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Shadows 01 Superstition Shadows

Page 33

by K C West

  “Perhaps Josie doesn’t want you to know.”


  There was a prolonged silence as we looked at each other.

  I exhaled. “If you must know, she wanted to be sure I knew that you were in love with me.”

  PJ’s eyes opened like saucers. “You’re kidding?”

  I shook my head. “That’s one very perceptive young woman. Apparently she’s known about me from the beginning … when she first came to work for me.”

  “Well, I’ll be….”

  “That’s what I said, or thought anyway.”

  I stared into my glass of amber liquid. Well, this is my moment of truth so I may as well get on with it.

  “PJ, I’ve given us a lot of thought.”

  She stiffened, her green eyes darkening. “Kim, I’ve already figured that…”

  I leaned forward and put my glass on the table before sliding toward her.

  “What… are you…”

  I took her glass and set it down.


  I put my left arm around her shoulder and leaned in to her, lifting her face with my right hand and kissing her full on the mouth.

  Her breath released with a rush. “Wow…”

  I felt desire course through my body when she moaned against my lips.

  We broke apart long enough to take a shaky breath.

  “You don’t know how often I’ve wished you would do that.” PJ murmured, touching my cheek. “How often I’ve dreamed about it.”

  She shifted onto her knees. Her arms snaked around my body and we embraced. This time our kiss was longer, more passionate. Her fragrance and the sweetness of her tongue excited me to distraction.

  “Kim, I’m … uh … a bit confused here.” PJ continued to caress my face and neck, curling her fingers through my hair. “I was so sure that…” She paused and started again. “But I don’t know what you want… or what I should do to please you. I don’t want to make any mistakes. I do want to please you.”

  “There are no mistakes, PJ, and you’re doing just fine, just fine.”

  Oh gawd, are you ever … I don’t want to scare you by rushing things, but I want to make mad passionate love to you.

  “Wait,” I whispered as PJ managed somehow to get her leg wrapped around my left hip. I laughed. “You’re going to tie yourself in knots.”

  I untangled myself and stood up, taking her by the hand and pulling her up to me. We kissed again. I was aware that while my right arm held her to me, my left hand rested on her firm buttock.

  “Watch it, Kim, you’re squashing my shamrock.”

  “I want to see it… will you let me look at it?”

  “Jesus! For weeks you can’t make a commitment. Now, you can’t wait to get my pants off me…” She giggled.

  “I love you, PJ.”

  “I love you, too, but you’ve known that for some time, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, I have … and now you know that I love you, too.”

  PJ reached across me to turn off the light switch. As she did so, her hand, either intentionally or accidentally brushed my breast. It was like an electric shock.

  We kissed our way into the bedroom, managing to pull apart long enough to turn down the bed covers. I started to unbutton PJ’s blouse.

  “No! Wait a second! This has to be just right.” She dashed out to the dinette and took the candle from the table, lit it, and placed it on the bedside stand. I waited while she collected our wine glasses and added a little more to each. When she came back into the bedroom, she handed me my goblet, which I placed on my bedside stand. She put hers on the other side. The flickering light of the candle created a golden, lantern-like glow in the room and in the wine.

  We came together again at the foot of the bed. PJ’s eyes sparkled in the candlelight. “Now, Amazon Woman, you may do with me what you will.”

  I hugged her to me. “Gawd, I love you so much…and what I will is…to make the sweetest love with you that either of us has ever known. We will take our time. I promise you, I will be gentle…”

  “I know you will, Kim.” She squeezed my waist. “I trust you completely.”

  Gawd, give me self-control. Right now!

  My lips left a trail of warm, moist kisses down her neck. I unbuttoned her blouse and slid it from her shoulders. She leaned her head back, granting me fuller access to her lovely throat. Her arms dropped allowing the silky material to glide all the way to the floor.

  “You are so beautiful,” I whispered.

  “You’re kind of easy on the eyes yourself.” PJ’s voice was husky.

  Her sculptured shoulders reminded me of a bust I’d seen once, an artist’s likeness of an Egyptian Queen. My gaze lingered on her luscious breasts, still partially hidden within the constraints of her rose-colored, lace bra.

  Need coursed through my body like a river in flood. I unbuckled her belt and loosened the top button on her cargo shorts. Be gentle, remember.

  “Hold up, Doc.” PJ covered my hand with hers. “Isn’t it my turn to admire the scenery?” She tugged at my shirt and kissed me while fumbling with the buttons. “I seem to be all thumbs. Sorry.”

  “That’s okay, little one. It isn’t a race.” I am getting close to the breaking point, however.

  PJ stripped off my shirt and let it fall. “This is a new experience for me, Kim.” She stared at my breasts for several seconds. “Loving a woman, I mean.” She wet her lips. “I think I could get to like it, though … with enough practice.”

  I chuckled. “That’s good to hear. Just do what feels natural to you, okay. I’ll show you what I like and you can do the same.”

  “Right now, I really like the kissing part.”

  “Then, by all means…” With my arms around her, I responded to her kisses while releasing her bra and freeing her lovely breasts. I cupped one sweet mound with my right hand, feeling the hardening nub beneath my palm.

  A pleasurable groan escaped PJ’s lips. Her hands were in my hair, her tongue exploring. With my free hand, I pushed her shorts down off her hips.

  Well, well. Matching rose-colored panties.

  PJ whimpered. She unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. Her little moans were driving me to distraction. I wanted so much to just take her, but I needed to slow down … to make it special. I kicked off my jeans and together we fell onto the bed.

  We hastily finished undressing each other and slipped between the sheets. PJ reached out to stroke my breasts.

  I smiled at her hesitancy. “You can do it harder if you like. They won’t break.”

  “It’s just … I’m not used to…” Her fingers continued their arousing exploration. When they flicked across my nipples, bringing them to rigid attention, I gasped with delight.

  PJ giggled. “Wow. This is so different. But good.”

  “Indeed it is.” I squeezed her breasts while she caressed mine. “One of the many benefits of loving a woman.”

  “I’ve so much to learn, Kim. You’ll have to be patient with me.

  “Oh, I have every confidence—”

  She leaned in to put her mouth where her fingers had been.

  I moaned. “Gawd, you learn fast.”

  She grinned up at me. “You make the subject so pleasurable, Doctor Blair.”

  I rolled her over onto her back and covered her with my body. A thin film of sweat glistened on our skin. Her spicy scent filled my nostrils, arousing me further. I could feel the eager beating of her heart keeping time with my own.

  “The subject is love, Doctor Curtis,” I growled into the hollow of her throat. “And, my beloved, you have only just begun to realize the pleasure. Ready for another lesson?”

  “Oh yeah.” PJ pulled my fingers to her mouth, sucking on each one, before releasing it. “And I want you to know that I’ll stay after class for extra tutoring if necessary.”

  I slid my wet fingers across her belly. “Somehow, I doubt that you’ll need tutoring. I think I’m the one who’s going to need h

  She laughed. “C’mon, Doc. Less talk, more action.”

  I don’t remember much on the conscious plane after that. I know PJ lit a fire inside me. It was like rainbow colored lightning and spring rains as the salty sweet smell of passion took the last of my senses. I was aware only of our bodies touching, tightening, and tingling with the love we shared. Again and again, we rode waves of intense pleasure as orgasm after orgasm brought us to exquisite heights and then released us.

  Finally, we lay together in sweaty exhaustion. I smiled into PJ’s half-closed eyes. This is where I belong.

  “Where have you been all my life, Kim?” She turned to me and slid her hand across my stomach. “I’ve wasted so much precious time with all the wrong…” Her hands moved upward. “Because it was never … like this.” She leaned in and kissed my breast. “Never! Not even close.” Her tongue left a wet circle around my nipple. I groaned and pulled her against me, encouraging her breasts to warm my own.

  “I know. I’ve never felt anything like this before either.” I kissed her neck, licking the hollow of her collarbone, making her smile.

  She stretched and rolled onto her stomach. I admired the tiny tattoo on her buttock, touching it with my fingertip. Then, I leaned over to kiss it. “Whoa, that’s a turn-on.”

  “Enough of that,” PJ whispered. “Or, I’ll have to do a little butt-kissing of my own.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  She rose up to kiss me before pushing me onto my back, moving down my body, leaving a trail of sweet kisses along the way.

  I was in pure ecstasy, every nerve ending in a heightened state of excitement. It was just the two of us alone in the Universe. I could hear myself moaning, crying out for more, begging her not to stop. It was then that I lost all control. I could only respond physically to what she was doing to me.

  And this woman thought she needed lessons.

  My body arched off the bed. I gasped for breath and hung on to PJ for dear life. “Oh, gawd, please … don’t stop … not now … please not now.” Then it was as if my whole being relaxed and I was in her arms and she was smothering my face with kisses.

  “Wow, Kim, that was amazing!”

  “I don’t know what all you were doing, PJ, but I know I’ll never be the same again.”

  She giggled. “Me either.”

  It was morning when I opened my eyes to find PJ lying beside me, looking at me. The faint scent of passion lingered around our bed.

  “Morning, darling.”

  “G’Morning.” I detected some sadness in her eyes.

  I sat up and rested myself on my elbow. “Something’s bothering you, I can tell.”

  Her eyes filled with tears.

  “Tell me, what is it? Are you sorry we…?”

  “Oh, dear God, no!”

  “Then what?”

  “We made love, Kim, just as I was preparing to give my goodbye speech. It happened so suddenly and now I’m afraid.” She stroked my bed-tousled hair back from my forehead. “I know you’re not into one night stands, but I worry … I’m not rushing you for commitment, nothing like that, but we did make love and if you’re not into one night stands … then what?”

  “Darling, it means that I love you more than I ever thought possible. I want us to be together forever.”

  “Oh, Kimmy.” She pulled me closer. “That’s what I want, too.” Her kisses were fervent, demanding.

  We made love again; it was a fire devouring us like an inferno.

  “You know, darling,” I whispered afterwards, “I’m not as young as I used to be. You’re going to wear me out.”

  PJ giggled. “Sorry, honey. I just got carried away.”

  “Gawd, woman, I’m going to die…but what a way to go.”

  We slept, then, together with arms and legs entwined.

  “And what a lovely morning it is,” PJ said hours later when we re-awakened. “The sun is shining, the sky is clear, and there’s no dust.”

  “I love you, PJ. I want us to be together forever.”

  “I love you, too, Kim. I will forever love you.”

  I rolled over and straddled her hips.

  “Oh, Kim, I like that.”

  She pulled me down to her and kissed me, probing for my tongue with hers.

  Later, much later, in the fog of passion spent, I thought about the future, our future and all the delicious possibilities and the significant milestones that lay ahead. Sometime in the next few days, we’ll travel to Boston so PJ can begin her reconciliation with Frederick and introduce me as her partner in life as well as work.

  If that news doesn’t deter you, Frederick, nothing will.

  It’s a leap, PJ, from financier of an archaeological project to father-in-law of its director, especially when that director is of the same sex. You must understand and know what you are doing by telling him about us. The choice is yours to make, but be sure to know that the new beginning you’re experiencing with your father may be short lived. Unfortunately, loss of friends and family is the price we have to pay sometimes for being different. I sighed. I hope you don’t experience that kind of hurt, PJ, because it cuts to the heart.

  But, if all goes well, we’ll spend Christmas in New England before going to my ranch in New Mexico. You’re going to love it there, PJ. We can start on the restoration, a little at a time. It’ll be a lot of work but it’ll be fun doing it together … making it livable for us as a couple … making the house a home and filing it with our combined personalities.

  We must decide, too, what we’re going to do professionally. We’re too young to retire. Besides, I don’t believe either one of us is ready to be put out to pasture. I could teach, of course, and write, but what of you, PJ? What are your thoughts about your professional future? We have so much to talk about, you and I. So one of these days we’ll have to get up…

  For now, the immediate present, and for the rest of the day, in fact … my lover and I will stay right where we felt most comfortable…in bed.




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