasped her reddened ass while the other was knotted in her hair.

  Her whole being vibrated as she pictured herself in that scene, Dick fucking her roughly.

  She lifted the paddle from the hook that held it and weighed it in her hands. Medium weight. It would probably hurt like hell, but… No, this was the right implement. Tightening her fingers on the handle, she turned on the ball of her foot and marched back to him. Holding out her hand, she offered it to him.

  “Hmm…” he murmured. “I’ve never used this one. I had it made whil
e we were dating. Look at their faces.”

  Drawing back her arm, she examined the paddle. Her eyes went wide as she recognized their faces.

  “Nice choice,” he laughed and took the paddle from her. His other arm grasped her upper arm then hauled her toward a long, wide bench that sat about even with her hips if she were kneeling.

  Her heart pounded at his treatment, but he wasn’t hurting her. Even his grip on her arm was steely but not biting. Releasing her, he brought his hand to her shoulder and firmly pushed her to her knees.

  “Don’t move,” he growled. He set the paddle on the surface in front of her then walked away. She couldn’t take her eyes from it. She couldn’t turn to see what he was doing. She could only stare at the short rectangle of shiny wood.

  She startled as he took her arm again and pulled her once more to her feet. Temporarily. As soon as she was against the bench, she was moved to her knees again. He pushed aside the paddle then leaned her over the padded surface.

  She took a shuddering breath, and he paused. He didn’t say a word. To her surprise, she heard him set something down then he smoothed his hand over her back. A few beats later, he pressed the backs of his fingers to her cheek. The silence continued, her breathing settling though her nerves were thrumming wildly.

  Dick moved behind her, and she heard the rattle of whatever he’d set down. When something fastened on her ankle, she pushed up on her arms.


  He shoved her onto the cushion with a splayed hand in the middle of her back. She groaned in frustration, but he paid her little heed as he finished fastening a cuff around her ankle. Her leg was shoved to the side, and he shackled the other. Futilely, she tried to push her legs together, knowing without looking that he’d placed a spreader bar between her legs. Her head dropped to the cushion. God help her. The arousal now filling her was almost too much. She needed…


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