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Demon King Daimaou: Volume 4

Page 7

by Shoutarou Mizuki

  “I mean, think about it. I have to change gods if I’m going to be under this clan’s observation. But I haven’t done that yet. So stuff like this is forbidden. If you’re trying to break that taboo, it must mean...”

  Junko’s expression clouded.

  “I-I’m sorry. That was rude of me,” Akuto said. “But I want to make sure everything is done properly...”

  Junko cut him off.

  “Dummy... That’s right. That’s the kind of person you are... You never heard anything about marrying me, did you?”


  Akuto was shocked.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you knew everything when you came here. It’s my fault for not explaining.” Junko looked down.

  Akuto put his hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry. It’s my fault for not realizing at all. You couldn’t say anything because you didn’t want to get married, right?”

  “Huh? ...Wait!”

  “I’m sorry. If your family ordered you to do it, you couldn’t refuse, could you? If I’d really wanted to do what was best for you, I should’ve refused from the start...”

  Akuto stopped talking. He’d stopped because Junko was starting to laugh.

  “Hahah... I’m such an idiot. That’s really just who you are, isn’t it?”

  “Wh-What are you talking about?”

  Akuto reached out his hand to raise her head up to look at him. There were tears in Junko’s eyes. He took his hand away in surprise, and she started to speak in a trembling voice.

  “That’s why... that’s why I’m saying that’s the kind of guy you are... I was so excited, but I was the only one...”

  She fixed the front of her kimono up, and leaned forward and started to cry.

  “Forget everything that happened today...” she said.

  “I-I’m sorry. But...”

  Akuto couldn’t finish his words. A spear had suddenly dropped down on him from the ceiling.


  Akuto’s reflexes were enough for him to dodge it, but otherwise it would’ve struck him in the heart. The spear had clearly intended to kill.


  Akuto leapt back. There wasn’t just one spear. From the ceiling, from below the tatami, through the walls, one spear after another came at him.


  Akuto rolled out of the room, dodging spear after spear, and when he got to the garden and turned around, he understood what was going on.

  Of course, it was clear what was happening now. Anywhere near his room where someone could hide, multiple ninjas had been lurking.

  “You made the mistress cry!”

  “You planned to deceive the Hattori clan from the start!”

  They were shouting at him.

  “You’ve got it at all wrong! And why were you peeping?” he yelled, but he still felt responsible. For now, he would have to retreat.

  “Hattori, I’m sorry!”

  He ran back into his room, grabbed a change of clothes, and leapt over the wall and into the forest.

  “By the honor of the Iga Ninjas, don’t let him escape!”

  They followed him into the forest with a huge shout.

  —I ran away, but I think I need to let them catch me and apologize.

  There was no way he could escape from multiple pursuers in a place he’d never been to before. He tried to come up with a way to let them catch him without anybody on either side getting hurt.

  But it looked like they weren’t going to give him a chance to think. One of the faster pursuers was leaping from branch to branch after him, until he got close enough to slash at Akuto’s back.


  Akuto turned around and tried to block with his magic. But before he could, the ninja suddenly vanished.


  For a moment, Akuto didn’t know what had happened, but he understood when he found the ninja a second later. A rope was tied around the ninja’s leg and he was hanging from a tree. He’d fallen into a trap.

  —A trap? Here?

  This was the Hattori clan’s territory. One of their ninjas wouldn’t fall for one of their own traps. That meant someone else had set it.

  Akuto watched for this mysterious person to reveal themselves as he sensed traps going off all around him. He heard the ninjas scream. The fact that they were on their home ground, and that they were extremely angry, caused them to fall for traps that they never would have normally fallen for.

  But eventually the remaining ninjas must’ve gotten cautious, because their presences seemed to vanish. And then a shadow appeared in front of Akuto, as if it had been waiting for that moment.

  “Who’s there?” Akuto tensed up, but the voice was one he recognized.

  “That’s not a very nice way to greet someone, particularly when they’re helping you escape.”

  The shadow took a step out of the darkness and pointed at Akuto with a grin.

  It was a girl with long hair tied into a ponytail — Eiko Teruya.

  “You?” Akuto readied himself for combat.

  She smiled a wicked grin.

  “There’s no reason to get so tense. If it weren’t for me, you would’ve killed that ninja, right? You should be thanking me. My traps aren’t fatal.”

  “Thanking you? The timing is a little too good for that. And this is a strange way of trying to get me on your side. Have you been watching me the whole time?”

  “That’s right. I shouldn’t really be saying this, but the Teruyas have spies inside the Hattori clan.”

  “Then you know...”

  “Yup! I know all about what happened. It was hilarious how serious you took it!”

  Akuto didn’t like the way Eiko laughed at all.

  “So what do you want? If you don’t actually need anything, then I’ll just thank you and be on my way. Once the ninjas calm down, we can probably talk this over.”

  Eiko’s smile turned even more wicked.

  “There is no need to be upset. Alright, I’ll tell you what I want. Want to come to my clan instead?”

  “Your clan?”

  “The Teruya. We’re higher-ranked than the Hattori, so it would be good for you.”

  “No.” Akuto answered immediately. But Eiko didn’t give up.

  “Even if there was a misunderstanding, you’re the one who wanted to suck up to the Hattori clan. If that’s what you’re after, the Teruya clan is a better fit.”

  “I wasn’t trying to suck up to anyone. I was trying to grow.”

  “That’s just saying the same thing a different way, isn’t it? Why not hook up with me, instead? I’m about to make a gamble with pretty good odds.”

  “What are you talking about? You sound like a street thug. I could never love someone like that.” Akuto voiced his displeasure, but Eiko’s next words shocked him.

  “You know my dad’s high priest, right? Did you know he sometimes does assassinations?”


  Akuto wasn’t sure if he believed what he’d just heard.

  “He kills people who Suhara decides are dangerous. Even if they haven’t actually done anything, if they plot treason, they get killed.”

  “That’s just another reason for me not to like the Teruya.” Akuto frowned.

  But Eiko wagged her finger at him.

  “Don’t jump to conclusions. The Teruya are about to change. That is, if you join us.”

  No matter what she said, though, there was no reason Akuto could think of to join her.

  “I said no. I get to make my own decision. I joined the Academy, and I have a life and friends I want to protect. That’s all there is to it,” Akuto said firmly.

  Now Eiko finally frowned.

  “So you’re going to disobey me?”

  “Disobey you? You’re the one who just came out of nowhere and started making demands.”

  “Damn it. You’re so stubborn! I was making you this offer because I was really starting to love you! Hmph! Do whatever you
want then! Your friends and your life are about to go away!” she said heatedly.

  “What did you say?” Akuto felt a shiver run through his body.

  Eiko smiled cruelly.

  “One of the friends you’re talkin’ about is that dumb red-headed girl, right?”

  “What do you mean?” His expression twisted.

  Eiko burst out laughing.

  “Hahaha! I just told you about my family’s habit of assassinations, right? For some reason, our next target is that red-headed girl! Hilarious, huh? She’s the stupidest, most harmless girl in the world!”

  “You bitch!” Akuto cut her off.

  “Eep!” Eiko froze.

  Hot air was swirling around Akuto — his body itself was emitting heat. The mana inside him was burning so bright that it lit up the air.

  “W-Wait! I’m not the one who’s going to do it! If I was, I wouldn’t tell you!” She began to stammer as cold sweat poured down her body.

  “Then why did you tell me?”

  It was clear from Akuto’s voice that he wasn’t going to be happy with anything less than a full answer. Perhaps Eiko sensed that she was in the presence of a vastly more powerful opponent, because she answered meekly.

  “Th-That’s why I’m telling you to join up with me! And I think what the clan is doing is wrong!” she cried, as if begging for her life.

  “Bullshit. Move. I’m going back to the school.”

  Akuto waved his hand and a hot wind blew. Eiko was forced to move aside.

  But before he could take another step forward, another voice called out to him.

  “W-Wait! Why did you come here, anyway?”

  It was Yuko. She’d heard the commotion and come running after him.

  Akuto turned around.

  “I do have things to apologize for, but it will have to wait.”

  “Th-That’s so selfish... You’re so mean! My sister was crying! What did you do?”

  Her voice was strong, but it was clear from her expression that she was fighting back terror. Her body seemed to be responding to the aura Akuto was emitting.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll tell you about it later. It seems I was wrong about this whole thing,” Akuto said, but even as she shook with fear, Yuko refused to back down.

  “You don’t need to tell me anything! Just never come back here again!”

  Akuto turned towards her.

  “I’ll admit I was wrong. But if what I was just told was true, then I can’t forgive the god Suhara either. I’ll have to see if your family is involved before I make any decisions about getting involved with you again.”

  Akuto looked at Eiko sternly.

  “O-Of course it’s true!” She quickly jumped up onto a tree. “Anyway, I’m getting out of here. Have fun!”

  Eiko ran off. But there was a smile on her face as she ran, as if everything was going according to plan.

  Yuko was left alone, her face twisted in terror. She must’ve heard the last part of his conversation, because she was shaking her head.

  “I don’t know anything about any assassinations! And it’s the Teruya who are supposed to be doing it, not us, right?”

  “So you’re saying you have nothing to do with it? Or that Eiko Teruya made the whole thing up?” Akuto asked, and a different voice answered.

  “It seems it may be true. I heard the conversation. It’s possible an assassination order is out for Keena.”

  Akuto and Yuko turned towards the voice.

  It was Korone. Hiroshi was with her.

  “Possible, you said?” Akuto asked.

  Korone nodded.

  “I asked the god directly and received no answer. Normally that would be impossible; it must respond to my query with some kind of answer. But in regards to this query, and none other, it is maintaining its silence,” Korone said flatly.

  “Then it’s true that the god ordered her killed?” Akuto was shaking with anger. Even Hiroshi was flinching, but Korone was calm.

  “It’s true that assassination orders exist. But all assassination orders until now have been for terrorists on the verge of committing terrorist acts. As Fujiko’s continued existence suggests, even black mages aren’t subject to assassination orders.”

  “Then why Keena?!”

  “I don’t know. This is the first time in my artificial life that this has occurred. The lack of an answer suggests that for some reason, the god is unable to answer. Which means that it’s possible the god has made a mistake,” Korone explained.

  “If it wasn’t a mistake, is the god just out of control? Either way, I’m not letting it happen.” Akuto waved a hand towards Korone. “Teleport me to the school. I need to save Keena.”

  But Korone shook her head.

  “Are you misunderstanding something?” Korone spread her hands out as if to tell him not to go, and continued, “I am your observer and a servant of the god Markt. My job is to prevent you from doing anything illegal. I can’t cooperate with you. It’s impossible.” There was no way to read anything in her expression.

  “Illegal?” Akuto walked towards her.

  “That’s right. Even if it’s wrong, a god’s decision is still a god’s decision. Stay here with the Hattori clan, please.”

  Akuto stood a few feet away from her.

  “And if I say I’m going?”

  “I won’t let you. I’ll stop you with all my strength,” Korone said, and put her hand into her purse. She took out a giant railgun that was the same size she was. She lifted it up easily and spun it around, then slung the strap off her shoulder and readied it. “I am fully-equipped with combat capabilities. I’m very strong, you know?”

  “I don’t want to fight, but...” Akuto said.

  Korone moved faster than Akuto could ready himself. But her movements were slow and relaxed. She walked up to Akuto and gave him a hug, like you’d give to a lover.

  “Alright, now I’ve caught you. You can’t move now, can you?”

  Korone looked up at him. He looked into her eyes. They looked different than usual, as if there were another reason she was hugging him. “You know what I’m getting at, right?” she seemed to say.

  “You can’t escape. I didn’t even need to use my weapon,” she said flatly. Her hands were wrapped around his torso, and because she was so small, his hands were open.

  “Thank you,” he said. If he could move his hands in this position, he could reach her behind.

  “Why are you thanking me?” she asked, though she knew the answer.

  Akuto put his hand inside her skirt.

  “Oh...!” she moaned.

  He hesitated for a moment, but then he realized it was one of her usual jokes. He searched with his fingers for her tail and pulled it.

  There was a low whine as the light disappeared from her eyes. She’d shut down. The tail is a Liradan’s switch.

  He unwrapped Korone’s arms from his torso and sat her down.

  “B-Boss...” Hiroshi said, a little frightened.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, it’s just... if what she said was true, it’s really bad. But what will you do after you rescue Keena?” Hiroshi asked.

  Akuto didn’t answer. He didn’t know. But Yuko answered for him.

  “You’ll have gone against the Teruya, and against Suhara. And if that happens, it’s really bad for the Hattori clan!”

  “Th-That’s right. I’m worried about that,” Hiroshi said.

  “That’s why I said we’re done with you! Stay away from our family!” Yuko yelled.

  Hiroshi got in between the two of them and spoke in a timid but firm voice.

  “No, I mean, there has to be a better way. The boss said he’d make everything work out. Like, maybe somebody who can’t be detected by mana could rescue her...”

  “If you’re talking about Brave...” Akuto looked down at Hiroshi as he spoke. “...I can’t count on someone to help if I don’t know what he’ll do. And Brave has taken out bad guys before. I’ve seen it. He also
killed the demon beasts. He’s no different than Suhara, who kills traitors before they do anything. There has to be a better way, yes. But I’m not asking Brave for help.”

  Now it was Hiroshi’s turn to get emotional.

  “That’s what strength is, right? If you want to protect your family and the people you care about, you need to defeat the people who threatened them. That’s what humans have done for thousands of years. You’re getting emotional too! You’re going to protect Keena and sacrifice the class rep!”

  “That’s not right. I’ve finally understood what I can do, and what I should be.” Akuto moved away.

  “Wait, boss! You can’t do this!” Hiroshi yelled. “Just stay here, and it’ll all work out. So...!”

  Akuto ignored him. He tried to walk away.

  “Where are you going, anyway? You can’t make it in time on foot! Just this once, you’re wrong! Don’t you know that you’re the one that’s making the demon beasts go crazy?”

  Those words were enough to make even Akuto stop.

  “That’s why Yuko is scared. The demon beasts’ mana is inside her body, and because of you it’s about to go out of control!” Hiroshi realized what he’d just blurted out a moment after he’d said it, but it was too late.

  Akuto turned around with a sad expression.

  “Then you protect her,” he said. “There’s something I have to do. I finally understand. I’m going.”

  Akuto started to walk again.

  “Why won’t you listen to me?!” Hiroshi yelled. But he didn’t follow.

  Yuko had doubled over to the ground in pain. He lifted her up, and was shocked at what he saw. Black blood vessels were poking out of her neck. The mana was going out of control.

  “Boss!” he yelled.

  Akuto stopped.

  But it wasn’t because of Hiroshi.

  “You know, I really liked you. I guess this was just fate,” a low voice said out of the darkness in front of him.

  It was Yozo Hattori. He was wearing battle gear, but there was a gentle smile on his face.

  “No father can stand by idly when someone’s made both his daughters cry. I’m afraid you’re going to have to pay for that.”

  “I apologize. But if you knew about the assassinations, I can’t have anything to do with the Hattori,” Akuto replied.


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