Dark Fire

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Dark Fire Page 14

by Bethany Wicker

  “But we need to go back to the house. The sword can’t just be left there waiting for its next victim,” I reasoned. “Let’s head that way since I can’t go into the hospital. We can use the woods if you think it’s safer.”

  They reluctantly agreed and Mr. Jay drove to the house. Thankfully, there were no police in sight so we were able to drive right up. He pulled to the tree line and I jumped out at the sight of a pale body resting in the grass. As I got closer, I realized it was Nova.

  I immediately rushed to her side. Remy knelt beside me and felt her neck for a pulse because it didn’t look like she was breathing. The contact made her stir and her eyes popped open. They were a strange shade of white.

  “Kyler? Is that you?” she asked in a whisper.

  “It’s me, Nova. I’m here,” I told her as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

  “I can’t see and my heart feels so slow and faint. I think I’m dying.” Her voice was so low that I had to strain to hear it.

  “Don’t say that,” I pleaded. “We’re going to get you help and you’ll be just fine.”

  “I s-saw you on the n-news. T-they said y-you burned down the school. I w-wanted to see if you were o-okay.”

  “I’m okay and you’re going to be okay. What happened to you?”

  She opened her mouth to answer, but her body fell limp with her eyes wide open. The ghostly white of them was eerie. Remy reached to find a pulse again, but this time he pulled away shaking his head. My fingers tried to feel for a heartbeat too, but there was nothing. Her skin was like ice under my touch and tears started to pour from my eyes. Remy closed her eyes so she appeared more peaceful.

  The filthy human shouldn’t have touched me, a familiar sinister voice invaded my brain.

  My eyes searched for the sword and saw it was in her other hand. Nova had picked it up, and it killed her for it. Anger swelled within me and I used air to throw the sword away from us. The darkness tried to overtake me again, but the coldness of Nova’s skin kept me grounded.

  “This is all my fault,” I whispered and looked at Nova through watery eyes.

  “No it’s not, Kyler.” Remy’s tone was soft and gentle and he rubbed small circles on my back soothingly.

  “I’ve told you before, I’m not fragile,” I snarled and pushed him away. I saw the tears in his eyes when I did. They were for Nova. “Why do you care if she’s dead. You always bullied her. You and your stupid friends.”

  His eyes hardened. “Don’t take this out on me. I’m not the one who had to play with a sword that was secretly evil.”

  My anger dissolved and was replaced with sorrow and guilt. “I know. Like I said, this is my fault.”

  A loud noise could be heard in the background and Mr. Jay ran over to us. “Those are sirens. The police could be heading here. We have to go.” He roughly grabbed my arm and yanked me up. “Now, Kyler.”

  He tugged me forward and the rushed footsteps of Jeremiah and Remy could be heard behind us. My feet weren’t working properly and kept losing their footing. So much so that Remy carried me the rest of the way and hurled us into the back seat.

  Mr. Jay sped off and I watched Nova’s unmoving body get smaller and smaller from the back window. She was so innocent and was the last person to deserve to see the evil of the sword.


  “The sword,” I hollered.

  Jeremiah held up a wrapped up hoodie. “Already took care of it. I haven’t been harmed yet, so I guess the trick is to not actually touch it.”

  Take me or your remaining friends will die too.

  I glared at the hoodie. “It says it’s going to kill you all if I don’t take it back.”

  “It can’t hurt us if nobody’s wielding it. You have to trust that nobody will use it,” Jeremiah reasoned.

  I nodded my head. “Just keep it on the ground and don’t remove that hoodie.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” Jeremiah teased, but nobody laughed.

  The worst thing had happened. A life was lost all because of my stupid curiosity. A warmth enveloped one of my hands and I looked down to see Remy’s hand in mine.

  “You were right. I should’ve been nicer to her,” he stated with hooded eyes.

  “We both should have.” I glanced away from him because I hated the grief that lingered within them. “So, where are we going?”

  “Back to Westville, where you all will be safe,” Mr. Jay replied.

  That was what I’d always wanted, but I didn’t want it to take this to get me there.

  “Um,” Remy started, “can we stop by my place and get some stuff? I’m not sure what this Westville place is but I have a feeling we’ll be there for a while.”

  “Westville is a school for elementals and it resides on an elemental only island. It’s also a good place to hide the sword until it can be destroyed,” Mr. Jay explained. “We can stop by your place though as long as there isn’t any sign of danger.”

  Remy gave Mr. Jay the directions to his house while I stared out of the window and recalled Nova’s smiling face. It would never smile again.

  Unfortunately, Remy’s residence was surrounded by police cars and busied bodies moved about on his front lawn. Remy groaned loudly. Retrieving his belongings was out, so we left to get on Mr. Jay’s plane.

  Mr. Jay said he would send the plane back for my parents when it was okay for the baby to leave the hospital. If only I could see little Marcus before we left. My stupidity sent Mom into early labor and prevented me from seeing my little brother.

  The tears came with full force then.

  Chapter Thirty-Three: Remy

  Nova was dead and all of my stuff was on lockdown. To top it off, I was getting whisked away to the elemental world, which was something I’d been avoiding my entire life. My parents were definitely turning over in their graves right about now. I hated that I couldn’t even retrieve a picture of them.

  My eyes shifted downward to Kyler. She’d cried herself to sleep in my lap a few minutes ago and I attempted to keep my breathing shallow so I wouldn’t disturb her. She was torn up about Nova’s death and I was too.

  My friends and I made her life hell in high school and I couldn’t make it up to her now. It was terrible to be a bully and the guilt sunk in to my core. I was still hesitant to speak to her even after we both found out about Kyler’s secret. I should have discussed it with her instead.

  I wondered if the other students would miss Nova and what Ethan was thinking now that Kyler was a criminal. It probably made her more appealing to him now. He probably would marry her for it just so he could brag.

  Uncle Jay—I was sticking to that—pulled up to the airport but didn’t stop at the parking lot. Instead, he drove around until he reached a rocky drive and followed that until it ended at a medium sized plane.

  “Since I own the plane, I have the option to drive right up to it. Well, I guess the school technically owns it, but whatever. Welcome to Flying Elements.”

  “Flying Elements? Really?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “That’s been its title for years, but I’m not too sure who named it. I’m not even sure how we acquired it to be honest. I’m a terrible headmaster, I guess.”

  “No, you’re the best,” Kyler stated and startled me.

  I hadn’t realized she was awake, but from the rasp in her voice, I could tell it hadn’t been for long. Her hair was messed up where it was resting on me and I smirked at the sight.

  Uncle Jay stated, “Let’s get on the plane and out of here before we’re somehow spotted. That would be my luck, too.”

  “Mr. Jay, I don’t see the pilot.” Jeremiah pointed to the pilot’s seat.

  “That’s because he’s standing right here.”

  “Where?” Jeremiah questioned.

  “Me, you dummy.”

  “That’s not a very nice thing to call him, Mr. Jay,” Kyler butted in.

  Uncle Jay rolled his eyes and started carrying in his bags. At least he didn’t have to
worry about unpacking when he got here. However, it must’ve sucked to have to turn around and go back home as soon as you arrived.

  “It’s not so bad,” Uncle Jay said to me when I boarded the plane. “I was here to help Kyler when she needed it which was why I traveled here to begin with.”

  “How did you know what I was thinking? Can elementals read minds too?” I inquired excitedly.

  That would be so awesome!

  “I wish,” Uncle Jay snorted and crushed my dreams along with it. “You’re an open book like your father was. I saw it in the way you were looking at my bags.”

  “Really? I don’t think so.” Kyler looked me up and down, like she was going to read words off my body like a literal book. “I find him hard to understand.”

  “That’s because you’re as blind as your mother,” Uncle Jay joked.

  That earned a slap on the arm from Kyler and Jeremiah and I laughed at them. Uncle Jay seemed more of an uncle than a headmaster to me by the way he was interacting with Kyler and Jeremiah.

  Once we were on the plane, Uncle Jay instructed us to buckle up before he took off. He explained that we only had to wear our belts for takeoff and landing. While we were in the air, we were free to do whatever we wanted. He pointed out where the snacks and drinks were for my sake. The other two already knew the drill.

  Once we were good to go, we unbuckled and I started the conversation I’d been wanting to have for a while.

  “So, I’d like to know a little more about my newfound uncle. Does he have a wife or any children?”

  Kyler was the one to answer but it was with another question, “Your newfound uncle? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Dude, she was passed out when you two had that revelation,” Jeremiah reminded me.

  “Oh, that’s right. Well, apparently my dad was Uncle Jay’s brother,” I explained for her. “It’s why he and I have similar eyes.”

  “Are you kidding me? At least something good came from today. I still can’t believe Nova’s dead and I had to leave her. Lying there, on the ground, like she was nothing.”

  “There was nothing you could’ve done, Kyler,” I tried to reassure her.

  She was sitting at the small table that sat in the middle of the plane. I joined her and Jeremiah followed with some snacks and sodas.

  “Yeah, and another good thing that came out of today is we were both saved from having to go to that human school,” Jeremiah cheered.

  Kyler didn’t seem as enthused as him. Instead, she banged her head on the table a couple of times until I stopped her with my hand.

  “My mom is going to be so pissed when she finds out,” she complained.

  “Don’t worry.” Jeremiah grinned at her. “She already knows, but your new brother seems to have taken some of the heat off of you. He’s adorable by the way.”

  I threw a chip at Jeremiah. A gray cloud moved over her head as soon as he said that. He was terrible at making her feel better and it was insane to think they’d been best friends their whole life.

  “So, to lighten things up a little, let’s switch the topic back to Uncle Jay,” I suggested.

  “Already taken to calling him uncle?” Jeremiah mocked.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Now’s as good of a time as any to get used to calling him that. Since that’s what he is.”

  Kyler sniffed, but held in the tears. “Mr. Jay has a wife and son. His son is actually the librarian at our school and his name is Xavier.”

  “So, I have a cousin?”

  Kyler nodded her head. “Guess you’ll be meeting him soon too.”

  I could hear the ending of that statement even though it wasn't spoken aloud. ‘At least one of us gets to meet our family.’

  It really disappointed her that she couldn't see her brother and I understood that. I thought I was having a terrible day, but hers had been worse and I felt like an idiot for complaining. She’d been shot in the shoulder, burned down the school, her friend was dead, and she wasn’t allowed to see her new brother. My heart went out to her.

  The rest of the plane ride was filled with a saddened silence and it was dark outside by the time we landed. I was the last one out of the plane and gasped at the school that stood in front of us. It was nothing like Easterly.

  “Welcome to Westville and the Island of Elementals.” Kyler mustered up the strongest smile she could before she began walking towards it.

  It had been pitiful, but at least she tried.

  “I’ll help you with your bags, Mr. Jay,” Jeremiah offered and I ran to catch up with a fast-paced Kyler.

  Her feet were hitting the dirt with so much force that her affinity to earth broke through and her steps left holes in the ground. I hoped Uncle Jay and Jeremiah saw them and didn’t trip, but I didn’t want to draw attention to it. Kyler was upset enough and didn’t need that too. Besides, she would probably set me on fire if I did.

  There was a pretty cool door knocker on the front door. It was made of metal with water and fire swirling together. Westville was four stories high and was built out of dark red and black bricks. The amount of windows was insane and I wondered how many people attended this school. All of them would be elementals too.

  That thought prevented me from crossing the threshold. I was the oddball here and my dad’s warning blared in my ears. What if there was an anti-human group and they found out about me? They would kill me the first time I was left alone.

  “Are you coming?” Kyler asked with furrowed eyebrows.

  She was standing slightly inside the building and had turned to face me when I didn’t follow her in.

  “I think I made a mistake coming here,” I admitted. “I don’t even know why I did it. It’s all too much. I don’t belong here.”

  “You’re here because you just found out that you have a family that’s waiting for you. You belong here whether you think so or not. This will be your new home. You aren't going to be judged for being half-human if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Her words of encouragement didn’t help my nerves at all. I didn’t want a new home. I loved where I was at before. I had friends there. Sure, Ethan wasn’t that good of one, but he was still there for me when I needed him. He always had my back even when I didn’t need him. And there was the house my parents had left me. I couldn’t leave that behind like it was nothing.

  “I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but there were cops in your yard. You’re wanted by the authorities just as much as me. You can’t go back unless you want them to catch you.”


  I’d forgotten about that little detail. If I went back, I’d end up in jail. So much for my goal of joining the police force. That was out of the question now.

  “Look, I know you’ll be starting over here, but you’ll have help. I’ll help you where I can.”

  That was the last push I needed and I walked into the building. The inside was bright with candlesticks burning along the walls. After I inspected them, I realized the wax wasn’t melting.

  “An elemental’s fire only burns when the person wants it to. Since that candle was lit without the intention to burn it down, the flames aren’t hot. It’s more like turning on a lightbulb rather than lighting a candle with a lighter.”

  “That’s so interesting.”

  My eyes searched for other hidden wonders after that but couldn’t find anything else that stood out.

  “Where are we going?” I asked after we walked up a set of stairs.

  Jeremiah and Uncle Jay weren't behind us and I wasn't sure where they’d disappeared to.

  “My room. I’m ready to end this day and hope that the next one will have a better outcome. I’m sure Mr. Jay will put the sword somewhere safe.” The exhaustion became visible on her face in that moment.

  “But what about me? Where should I sleep?”

  “With me I guess. We can find you your own room in the morning.”

  “With you? That doesn’t feel right.”

n though that was what my brain was screaming, my feet still kept me following behind her.

  She sighed. “Look. I hate admitting this to you, but I don’t really want to be alone. I’m not used to this feeling, but I don’t like it at all.”

  I knew all too well how terrible loneliness felt. I’d suffered from it ever since my parents died. I hated that she was feeling it now and knew I had to be there for her.

  “Okay,” I finally whispered.

  Her room was pretty cool. It had murals of different elements intertwining and they reminded me of how she looked whenever her fire and darkness broke through. That felt so long ago, but it really wasn’t. Her comforter was baby blue and there was also a bookshelf, but it was empty.

  “All of my stuff is back at the other house,” Kyler stated after she noticed my stare that lingered in the bookshelf.


  I was an idiot for forgetting that so quickly.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower to get some of this blood and dirt off. I still feel so sore.”

  “I would imagine so,” I retorted. “Go ahead, and I’ll just wait here.”

  She grabbed something from her drawer and went into her bathroom. I stood in the middle of her room awkwardly looking around, and after about ten minutes, she emerged wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt. She hadn't gotten all the dirt off, but she’d gotten most of it considering she was just shot.

  “I’m glad I left a few things here, but unfortunately, I don't have anything for you. We can go ask Jeremiah for something if you want. He’s probably at dinner like everyone else.”

  Even though it killed me, I said, “That’s okay. I’ll sleep in this shirt for tonight.”

  It would be the first time I ever slept in something dirty. I felt a little grossed out, but sucked it up.

  Kyler climbed into bed and looked at me expectantly. I awkwardly slipped off my pants because I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep in them. It would make me feel too suffocated. With boxers and a shirt on, I slid under the covers next to her. She moved closer to me and I tensed, but it didn’t take long before light snores escaped her. At least she was able to knock out. I had more trouble with it because my heart was pounding at how close we were, but fatigue finally overtook me.


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