Dark Fire

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Dark Fire Page 11

by Bethany Wicker

  Nova’s reply was an awkward giggle as she moved her hair out of her face. Her eyes moved downward and remained there until we went inside.

  “I’ve cooked dinner and it’s just about finished,” Mom stated with another dazzling grin.

  She had been planning for this moment nonstop over the past couple of days. She was just about floored when I told her I was having company over. She was even more excited when I told her one of them would be a boy.

  “Sweetie, there’s a surprise for you in your room, so your tour of the house can start there.” Dad shot me a mischievous look that had me darting to my room.

  Remy and Nova were quick on my heels. Probably because they weren’t ready to be alone with my parents.

  My hands gripped the knob tightly as I swung my door open. My heart leaped as I tackled Jeremiah onto my bed.

  “I didn’t know you were coming today,” I squealed.

  Jeremiah laughed. “You’re being rude, Ky. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your guests?”

  “Oh yeah.” I’d forgotten about them for a second. Crappy hostess award goes to me. “This is Jeremiah. He’s my partner in crime.”

  “You have a boyfriend?” Remy asked and sounded offended.

  Jeremiah and I shared a look before we both cracked up.

  “Ew, no,” I answered. “He’s more like a brother than anything.”

  “Yeah. You’re too bad for my taste. My girl has to be sweet and innocent to calm my wild side.” Jeremiah waggled his eyebrows at Nova and made her turn red.

  I slapped his arm. “Stop being stupid. You know you couldn’t handle this.”

  “You got that right.” Jeremiah snapped his fingers and looked like a drama queen.

  “Jeremiah, these are my human friends: Remy and Nova.” I pointed at each of them as I said their name.

  “I didn’t think you wanted human friends.” His eyes studied them and neither said anything.

  I cleared my throat. “They’re usually more animated than this. They’re only nervous.”

  Remy was the first one to snap out of his anxious bubble and stood taller as he shook Jeremiah’s hand. He even puffed out his chest a little and it made Jeremiah laugh.

  “Dude, I’m not your competition. She’s all yours if you think you can handle her.” Jeremiah smirked.

  “Oh please. He doesn’t like me like that. Those feelings are reserved for Alice.” I gagged.

  Remy quirked an eyebrow. “I’d say that sounded like jealousy.”

  “I’d say you were right if I didn’t know her any better.” There was a mocking tone to Jeremiah’s voice. “There’s no way the Kyler I know could ever fall for a human. Your kind is too boring for her to even entertain the idea of a date.”

  Remy scoffed. “You must not know her that well then.”

  “You’ve already been on a date?” Jeremiah exclaimed.

  “Um, no,” I deadpanned.

  I found myself feeling attracted and drawn to Remy. He was sexy. He was intriguing. He was different from what I was used to. But, I hadn’t actually thought about going out with him. Okay, so maybe I did sometimes, but I doubted he’d be able to keep up with me. I wasn’t your typical girl and he was a plain, boring human. Others believed our two species could have a relationship, but I wasn’t one of them. Their aging would get in the way since elementals stopped aging around twenty-five. It was only wishful thinking on their part.


  “Dinner’s done,” Mom called from the dining room.

  As we walked back to the table, I pointed out the bathrooms since we’d forgotten about the tour. I was excited to see Jeremiah, but it obviously wasn't the best day for his arrival. For the first time, I realized Remy might like me a little more than I though and Jeremiah’s presence had him even more on edge. Remy’s broad shoulders were taut as he strutted with his head high. He was showing up Jeremiah, but it was completely unnecessary.

  “So, I understand you two know what we are. Do you have any questions for me or my husband Nate?” Mom asked eagerly once we sat down.

  I was perched in between Remy and Jeremiah, while Nova sat next to my mom and across from Remy. Nova was as white as a sheet and visibly choked on her spit as Mom passed her a plate of food.

  “Are there more like you trying to live with humans?” Remy questioned as he took his plate from Mom.

  “There are a few from my group of people that have chosen to live with humans and some have even mated with humans and had offspring,” Mom replied.

  “Are the children more like an elemental or a human?” Remy’s voice was full of genuine curiosity.

  “Well, they’re still too young to tell. The oldest is only two.”

  “Your eyes are so mesmerizing,” Nova stated to my mom and sounded entranced. She quickly realized what she’d said and cleared her throat awkwardly. “I mean, they’re so different. It makes you guys stand out. Haven’t you ever thought of getting contacts to hide them?”

  “What are these ‘contacts’ things?” Dad asked intrigued.

  Nova turned red at the attention. “Um… uh… it’s like these things that go in your eye. They’re mainly used for people who can’t see far distances, but they can also be used to change your eye color.”

  “Why didn’t I think of that?” Mom slapped her forehead and giggled. “My human Sarah needed them when we were younger.”

  “I thought elementals didn’t develop eye problems like humans?” Jeremiah inquired through a mouth full of food.

  “I’m referring to my human friend silly. From when I thought I was human all those years ago,” Mom answered. “Those things would probably help us a great deal.”

  “You used to think you were human?” Remy leaned forward with his eyebrows knitted together.

  “I sure did.” Mom beamed. “My element took longer than usual to appear and I was raised by two humans. They were wonderful people and I still think about them today. Unfortunately, they’re no longer with us though. They died a few years back. They were older and caught a sickness called pneumonia. Elementals don’t age or get sick like humans. We stop aging in our twenties and live for hundreds of years.”

  “That’s so cool,” Nova chirped cheerfully.

  “Remy, you have a familiar aura around you.” Dad shot him an inquisitive look. “Have we met before?”

  “N-no,” Remy stuttered and shook his head. “No, sir. This is the first time we’ve met and it’s obviously the first time I’m learning about elementals.”

  “Yeah. Obviously,” Dad said but was still in deep thought.

  Remy’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “You elementals are fascinating.”

  His voice held no conviction. Instead, he just appeared dazed.

  “Are you okay, Remy?” I reached for his hand instinctively.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah! Of course. This food is delicious, Mrs. Yates.” He took another big bite.

  “Why, thank you. Please call me Ava. Mrs. Yates is Nathan’s mom.” Mom grinned.

  “I’m not sure she’d like to hear that you said that,” Dad teased.

  Mom blushed. “Which is why we won’t tell her, sweetie.”

  She hid a threat behind those words and that smile and Dad laughed as he caught on to it.

  “I’m sorry. I have to ask because it’s been bothering me. Are you pregnant?” Remy asked.

  Jeremiah blanched. “How could that be possible? I thought she was just packing on the pounds because of the human world.”

  “Excuse me?” Mom hissed and glared at Jeremiah.

  A spark flitted along Mom’s hair. Jeremiah shrunk into his seat in response and took a small bite of food. He didn’t say anything and looked like he feared for his life, which he should be. Mom was sensitive about her weight gain.

  Nova gasped and jumped out of her seat when the sparks spread down Mom’s arm. It snapped Mom out of her anger and she apologized immediately. Nova remained standing and her body quivered.

I think it’s time we brought them home. We’ve scarred them enough and Mom can’t seem to control herself.” I narrowed my eyes at Mom to emphasize.

  “Wait,” Remy shouted. He blinked a couple times and lowered his voice as he continued, “I need to know if you’re really pregnant. I didn’t think it was possible for elementals to have two children.”

  “Kyler Anne,” Mom scolded and used my middle name. “What type of conversations are you having with this young man?”

  “Not those type of conversations. How do you know that?” My eyes darted to Remy. He’d started to sweat.

  “I’m pretty sure Ky told me that.” Remy chuckled.

  “I’m pretty sure I didn’t. I didn’t even talk to Jeremiah about it.”

  “I’m ready to go home,” Nova squeaked.

  “Me too.” Remy shot up and darted for the door.

  Acting on instinct, I outstretched my hand towards him and with a wave he was raised up into the air. His eyes found me and his expression was full of shock. My family’s expression matched his. All eyes were now on me, but I focused on what I was doing. With my new-found control of air, I maneuvered Remy so that he was back in front of me.

  “Kyler, put him down,” Dad stated sternly. “You are all going to remain here while I take Nova home. Am I understood?”

  We nodded our heads. Dad was never the strict one, so we knew he meant business. He directed Nova to the door and slammed it behind them.

  I lowered Remy to the ground and looked at him expectantly. He fidgeted under my stare and refused to meet my eyes.

  “Don’t you have something to say?” I offered as a start.

  Remy shook his head and clapped his hands together loudly once. In response, the light was snuffed out of the room. My eyes adjusted within seconds thanks to my affinity to darkness and I quickly spotted Remy moving towards the door. I took off after him, but he was over the threshold before I could reach him.

  I burst through the front door and Remy was almost to the trail in the woods. My feet pounded as I chased after him and the wind whipped at my face. He broke through the tree line and I knew I had the advantage. After visualizing the path that was ahead of us, I focused on the trees and willed the branches to block his path. My attempts were successful and a loud ‘thwack’ was heard.

  Darkness enveloped him and he moved to stand, but I tackled him before he had the chance. The blackness grew thicker but it still didn't hinder me.

  “You’re a damn elemental,” I cursed. I was beyond livid and my blood was boiling. “What the hell, Remy?”

  My hands clenched his shirt and I forced him to face me through the darkness. His hands went to mine and tried to yank them off, but my hold was too tight.

  “How the heck can you see me?” he asked in an awed voice.

  “You first,” I seethed.

  He removed his hands from mine and raised them in defense. “Okay, you deserve some answers. Let’s go back to your house and talk. Deal?”


  We both rose together and he stepped backwards, but my hand on his arm stopped him.

  “Don’t even think about running.”

  Remy smirked, but fell into step beside me as we headed back to my place. I waved my hand and dispersed the darkness.

  “I know I have some answers to give, but so do you,” Remy stated. “Elementals can only control one element, so how can you control four?”

  The words ‘the power of four you shall wield’ echoed in my head. They were repeated over and over again causing a pain to explode between my eyes. My legs shook and my knees buckled. The dull world of unconsciousness overtook me.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Remy

  “Four,” Kyler whispered before her body fell limp.

  She fainted and I caught her just in time to save her from hitting the ground.

  Why would she say the number four?

  I stared at her unmoving body. She was still breathing, so she wasn’t dead and my heart soared with that realization. A part of me wanted to leave her there and take the chance to bail, but I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did.

  Instead, I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to the house. However, it wouldn’t look good on me if I just showed up with her like this, so I stopped at the outskirts of the trees.

  “Kyler, wake up,” I coerced in a gentle voice. “Please, wake up.”

  I shook her slightly and tried that for another minute with no results. Giving up, I continued to bring her to her house.

  It was in total chaos when I reached it. Her mom was grasping onto a chair to hold herself upright. Jeremiah was drenched in whatever he was drinking and the empty cup was crushed on the floor. There were two new faces, both guys, and they were talking to Mrs. Yates, trying to figure out what was going on. Her dad hadn't returned yet from bringing Nova home. Nova shouldn’t have been here to begin with.

  All eyes turned towards me when my presence was noticed. The two guys rushed towards me and pried Kyler from my grasp. Then, my body froze. I couldn't even blink an eye and I searched for the culprit. The two guys glaring at me had to be it, but how?

  “Let him go, you two. I thought I forbade that.” Mrs. Yates sighed. “Finn, will you please get me some water? I’m feeling nauseous.”

  My body was freed and one of the guys broke off to grab some water. The one with green eyes was Finn then. Mrs. Yates sat down in the chair she’d been holding onto.

  “What happened?” I asked, but it earned a heated look from Mrs. Yates.

  “I think you should direct that question at yourself.”

  “Sorry I panicked like that, but with all due respect, I’d like Kyler to wake up first and then I’ll explain everything.”

  “Who the heck is this?” the guy with blue eyes asked and Finn returned with water. Blue Eyes had placed Kyler on their sofa.

  “Ben, Finn, this is Remy, Kyler’s friend,” Mrs. Yates replied.

  Ben and Finn both glared at me. They looked way too much alike.

  “Are you guys twins?” I questioned.

  “Yeah,” Finn snapped.

  “What’s it to you?” Ben sneered.

  Wow, they do not like me.

  “I was only clarifying it.” I scratched the back of my head.

  This was even more awkward with them here. There were too many people against me now. I shifted uncomfortably on my feet for about thirty seconds before I went to sit on the floor in front of Kyler. She appeared paler than usual and her mouth was set in a frown. My fingers brushed across her forehead and her skin was a normal temperature at least.

  “You’re her soulmate, aren’t you?” Mrs. Yates whispered.

  My hand froze on Kyler’s forehead as I looked up and met Mrs. Yates’s knowing stare. “I think so.”

  “Who are your parents? I might know them,” she inquired.

  “You don’t.” I sighed. “I’d like to wait for Kyler to wake up before I bite that bullet too.”

  Mrs. Yates stomped her foot and it startled me. She looked like a child for a second. “You’re going to have to give me something.”

  “My parents are dead,” I bit out.

  Mrs. Yates blew out a whistle and downed her glass of water. “Ben and Finn are level five water wielders and have developed the ability to control people because of the water content in their body. That’s the reason you couldn’t move earlier.”

  I bobbed my head and Ben and Finn glared at me.

  “Don’t think we won’t do it again if we have to,” Ben warned and it was genuine. He’d really do it in a heartbeat.

  “What can you control?” Finn asked.

  I furrowed my eyebrows, then remembered they weren't here for the show earlier. “Darkness.”

  “I thought that was supposed to be a rare element,” Finn commented.

  “Me too,” Mrs. Yates added.

  “I did too,” I admitted and the room collectively sighed.

  “My husband, Nate, can also control dar
kness. I control lightning,” Mrs. Yates elaborated for me.


  Wow, two amazing elements from what Dad said.

  “This has been an exhausting night.” Mrs. Yates put her head in her hands after she let out a big yawn.

  “Do you think Kyler’s okay?” I asked while returning my gaze to her. She hadn’t budged.

  “I’m sure she is,” Mrs. Yates answered. “I’ve never heard someone being able to control more than one element, let alone four. It probably takes a lot out of her and that’s why she fell unconscious. It just doesn't make good sense for her to be able to wield four different elements.”

  Well, at least I was normal with one element then.

  “Four,” Ben and Finn exclaimed at the same time before glaring at each other.

  “Yep. There’s fire, darkness, earth, and now air.” Mrs. Yates counted them on her fingers as she said them. “If I’m getting them correct.”

  We fell into silence after that for a while. I looked at Jeremiah when he shifted so he was looking at Kyler from over the back of the couch. He’d been quiet and the worry displayed on his face explained why.

  After a chunk of time passed, Mrs. Yates was the one to break the quiet, dense atmosphere. “Can you give me anything else? I can’t believe you’ve been pretending to be human. Like, how long have you kept up this charade?”

  I opened my mouth to answer but Kyler’s dad chose that moment to burst through the door. He approached us and his eyes landed on Kyler. Boy, did he look pissed. My body should be six feet under with that look.

  “What’s going on here?” he shouted.

  “Kyler fainted. Remy brought her back here and she’s been out for about an hour now,” Mrs. Yates responded solemnly.

  She, Ben, and Finn all followed Mr. Yates so that they were gathered around Kyler. Mr. Yates was still sneering and I wanted to disappear at that moment. Her dad was nice, but he sure could be a scary man when he wanted to be.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Kyler

  “An hour? What the hell did you do to her?” Dad’s angry voice pierced the blackness.

  “I didn’t do a thing,” Remy defended. “I would never hurt her.”


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