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Baby For The Boss

Page 2

by Debbie Gordon

  “I’ve been watching this one and I think that if you don’t sweep in soon that somebody else is going to beat you to the punch.” This was not my mission and I was supposed to be instrumental, but not to the point that I would be able to amass him a fortune on top of the fortune that he already had. He was a billionaire and Branson was not an easy man to fool.

  He dropped his pen and I went for it, only to crack heads with him at the same time. We were both sore and our faces were scrunched up and then we moved in for what was going to be a very intense kiss. At the last second, the door opened and it broke us from the sexual trance that we had caught ourselves in.

  “Branson, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all morning. We have business with the Dr.” He sighed deeply and I could see that this was not an appointment that he was looking forward to.

  When he left with her, I used my phone in sync with his and heard their most private thoughts to each other. “Laura, you know that this does not make me comfortable and I had the procedure done for a purpose. I’ve never wanted kids, but you continually hounded me, until I told you that I would reverse the vasectomy.” So that was the appointment and apparently he had himself fixed, so that he wouldn’t have any illegitimate kids. It was actually a smart move and one that had probably stopped him from several paternity tests.

  “You had that done, because you didn’t have a woman in your life. You were just flitting from one girl to the other. It allowed you to have sex with them without any need for protection. You tell me that you did wear protection, but I’m not sure if I should believe you. It doesn’t matter, because those times are over and I want a child.” I could hear his gruff sounding breath, but instead of fighting the devil, he went along with it. To me, that made him spineless and maybe I was reading too much into it.

  For the next couple of hours, I perused his files and he had mistakenly left me in here with the door open and the lock undone. I’d found the camera and I did what I could to make sure that it was on a continuous loop of an empty office. It allowed me to work my magic on the computer and it wasn’t long before I had squirreled away two million dollars from five different accounts in his name. I even did it in such a way that it wouldn’t arouse suspicion by opening a different bank account with his name; I was able to stop the bank from looking into it more closely. What they didn’t realize was that I had access to this new account and that I could move it around whenever I, so damn well pleased.

  It wasn’t nearly as much as the Trident was hoping for, but this was just a preview to better things to come.

  Chapter three

  I was still there when he got back, but I was not in his office anymore. I followed him in with several messages. He sat gingerly in the chair with this haze over his eyes. He was definitely feeling the effect of the procedure and they must have put him on some high dosage of drug to keep him from feeling any undue pain.

  “I don’t know why I let you talk me into this. I’m a very virile man and if anything happens that would lead me into cheating on you, then I would probably impregnate the first woman that I came across.” He slumped his head backwards and he was now out cold and at the mercy of my eager gaze.

  I don’t know why I didn’t just leave the office, but I couldn’t and there was this compulsion to see what he would look like without that cowboy attire on. The blinds were drawn and all I had to do was turn the lock and it would appear that we were in here discussing business. I even was able to turn the tables on my listening device, so that I could hear if anybody was approaching and what their business was with Branson.

  His cowboy hat was teetering on his head, until it finally dropped onto the floor. He had nice hair and I thought for a moment that he had worn the hat, because he was thinning on top. He wasn’t and I guess he was just using it because that was the type of man that he was.

  I stood up and I hovered over the desk, looking at his package and how it was situated along the left side of his leg. I didn’t think it was hard yet, but I could still see it as plain as day. I reached over and I bent my frame and stretched with everything I had in me to touch it. It reacted to the presence of a female form by moving slightly. That was more than enough encouragement for me to take it to the next level.

  “I don’t want to do this, Laura. You’ve already gotten your way and I told you that I would be home to satisfy your needs later tonight.” He obviously thought that it was Laura seducing him and I decided to play up that angle.

  “I couldn’t wait any longer and I thought that you would find it hot that I came to your office to sleep with you underneath everybody’s noses.” There was no denying that I had an interest in him that went beyond monetary gain. I had to separate those feelings and that was the only way that I was going to get through this whole thing.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m ready and willing to climb into your saddle. It’s just that I’m in no condition. I have no energy and the drug that they have in me is making me very lightheaded and unable to think straight. I can’t even open my eyes.”

  “You don’t have to open your eyes and you just have to let me do all the work.” This elicited a smile from him and I would say that he had always had to initiate and not the other way around.

  He didn’t stop me, as I unbuttoned his shirt and revealed to my eyes what was underneath. A light coating of hair was on his chest, but it was, so light that you could barely even see it. I saw his chest rising and falling with each breath and my eyes narrowed in on the object that had me most fascinated. I’d never been into a white man before, but there was always a first time for everything.

  He helped me by lifting his ass, as I took off his belt and pulled it down around his ankles. Those boxers had hearts on them and were most likely a gift from his girlfriend Laura. I would say that she had given it to him recently, because the price tag was still on the back. This was probably her way to cement her desire to have the kid. She wanted all of his boys at tip top efficiency and ready to storm the castle at a moment’s notice. I could’ve walked away, but I’d come this far and there didn’t seem to be any reason not to take a peek. I realized that I was going down a slippery slope, but that didn’t faze me.

  I opened his fly and saw his cock lying there against his stomach. It was quite impressive and the fact that he was already quite hard was a testament to his stamina and virility. I traced my finger from that wet spot on top of the head all the way down to his balls. I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was a man that liked to shave his private parts. That smooth feel only made me want to take those orbs into my mouth.

  I pulled his underwear down, until they met his knees and he looked, so damn cute that I was tempted to steal them and keep them, as a memento of our time together.” Wait, I was actually thinking that this was really going to happen. This wasn’t just my mind working overtime; this was my body telling me that there was no way that I could leave this office without taking it all the way.

  “I hope that you can make this quick, Laura and my assistant is right outside the door. She could come in at any moment and I really don’t think that you want us to be caught in a compromising position. That wouldn’t do any good for your image and people would talk and it would get back to your family and then all hell would break loose. We both know that you’re only with me to stick it to your parents. They pretended to like me and I think deep down they just wanted to grab the shotgun on the wall and stick it in between my lips.” It was interesting to see his take on things and he was quite astute and there wasn’t a whole lot that he missed in business.

  That led me to believe that he was blind to her true motives and that eventually she would lower her guard and let it be known that she just wanted his seed. She just wanted that same huge payday that the Trident was after, but in a different way. She would get pregnant, most likely tell him that it was over and then hit him with a paternity suit that was going to make his eyes go wide. He wouldn’t even know what was going to hit him, until it was done a
nd over with. He would have to supply them with enough money to keep them going for the rest of their natural lives.

  I was this close and I could smell the aroma of his manliness. I was touching his shaft with my tongue. It made it leap to attention and now unfurled to allow me to take him into my mouth. At first I was a little hesitant, but reluctance was not something that was in my vocabulary. Once I had my mind set on something, then there wasn’t a whole lot anybody could do to stop me.

  “You’ve never done that before, even though I’ve asked you on several occasions.” Apparently, blowjobs were not part of her sexual tricks and I still couldn’t believe that she was able to land a man such as him. “Damn, you are making me think that there’s more to you than meets the eye, Laura. Maybe I’m wrong about rethinking this relationship. I really thought the last straw was when you convinced me to reverse my vasectomy. I guess you are full of surprises and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about being the one that was convincing him to give Laura a second chance.

  I put my lips on top of the head and then drew a straight line down to his family jewels. I made sure to be careful not to over excite him, but that didn’t seem like it was going to be possible. He was at full salute and the stallion inside his pants had definitely come to play. It was already leaking like a faucet and I took it in my hand and began to jerk it with the rhythm that would mimic the way that my mouth was going to feel.

  I open my mouth and I followed it down along the length, until I was deepthroating his member and giving it an internal massage that it was never going to forget keep. I had him on the edge, not quite letting him get to that point, but almost. I liked the feel of his shaft swelling and that feeling of power that came over me by knowing that I had him in the palm of my hand and there was nothing that he could do about it. In his current condition, I could’ve done anything I wanted and made him believe that it was Laura taking him for a test drive after his procedure was reversed.

  My head was bobbing up and down and he was groaning and I looked up to see that he was still under the effects of whatever drug they had given him. He was completely out of it and his eyes were squeezed shut. They didn’t look like they were going to open any time soon. The leather chair swiveled and I just hoped that it had shocks that were going to take the brunt of what I was going to do next.

  I found myself wanting this and it wasn’t a matter of need. I thought that he was fascinating and I wanted to be a part of his life in a small way. I could take this memory and hopefully that would be enough to satiate the feelings that I had for him.

  I gripped him tightly and I pulled my mouth away with a wet pop, followed by a string of his juices clinging to my lips. I wanted desperately to take him all the way, but I had other plans that didn’t include a mouthful.

  I got up and I hiked up my skirt and pulled my panties to the side. It had been a long time, since I’ve gotten any and I was feeling that itch that needed to be scratched. There was a moment of indecision. I couldn’t decide if it was right for me to take advantage of him in his current state. I was just satisfying myself and the need that had become overwhelming. I didn’t know the answer it took me a moment to justify my actions.

  Chapter four

  I don’t know how long I stood there straddling him and looking to see that there was any life in him whatsoever. I settled down and waited for that inevitable moment to occur. His shiny pinkish knob separated my lips and he was getting a soulful kiss from my pink little pussy. The contrast in colors of our skin was almost too much for me to comprehend. It was such a delicious feeling to drive the weight of my body down on top of him that I couldn’t resist. I let all of my preconceived notions about what this could mean fly out the window and I replaced it with this want and desire that needed to be fulfilled.

  I swiveled the chair around, so that his back was towards the door and I was now facing it. It allowed me to keep an eye on the shadows that were going by. I was also able to listen in to those that were standing at the door. Most of them had decided against barging in, but there was one that stopped and stayed there for quite some time.

  I stopped all movement, his cock now halfway buried with my juices now streaming down his shaft and pooling on the chair underneath us. I think that he got the idea and he grabbed on to my hips and pulled me down with an intake of breath coming from my mouth that sounded like a tire losing its air. I was thankful that I didn’t lose my composure and scream. I didn’t even know how I was going to stop myself from letting myself go entirely.

  His cock felt like it was at home and his eyes fluttered for a second and I almost panicked. He looked like he was seeing me for the first time and then he closed his eyes all over again. “Come on, Laura. Stop teasing me and let’s get on with this.” He was in a hurry and he wasn’t at all comfortable with the fact that she had attacked him in the middle of the day in his office. He wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth and he was taking that fiery filly and driving the full weight of his magnificent beast into her hole…but it was mine.

  “Does anybody know where my boyfriend is? Let’s not have everybody talking at the same time.” He was trying to buck his hips up against me, but I was forcing him down to the best of my ability. My eyes were glued on the door and I was half expecting it to open, but it didn’t. I did hear the door jingle and I was glad that I had the semblance of mine to lock it, before I decided to do this ill-advised act. “I guess he’s not here and apparently he’s off sulking someplace. Fine, you can tell him that I’ll be home later tonight and not to wait up to me.” Apparently, she was angry and was now going to go and find the answers at the bottom of a bottle. Either that or she was going to go underneath a young thing that could give her what she was lacking in this relationship.

  What she didn’t know was that Branson could be quite adventurous if given the chance. This guy might’ve been drugged out of his mind, but I think that deep down he wanted to throw caution to the wind. I think that he was waiting for Laura to become the woman that he wanted her to be and not some carbon copy of all of those socialites that hung off the arm of those that wanted arm candy.

  “You don’t have to wait any longer.” I was gritting my teeth and bouncing up and down on his cock like a pogo stick. It felt like I was playing with fire and that eventually the fuse was going to make the dynamite explode. I was that fuse and my overheated core was causing that stick of dynamite to become quite unstable. I slowed down my pace a few times, just so that I could pinpoint the exact moment of his ejaculation.

  “God damn it, your hole is, so fucking hot. I don’t think I remember it being this tight before.” He must have thought that Laura was doing these special exercises, but I was the one that knew how to work my body in just the right way that would make it pleasurable for both parties. I grinded around in a circle, making sure that his cock touched me not only straight ahead, but also from different angles. His shaft was making contact with my clit and I had to bite my bottom lip to stop the oncoming rush of emotions that hit me like a freight train.

  I held on for that ride and I got, so caught up in the moment that I found myself losing control. I gripped my hand and dug my teeth into the surface of my palm. I moaned incoherently and let that sensation curl around me like a warm friend. I trembled through that orgasm and my legs were visibly shaking. If I were standing, I probably would have collapsed underneath my own weight. That lust was now satiated and when I came back down to reality, I realized that he had this wide grin on his face.

  It was then that I felt the product of his arousal inside me and I had been, so far gone that I didn’t even feel him shoot the heated contents of his balls. It was now firmly within me and I did my best to get it out of me, but it was like it was sticking to the walls and leaving me completely unaccustomed to having a man finish off inside me without protection. It felt sublime, but I had no designs on having a family.

  I was quite upset with myself and I had no idea how I was going to ma
ke this right. To have sex with him was one thing, but to take his seed was something else entirely. I was susceptible to getting pregnant and he had already finished telling me that he was a virile man. His seed was potent and if I wasn’t careful, I would be pregnant with his child.

  Chapter five

  It had been a couple of weeks and I just found out from my Dr. that I was carrying his secret love child. I was tempted to get rid of it, but I had too much respect for human life. There’s no way that I could consciously walk away from my responsibility as a parent. I did have to wonder what was going to happen when I lowered the boom on Branson.

  “I don’t think you know what kind of position you are putting him in. You being pregnant is not going to help matters any. You were sent there to take him for a fortune and now you are thinking about a future with the father of your baby. This can’t be easy for you, Gina. Your mind must be going a million miles an hour and there’s no telling where you’re going to land in all of this. You could be going to jail for corporate espionage, or hacking for that matter. You could also have him wanting to take the child away from you and leaving you with nothing. I told you that you should have thought about all of this before you got too caught up in your own feelings.”

  “This is not the time to tell me that I was wrong, Nicholas and I need your support and I plan to tell him this morning.” I had been walking around on eggshells around him and I think that he noticed that something was amiss. I caught him constantly looking at me and he tried to pull the information out of me through his nimble fingers working on those muscles on my shoulders. It wasn’t enough, but it came painfully clear that I was going to have to tell him eventually. He deserved to know and even though it was done in secret and he didn’t even know that it was me riding him to the finish line, didn’t negate the fact that he was going to be a father.”


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