Dark Fire

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Dark Fire Page 13

by Bethany Wicker

  I stepped more into the open and noticed the crowd that had formed behind her. Police were trying to contain the people and some were yelling at Kyler to stand down. She wasn’t paying them any mind, as if she couldn’t hear them.

  Jeremiah and I had to think this through or else we’d all be in some trouble. The humans would become too freaked out and shoot on sight. I was surprised Kyler was still standing, but chalked it up to her only being a teen. There had to be different protocol in this situation. The police were probably thinking she was mentally ill and didn’t want to harm her because of it. That was human logic compared to the truth of Kyler not being human.

  Kyler raised the sword up in front of her and the flames burned brighter. The higher she held it, the more violent the flames grew. The school was almost nothing but ashes now and it was crazy how fast it burned. We had to get that sword from her before she turned on her next target, whatever that was.

  I twisted so I was facing Jeremiah. We had to come up with a plan before just running in. I opened my mouth to say something, but Jeremiah’s eyes widened and caught me off guard. He pointed behind me and started moving towards Kyler as fast as he could with his limp.

  When I turned, I saw why. One of the cops had grown brave enough to run towards Kyler. His gun was holstered, so he wasn’t going to harm her. However, without the intention to kill, he was going to be seriously hurt.

  I quickly rushed behind Jeremiah, but there was no way we were going to make it. The cop was going to reach her before we could. I had to do something to prevent the crowd from seeing whatever was going to happen.

  Trusting Jeremiah to handle Kyler, I called the darkness to shield anybody else from seeing what was going on. I sent a quick, silent prayer for Jeremiah to hurry and stop her before anything bad happened. I shut off my heart that was screaming to grab Kyler and run. After I gained control of my emotions, my full attention was on the alarmed crowd.

  Chapter Thirty: Kyler

  The flames were so beautiful. Blue was my favorite color for a reason and the tantalizing flames beckoned me to create more. Noises and yelling were getting louder from behind me, but my attention was focused on the scene that was unfolding in front of me. Nothing else mattered except my work of art.

  We should’ve waited until school was in session, the sword stated.

  “Why’s that?” I questioned.

  The sword didn’t get the chance to answer because my body was tackled from behind. The sword was thrown out of my grasp and someone ran to retrieve it. It was a human I didn’t recognize and I watched as he picked it up. Blue fire erupted on his hand and he screeched in pain. His shouts got louder as it quickly started to spread, but he was suddenly doused in water.

  The water had come out of nowhere, but the source wasn’t my concern. I had to reclaim the sword, so I rose to my feet and rushed forward.

  A loud noise pierced the air and a sharp pain erupted in my shoulder. I fell back onto the ground that was now sopping wet from the water. My eyes focused on Jeremiah who was using his water to put out the brilliant flames. He was looking at me and saying something, but I couldn’t process the words through the sharp sensation in my shoulder.

  No, stop him, the sword demanded. He’s going to ruin our work of art. We aren't finished yet.

  I tried to move, but couldn't shake off the pain. I clenched my teeth and attempted to sit up but it just swept the breath from my lungs.

  Get up, the sword insisted, but it did no good.

  Darkness continued to pour into me, but it was hopeless. The pain was too much and I soon realized that I was also losing blood. I touched the wound and it was tender. I had no idea what happened to my shoulder, but wanted the pain to dissipate.

  Jeremiah lifted me up bridal style after the flames were out and began carrying me somewhere. The darkness ebbed away slowly with each step he took.

  “The sword,” I croaked.

  “Screw the sword,” Jeremiah hissed angrily.

  “We can’t l-let t-the humans g-get it,” I wheezed.

  “I’m not touching that thing after what it did to that human.”

  “F-face me t-towards it.”

  The internal battle was apparent in his eyes before he rotated me so I could see it. Using air, I lifted it up and it followed behind us as Jeremiah ran. Disappointment flared within me that Remy wasn't the one carrying me. Why wasn’t he here?

  You’re making a mistake, the sword yelled in my mind. Kill him. Don’t turn your back on me like your mom did. You’ll regret it with every fiber of your being.

  The racket made my head pound and I closed my eyes as a reflex. I was about to lose consciousness from the pain and exhaustion, but I knew the humans would follow us through the woods if I didn’t do something. I used my affinity to earth and the trees that were still standing came crashing down behind us. I hoped they successfully blocked the path to our house.

  The trees were replaced with an open sky and it wasn’t too long after that that I gave into the blackness. Only this time, it was from the pain and not from the sword.

  Chapter Thirty-One: Remy

  I was thrown into the memory of my parents’ deaths when the shot went off through the darkness. The sound of Kyler’s scream pierced my ears and it took everything I had to keep myself from running to her. If I stopped hiding the scene now, then something worse would happen. They could open fire on us all. Jeremiah needed to move her back to the woods before I removed my fog of darkness that blocked the humans’ senses.

  As Jeremiah passed me with Kyler in his arms, I backed away from the scene without breaking my concentration. I didn’t even allow myself to glance at Kyler. I only released the humans from my hold when we were completely hidden from view.

  Then, the trees started to come down. The first one nearly clipped my ankle. It scared me so bad, I almost stopped running, but knew I had to pick up my speed instead or I was going to be a pancake.

  Jeremiah was only a few feet in front of me, but I was closing in. I dodged the sword that was floating in midair behind him and was amazed that Kyler was able to do all of this after being shot. The trees… the sword… she was incredible. This was a true elemental’s power and a pang of envy went through me.

  Was that what I could’ve been?

  No, her mom had said that controlling four elements was abnormal.

  I was so happy she was safe. I had been so worried, but it was my job as her possible soulmate. If only she would confirm it so we could move on with our lives. The pull felt one-sided and I was starting to think I was imagining it.

  Jeremiah broke through the tree line ahead of me, but my path was suddenly blocked. One glance up told me I was going to become that pancake after all. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact while cursing my element. It was a wonder it was so rare when it was so worthless.

  Instead of being crushed, a weightless sensation overtook me and when I opened my eyes, I was standing next to Jeremiah. Kyler was still in his arms but she was now unconscious. Jeremiah was staring at me with a flabbergasted look.

  “What just happened?” he asked.

  “I have no idea. What did you see because I thought I was being squashed like a bug?”

  “A swirl of darkness slinked through the trees and that cloud morphed into you.” Jeremiah kept blinking at me, as if he couldn’t believe what he saw.

  “You mean I travelled using darkness?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “That was what it looked like.”

  “Huh, and I was just complaining about how worthless wielding darkness was.”

  “It must have acted on instinct since you were about to die,” Jeremiah reasoned and it made sense to me.

  “So, what do we do now?”

  “Shouldn’t we go to the hospital since Kyler’s wounded and her mom is probably having the baby?” Jeremiah suggested.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  “And why not? Kyler’s lost a lot of blood and needs t
o be tended to.”

  “Yeah, but she’s also probably wanted by the police. Going to a public hospital is the last thing we want to do, but she does need medical attention.”

  I chewed on my lip and tried to come up with something. Jeremiah and I were sitting ducks right now, but at least their house was secluded. At least, I’d always thought so until a car started pulling down the drive. The driver honked its horn at us frantically and was speeding towards us.

  “Should we run?” Jeremiah’s voice was laced with fear.

  “There’s no way the cops could’ve found us so fast. Just hold on a sec and I can always use my darkness if we need it.”

  I didn’t think it was protocol to speed towards the suspects honking the horn either. A guy with golden eyes like mine got out of the car when it finally stopped a few feet away from us. His face was set in an anxious expression and Jeremiah started towards him.

  “Mr. Jay, what are you doing here?” Jeremiah asked with familiarity.

  Good, he knew him. It was odd that he felt so familiar to me even though I didn’t recognize him.

  “Ava said I was needed here so I came. Mr. Derek’s holding the fort until I get back. I was on my way here when I passed a burning school. Much to my surprise, Kyler was standing in front of it. I was going to help, but darkness filled every way in. That was you I’m assuming?”

  His eyes landed on me and it was like looking in the mirror for a second.

  “Um, yeah that was me.”

  Mr. Jay stared for a second longer before he shook his head. “There’s time for introductions later. I heard the gun go off. We need to get her medical help.”

  “But she can’t go to a human hospital. Not with the cops looking for her,” I stated.

  “And how do you know they’re looking for her? Wait, better question, who are you?” Mr. Jay narrowed his eyes at me.

  “Remy. He’s Kyler’s soulmate,” Jeremiah replied before I could say anything. “You guys can talk later but what should we do for Kyler? The bleeding’s stopped, but we need to make sure she didn't lose too much blood.”

  Kyler looked paler than normal, but her breathing wasn’t erratic, so that was a good sign. She looked like she was just sleeping.

  “Place her on the ground so I can take a look. Where are her parents at with all this mess going on?” Mr. Jay asked.

  “Mrs. Ava went into labor, we think. They’re at the hospital,” Jeremiah answered as he set Kyler down.

  Mr. Jay examined her shoulder and poked at it. Kyler winced in response, but still remained unconscious. He clapped his hands together and stood up. “It looks like the bullet went straight through since there’s an exit wound. It’s stopped bleeding because her elemental blood is already healing it. She’s always been stronger than any elemental I’ve ever known, so I can understand why she’s healing so fast. I think we should get into the car and go to the hospital so I can check on Ava. You two will remain in the car with Kyler so she isn't spotted. Let’s go.”

  Jeremiah did as he asked, but I was a little hesitant. I didn't know who this guy was, but trusted that Jeremiah did. So, against my better judgement, I got into the car. Jeremiah placed Kyler in the back seat and rested her head in my lap before he climbed into the front.

  My hand started playing with Kyler’s hair as the car jerked forward. The color was starting to return to her face already. I didn't realize elementals healed faster than humans. I’d never gotten hurt bad enough where it would’ve been needed.

  “Are you related to Arthur James?”

  I met Mr. Jay’s eyes in the rearview mirror and a pang went through me. “Yeah, that was my father.”

  He didn’t say anything for a while. His forehead creased as he pulled up to the hospital and he finally met my eyes again. “Was your father?”

  “He died a few years back. How do you know that name?”

  He parked and then turned in his seat so he was facing me. “He was my brother and you’re the spitting image of him. Except those eyes. They aren’t your real color are they?”

  I pulled out my contacts and heard Jeremiah gasp. “How’d you know?”

  “I didn’t see any specks.” Mr. Jay leaned in to get a closer look. “Wow, it’s like looking into the mirror. Pretty crazy that we ended up with the same eyes.”

  “So, let me get this straight. You’re my uncle?”

  Mr. Jay nodded his head. “I guess that’s the word for it.” He scratched the back of his head. “This is too weird. All these years I thought my brother had died but to think he had a son too. How did he die?”

  “He was shot by the cops for robbing a bank. It’s also why I’m so nervous about Kyler right now.”

  “That sounds about right. He was always obsessed with humans and their money.” Mr. Jay turned back around. “I guess I’m going to find Ava.”

  “We don’t need two people to watch Kyler so I’ll come with you,” Jeremiah offered and climbed out of the car. “Guess I don’t have to go to that human school after all.” He chuckled as he closed the door and left Kyler and me alone.

  It was quiet without them and it gave me the chance to think about that Jay guy. There was no denying the similar genes between us. I really thought I was a loner with no family left. To find out I had an uncle was astounding. It wasn’t like I would’ve expected it to be either. There was no grand, life changing feeling. It was simply a ‘hey, you’re my uncle’ thing like it was no big deal.

  About fifteen minutes ticked by and I was coming to terms with the idea of having a blood relative. Jeremiah and Mr. Jay, well Uncle Jay I guess, weren’t back yet. I hoped everything was okay. I was starting to get worried and Kyler still hadn’t woken up. Her color was still working its way back, but I was hoping to see those eyes pop open soon.

  Another good fifteen minutes passed and finally, Kyler started to stir. It was still just us in the car and my heart leapt into my throat when she popped her eyes open. Her lips began to morph into a smile, but they stopped halfway.

  “Remy, is that you?” Her voice was raspy and cracked with each word.

  “Of course. Who else would it be?”

  “But your eyes. They’re gold.”

  “This is my real eye color,” I admitted.

  I’d forgotten she hadn’t seen them yet because of my contacts and the surprise was evident on her face.

  “They’re beautiful. Why do you hide them?” Her voice was so soft.

  “Because I don’t want other people to know I’m different. Now, enough about me. How are you feeling? How’s the shoulder?”

  She moved it and winced. “It hurts and so does my head.”

  Her fingers massaged her temples and she closed her eyes again.

  “Here, I’ll do that.”

  I moved her hands out of the way and took over rubbing her head. I felt her body relax into me and not too long after, light snores escaped her mouth. It was so cute. I was wrong about her needing to wake up. She needed the rest since her body was healing. I continued to massage her forehead and hoped Jeremiah and Mr.—Uncle Jay would remain gone for a while longer so they didn’t wake her up.

  That was going to take some getting used to. I wasn’t even certain about how he felt about the whole uncle thing. Hopefully, it wasn’t as strange for him as it was for me.

  Chapter Thirty-Two: Kyler

  Muffled voices woke me up and the words they spoke were rushed. It took a few minutes before I was able to understand them and opened my eyes, but quickly closed them again.

  Dang, I felt like death.

  Every part of my body hurt like I’d been hit by every element that existed all at once. I opened my eyes and for the second time that day, they were met with piercing, golden orbs. I blinked a couple of times to clear the blurriness. Remy’s face came into focus, but those striking eyes looked strange on him.

  “It’s going to take some time to get used to your new look.” I smiled meekly.

  “I’m glad you’re awake.”
r />   “Kyler,” Jeremiah shouted as he leaned over the headrest to look at me.

  “Welcome to the world of the living,” a familiar voice joked.

  “Mr. Jay? What are you doing here?”

  “It’s good to see you too, Kyler. Your mom called a few days ago saying she needed help with you and it’s a good thing I came so quickly. What on earth have you gotten yourself into?”

  I sucked in my lip as I recalled what I’d done to the school. Well, the sword made me do it.

  What a minute…

  “Where’s the sword at, you guys?” I asked hurriedly.

  Jeremiah and Remy glanced at each other before Jeremiah said, “Aw crap. We left it back at the house. It must’ve fallen to the ground when you fell unconscious.”

  “We have to go back for it before someone else finds it and something worse happens,” I stated fearfully.

  “What could be worse than burning down a school?” Jeremiah questioned sarcastically.

  “People dying,” I answered somberly. That wiped the smirk off his face. “Where are my parents? They shouldn’t touch it either.”

  “I’ll take this,” Mr. Jay said when everyone else remained silent. “Your mom had little baby Marcus about an hour ago. He’s a little early so they need to monitor him in something called the NICU.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine. Beautiful even. Jeremiah and I got to see him for a minute.”

  “Well, I want to go see him too.”

  I went to open the door, but all three of them yelled ‘no’ at the same time. Remy even pulled me away from my exit.

  “What do you mean no? I want to see my little brother.”

  “It isn’t safe for you,” Remy explained.

  “There were cops questioning your mom at the hospital,” Mr. Jay elaborated. “They’ve already identified you as the suspect in the burning of the school case and are in frantic search of you. It may be too dangerous to even go back to your house. Your mom told them that you were supposed to sleep at a friend’s house the night before so they haven’t seen you. That way it will alleviate some of the questions directed to your parents.”


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