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The Brimstone Betrayal

Page 24

by Terence West

  I somehow managed to dodge the first Troll's attack, but caught the brunt of the second one, knocking the pistol out of my hand. Grabbing the nearest Troll's jutting teeth, I swung him into the others. The momentum carried me forward, and in my weakened state, I almost fell.

  But then something curious happened. I can't recall ever feeling this way before, and it's difficult to fully describe the emotions bubbling inside of me. It felt as if something primal woke inside of me. The pain assaulting my brain seemed to melt away as pure aggression gripped me. It was almost like I was a dormant volcano and something deep within the caldera changed. I erupted. I wasn't Rose anymore. I became a raw engine of destruction. I moved without thinking, without consideration of my actions; I simply acted and reacted.

  Plowing into the Trolls, my arm shot out and latched around the nearest blue-skinned monster's throat. With an angry twist, I snapped his neck. Using the dead Troll as a shield, I spun him around my body to intercept one of the broadswords.

  Tossing the dead Troll away, I felt my claws rip from my fingertips. I spun into the Troll carrying the battle axe and slashed his chest open. As he fell back, I snatched his weapon and buried it deep in the skull of the next Troll. With little more than a whimper, the Troll's eyes rolled back in his head and he fell.

  Once I slid my foot under the hilt of one of the discarded broadswords, I kicked it up and snatched it out of the air. The final Troll, the one with the gunshot in his stomach, took an uneasy step back as my black gaze settled on him. He had just seen me dispatch his three companions in a matter of seconds. He turned to run.


  But it was too late to escape. I'd had enough.

  Bringing the heavy sword above my shoulder like a javelin, I unleashed it with every ounce of my aggression. The blade screamed through the air and sliced into the Troll perfectly between his shoulder blades and erupted from his chest, burying it up to the pommel. The force of the blow carried him out of the hallway and into the machinery. As the blade and Troll hit, a shower of sparks was ejected into the air.

  "I nearly have it, Rose,” Karl assured me.

  Turning back to the door, I snatched Karl into my arms. Gritting my teeth, I felt a roar of anger clawing up my throat. Unleashing it, I kicked the door hard. The metal door exploded amidst a shower of splinters from the doorframe.

  Stepping in, I felt my anger deepen.

  Dozens of gray sacks, appearing like cocoons, were attached to the ceiling via a network of cables, hooks, and some kind of organic material. Inside them, the bodies of the copied Seekers were completely naked and in the fetal position. Though the skin of the pods was mostly opaque, I could see cables running into the top of them and down around and into the bodies. The roughly rectangular room was filled with sophisticated equipment designed to monitor and maintain the pods above.

  The two Maryut working the devices keeping the Seekers in stasis, turned and shrieked at me. Keeping their backs to the controls, they snapped open their black claws like switchblades. They weren't going to let me in without a fight. I grinned. That was fine with me.

  "Stand down.” I saw my clone emerge from the rear of the room and stop before the Maryut. “Hello, Rose.” She cocked her head slightly and lifted the AK-47 she had slung over her shoulder. “You look like hell."

  I just smiled. I felt Karl climb out of my arms and down my leg. I knew what he had in mind. All he needed was a distraction. I was it.

  Without a single word, I attacked. Before my pod person or the Maryut could react, I was on them. Grabbing my clone by the throat, I could see the sheer surprise on her face. I think she was expecting to engage in some sort of witty banter, like the villains in the movies who always had to explain their plans to the hero before killing them. I just wasn't in the mood for it.

  Spinning her around, I kicked her in the kneecap, shattering it. As she wailed, I slipped my arm around her neck and restrained her. I wasn't done with her yet, but I had her friends to deal with. Snatching her AK-47 with my free hand, I spun and unleashed it on the Maryut. The demon screamed and flailed wildly against the very consoles it was trying to protect. I felt the second Maryut's claws slash down my cheek. Without flinching, I brought the rifle up to the Maryut's head and emptied the rest of the clip.

  Alarms began to blare inside the room as the light shifted to red. Looking up, I spotted Karl aggressively ripping wires out of the junction box in the center of the pods.

  Satisfied, I turned my attention back to my doppelganger. After lifting her to her feet, I held her by the throat and sank my claws into her gut hitting the bony armor just beneath her skin. It didn't really matter. I wasn't going to stake her. I had other plans. Her eyes were open wide as I dove toward her neck.

  I sank my fangs into her.

  A warm fount of blood gushed into my mouth as I tore her flesh open. Pulling my fangs free, I then bit repeatedly widening the gash and finally cracking her exoskeleton. Refusing to inject my neurotoxin, I wanted her to struggle and feel every bit of pain. Running my tongue over the wound, I enjoyed the tactile sensation of the rough, jagged edge. Ripping my claws from her belly, I proceeded to grab my doppelganger's arm and twist it angrily behind her. She writhed in agony as I reached deep inside her and sucked as much of her blood as I could take. I could feel her veins and arteries beginning to collapse under the immense stress. Clamping down on her neck, I tore a massive chunk of flesh free and spit it away.

  As her blood flowed into me, I felt my body begin to recover. With each mouthful, each gulp, I started to feel more powerful.

  I became aware of the pods beginning to lower around us. Mirroring their descent, I sank down to the floor with the Rose copy in my arms. Her screams had become little more than whimpers as her life faded. Crossing my legs, I slid her gently into my lap and pulled my mouth away. Her wounds wouldn't bleed anymore. There was nothing left to give. I stared into her eyes, which seemed sunken and distant. Her flesh was almost perfectly white and made her blond hair look gold by comparison. She was on the brink of death.

  "Rose,” I said, caressing her face. “Can you hear me?"

  Her eyes tried to focus on me, but seemed unable.

  "I can't let you live,” I explained. “You understand that, right?"

  Her lips moved, but she was too weak to speak.

  "I know what I'm capable of.” I brushed an errant lock of hair from her forehead almost lovingly. “It's only the experiences in my life that make me who I am, and help me keep the monster at bay. You don't have those. But if it means anything,” I watched her eyelids close one final time, “I am sorry."

  I held her while she died.

  Gently lifting her off my lap, I set my doppelganger on the floor and crossed her arms over her chest. Running my hand down her thigh, I felt a familiar shape in her pocket. Digging it out, I examined the cell phone then quickly stuffed it into my own pocket. Standing up, I expected the familiar surge of pain through my body, but to my amazement, it was gone. Glancing to my arm, I saw that the flesh had almost healed. Heavy bruises and several depressions remained, but at least I couldn't see the bone anymore.


  I looked up into Karl's green eyes with a half smile. That was the first time he called me “Rosy."

  "I found Toby, Elena.” Karl paused. “And a few others in the pods. They need medical attention right now."

  "Good work, Karl,” I replied.

  "Um, Rose,” Karl said sheepishly, “how are we going to get them out of here with all the Trolls?"

  I cocked my head to the right. “What Trolls?"

  The Goblin pointed past me.

  Turning, I saw a mass of blue muscle standing in the smashed doorway with a mixture of confusion and anger on their ugly faces. There were easily twenty to twenty-five visible, but how many were beyond the door? I had no idea. “Ah,” I replied, “those Trolls."

  I took a step toward the door and held my hands out to show that I was unarmed. “Lucas Nash is dead,” I s
aid loudly. Above all else, Trolls were mercenaries. They may sell their services to the highest bidder, but when the contract expired, that was it. I hoped.

  I started to bite my lip as I waited for a reaction.

  The clatter of weapons hitting the floor started in the back of the crowd, but quickly spread. As they started to turn away, I heard mumbles of anger and dismay. I never really thought about the Trolls in this situation. They were little more than workers. I had no idea if this was a good job or not. I wonder what kind of benefits Trolls asked for. Do they have accidental death and dismemberment life insurance? After what I did to the four outside, I certainly hoped so.

  One of the Trolls stepped in. “Before you kill Master,” he rubbed his rose, “he mention anything about final paycheck?"

  I looked down at Karl with a glimmer of bemusement in my eyes. With a shrug, I turned back to the Troll. “No, I'm sorry."

  "Crap,” the Troll muttered. “Me mate not going to like this. She get angry.” Shaking his head, he turned and marched sullenly out of the room.

  "That was utterly bizarre,” Karl commented.

  Nodding, I couldn't help but agree. I turned back to the pods. “Come on. We need to get the other Seekers out."

  Running my hand over the gray surface, I couldn't believe how much it felt like clammy skin. I could feel bumps and even tiny hairs along it. I started to search for seams or openings. Moving my fingers to the top, I brushed the tubes and wires out of the way and found a small hole. Digging my fingers into the opening, I ripped a piece of the pod away. Surprised at the ease with which it tore, I wrapped my hand around the edge and peeled down the side. A thick, gooey substance spilled out of the pod and sloshed onto the floor revealing the being within.

  "Toby,” I breathed. Reaching in, I carefully placed my hands on his shoulders and maneuvered him out of the pod. His body seemed healthy save for the various tubes inserted into him. I wasn't sure there was a way to remove them here without damaging or killing him. I couldn't risk it.

  Retrieving the copy's cell phone from my pocket, I tapped in a number and hit send. I heard the Brimstone operator's reply on the other end. “I have several Seekers who need immediate medical evacuation.” I listened for a moment. “Yes, track this phone. Hurry."

  "I have Elena,” Karl, dripping with goo, announced.

  Setting the cell phone on the floor, I cradled Toby in my lap in nearly the same manner I had my copy. A thick black tube was protruding from his lips surrounded by medical tape to hold it in place. Working the tape free, I started to remove the tube. Toby involuntarily gagged as it slid up his throat. As he coughed, I rolled him onto his side and gently patted his back. Wiping the gelatinous substance from his nose and mouth, I heard raspy signs of breathing. I turned back to Karl. “See who else you can get out."

  I ran my fingers gently over Toby's face. “It's going to be all right, T. It's all over now."

  Chapter 33

  Pushing open the door, I let Karl inside. Sunlight was spilling in through the large windows over his bed and his growing collection of flowers and get well cards. As the little Goblin skittered across the room, I leaned lazily against the doorway waiting for him to pull the shades.

  I hated it when the nursing staff left the blinds open. This was a Brimstone facility with Vampires on staff after all. It's not like they didn't know Vampires were here. Can you imagine if a doctor, who happened to be a Vampire, was summoned to a patient's room during an emergency and they had left the shades open? Poof! No more doctor. Then they'd have two emergencies on their hands, wouldn't they?

  I adjusted the duffel bag on my shoulder containing Toby's clothes and shoes. My injuries were mostly healed, but I still had a bit of discomfort where the Gargoyle bit me, and the wound the Werewolf had created. Yaz told me they would never perfectly heal, but hopefully wouldn't bother me too much.

  I couldn't help but smile as my gaze settled on Toby. Lying on his side, his legs and arms were twitching slightly as he slept. I wondered if he was having a dream about chasing bunnies. He was a wolf after all. I could only imagine him prancing through a meadow as a Werewolf, picking up bunnies, and bopping them on the head.

  The monitors and tubes in the room that first night had already been removed. The mess of wires, tubes, and sensors they had on him then looked worse than the mess he was attached to in the cloning pod. Still draped in the pale green gown all patients wore, he had two pillows stuffed behind his head and the sheets pulled tightly across his chest. It was a far cry from the cell the doctors had placed him in last time. Of course, he had been an injured Werewolf at the time. Within a twelve hour period, they had upgraded his status from “serious” to “please-take-puppy-home” due to his Werewolf physiology, and because he was being a pain to the nursing staff.

  Watching the curtain shut, I turned to see Karl dangling from the pull string. Shaking my head, the Goblin let go and dropped down into the cushy seat of a nearby chair. Vaulting out, he skittered across the floor and up the side of Toby's bed. Carefully avoiding the few remaining slices of sunlight the curtains let through, I did the same. Standing at the foot of his bed, I reached down and gently shook Toby's exposed foot.

  "Nurse Nancy?” he asked, still half-asleep.

  "Guess again, dirt bag.” I laughed.

  One of Toby's eyes popped open and settled on me. With a crooked smile, he slowly rolled onto his back and stretched his arms. “Morning, Rosy."

  Karl rushed up to the bed and perched on Toby's chest. “Hi, puppy!"

  "Hi, Karl.” Toby laughed. “Get off me."

  Snatching the Goblin, I placed him at the foot of the bed. I turned my gaze back to my partner. “How are you feeling, T?"

  "Good,” Toby said as he stretched again. “Really rested. How are the others?"

  "Recovering,” I answered. “You were one of the lucky ones. Because of your enhanced metabolism and the short amount of time you spent in the pod, you recovered quickly. Several of the other Seekers, including Elena, are still in serious condition. There were a few who didn't make it,” I stated solemnly.

  "There wasn't enough left to save,” Karl added.

  Toby furrowed his brow, probably realizing for the first time the danger he had actually been in.

  "The goo in those pods was bonding with the Seekers,” I explained. “And in doing so, changed their body chemistry. If left inside long enough, the body begins to break down.” I looked into Toby's eyes. “Well, you get the idea. I'm just glad you're all right."

  Toby nodded. “I had the strangest dreams inside of that thing. I had the overwhelming sensation of being made into stew. Really odd."

  "I bet,” I agreed.

  "Now I just want a bowl of stew,” Toby said, then chuckled.

  "Even I think that's disgusting,” Karl commented. “You know, the Psych Ward is just down one floor. I can make arrangements—"

  "Hush,” I scolded.

  "And the warehouse?” Toby asked. “What about the cloning operation?"

  "When Maynard, Karl and I returned today, there wasn't much left,” I replied. “Most of the machinery and Maryut were gone. Seems they collected their toys and ran away. But just in case,” I smiled, “we completely razed the building. Maynard paid Crash to wipe it all the way down to the foundation."

  "Now there isn't anything left,” Karl said with smug satisfaction.

  "Which reminds me.” Tapping Karl on the head, I pointed to Toby. “Show him."

  Karl smiled broadly and reached into the pocket of his tiny leather jacket. Removing a black billfold, he held it up and flipped it open. “Karl Vigratsky,” he said, flashing his new badge and identification card, “Brimstone Seeker."

  "In training,” I added.

  Toby tossed his head back and laughed. “That's awesome!"

  Karl turned the billfold and ran his fingers gently over the badge's gold finish, “Maynard made me a Seeker."

  "For actions above and beyond the call of duty,” I said with more
than a hint of pride in my voice.

  It was hard to believe that a few days ago I wanted to squish that little, nasty, green bugger, but now I wouldn't think of working without him. He had proven himself again and again during this investigation, even if he was a pain in the ass. Of all of us, he had changed the most. Karl had come a long way. I was proud of him.

  "I don't have to live in the basement of the Brimstone building anymore,” Karl added. “I get paid every two weeks now!"

  Toby nodded approvingly. “Where you going to live now?"

  "The basement of the Brimstone building,” Karl answered without missing a beat. “Have you seen how expensive rent is out there?"

  My laugh mutated into a snort. Pressing my hand to my mouth, I tried to stop giggling, even though it felt good. It had been a while since I was really happy and relaxed. I kept trying to remind myself to enjoy the moment. They pass too quickly.

  "You deserve it.” Toby smiled. “Congratulations.” He turned back to me. “Well, whodunit?"

  I kept forgetting that it wasn't really Toby with me during the investigation, but a copy. He had no idea what happened. “Get dressed and I'll show you,” I answered.

  Toby cocked his head slightly. I wasn't sure he was ready to leave yet. He seemed to be enjoying a little rest and relaxation. With a sigh and one last look over his comfortable bed, he adjusted his gown beneath the covers and swung his legs over the edge. He glanced over at the call button one more time. “Can I just see if Nurse Nancy is available to give me one more sponge bath?” He looked at me sheepishly. “I really enjoyed that."

  "No.” I glared at my partner. “Pervert."

  Chapter 34

  Chithula's mission seemed oddly cold for being in the middle of the Southern Nevada desert. And more importantly, it was completely empty. The gates, the guards, even the parking lot of used cars in front were all gone. The heavy wooden doors on the front hung open exposing the rotting woodwork inside. Toby, Karl, and I walked right up to the front steps with no problem.


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