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The Brimstone Betrayal

Page 22

by Terence West

  And it was grotesque.

  There was something horrible about them, something just a bit off. They seemed less like individuals and more like an extension of Jared's vast collection. Almost stale, they were nothing more than decorations and everyone had their place. It was a mockery of life, as if Jared had sought to simulate it but hadn't quite hit the mark. The atmosphere held a heavy air of mustiness that could easily be coming from the compound, or the Vampires themselves.

  Moving past the beautiful decorations and gorgeous, lifeless Vampires, Jared led me through two double doors and down into a wide stairwell. Nothing like the rest of his compound, the walls were composed of stark, cold, gray cement with ceiling-mounted light fixtures doing their best to fight back the encroaching shadows. Once we hit a midway landing, we turned left and continued to circle further down. I had no idea how far underground we were at this point, or if we were underground at all. The lack of windows throughout the compound threw me off. I had no clue where we were.

  After we arrived at the bottom, we moved into a bare, square room. This place felt cold as the darkness worked hard to swallow it. Large, metal grates occupied the center of the floor and I could hear the constant buzz of powerful electric generators like swarms of bees below. The concrete had large cracks running through it from age and stress, while walls were stained from damaged water pipes. Puddles were accumulating in corners as well. Hallways stretched off in three directions with the same general design as the stairwell. It seemed old, as if designed in the 1940's or ‘50's by government contractors. The idea didn't surprise me that much. Jared was easily two hundred and thirty years old. The idea that he lived in the same compound for at least fifty years didn't seem that far-fetched.

  "Where are we?” I asked, my voice echoing off the hard walls.

  "My basement,” Jared replied as he started toward the center hallway.

  Thanks, Captain Obvious, was the first thing that came to mind. “I mean, what is this place?"

  "My basement,” Jared reiterated with the same tone and inflection as before.

  I would have slapped him if I didn't think he would turn around and tear my head off. Following him down the hallway, I ran my fingers over the heavy metal doors that were recessed into the walls every six feet. A simple black number was painted near the top of each door, starting at thirty-five and counting up, but that was all the decoration to be found. The doors had no windows, and only a simple, round, silver handle. Listening to the sound of my shoes echo as we moved briskly, we turned the corner at the end of the hall and I spotted several familiar faces. Pushing past Jared, I charged down the hall and skidded to a stop right before them. With a smile, I threw my arms around Toby and patted Karl on the head. Not even minding that some of Karl's excess hair gel stuck to my palm, I wiped off my hand on my shirt with a laugh. Luther was standing silently behind them with his hands clasped patiently behind his back. I nodded to him to acknowledge his presence.

  I looked into Toby's eyes. They seemed tired and weak, but happy to see me. “Are you okay?” I asked, noticing the edges of the thick, white bandage that ran down the back of his neck and disappeared into his shirt collar.

  Toby nodded. “I'm okay. Jared's medics insisted on the bandage."

  "Can't have someone with an open wound walking among Vampires,” Jared commented as he stopped behind me.

  I understood and turned back to my partner. “And the TS-1138?” I asked apologetically, remembering how I had injected him back at the warehouse.

  "Feel kind of icky,” Toby admitted. “Still pretty groggy from the drug."

  "And what am I?” Karl asked spitefully, “Chopped liver? That Rose pod person nearly popped my head like a pimple."

  "Gross,” I commented, then snickered. Crouching down, I looked the Goblin in the eyes. “Karl, are you okay?"

  Karl shrugged. “I'm fine."

  I waited for a moment, hoping there would be more after the point he made to be asked. When nothing came, I stood up and shook my head. I turned back to our host, who seemed to have, surprisingly, treated all three of us rather well. “What now?"

  "Now,” Jared said, drawing out the word, “we meet our mystery guest."

  Why did I suddenly feel like I was on a game show?

  Jared looked past me and nodded to Luther. Politely squeezing through, Luther moved to the gray door labeled seventy-six before us. Flattening his tie out of habit, he reached for the silver handle, pushed the door open, and stepped aside. Without hesitation, Jared swept through the open door and vanished from my sight. Luther motioned with his hand for us to follow his master. I took a tentative step toward the door, still not entirely at ease with this place, or our host. This could easily be another trap, and I was getting kind of tired of rushing headlong into them without a second thought. Glancing back hesitantly to Toby, I turned and walked into the room.

  But stopped two steps in.

  The mystery guest was bolted to the wall with heavy iron restraints around his chest, wrists, legs, and ankles. Each of the iron straps had four heavy bolts in them and seemed to smolder faintly green indicating they had been magically imbued. Multiple glowing amulets hung around his neck and seemed to weigh him down. They, and the restraints, were draining his power, ensuring that he could not escape or injure anyone. His heavy robes gone, he looked beaten and abused; the jagged bite wounds in his neck still easily visible. Angry wounds sliced across his bare chest as if he had been whipped repeatedly for information. His red eyes looked tired and weak. I knew he had given up. He had tried to fight the interrogation, and from the look of his face and body had taken it for quite some time, yet he had finally broken.

  "Lucas Nash,” I breathed. I turned to Jared who was leaning casually against the far wall. “How?"

  "When he abducted you,” Jared said. “I took him after you attacked. I keep a Warlock handy for just such an occasion."

  I remembered the unnatural cloud that rolled into Lucas’ lair and scooped him up. I thought at the time it was his cohorts retrieving him, but why did he hit me with lightning during Lucas’ capture? I stared warily at Jared. It occurred to me that Lucas didn't appear so much as if he had been interrogated, but rather punished. The little hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I hate it when they do that.

  "What did you do to him?” Toby asked as he stepped around me.

  "Only what was necessary,” Jared answered.

  "Wow, tenderized Warlock on aisle seven,” Karl joked uncomfortably.

  I couldn't stop staring at the battered form of Lucas on the wall. “How does he fit in to all of this?"

  "He is one of Chithula's lieutenants,” Jared answered.

  Toby wrapped his hand gently around my arm and whispered into my ear. “My spider sense is tingling."

  Not exactly sure why, but I nodded in agreement. I walked slowly across the concrete floor toward the Warlock.

  "Don't get too close,” Jared warned me. “Be careful."

  I glanced oddly at the Master Vampire. “If he's properly restrained,” I pointed to the amulets, “why do I have to be careful?"

  Jared crossed his arms and scowled at me. “Caution,” he said finally, “is all I'm advising. Caged animals are often the most dangerous."

  Something was wrong. I looked at the broken Warlock. I wasn't sure why, but I felt a deep sense of pity for him. I had almost killed him, but now I was concerned if he lived or died.

  Lucas painfully lifted his head and stared at me. His eyes were weary, yet there was a spark there. Of what, I wasn't sure, but something in his eyes couldn't be broken by Jared. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. As I realized he was focusing his power, I heard his voice echo in my mind. "Help me."

  I fought hard to contain my surprise. Taking a slow step back, I turned to Jared. I couldn't let on that Lucas had been able to overcome his magical bonds. In any case, I wasn't exactly sure what to do. “What information did you recover from him?"

  "Everything I told you before
,” Jared replied. “The conspiracy, about Chithula, your part in this, he is the source of that information."

  I had to test his knowledge. “What about Cantrix Unlimited?"

  "I am unfamiliar with that term,” Jared said, shaking his head. “He didn't say anything about that."

  That seemed a little strange. “What about the Sprites sent to kill us?” I asked. “Why would he do that if he needed us for the cloning operation?"

  "Plans change,” Jared almost spit the words at me. “Perhaps you were to be eliminated, then Chithula changed his mind? I don't know. I was concerned with the bigger picture, not insignificant details."

  "That insignificant detail almost killed us,” Toby corrected Jared. “Doesn't seem so insignificant to us."

  A shadow passed over Jared's face, apparently unappreciative of our line of questioning. I think he wanted to be the hero of the piece and win my undying gratitude, but my instincts were starting to tell me otherwise.

  "I want Lucas released into my custody,” I commanded. “He is wanted by the Brimstone Syndicate for his crimes."

  "I'm afraid I can't do that, Rose,” Jared answered matter-of-factly. “You have no authority here."

  "You have no choice in the matter,” I argued. “You are impeding an official investigation and I will be forced to act accordingly."

  Jared's eyes washed over black as he chewed on my threat.

  I started to bite my lip. This wasn't a good tactical situation. We were in a small, concrete room with a Master Vampire, his servant, and only one exit. The odds that a Goblin, a Werewolf unable to transform, and I could take Jared weren't that spectacular. And if we were somehow able to miraculously take down Jared, there was still the matter of the nearly fifty Vampires waiting upstairs for us. I had to choose diplomacy over raw violence. “You said you wanted to help me, right?"

  The Master Vampire stared at me angrily with his eerie black eyes. He remained silent.

  "This is how you can help me,” I stated. “Release Lucas to me, and I'll see to it that he's processed at Brimstone.” I waited. As I searched his face for any sign he was buying my story, I felt something heavy materialize on the waistband of my pants. Reaching back, I felt the familiar cold, hard grip of my Beretta. I glanced to Lucas. Sweat was pouring off his face. He was indeed powerful. I returned my attention to Jared while motioning for Toby to move behind me and take the weapon. “This is the right thing to do."

  "Do you think me a fool?” Jared asked angrily.

  Master Vampires were the only beings who still used the word “fool.” I don't know, it just sounds dated and cheesy. “That's not what I'm saying, Jared,” I retorted as Toby's fingers brushed against the skin on the small of my back. As he took the pistol, I moved strategically between Jared and Toby to hide it. Our odds had just improved slightly. “There are laws to be followed. He's a wanted criminal and I have a job to do."

  Jared took a step toward me.

  "Please, let me do my job,” I urged. “Don't make me kill you."

  That was the exact wrong thing to say.

  Jared charged.

  As I dropped down, Toby lifted the pistol and fired, hitting the Master Vampire solidly in the chest.

  "Karl,” I barked, “free Lucas."

  As Jared stumbled back, I leapt and tackled him. After spilling to the ground, he slapped me hard across the face and dug his claws into my side. Grunting in pain, I lunged for his throat. The wound in his chest was already starting to heal. I felt my heart sink. This was a battle we weren't going to win.

  He caught my head only inches from his throat. My mouth wide and fangs bared, I strained with every ounce of my strength. I heard the crack of my pistol again and saw Luther fall into a dead heap next to us. While I was distracted, Jared brought his leg up and kicked me off. I hit the concrete wall with a thump and crumbled to the floor.

  Looking up, I watched Jared leap to his feet as Toby carefully aimed the pistol. Toby's face was cool and calm as he took his time. Toby pulled the trigger again, and the Master Vampire's head snapped angrily back as a bullet ripped into his skull. Toby fired again, and again.

  Jared finally fell.

  I heard something clatter to the ground at my feet. Turning my head, I saw Lucas slide off the wall and yank the amulets around his neck free. Karl stood warily before him, several bolts from the restraints still in his hands.

  Cracking his knuckles as if ready to play the piano, the Warlock snatched Jared from the floor with an unseen tendril of power. Holding the Master Vampire in the air, Lucas gritted his teeth. Swinging Jared across the room, Lucas slammed him against the same wall he had just been pinned to. When he snapped his fingers, the restraints on the floor disappeared and reappeared around Jared's arms and legs.

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lucas turned to me. “Take my hand,” he said, his low, gravelly voice oozing with raw, undiluted rage. “All of you! Take my hand now!"

  Standing slowly, I watched Jared struggling against the restraints. The concrete around the bolts was beginning to crack. I looked to Lucas’ outstretched hand. I wasn't sure what to do. When, and it was just a matter of time, Jared freed himself, he would kill me, yet Lucas could easily do the same.

  It was a leap of faith.

  Had to make the decision right now. Snatching Karl from the ground, I grabbed Toby and took Lucas’ hand. The Warlock turned and grinned eerily at me. I had a sudden sinking feeling as the pungent odor of sulfur hit my nose.

  Everything melted away.

  Chapter 31

  My senses reeled as we teleported.

  I could feel my body hurtling and spinning through space. I could see Toby and Lucas next to me, while Karl, still in my arms, stared aghast into the emptiness. There was nothing but blackness. With nothing to key off, I had no way to tell if we were moving up, down, left, or right. Only the air pressure on my face confirmed we were moving at all. The world around us slowly began to reappear from the void. I became aware of walls and floor beneath my feet. Colors seemed to spill down through the darkness like wet paint over an empty canvas. As it hardened and dried, filling in the lines and creating a cohesive image, I finally felt the spinning stop. I crumbled to my knees like someone who had been on the tilt-o-whirl too many times.

  Karl looked up at me with bleary eyes. “I think I'm gonna spew."

  Setting the Goblin on the floor, I turned him away, just in case, and patted him gently on the back. Standing slowly, I looked around. The now familiar writhing ball of snakes again appeared in my guts as my gaze settled on the tubes hanging from the ceiling and the gray, motionless bodies within. Lucas had brought us back to the cloning warehouse.

  Toby was standing to my left with an almost vacant expression. My Beretta was hanging loosely in his hand as he wobbled slightly. “What a rush.” Toby looked at me with a crooked smile. “Stop the world.” He forced a chuckle. “I want to get off."

  I think that was his first experience teleporting. Placing my hand gently on his shoulder, I patted him on the back as I took my pistol and cradled it in my fingers. “Just breathe, T. It'll wear off in a minute."

  I glanced around the warehouse nervously. Moving past the Werewolf, my gaze settled on Lucas. With his eyes closed, he was breathing in slowly from his nose and exhaling through his mouth. It seemed even he was waiting for the effects to wear off.

  "All right,” I started, “I saved you. Now tell me what the hell is going on.” Direct and right to the point. Sounded forceful, right?

  "I believe without me,” Lucas oozed, “you three would still be in Jared's compound."

  "We'll call it a team effort,” I offered.

  "I'll agree to that,” Lucas conceded.

  Toby looked over the warehouse. “Why did you bring us here?"

  "I jumped blindly,” Lucas replied. “I did not have a destination in mind. It seems some force greater than myself drew us here."

  "Don't give me that fate or higher power crap,” I barked. I used my forea
rm to slam Lucas into the machinery. Holding him there, I felt my eyes shift to black. “There's a reason you brought us here. Now,” I pushed my Beretta into the fleshy spot between his chin and throat, “we're going to play a game. I ask questions and you answer. If you refuse,” I forcefully reminded him of the weapon, “you die."

  Jared held very still. The odds were good that he wouldn't be able to act before I could pull the trigger. He was powerful, but still human after all. One bullet was all I needed.

  "Why?” It was blunt, but it was the answer I wanted most.

  "One way or another, there's going to be a new world order,” the Warlock replied, “and I would rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven."

  That, at least, was the truth. “You used to be one of the good guys,” I said, remorsefully remembering what Elena told me about how he used to work side-by-side with the Syndicate.

  "I still am,” Lucas countered. “While you were bumbling about on your pointless investigation, I was saving lives!"

  I pushed the barrel harder into his flesh. “Like the Seekers you and Chithula killed to make the clones? How did you save their lives, Lucas?"

  "They're still alive,” Lucas croaked.

  His answer stunned me for a moment. Was there still a possibility the other Seekers were alive? Was he lying, or merely trying to save his own ass?

  "We needed to keep them alive,” Lucas explained. “In case a clone was lost, we could make another using the original. I kept them alive."

  Made sense. “Where are they?"

  Lucas’ eyes nervously darted away from me. He was searching for something, but I wasn't sure for what. Could he have been motioning toward the captive Seekers, or checking if reinforcements were on the way?


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