Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series

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Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series Page 38

by Rita Hestand

  She had to admit though, when Rusty brought her home, with no goodnight kiss, she was disappointed. After all, kissing Rusty was a totally new experience and she needed to know more about him, about what made him tick. At least that's what she told herself. That's how she explained it to herself as she tried desperately not to show her disappointment.


  She was in the middle of going to town for some much needed supplies the next day when Pepper ran out to greet her. The dog happily wagged his tail and nudged his head at her legs until she reached down to pet him. Seeing his instant affection she laughed and played with him for a few minutes.

  She couldn't stop the giggle bursting forth when he jumped on her leg and licked at her hands and face.

  "You really are just a big pet, aren't you?" She laughed and took his head into her hands and scratched behind his ears. He whined and licked her cheek. She laughed, delighted with the dog's affectionate greeting.

  Then Burt rode up. "Never thought I'd see the day when you'd be sportin' a pet."

  Hannah whipped about and Pepper ran off, barking at Burt's obvious interruption. "He's not my pet."

  "Shore does act like he is." Burt spit his tobacco in the opposite direction.

  "He belongs to Mr. Travers," she said in a clipped voice. Annoyed that Burt was so hostile about everything that concerned Rusty, she tried to change the subject, but Burt wouldn't let her.

  "Kissin' a man usually entitles you to a first name, now don't it." Burt said low and with a hint of anger.

  Hannah glanced up at him and saw the reprimand in his eyes. It shocked her. Burt had no right making remarks like that.

  So he'd seen them the other night on the porch. Or had he been watching them? A slow creeping feeling ran up her spine as she tossed him a quick frown. The fact that he'd actually spied on her made her angry.

  "You're right, it's Rusty's dog."

  She reached up to pet his horse on his forehead. "Want me to go with you into town?" Burt asked

  eyeing her keenly.

  "No," she answered curtly. Then realizing she was short with him, she softened her voice, "I'm not getting that much." Hannah was accustomed to inviting Burt to go into town with her, but she didn't like his tone of voice and quickly decided against it. She didn't like him spying on her either. In fact, Burt was annoying her no end since Rusty came here and she'd had about all she could take. She realized she would have to deal with Burt somehow, but she didn't know exactly how to handle the situation yet.

  Naturally, she couldn't fire Burt. Especially over something like this, but she would have to put Burt in his place soon, if he didn't stop getting into her business.

  Burt frowned down at her, not bothering to hide his feelings. "I saw you goin' out with him last night. How'd it go?"

  "Fine, Burt. Now I better go so I can get back before dark. Did you move the herd to the south pasture?"

  Burt studied her face a moment, then with a brooding frown he nodded. "Sure I did."

  "Good, see you later, then."

  "You don't have to do this, you know?" He offered, coming closer so the horse nuzzled her cheek.

  She glanced up at him and squinted in the noon day sun. "Yes I do, Burt. Yes I do."

  He tipped his hat and left, as though someone had put a burr under his saddle. It was easy to see Burt wasn't happy with her decision, but it was her decision. He'd have to learn to live with it. She was.

  Rusty had seen the exchange from the coral but he said nothing, probably a good thing. She didn't want to talk about Burt. He was becoming harder to handle and she just didn't want to talk about their relationship or lack of one with anyone right now. Rusty Travers had agreed to help her save this ranch, and despite her personal opinion of him, which she was no longer sure about, she appreciated his open honesty. She wanted to get this ranch paid for and have Rusty Travers go home, so things could get back to normal. Whatever normal had been.

  But then normal didn't appeal to her either. Not now. Rusty Travers had somehow changed that too. She couldn't remember what a normal day was like anymore. She'd never worked alongside a man like Rusty before. A man as used to giving orders as taking.

  When she returned from town, Rusty was fixing supper in her kitchen. Josey wasn't in sight and Hannah couldn't stop herself from gaping.

  "I didn't know you cooked too," she laughed as she brought two bags of groceries inside and placed them on the counter.

  "Yes ma'am. And wait till you taste my chili." He smiled with amusement. He glanced at her bags and then her. His glance slid over her with silent appreciation. "Anymore outside?"

  "No, this is it." Her cheeks colored from his quick assessment.

  She put the groceries up then leaned against the counter and watched him. He seemed to know what he was doing and it was refreshing to have a man wait on her which was a very new experience.

  But when he brought a sample of his culinary arts to her mouth with a wooden spoon, she went white then red. It seemed so intimate the way he touched her lips with the spoon. She was filled with an excitement she couldn't explain. Boy was her imagination wandering these days. It wasn't like the Roman Gods feeding each other grapes, for heaven's sake. This was a ranch, and the food was chili. She had to quit attaching romance to such trivial things and Rusty Travers.

  "Come on now. You gotta taste it and tell me if I left anything out." He encouraged dabbing her bottom lip with the spoon.

  Hannah didn't taste a thing, but took it into her mouth and swallowed.

  Then her eyes watered and she gasped. "Water." She choked.

  Rusty quickly filled a glass and handed it to her. "Too hot, huh?"

  "A little," she choked again, this time coughing hard.

  He patted her on the back and she pinked again. His mere touch sent quivers of delight up her spine. She tried to act unaffected, but knew she hadn't succeeded by the devilish look in his eyes.

  Thinking she was still on fire, he took her in his arms and consoled her a bit, "Hey Little Darlin' I didn't mean to knock your socks off."

  She heard the rapid thump of his heart, smelled the intoxicating odor of a man who'd worked up a sweat, and felt an immediate heat growing between them. She wanted to pull away, but she looked up at him and then it happened again. He kissed her!

  Damn! The chili was forgotten. All that seemed important at the moment was this warm, inviting kiss that went on forever. This time was no different; her hands stole up and around his neck to pull him closer as she sighed into his arms, as though she needed this kiss to steady her.

  That was silly, of course she didn't need his kisses, her mind corrected, but his soft massaging lips sent her sense of reason way beyond the kitchen. He conjured up pictures of ecstasy in her mind that were nowhere near a kitchen.

  Their bodies seemed to melt into each other, as his arms went around her waist. She had the greatest urge to curl a leg around his, but at the moment, she couldn't move, she was sure she was nothing more than a pool of hot butter. After all, she hadn't been thinking at all, just reacting.

  His tongue gently flicked against her lips and he tasted the remnants of chili on her mouth. He licked his lips, slowly. Her eyes followed his actions and he kissed her again, this time she opened her mouth to his. The kiss went on forever, their tongues exploring shyly at first, then urgently, till both of them were breathless and panting when they pulled away.

  Hannah turned away just as Burt came through the kitchen door. She needed time to assimilate what was happening to her. Time to catch her breath and come down to earth, if the earth was still there.

  Burt didn't hide his displeasure, he seemed to recognize he'd interrupted, but he didn't apologize. Instead, he frowned at her and went back out. Slamming the door.

  "I guess ole Burt didn't like what he saw." Rusty chuckled.

  Hannah grew red and angry. She was furious at her own vulnerability to this man. Mad at herself more than him. "Next time we better have a bigger audience than Burt
when you do that."

  Next time, was she completely insane? There shouldn't be a next time. Ever! A few more kisses like that and she be hauling him into the bedroom herself. No sir, she didn't need or want his kisses. Did she?

  "Yes, ma'am." Rusty's relaxed smile told her he was much more composed after that kiss than she, and she could be in big trouble if she let it get out of hand.

  They ate the chili in guarded silence. Perhaps he had some reservations as to how far he carried the kiss. He certainly should. And she had reservations about her own actions.

  In truth Hannah couldn't lay all the blame on Rusty for that kiss. She'd wanted it as much as he did. She could have pulled free and slapped his face. But for some reason, beyond her own knowledge, she wanted him to kiss her again. She just wished Rusty wasn't so darn good at it! She kept thinking each time would prove it was just an over active imagination on her part. She had to prove to herself that his kisses weren't any different than anyone else's.

  She'd sworn off men after leaving Vegas. After being dumped by the man she called her boyfriend, Vic Trusdale, she had given up on ever meeting Mr. Right. Instead, she wanted to go home, and never worry about a man again. Only that hadn't happened either. Even as dismally as she dressed, Burt had pursued her. She wasn't sure why. Perhaps he felt protective of her, since he'd known her since a child. But the look in his eyes today wasn't protective. She couldn't understand Burt but she knew she wasn't interested in a man his age. She'd always thought of him as sort of an Uncle. What astonished her was that Burt didn't seem to see it.


  It was a bitter cold Wednesday and Hannah had been working on the old windmill for most of the morning when a Ford station-wagon pulled up into the yard. In it were three girls that Hannah had gone to school with. These were girls that seldom came to visit, unless they had a mighty good reason.

  Still, Hannah was glad to see them.

  Dusting her clothes off, Hannah made her way off the porch toward the car. It was times like this she wished she did wear nicer clothes. She felt like a real rag doll beside them.

  "Samantha, Sandy, and Cora Mae, what in the world are you three doing out here?" Hannah asked as though she had no idea. Of course she did know why they came. They wanted to get a first-hand look at her so called "boyfriend".

  Samantha got out of the car first, and ran toward her. She hugged Hannah and smiled, "It's been so long, Hannah."

  Hannah blushed and nodded shyly. "I guess it has."

  Samantha had once been a little chubby, but now she looked gorgeous in her tan suede pantsuit. Hannah had always liked Samantha; she was quiet most of the time and not as nosey as the other two. Samantha's hair was different now, cut a little shorter, it was golden brown and hung just to her shoulders. It flattered her face. Her green eyes sparkled with mischief.

  "Too long for old friends like us, Hannah." "Old friends, I've been home quite a while and you've not bothered, why now?" Damn, that was downright catty but she couldn't stop her words in time. She honestly liked Samantha, but the other two had things on their minds from the looks on their faces.

  She silently wished she had the time to chit-chat with the girls and catch up on all the goings on. But she knew better. Ranch life left little time for such idle things.

  "We heard you were pretty near engaged. And you haven't so much as bothered to tell a soul about it. What gives girl?" Sandy said as she got out of the car and came up to the porch. She didn't hug Hannah and Hannah was grateful. Sandy and Cora Mae didn't come to see her, she knew. She eyed Sandy closely.

  Sandy was tall and thin and carried an almost elegant air about her. Her dark hair swayed against her shoulders.

  Hannah hesitated a moment, remembering that Cora Mae was the banker's niece. Of course she would know about Rusty being here. Perhaps her Uncle had sent her out here to find out what was going on, firsthand.

  She glanced at Cora Mae getting out of the car and gasped at her outrageously tight outfit. Cora Mae had literally been stuffed into those jeans and the blouse she wore displayed her perfect figure. Cora Mae personified the word 'dumb blonde'.

  Hannah couldn't stop the slight blush, and floundered on how to handle this one. She knew the town's people would get curious, but she forgot about some of her old school friends. She'd like to think she still had friends when this was all over as she confessed her engagement.

  "His name's Rusty Travers, and yes, we're sorta unofficially engaged." Hannah tried to sound normal, but it was hard to be normal when lies were coming out of her mouth as fast as flies on a watermelon, she decided.

  Maybe she should just go back to Vegas and all this wouldn't be happening to her. But no, she'd never go back there. She hadn't fit in then, and she wouldn't fit in now.

  "The Rusty Travers, from the 4 Bar None?" "That's right," Hannah confirmed Cora's outburst.

  She saw the $ signs in Cora Mae's ultra-blue eyes."... and yes, it's true. But I didn't know their ranch was that famous."

  Cora Mae glanced at her strangely as she stepped up on the porch. She didn't hug Hannah either.

  Cora Mae's makeup resembled the kind Hannah had to wear in Vegas and she nearly laughed at the effigy.

  "Why, everyone knows about the Travers bunch. Best ranchers, richest bachelors, and downright gorgeous men in Texas. And have the State Champion Breeders to boot."

  Word had certainly gotten around as to who Rusty was.

  "Oh, the ranch isn't what everyone knows them for, though, hon," Cora Mae emphasized."...the brothers are. Best lookin' bunch of cowboys this side of the Rio."

  Samantha's disapproving brow went up a notch, but she didn't say anything.

  Cora Mae saw Samantha's reaction and added, "Well they are, honey. And don't be too condescending, you had a bigger than Texas crush on Jake some time back as I recall. For all the good it did you. That Jake wouldn't give any woman the time of day, he's just too serious."

  Samantha blushed this time and looked away from everyone's probing glance.

  Cora Mae smiled and turned her attention back to Hannah.

  "How'd you meet him? I'm sure I've never heard you speak of him before?"

  Cora Mae leaned against the porch railing in a model-like pose, looking very much like Marilyn Monroe, and sounding like a lawyer well into an interrogation.

  Hannah stood there staring at them and trying desperately to figure out what her answer would be.

  "Come on in the house and we'll have some hot chocolate, it's too cold to stand out here and talk." At least she remembered her manners.

  An hour later Hannah found herself knee deep in lies and butterflies. It had been a long time since she'd spent this much time talking to old friends, and it felt good, except for the lies. It would have been more fun if the girls had actually come to see her, but she knew they wanted to get a glance at Rusty.

  Then Rusty himself walked in, dusting his boots off at the door, and seeing she had company, politely kissed her on the cheek and took his hat off.


  "Are you The Rusty Travers?" they all choired. "Yes ma'am."

  Hannah was still in shock but she quickly recovered from the kiss and introduced them. Rusty ignored her embarrassment asked for a cup of hot chocolate, too.

  Jealousy? No, she wasn't jealous of them? Was she? Where had that come from? You had to really like someone to be jealous. She wanted to throw the hot chocolate at him the way he was eyeing Cora Mae and that tight fitting blouse. He was a red-necked cowboy and he deserved to be embarrassed. Still, she was supposed to be engaged to him, and for every angry moment, she realized it would be worse to embarrass herself and him with her pet peeve. These three girls were the nosiest busybodies in Pecos and most everyone knew it. All except for Samantha, and she had a hunch Samantha might be after some news of Jake Travers.

  He probably didn't know that Cora Mae was out here spying on them for her Uncle either.

  "I'm glad to meet you ladies. Hannah is such a busy little ranche
r she seldom has company. But I've wanted to meet some of her friends for a while now." Rusty was saying as she returned with his drink.

  "Thanks Little Darlin'." He winked at her as his gaze rested on her still moist lips.

  The desire in his eyes surprised her, shocked her, and pleased her.

  "It's so unlike Hannah to be dating anyone, we absolutely had to come and see for ourselves. I for one didn't believe it. Why, she hasn't so much as bothered with dating since she's been home." Cora Mae said adjusting her shirt so Rusty could get a better view of her fine figure. Subtle, she wasn't.

  But it was Sandy who stepped up to him and smiled. Sandy wasn't usually a flirt, but her actions intrigued Hannah. "Rusty Travers, aren't you Deke Travers' brother?"

  "Yes ma'am, you know my brother?"

  "We attended a couple of auctions with him a few years back, didn't we Samantha? And Clint too. He's been riding the bulls for years at the rodeo in Pecos."

  Samantha nodded, but continued to eye Rusty suspiciously as though she didn't believe a word Hannah had told them. If anyone had any brains in this group Samantha did, and Hannah knew she had better play her part or the whole thing would blow up in their faces, and after all the lies she just told she couldn't face them with the truth.

  "Deke's married now." Rusty exclaimed obviously intrigued by Sandy's open curiosity.

  "Married? No one ever thought he'd get married. He was always so shy around women."

  "He got out of that when he met Emma." Rusty smiled and put his arm around Hannah as though to let her know he knew these women were simply being noisy and he wanted to ham it up as much as possible. The man was impossible, but adorable.

  "What about Jake and Clint?" Samantha suddenly asked.

  "Jake's over in Peaceful, he's the Sheriff now. He's always wanted to be a lawman, although I'll confess we thought he was going to be a lawyer. Clint and Abby got married."

  "They finally tied the knot? Lord that girl was crazy in love with Clint most of his life and he never had a clue." Cora Mae said, casting Rusty a slightly flirtatious glance. "Clint sure could have had any number of girls when he rode the circuit."


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