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Body Count

Page 22

by mike Evans

  Gabriel backed down the street slowly keeping an eye on his mirrors ensuring that there would be no visitors which he did not want to sneak up on him. He saw Forsyth sitting in the back and couldn’t have been happier that he had gone so far out of his way to keep a boy he had almost no ties to so safe. He had already decided he could stay with them for as long as he wanted to and would make sure that he had the best doctors available to come and see him. He looked through Mikey’s bag and saw the notebook full of account numbers as well as the list of passports that he had. They would need to get some additional documentation created for Forsyth as he was most surely going to be on a list like no other after all of this.

  Mikey said, “Dad what are we waiting for? Don't we want to get away from the bad men?”

  Gabriel looked at his watch noticing that it had been all of five minutes. He said, “We will know it when we see it buddy. Those bad men are never going to come after you again though, that much I can surely promise you Son.”

  Mikey went to say something but a whistling sound that began to grow louder and louder became almost deafening. He covered his ears looking confused and scared at the same time. The three story building where Nikolai was holding up went into a fireball that reached to the heavens. The building was decimated and crumbled to the ground. There had been three bombs that had hit the building which had been two more than it had needed. Mikey covered his face while ducking down on the floor. He said, “Dad, Dad was the bad men in there?”

  Gabriel put the SUV in drive then pulling a U turn on the tight street, not daring to go past the bomb blast sight and said, “I hope so Son. I sure do.”

  Mikey crawled back up onto his seat, standing on it now and looking through the back window at the hell that was ablaze. Gabriel sped off, taking many turns that he did not need to and guaranteeing that there was no one following him. When he felt as safe as he had in the last week, he sped toward the airport and saw that true to his word, Nick had waited for him. When he pulled up, Nick poked his head out upon hearing the car door of Gabriel slam shut. He said, “Hey, I thought you had something to do here? You weren’t gone very long at all.”

  Gabriel said, “Well sometimes people think they are better than they are.”

  “You going to expand on that explanation?”

  “Not a chance in hell Nick. Can you help me with something real quick?”

  Nick made his way down the steps quickly. Mikey climbed out of the truck almost falling when he saw the plane. Gabriel opened the door to the back and Nick took in the bloody mess which was Forsyth. He said, “Christ man, what bar did you get into trouble at this time?”

  Forsyth tried pushing himself up off of the backseat and said, “I’ll have you know I haven’t had a single drink in over a week…..I think that it might be killing me.”

  Nick helped Gabriel and the two men clumsily got Forsyth up the small set of steps and resting comfortably on the couch, only after Nick had put down towels to save the leather from his noticeable blood. Gabriel said, “You can pass out now old man. We will get you cleaned up once we get to Rome.”

  Forsyth said, “What the fuck are we going to do in Rome?”

  Gabriel said, “Well first we are going to get you fixed up and then the three of us are going to rest and get back to a hundred percent. After that we are going to go down to Talamone and you are going to probably fall in love with Italian food and women, something I don’t think that you are going to hate. If you decided you want to stay with us for a while I don’t think there will be any complaints about it. I am going to need you to watch him one more time when you are back to a hundred percent. It will be my last trip back to the states.”

  Forsyth said, “You realize you can’t go back there, that if they find you at this point they are going to drop a house on your head and leave you there forever. I mean for fucking ever!”

  Gabriel said, “Do you feel that throbbing in your head, you see that scared look on Mikey’s face and the bruises that have painted my body? It is all because of someone else's orders. Lincoln needs to leave, from there we can hope that no one else comes after us. I only hope that at some point they truly get the fucking point what to do. This isn’t the life that Addy and I wanted for our son. We wanted peace and happiness. I think that if Baker had still been in charge that he would have just let me disappear into the night, but these men are too modern and stupid.”

  Forsyth said, “At some point you are going to either have to be content with the way things are or you guys are going to have to be professional traveling types. I don’t know, what is worse?”

  “As long as he has the chance to grow up is all I care about. I can let him see the world if that is what needs to happen, but at some point I think they will give up.”

  Gabriel went to walk away and Forsyth gripped his leg and said, “What are we going to do if they don’t?”

  “Then at some point, and by all means no time soon, the kid is going to have to learn some things that he isn’t going to be a better man for, but it is going to guarantee him if I show him, that no one will ever get the drop on him.”

  Forsyth nodded and said, “Okay, I think that I am going to pass out now, wake me when we get to Rome would ya?”

  Gabriel patted him on the shoulder then throwing a blanket over him and said, “Pass out, you earned it for sure.”

  Nick called into the tower and a few minutes later they were in the air and headed south for Rome.


  Twenty One

  Three months later in Talamone southern Tuscany

  The small motorcade of armored cars made their way to Director Lincoln's estate. They drove up slowly, always cautious as the man had become paranoid since the incidents at the CIA building a few months ago. One of the men on his detail turned around in his seat and said, “Congratulations Director Lincoln, the men and I were quite impressed with how you handled the men and women of Congress. We thought for sure that you were going to…..well you know that they would not allow everything to be blamed on the mystery man.”

  Lincoln smiled while looking at the rolling hills and thinking that whatever vacation he had he would be most definitely taking it at once. He said, “You know when the truth prevails it is a beautiful thing Son.”

  The men had a laugh at this, the way people sharing a secret which did not need to go further, did. When they pulled up the first and third car emptied then walking the grounds and making sure that the house was buttoned down. When the men had done a pass through the grounds the head of security opened the car door then escorting him into the home. Lincoln had moved into the large property a month ago and assigned daily security to himself. He said, “I’m going to go downstairs for a swim and a scotch, see to it that we don’t get any phone calls would you please?”

  The man nodded and Lincoln headed down to the pool where he had taken a swim for a half hour and had a scotch and water that was mostly scotch which took the edge off and almost made him feel normal. He came up the stairs whistling as he did and doing his best not to spill his second drink. When he made it to the top of the steps he saw his head of security, Steven, sitting in a chair. He said, “What, did all of the last weeks work put a damper on your spirit? We don’t pay you to sit on your ass. Who knows what is lurking out there.”

  When Steven didn’t answer Lincoln shook his shoulder. Steven fell forward out of his seat. When he hit the ground it was very easy to realize what was wrong with him. His neck was hanging on barely by a sliver of skin at the rear. The director choked back puke that was rising in his throat. He said, “Oh my fucking God.”

  Lincoln ran through the house, each room that was supposed to have security did, but the blood was spilt like he’d never seen before. The walls were painted with it. He ran to his study, refusing to go outside, knowing that whoever did it would still be around. He pulled out his pistol from his desk, trying his best to keep his hands from shaking but failing miserably. Gabriel appeared out of the shadows. Linc
oln squeezed the trigger as quickly as he could until he realized it was empty. He racked his brain, quickly trying to figure out if he had actually been stupid enough to leave it empty. Gabriel could sense what he was thinking and he said, “Sorry to say Director but the gun was loaded.”

  Gabriel let a handful of bullets fall down to the ground. “It is amazing if you don’t shoot very often how much a normal gun feels like a loaded gun. Of course, God knows the last time you had a reason to shoot in the line of service, if ever, right?”

  “What do you want? Why are you here?”

  “Really? You sent a death squad after my son and the man taking care of him. You blew up the building I told you I would be in, and you let your entire team of men beat me to a fucking pulp at your building. I would say just that alone is enough, not counting the proceedings you had with the government and you throwing me under the bus and blaming me for absolutely everything!”

  The director opened his mouth to speak but Gabriel’s arm moved quicker than Lincoln could take in what was happening. Lincoln looked down and saw his gut had a knife sticking out of it then the pain started to burn, going up and down his body. He tried to move his arms to stop the bleeding but each one felt like they were weighted down with cement. He said, “What, what the hell did you do to me? Why can’t I move?”

  Gabriel said, “With enough time and money one can get just about anything. Of course in your case, you could have had your entire life, or what was left of it, and you still would not have found the three of us. You see that knife that is lodged in your gut is laced with a little something that is going to keep you from moving for the next few hours or so. Don’t worry I have extra if you start feeling like you are going to move.”

  Lincoln actually started to cry, the stress of the moment was much more than he was mentally capable of handling. Gabriel walked forward and pulled the man’s bath robe aside and set his knife on the table. He bent down and said, “When I said I was going to take an inch by inch of your skin, I was not kidding. The information that you heard about me must have not been accurate, because if you knew what I would do to anyone that threatens my family and our way of life, you would have left us the fuck alone.”

  The End

  A quick note from the author, if you enjoyed this book I would very much appreciate you taking a minute to head to Amazon to review this book, or at the least give it a star rating please.

  Please see next page for additional books by Mike Evans

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  Other Titles

  The Orphans: Origins Vol I

  Surviving the Turned Vol II (The Orphans Series)

  Strangers Vol III (The Orphans Series)

  Zombies and Chainsaws Book I

  Gabriel: Only one gets out alive: Gabriel

  Pitch Black (Gabriel Book 2)

  Buried: Broken Oaths Buried

  Deal with the Devil

  Coming soon

  White Lie Vol IV (The Orphans Series)

  The Uninvited

  Table of Contents

























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