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Page 24

by Kim Carmichael

  The first rushed over to them.

  “This is for Ivy.” Wilson held up the data card from the video camera. “I didn’t want you not to have your own story.”

  “I appreciate that.” She took the card.

  “Good work.” Wilson held out his hand.

  “Hey, we’re going to head up. You have it covered. This place is going to be a great success.” He shook his brother’s hand.

  “I knew planning the opening around the anniversary was smart, but I’ll never know how you managed to get Ryder and Erin here. It was brilliant, brother, brilliant.” Wilson leaned in and hugged them both. “I always told you that Hollywood Stardust would continue to make us money. You just didn’t want to listen.”

  He took a breath and pushed back. Ever since the day the agent had spotted him, Wilson had played his second banana, and Logan had spent the rest of the time trying to make it up to him. Try as he might to get away from the movie, everything in his life revolved around it, down to Ivy.

  “Go on, you two lovebirds. You deserve the night off. Wonderful performance.” Wilson gave him one last pat and walked away.

  He glanced down at her. If he ever needed to be alone with her, the time was now. “Come on.”

  They no sooner turned, than Ryder, Erin, and Brian appeared, almost causing him to jump back. Both his former costars appeared as if they recently had a root canal.

  “Ivy and I have an early shoot tomorrow for Chargge and have to go, but I want to thank you for coming.” The urge to push Ivy behind him to shield her overwhelmed him. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Well, that’s a brush-off if I ever heard one.” Ryder chuckled. “Maybe this will be the jumping-off point to a new career. Just don’t forget where you came from.”

  Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who found Ryder’s remark cutting. Though Ivy didn’t speak, she dug her nails into his side. He stared right at his friend. “I don’t need a career. I’m independently wealthy, in case you forgot.”

  “Nope, it’s always important to protect your money at all costs.” Ryder raised his chin. “As I said, we just wanted to come by and show you our support.”

  “And it was appreciated.” He returned Ryder’s gesture and heard the real message behind his words. They were checking up on him.

  “As for Miss Ivy”—Ryder gave her a hug—“my offer to make you a star still stands.”

  Logan clenched his jaw. What was Ryder hatching? Twenty years wasn’t enough time to go by to allow him to forget that the second he and Erin had gotten together, Ryder had come in offering bigger and better things.

  “I’ll have to take that up with my agent.” Ivy pressed her body against his.

  “I’d sign you in a second.” Brian stepped forward.

  Why did every termite suddenly crawl out of the woodwork and offer the woman he loved her dream?

  “Thank you, but I’m already represented.” She looked up at him.

  He fought a smile.

  “Oh, well, I didn’t know Logan was opening an agency, but maybe I’ll give you the couple price since I represent your agent.” Brian gave him a thumbs-up. “Just get through the anniversary party and then we’ll talk. I’ve been watching the numbers.”

  He needed to give it to Ivy for not even responding to the man.

  Erin glanced at him.

  “Good night, Erin.” He knew he better play nice with Erin while she licked her self-inflicted wounds.

  “I never thought that out of all of us you would find love first.” She shook her head. “I always thought things would be different.”

  “So did I.” On purpose, he gave her a cryptic answer, but one she would understand.

  Her eyes widened, and without another word, she headed toward the exit.

  Brian followed, and Ryder saluted and left, stopping to sign an autograph on the way out.

  “Can we go?” Ivy stared straight ahead.

  “Yes.” Keeping hold of her, he made a beeline for the back, nodding to people who wanted to stop him on the way. All the conversations replayed in his head, and in the background, everything told him he needed a change.

  They went up the stairs and down the hall to his room and he retrieved his key from his pocket. “Should we go back to the apartment?” Originally, they had decided to stay at the restaurant.

  She stood next to him simply looking down at the floor.

  “Ivy.” He needed to get this off his chest. “I don’t know if you realize this, but most major deals come from the small chance encounters that happened tonight. If you want to talk to Brian about representing you or you want to be in Ryder’s film, I’ll set it up for you.”

  “When I saw them come tonight, I was happy. I thought that’s what you wanted. I thought they wanted to be there for you, but you were miserable, and they only showed up to make sure you weren’t stealing their limelight.” She shook her head and turned toward him, tears twinkling in her eyes. “You were the one who should have been the star.”

  “Ivy.” He took her shoulders and pushed her back against the wall. In a million years, he would never be able to take her all in.

  “What?” Her eyes searched his.

  “I am a star with you, and that’s all that matters.” Love, desire, and the need to be with her drowned out everything else. Erin, Ryder, even his past didn’t matter with Ivy. When she looked at him, she saw only the mislabeled villain, the proverbial bad guy with a heart of gold, and he never wanted that to change. He took her face between his hands, dipped down, and swept his mouth across hers.

  Her lips upturned in a smile.

  Rather than rush, he repeated his action, taking time to truly kiss her, taste the way her lipstick blended with the alcohol giving him his own kind of high.

  Deepening the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth.

  He pulled back slightly. Lately everything seemed fast and out of control. Vandalism, events, paparazzi, parties literally under their feet. Their lives zoomed at record speed, and he practically threw her in bed every night and made love to her at the same velocity. Though magnificent, he needed to focus.

  She gazed up at him.

  Once more he kissed her, feather light, teasing her by taking her bottom lip between his, and then moved back to look at her, to notice the flush on her cheeks, her swollen lips, how it took a moment for her to open her eyes.

  A moan escaped her throat.

  He skimmed his hand down her side, admiring her curves.

  “Logan.” Her voice came out breathless.

  Rather than answer, he trailed his fingers up her arm and over the graceful swoop of her shoulder. Keeping his gaze affixed on her, he unlocked the door and took her hand, guiding her inside where at last he gave in to her, pulled her in tight, and crushed his lips to hers.

  In unison, their mouths opened and their tongues found each other. As with any time he kissed her—hell, as with any time he simply looked at her—his body reacted.

  Her hands snaked their way under his vest, down to his waist, and traveled toward their goal where, if he let her continue, she would find him already inflamed and ready to satisfy them both. If he could get her out of the dress, he could be inside her in an instant.

  No. Not tonight. Not the night he told her he loved her. For this night he needed to show it as well. He caught her wrist before she reached her destination and kissed across her jaw, her ear, and made his way behind her to the back of her neck.

  She shuddered. “Oh.”

  “Do you like that?” He closed his eyes and breathed in, her perfume swirling around him.

  “Every time you touch me.” She tilted her head.

  He took her hint and gave her an openmouthed kiss at the juncture between her neck and shoulder. “Every time I touch you, what?”

  “I just want you.”

  Though she went to turn, he held her steady and found the zipper on the back of her dress. “What do you want me to do?”r />
  “Make love to me.” Her voice changed, now dreamy as if under a spell.

  “I’m making love to you right now, and I’m going to spend the night making love to you.” He inched the zipper down, exposing her back. First, he traced the skin he revealed, then kissed the same spot. “Don’t move. This is my show.”

  She whimpered, and the signal let him know she needed more.

  He slid the zipper down a little more and unhooked her bra. Every bit of skin he revealed he fondled and kissed until he found himself on his knees.

  “Logan.” She breathed his name and braced herself on the dresser. “Please.”

  From his vantage point, he studied her, her pale skin almost glowing against the open dress she held up by draping one arm over her breasts. At the sight, his mouth watered. He pulled off his vest and loosened his tie. “Drop it.”

  Without question, she obeyed and the dress fell, pooling at her feet.

  In keeping with her tradition, she wore no panties as to not create any lines to ruin her outfit. Before ravishing her, he lifted each of her feet to free her dress and placed it on the nearest chair. Finally, he turned her toward him.

  Any remnants of shyness she possessed around him needed to go, especially since they loved each other. Even now, she had her hands over her breasts and legs pressed together. “When are you going to realize how much I love looking at you?”

  Her lips parted, but she didn’t speak. Instead, she put her hands back on the dresser.

  Damn, if her breasts weren’t magnificent, made only better by the fact they were au natural, with some sway and bounce as she breathed that no surgeon could duplicate. He couldn’t resist and reached up to graze his fingers over her already tight nipples. “So perfect.”

  At his words, her cheeks reddened.

  He made sure to not break eye contact as he skimmed his hands down her sides, working his way down and nudging her legs apart.

  She bit her lip.

  He held her gaze a moment longer before moving in and going after what he really wanted.

  The second his mouth connected with her most intimate area, she gasped.

  Better than any delicacy he could conjure in the kitchen, her taste filled his mouth and his erection swelled. He treated her to what he knew she loved most, and alternated between flicking his tongue over that all too sensitive bundle of nerves and sucking on her.

  “Logan.” Arousal blunted any embarrassment, and she spread her legs to give him plenty of access.

  He continued, teasing and tempting and then lavishing her with the attention she craved. With ease, he added one finger and a second. His love was more than turned on, and he loved bringing her to this point.

  “Oh.” She twisted her fingers in his hair and moved with him. “Oh, God.”

  His own desire growing to a painful point, he unfastened his belt and practically tore his pants open, but didn’t stop. When he entered her, she would definitely appreciate the moment.

  Carefully, he used his teeth, edging her closer, and thrust two fingers inside her.

  “Logan.” Her muscles contracted around the source of pleasure. “I’m going to come.”

  He let up, his fingers retreated, and he barely allowed his tongue to make contact.

  “Ah!” Her thighs trembled. She couldn’t take any more. “Please!”

  “Do you love me?” He straightened up and kicked his pants away.

  “So much.” She basically fell into his arms.

  “What do you want?” He held her close and got them both on the bed, taking his position on top of her.

  “For you to make love to me.”

  “That’s what I want.” He slid inside her. Slick and ready, her body opened right up, but still kept a tight hold on him. “’Cause I love you.”

  She sucked in her breath and instantly wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Though he could simply bang into her and bring them both to an amazing end, he resisted and chose to treat both of them to a series of slow, metered strokes. “How’s that?”

  “Umm.” She arched her back. “More.”

  “Take a breath.” He kissed her and closed his eyes, taking in the fact he was making love to the woman he loved. Their bodies joined, moving together to literally bring the other to a climax, the ultimate bond. “God, you feel good.”

  She pulled her legs back farther and undulated against him, working to drive him as deep as possible.

  “That’s right.” With the way she writhed and squirmed beneath him, he had no choice but to speed up, thrust harder.

  “Yes.” She found his mouth and kissed him deep. Her hands roamed over his back and took in his backside.

  Talk subsided, the world faded into the background, and he lost track of how long they lay on the bed, kissing, making love, and admiring the other’s body. Only with Ivy could he let go and be free.

  The pressure built, the distinctive throb that forced him to move faster in demand of being let loose. “Ivy.” His control waned and he called out her name. “I’m there.”

  She dug her nails into his shoulders, her muscles tightening. “Please.”

  Unable to stop, he plunged into her. They both needed the release. “Come, baby.”

  As if her body was trained to obey him, she cried out. The ripples of her orgasm gave him the last push he needed to achieve his climax. In a rush, the surge of his release hit him. His body pulsed in time with hers, giving her everything he had and blanketing him in the most exquisite ecstasy.

  Exertion and exhilaration leaving him light-headed, he closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. Beneath him, she panted, her heart nearly vibrating. There was no one else he ever shared so much with, no one else he wanted to share with. “I do love you, Ivy.” He pressed his lips to her temple and held her close as he moved to her side. “I do.”

  She cuddled up next to him. “It’s unbelievable.”

  Though her tone came out dreamy, he glanced down at the top of her head and considered her words. “Why is it unbelievable?”

  At first she didn’t answer, but then turned up to him. “Because when you want something so bad and you finally get it, it can seem unbelievable.”

  “Believe it.” He scooted down until they were face-to-face.

  “I do, but it’s scary.”

  “Don’t be scared. Love shouldn’t make you scared. I wouldn’t say the words if I didn’t mean them.”

  She pressed her palm to his cheek and kissed him. “Then I’m a very lucky girl.”

  No, he was the lucky guy. The one who finally got the girl, the one he wanted and the one he most definitely loved. Though Ivy didn’t say the words, he knew why she was scared. Way back in her mind, the villain and the rumors existed. She simply chose to not acknowledge them.

  He never lied when he told her the rumors weren’t true, but she didn’t realize the truth was worse than the fables the media made up. If she wanted a real villain, she needed to look no further.

  Adrenaline shot through him and he sat up.

  “Are you okay?” She reached up to him.

  He captured her hand and kissed it, staring down at her. How did he tell her what was truly unbelievable was not his love for her, but what he had done? “Tell me you love me, Ivy.”

  A smile taking over her face, she pulled him down. “Damn you, Mr. Alexander, I couldn’t love you more if I tried.”

  He gathered her up in his arms and lay back down. In his case, the truth wouldn’t set him free, but he needed to make some changes and make it disappear.




  WILLIAM convinces ROXY to take a walk with him.


  It seems like forever since I’ve spent any time alone with you.

  WILLIAM grabs ROXY’S hand and pulls her closer.


  Well, we are on a group trip.


we were supposed to be together, make it official before graduation.

  WILLIAM wraps his arms around ROXY. She looks up at him.




  Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  WILLIAM kisses ROXY.

  ROXY pushes him back.




  Come on, Rox. What do I have to do to prove I want to be with you?


  Exactly what you are doing.

  WILLIAM stares at her. ROXY gets out of his arms.


  Before we are together, I need to tie up some loose ends.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Out of the corner of his eye, Logan spied his enemy. Well, one of many, but today’s sampler plate came in the form of the makeup woman from

  Though pretending to read the latest issue of Celebrity News Magazine with the four-page spread on Hollywood Stardust featuring him and Ivy as the centerpiece, he waited until the woman stepped within his firing zone.

  He drew his imaginary line and waited.

  At last, she crossed over the cord he dubbed as the boundary into his space. “No makeup, no wardrobe change.” He turned the page.

  Right in his crosshairs, she stopped. “Logan.”

  “Mr. Alexander.” He corrected.

  “Mr. Alexander.” She tiptoed toward them. “I was told Ivy seems a bit pale.”

  He glanced at his girl. Rather than acknowledge their conversation, she sat completely consumed in the task he had given her of organizing his wallet. Her nerves had started before their morning coffee, but once Wilson had presented him with a stack of papers and magazines with the story of their dance, she had panicked. By the time they made it to the Chargge studio, her anxiety had bested her and he’d used an old trick he’d learned on the set of his movie: he offered a distraction. Apparently, his wallet held endless fascination for her.


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