Dark Fire

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Dark Fire Page 10

by Bethany Wicker

  “Did you get in trouble?” Nova asked timidly. She sounded like a little mouse that was poking its head outside the wall for a quick peek before the cat gobbled it up.

  “Nah. It wasn’t my fault really,” Kyler answered with a smirk. It was cocky and stated she had no care in the world.

  When we got to first hour, Mr. Callahan avoided looking at Kyler like she was the plague. He pretended like she was air that was invisible to the eye as she drifted through the room. He must’ve heard the rumor that Kyler was planning to set him on fire. I wondered if Kyler heard that one, but then remembered she hadn’t been at school so she couldn't know.

  It was funny and entertaining to watch Mr. Callahan as he squirmed the whole hour. His voice even shook a few times as he told us the final test for The Scarlet Letter was tomorrow, to which he received several groans about.

  The bell rang and people gravitated towards Kyler, but she shooed them away pretty quickly with just a glance. If only Kyler was in my next class so I could watch how that unfolded too.

  This was going to be an interesting day.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Kyler

  School the next day was unlike anything I could’ve imagined.

  It all started as soon as I met Remy and Nova out front. They’d been waiting for me, but so were several others. The students that had collected around the two pushed passed them to reach me. Questions about the fire I’d started came at me from every direction. With one action, I’d gone from trying to be invisible to the most popular person in the school. Everyone wanted to know how I’d gotten away with starting the fire and the rumors had quickly escalated in my absence.

  By lunch, people were asking if it was true I’d burned down the library. It was an absurd question considering that the library was still perfectly intact.

  I groaned as I plopped next to Remy at one of the picnic benches. Nova sat across from us. They both glanced around at their gossiping peers who openly watched us before turning back to me with raised eyebrows.

  “So is it true that you’re planning to set Mr. Callahan’s eyebrows on fire?” Remy questioned with a serious expression.

  “Are you kidding me? How is it even possible to sneak up on someone and light just their eyebrows on fire? You humans are strange,” I retorted.

  “Hey, not all of us are,” Remy complained.

  “Besides, couldn’t you set only his eyebrows on fire since you actually can control it?” Nova asked smartly.

  “That’s besides the point and I don’t think we should be talking about me like that here. There are too many prying eyes and ears.”

  “But it’s so hard not to.” Nova sighed. “It’s just so strange, but cool. I’m just… I don’t know what to think about it.”

  “I’ll take you guys to meet my parents whenever you’re both ready. That way you can see we’re a normal family. Nothing strange. Besides, my mom is dying to meet you guys. Now, can we please change the subject?”

  “Have you noticed the glares Isabelle keeps shooting your way?” Remy smirked.

  “No because I don’t really care what she thinks.” I rubbed my face and was starting to lose what little patience I had. “I don't care what anyone thinks. How can doing something wrong make you popular? Is that really the way humans work?”

  “That’s not how it always is. I think your cool, hard demeanor adds to it,” Nova answered. “You have that intriguing air of mystery surrounding you.”

  One brave soul dared to approach us as we were talking. I recognized her as one of the girls from Isabelle’s group. She had long raven hair and chocolate-colored eyes.

  “Hey Remy. Mind if I join you guys? I’ve missed your company.” She smiled brightly at him.

  “No,” I stated bluntly.

  Her eyes widened when she finally looked at me. “What?”

  “I said no. You can’t join us,” I reiterated.

  She blinked at me. Once. Twice. A third time. Before turning on her heel and dashing away. Her cheeks were stained red as she left.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” Remy chided.

  I shrugged. “I’m not a very nice person. We’ve already established this. Besides, she’s part of Isabelle’s posse and I don't want anything to do with them.”

  “Alice isn’t that bad,” Remy defended. “Plus, I have a lot of friends in that group so why are you hanging out with me?”

  I looked at Nova, but she was staying quiet. I knew Alice had been in on teasing Nova, but Nova didn’t want in on this argument. So, I would defend her case for her.

  “You’ve pestered me and insisted on hanging around me. Not the other way around. Besides, Alice was one of the people picking on Nova. I highly doubt she wants to share a table with her.” My eyes narrowed at Remy.

  “You make me sound like some love sick puppy.” Remy returned the glare.

  “I’m just saying that you approached me, so don’t make it seem that I chose to hang out with you.”

  “That’s a little harsh,” Nova squeaked.

  “No, it’s fine,” Remy stated in a low voice. “Let her push me away. It’s what she’s good at. Just so you know, I was drawn to you because of your eyes. They’re unlike anything I’ve seen before with the purple flecks.”

  I didn’t have to say that it was an elemental thing. He knew and his eyes became hooded. He looked like he was hiding something as he averted his eyes and rose to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Nova and I inquired at the same time.

  “Away from here. I’m obviously not wanted,” he grunted.

  “Look, I’m s-sorry,” I stuttered. That word still wasn’t any easier to say. “I don’t want you to leave. I just… I’m not good at this. I don’t like new people or new things.”

  Remy shook his head. “Whatever. I’m going to hang out with my posse. Give you a break to see if you miss me.”

  He strutted away before I could snap anything back.

  “Can you believe the nerve of him?” I complained to Nova.

  “But he does have a point,” she whispered. “You tried pushing me away too. We’ve only recently began speaking again. By recently, I mean two days ago.”

  “I just spilled my biggest secret to you guys.”

  “Because you had to. Not because you wanted to.”

  I chewed my lip. I didn’t have a response to that. Only assumed that since they accepted what I was, it would make us closer.

  Wow things have changed in such a short amount of time.

  Here I was, hoping to be closer to these two humans.

  “Do you want to be our friend or are you set on being alone?” she asked as if she was reading my mind.

  My two desires collided. One to be alone and the other to have friends. It wasn’t until the bell rang that I had my answer.

  “I want to try being your friend.”

  Nova grinned. “Then, suck up your pride and apologize to him in art.”

  My lips pulled back in a smile and we rushed off to the art room.

  Remy was already seated at his canvas when we reached the classroom. He was talking to Alice and it was the first time I noticed she was in our class. Her presence didn’t make me falter as I moved towards them.

  Remy looked up sensing my approach and shot me a wary look. I kept the smile on my face as I reached him to let him know I wasn't a threat.

  “I’m sorry,” I stated and for once it wasn’t hard and didn’t taste so bitter as it came out.

  “For what?” he asked as he stared at me intently.

  I gritted my teeth. “For being mean to you.”

  “And?” he pushed.

  “And what? I’m not apologizing for anything else.”

  There was no way I was saying sorry to that girl. I still didn’t want her as a friend or anyone else. There was no reason to feel bad when her presence truly wasn’t desired.

  “Then, you really aren’t sorry.” Remy averted his eyes and started talking to Alice again.

  On instinct, I
smacked his shoulder lightly. He turned back towards me and looked angrier this time.

  “Stop being a butt and realize I’m making progress. I want to still be your friend but not hers.”

  Alice scoffed and then sneered at me. “Who says I want to be your friend? I don’t associate with delinquents.”

  “Oh yeah, not so bad,” I snarked.

  Remy knew I was referring to Alice and rolled his eyes. He rose and steered me away from her.

  “Take me to meet your parents Friday night and I might forgive you,” he offered. “Just me though. No Nova.”

  “You might?”

  He smirked. “Yeah. I might.”

  “Whatever,” I said as I headed towards my canvas.

  “Is that a yes?” he called to my retreating back.

  Realizing we’d gained everybody’s attention, I replied with a simple ‘maybe’ and took my seat. Remy didn't have the chance to retort anything because the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

  Remy and I had this weird push-pull relationship and I found myself liking it more and more each day. The arguing was gratifying.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Remy

  “Why do you even bother with her?” Alice whispered as I sat back down at my easel. Her hair was a shield that covered her face so the teacher wouldn’t see her talking.

  I didn’t have hair to hide behind though, but I moved so the easel was blocking me. “She’s not that bad. Just rough around the edges.”

  “Not that bad?” She kept her voice low. “You like her. don’t you?”

  I blinked at her. “I think I do.”

  Alice scoffed and disappointment flashed across her face. “I thought we had chemistry between us. She’s new so she’s only a fad. You should try dating me instead of that witch.”

  I bit my tongue to hold back the retort and took another breath before I responded. “I’m sorry, Alice, but I don’t like you like that. You’re a very cool friend.”

  I was careful to emphasize the ‘friend’ part. She averted her eyes from me, but not before I saw the hurt that filled them. Alice didn’t say anything back and began painting. Understanding that she was a lost cause for the moment, I began on my work too.

  I got lost in my thoughts as my hands worked on the picture. I never would’ve guessed that Alice liked me. She never had given me the impression before. Unless I was too stupid to notice. She was a cool chick, but still couldn’t compare to Kyler.

  Kyler was right by accusing me of being the first to approach her to attempt a friendship. She never would’ve talked to me if I hadn’t and she probably still wouldn’t be talking to me if she hadn’t blown her secret.

  The only good thing that’d come out of today besides the entertainment of watching Kyler was that I was going to meet her parents without Nova. I wanted to feel them out and explain what I was if I felt comfortable enough. I couldn’t do that with Nova present. The poor girl had taken Kyler’s secret very easily, but I doubted she would react the same way with me. She’d known me a couple of years, so it would make her question everyone else. I was certain I was the only one with elemental blood at this school though. Nobody else had stood out.

  It took me a second to realize that my painting was done and that it was of darkness and fire swirling together. The two colors looked beautiful as they intertwined with each other and I thought back to how Kyler had looked the other day.

  I was a lovesick puppy, dang it.

  When the bell rang, I tried to talk to Alice again. It was then that I noticed she had been crying so I pulled her off to the side. Kyler had gone the other way with Nova so it was only Alice and me.

  “Alice, I don’t want this to ruin our friendship. You’re cool and I enjoy hanging out with you.”

  My hands were on her shoulders to hold her in place. Her body was shaking with the emotions that were threatening to spill out and the tears began to fall harder.

  “Just leave me alone, Remy. Give me some time to get over you, but I think we can still be friends. I don’t want you out of my life.”

  “You need time to get over me? How long have you liked me?”

  She chewed on her lips, but the sob still broke through. People passing by kept glancing our way, but we both ignored them.

  “Since the first day you moved here. You were so cute and shy. Then, you opened up and became the confident guy you are today. I know you have secrets. They flash in your eyes every now and then and that it has something to do with the reason you never talk about your parents. I hope you’ll tell me about them one day.”

  I didn’t say anything back because I had no words. I couldn’t believe she liked me for that long and I never saw it. I never wanted to see it when there was no pull between us. Alice must’ve realized I had no response because she put her face in her hands.

  “I’m going home for the day,” she said between her fingers. It came out muffled and she left after that without a goodbye.

  My eyes followed her and I was stunned at her confession still. It was something I never saw coming and I was in a daze when I entered health class.

  “So,” Kyler started and my eyes moved towards her, “she likes you, doesn’t she?”

  “How’d you know?”

  The teacher stood to begin the lesson, but Kyler still replied with, “I could see it in her eyes when she looked at you.”

  Guess I was too stupid to notice then.

  “What’d you say?” Kyler asked, ignoring the teacher.

  Mrs. Ladner didn’t say anything, not even when she glanced at us. Everyone was scared of Kyler, but she was harmless. I really believed she was all bark and no bite unless you wronged or hurt her first.

  “That I liked someone else,” I admitted, which was pretty much the shortened version.

  Kyler’s cheeks burned bright red and she averted her eyes. It was so cute and she didn’t say anything else after that. The bell rang and I offered to walk her out.

  “Thanks, but I have track practice I have to get to.” She jutted her thumb towards the door.

  “You’re in track?”

  “I am now. Coach Black’s also the only reason I’m even still at this school.”

  “Huh, well, good luck with that. Play nice with the other kids,” I teased as we parted ways.

  She stuck her tongue out before disappearing in the crowd and I went home to replay the eventful day. Maybe I could make some sense of it in my quiet abode.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Kyler

  Coach patted me on the back for a good five minutes when I made it to track practice after school. He also kept repeating how excited he was to have me on the team. He introduced me to the other members of the track team, but I didn’t bother listening to their names. I was here to run, not make friends. Remy and Nova were the only ones I was interested in for now. It was all I could handle to be honest.

  They had other intentions though.

  While we were stretching and limbering up, the students asked several questions about me and about the fire I started. They were just as curious as everyone else and I wasn’t sure why that surprised me. All humans were alike.

  I brushed their questions off and continued to stretch, which was stupid to me. It made no sense to stretch beforehand. Running was something you did and not something you prepared for.

  Eventually, the others got the message that I wasn’t going to talk to them, or feed their rumors, and left me alone. For the remainder of the afternoon, we ran and ran some more. I could outrun everyone, much to Coach’s delight. I wasn’t sure if I was faster because I was an elemental or because I was better at it. Either way, I continued to run and stole the show.

  This was definitely what I needed. It satisfied my mom and it wasn’t unbearable. It was also a good stress relief and I usually blanked my mind while I ran. Thoughts of Remy, Nova, and that girl, Alice, were hidden away.


  Friday morning came and went. Nova and Remy stayed for track practice. They watched me as we r
an, but it couldn’t be that entertaining. They ran up to me as it finished. My clothes were sweaty, so I made them wait a minute so I could change.

  “Wow you’re good. Is it because of your power?” Nova asked once I returned.

  “I’m not certain to be honest,” I replied.

  “Well, either way you’re pretty damn good.” Remy grinned at me and it made a weird feeling erupt in my stomach. Then again, it was probably just because I was hungry.

  Not too long after that, I was leading Nova and Remy through the path to my house. I felt terrible that Nova was tagging along when Remy wanted it to be only us. But, when she found out he was coming over, I couldn’t say no to her. I knew she was dying for more answers too and it wouldn’t be fair to just bring Remy. I promised I would make it up to him some other kind of way.

  “I never knew this path was here until you showed it to us last time,” Nova commented and broke the anxious silence.

  “It wasn’t. I made it,” I stated.

  To emphasize my statement, I moved the branches that had fallen into the path out of the way. The attempt at a conversation fell flat after that. It seemed that they’d forgotten, if only for a moment, that I was different.

  Today, it took longer to get to the house. At least that was how it felt. The awkwardness was thick between us and Remy’s eyes kept shifting around nervously with a hint of surprise. It was contagious and he had me on edge now.

  Mom and Dad were waiting for us in the front yard. They smiled as we approached them and Mom even pulled Nova in for a hug. Nova was hesitant to return it, but Mom’s carefree attitude seemed to rub off on her and helped her relax a little.

  Remy, on the other hand, was as stiff as a board when Dad shook his hand and he didn’t loosen up even once as they were introduced. Mom tried to hug him, but he was the definition of an unbending, rock-hard wall when her arms snaked around him. She pulled back and narrowed her eyebrows at him, but that didn’t deter her for long.

  “I knew from the moment I met you in the diner that you and Ky would be good friends,” Mom cheered as she embraced Nova again.


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