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The Age of Faith

Page 189

by Will Durant

  Council of, 7, 78, 630, 741, 764, 1082

  Second Council of, 427

  Niccolò Pisano, 727, 861-862, 889, 1058, 1086

  Nicene Creed, 7, 8, 34, 56, 57, 61, 528, 544

  Nicephorus I, 199-200, 427, 428, 443

  Nicephorus II Phocas, 230, 429, 430, 432

  Nicephorus Blemydes, 949

  Nicetas, 750

  Nicholas, St., 62*

  Nicholas I, St., 478, 526, 529, 535

  Nicholas II, 453, 482, 545, 546

  Nicholas III, 780, 802, 1072

  Nicholas IV, 782

  Nicholas V, 919

  Nicholas of Cusa, 387

  Nicholson, R. A., 267*

  Nichomachus Flavianus, 35

  Nicomachus, 99

  Nicomedia, 9, 10, 11, 46

  Nietzsche, F. W., 183, 711, 725, 957

  Nietzscheans, 253-254

  Nika revolt, 129, 130

  Nile River, 58, 59, 193, 286, 288, 607, 608, 874

  Nine Books of Disciplines (Varro), 915

  Nishapur, 207, 231, 273, 312, 319, 321, 323, 324, 339

  Great Mosque of, 274

  Nisibis, 49, 128, 132, 231*, 239

  Nizam al-Mulk, 308-309, 312, 319, 371

  Nizami (Ilyas abu Muhammad), 312, 324

  Nizami-i-Arudi, 321, 323

  Nizamiya College, Baghdad, 319, 331, 326

  Njal, 1033

  Noah, 156*, 184, 258

  nobles, 348, 392, 435, 459, 460, 461, 463, 465, 472, 473, 474, 475, 481, 512, 550, 566, 575, 640, 643, 646-647, 651, 653, 696, 699, 707-708, 718, 726, 730, 778, 825, 827, 840, 845, 861, 863, 1037, 1039, 1041

  Aragonese, 698

  Danish, 666

  English, 492, 493, 667, 669, 675-677, 870

  French, 691, 774, 814

  German, 511, 514, 549, 664, 961

  Hungarian,’ 658

  Italian, 651, 722

  Roman, 545, 706

  Russian, 448

  Scotch, 683

  Visigothic, 298

  Nogaret, Guillaume de, 695

  nomads, 270, 446, 447

  nominalism, 932, 934, 935, 950, 951, 1013

  Nonus Almansoris (al-Razi), 247

  Norbert, St., 791, 941

  Norman Conquest, 486, 489, 492, 493, 667-669, 678, 851

  Normandy, 473-474, 475, 479, 480, 481, 485, 493, 494, 496, 510, 553, 591, 666, 668, 669, 671, 674, 681, 688, 689, 693, 758, 774, 865, 869, 870, 882, 920, 931, 1019, 1054

  Normans, 286, 431, 444, 452-453, 475, 487, 492, 534, 543-544, 551, 568, 575, 586, 599, 662, 663, 669, 680, 681, 683, 684, 703, 704, 706, 831, 832, 851, 905

  Norns, 507

  Norse, 80, 473-474, 481, 492, 502-510, 575, 906, 913

  North Africa, 3, 38, 47, 64, 67, 118, 155, 192, 196, 219, 261, 284, 289, 291, 314, 316, 326, 349, 368, 369, 411

  North Sea, 376, 465, 514, 534, 617, 618, 645, 664, 665, 1005

  Northampton, 392

  Treaty of, 684

  Northumberland, 483, 495, 533-534, 683, 684

  Norway, 81, 493, 500, 502-504, 508, 553, 619, 666, 683, 1033

  Norwegians, 473, 489, 502, 504, 532, 832

  Norwich, 369, 487, 642, 829

  Cathedral, 871, 883

  Notker Balbulus, 476, 897

  Notker Labeo, 476

  Notre Dame, Paris, 317, 690, 697, 848, 860, 865, 875, 877, 882, 893, 894, 899, 914, 920, 921, 927, 928, 935, 1085

  school of, 920, 933, 934

  Nottingham Castle, 622

  Novellae (Justinian), 112

  Novgorod, 208, 447, 448, 615, 618, 619, 653, 655, 656, 754

  novices, 532, 913, 922

  Noyon, 639, 876

  Cathedral, 873

  numerals, 241, 244, 911, 989-991, 995, 1084

  numerology, 364, 985, 1067

  Numidia, 22, 64

  nunneries, 404, 472, 527, 732, 757*, 766, 836, 841

  nuns, 427, 467, 497, 536, 756, 805-807, 830, 831, 846, 847, 850, 942, 944, 997, 998, 1002

  Nuremberg, 391, 514, 619, 623, 641, 642, 822

  Nursia, 517, 536

  nursing, 807, 831, 998, 1002

  Nur-ud-din, 310-312, 329, 330, 594, 596, 1020

  Nur-ud-Din Ali, 408

  Nuwas, Abu (Hasan ibn Hani), 198, 220, 264

  oaths, 381, 389, 775, 779, 829, 830

  for Jews, 389

  Obadiah, Book of, 370*

  Obadiah Abu Isa ben Ishaq, 384-385

  Obeida, Abu, 189, 190

  Obeidallah, 193

  Obeidallah ibn Muhammad, 284

  Obituaries of Men of Note (Ibn Khallikan), 320

  oblates, 536, 785, 913

  Obolla, 210

  observations, astronomical, 288, 305

  obstetrics, 998, 1001

  Occam, 923, 979, 983, 1082

  occultism, 245, 249, 720, 911, 979, 984, 988, 1083

  Ockley, Simon, 334

  O’Connor, Rory, King of Ireland, 682

  Octavian, son of Alberic, 538

  octoechoes, 895

  oculists, 246

  “Ode to Zion” (Jehuda Halevi), 399-400

  Odenathus, 143

  Oder River, 511, 575, 646, 658, 659, 664

  Odin, 507, 508-509, 567, 1032

  Odo (Eudes), Count of Paris, 474, 475

  Odo of Cluny, 537, 897

  Odoacer, 42-43, 97, 99

  Odofredus, 916, 926*

  Odom of Deuil, 650

  Odyssey (Homer), 269

  Oesterley, W. O., 351*

  Of Generation and Corruption (Aristotle), 966

  Of Heaven and Earth (Aristotle), 966

  Offa, 465

  Officium ribaldorum, 900

  O’Flainn, Eochaid, 498

  Ogadai, 340, 658

  O’Hartigan, Kenneth, 498

  oikoumene, 45

  Oise River, 617, 876

  Olaf I Tryggresson, 485, 503

  Olaf II the Saint, 503, 504

  Olaf the White, 500

  Olaf Skoffkonung, 502

  old age, 831, 1006

  Old Testament, 16, 183, 185, 186, 211, 240, 351, 362, 364, 368, 387, 395, 396, 398, 401, 411, 425, 528, 535, 769, 776, 808, 907, 910, 1006

  Oleg, 448

  Olga, Princess, 448

  oligarchy, 648, 706, 709

  olifants, 840, 1031

  Oliver of Malmesbury, 995

  Olivier, 1030, 1031

  Olivo de Venezia, 850

  Olybrius, 42

  Olympic Games, 9

  Olympius, 28, 35, 41

  Omar I, (Umar Abn al-Khattab), 151-152, 165, 166, 172, 180-190, 192, 208, 215, 218, 220, 227, 228, 252, 258, 282

  Omar II, 194-195, 214

  Omar Khayyam, 231, 248, 275, 309, 312, 321-323, 327

  Omeir, 168

  Omurtag, 443

  On the Occult Operations of Nature (Aquinas), 966

  On the Celestial Hierarchy, 123

  “On the Consulate of Stilicho” (Claudian), 33

  On the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, 123

  On the Elements (Isaac Israeli), 405

  On Evil (Aquinas), 966

  On Foods (Galen), 912

  On Free Will (Augustine), 68

  On the Destruction of Britain (Gildas), 81

  On the Divine Names, 123

  On the Divine Unity and Trinity (Abélard), 90

  On the Generation and Corruption of Animals (Aristotle), 240, 911, 912

  On the Government of God (Salvian), 30

  On the Heavens (Aristotle), 912

  On the Heavens and the Earth (Aristotle), 911

  On the Improvement of the Moral Qualities (ibn Gabirol), 406

  On the Laws and Customs of England (Bracton), 678

  On the Marriage of Philology and Mercury (Martianus Capella), 915

  On the Measurement of the Circle (Archimedes), 911

  On Monarchy (Dante), 664

  On the Multiplication of Vison (Roger Bacon), 1011-1012

  On Mystical Theology, 123

  On the Parts of Animals (Ari
stotle), 912

  “On Perspectival Science” (Roger Bacon), 1011

  On Power (Aquinas), 966

  On the Principles of Nature (Aquinas), 966

  On the Properties of Things (Bartholomew of England), 1015

  On the Recovery of the Holy Land (Dubois), 696

  On the Relics of Saints (Guibert), 745

  On the Resurrection of the Dead (Maimonides), 413

  On the Rule of Princes (Aquinas), 966

  On the Soul (Aristotle), 240, 912, 966

  On the Syllogism (al-Farabi), 911

  On Truth (Aquinas), 966

  On the Unity of the Intellect Against Averroes (Albertus Magnus), 957

  On the Unity of the Intellect Against the Averroists (Aquinas), 962

  On the Unity of the Intellect (Aquinas), 966

  On Virtues (Aquinas), 966

  On the Mind (Aquinas), 966

  oneiromancy, 987

  opals, 992

  operations, 437, 720, 1000, 1001

  opthalmology, 246, 330, 403

  Oporto (Portus Cale), 701*

  optics, 289, 403, 995-996, 988, 1007, 1008, 1010, 1011-1012, 1084

  Optics (al-Kindi), 251

  Optics (Ptolemy), 912

  Opus maius (Roger Bacon), 289, 1011-1012, 1014, 1015

  Opus minus (Roger Bacon), 1007, 1008-1009

  Opus tertium (Roger Bacon), 1007, 1011

  oratory, 528, 903, 915

  Orcagna, Andrea, 889

  orchestras, 280

  “ordeals of God,” 567-568

  order, 470, 485, 579, 811, 817, 969

  moral, 332, 535, 536, 818, 820, 933, 945

  orders, mendicant, 779, 806, 1085

  military, 659

  monastic, 693, 758, 768, 785, 786*, 791-792

  military religious, 697

  “Ordinance of Omar,” 333

  ordinances, 374, 641, 813

  Ordericus Vitalis, 571, 742, 833, 907, 1019

  Orestes, prefect of Alexandria, 122-123

  Orestes, regent of Italy, 42

  Organon (Aristotle), 3, 99, 250, 949

  organs (biology), 357

  organs (music), 279, 902

  Organum, 899

  Oribasius, 120, 121, 437

  Orient, 127, 405, 441, 992, 1010

  spices from, 836

  Origen, 46, 55, 733

  Orlandi, Guido, 1057

  Orleans, 92, 474, 481, 639, 648, 697, 769, 771, 778, 914, 916, 923, 1025, 1051

  Council of, 387, 630

  University of, 926, 1018

  “Ormsby Psalter,” 853

  Ormuzd, 137, 139, 140, 147

  ornament, Arabic, 846

  Byzantine, 442, 449

  Gothic, 875, 888, 892

  Moorish, 291

  Romanesque, 846

  Orosius, 30, 69, 484

  Orontes River, 33, 328, 591

  O’Rourke, Tiernan, 682

  orphans, 379, 433, 531, 652, 755, 824, 831, 1002

  Orseolo II, Peter, 454, 455

  orthodoxy, 265, 267, 309, 311, 333, 341, 437, 776, 783, 811, 907, 923, 939, 954, 1008, 1015, 1068

  Christian, 250, 977

  Islamic, 331, 332, 405

  Orvieto, 770, 958, 962

  Cathedral, 811, 862, 888, 889

  Osier, Sir William, 885

  Ossian, 498

  Ostia, 41, 290, 616

  Ostrogoths, 22, 24, 25, 28, 97, 107, 109, 110, 117

  Oswald, King of Northumberland, 534

  Othman ibn Affan, 175, 190-191, 193, 304

  Otranto, 403, 404, 440, 633

  Otrar, 339

  Otto I the Great, 444, 450, 469, 511-512, 515, 538-539, 564, 568

  Otto II, 512, 536, 857

  Otto III, 512-513, 539, 540

  Otto IV, 685, 690, 714, 715, 763, 778

  Otto, Bishop of Constance, 546

  Otto of Freising, 1020

  Ottokar I, 660, 1075

  Ottokar II, 660

  Ottoman Turks, 171*, 313

  Ourique, battle of, 702

  Ovid, 787, 907, 915, 939, 1018, 1053, 1070, 1085

  Oviedo, 458

  Cathedral, 891

  oxen, 298, 559, 645

  Oxford, 487, 622, 628, 635, 640, 672, 676, 784, 853, 903, 908, 915, 922, 955, 979, 980, 990, 995, 998, 1006, 1014

  University, 135, 914, 924-926, 927, 928, 929, 977

  Oxus River, 142, 144, 193, 203

  Pachomius, St., 51, 57, 59

  Pachymeres, George, 949

  Paderborn, 462, 463, 468

  Padua, 451, 453, 616, 662, 708, 712, 722, 723, 919, 960, 998, 1062

  University of, 338, 414, 956

  paganism, 7-10, 18, 35, 73, 75, 76, 126-127, 425, 426, 451, 456, 462, 464, 483, 503, 529, 530, 553, 907, 916, 945, 974, 976, 977, 986

  pageantry, 432, 433, 752-753, 839, 840, 858

  pages, 566, 572

  painting, 270, 276, 286, 287, 319, 491, 686, 748, 752, 802, 846-847, 851-857, 860, 889, 1028, 1085

  Byzantine, 133

  Islamic, 276, 319

  Italian, 855

  mural, 853-856, 857

  Renaissance, 455, 727

  Roman, 854

  Sasanian, 149

  Palace School, Carolingian, 476, 478

  palaces, 263, 271, 274, 279, 282, 291, 293, 296, 302, 316, 429, 432, 435, 444, 449, 454, 456, 466, 657, 888

  Palencia, 802, 919

  Palermo (Panormus, Balerm), 282, 289, 290, 329, 374, 388, 403, 457, 624, 642, 680, 703, 714, 717, 726, 911

  University of, 291

  Palestine, 55, 69, 117, 125, 151, 156*, 161, 196, 206, 218, 226, 227, 229, 238, 273, 285, 292, 312, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 356, 367, 384, 385, 391, 392, 402, 404, 408, 411, 414, 415, 585, 588, 592, 593, 596, 597, 599, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 612, 616, 651, 673, 691, 716, 717, 752, 792, 827, 865, 980, 982, 992, 1006, 1020

  Palestrina, 812, 1085

  “palimpsest,” 906

  Palladius, 41, 83, 84

  Pallavicino, Oberto, 725, 783, 1085

  Palm Sunday, 393, 751

  Palma, 892, 919, 979

  palmers, 585

  Palmyra, 143, 201, 242

  Pamiers, abbey of, 773

  Pamplona, 458, 462

  Pandectae, 111, 434

  Pandnama (Sa’di), 326

  Pandulf, Duke of Capua, 543, 675

  Pange lingua (Aquinas), 751

  Pange lingua (Fortunatus), 94

  pantomimes, 433

  Pannonia, 37, 57, 97, 434, 444, 446, 451

  pantheism, 324, 810, 955, 1013

  Pantheon, Rome, 126, 130, 131, 530

  Panticapeum (Kerch), 446

  papacy, 452, 456, 461, 469, 511, 513, 521, 524-527, 530, 537-541, 543, 544, 566, 628, 638, 662, 664, 678, 694, 695, 697, 699, 714, 715, 717, 722, 723, 726, 729, 758, 759-765, 767, 783, 803, 811-816, 852, 899, 909, 917, 923, 983, 1008, 1012, 1013, 1020, 1062, 1063, 1082, 1083

  Papak, 142

  papal bulls, 668

  legates, 549, 551, 668, 677, 779

  Papal League, 727

  Papal States, 389, 512, 543, 545, 663, 706-708, 714, 715, 716, 717, 725, 730, 761, 763, 812, 813, 1063

  paper, 236, 304, 319, 624, 906

  Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim), 418

  Paraclete (oratory), 941, 942, 944, 947-948

  paradise, 179, 181, 182, 337, 341, 368, 413, 896, 1009, 1050, 1052, 1067, 1069, 1070, 1076, 1077, 1080

  Paradise Lost (Milton), 270, 1022

  Paradiso (Dante), 72*, 1061, 1065, 1067

  paralysis, 330, 791

  “pardoners,” 740

  parentage, 76, 360, 361, 380, 382, 757*, 785, 823

  Paris (Lutetia), 12, 81, 92, 122, 150, 263, 388, 402, 403, 414, 415, 432, 461, 474, 475, 476, 481, 615, 621, 624, 635, 642, 647, 648, 670, 674, 680, 688, 696, 697, 717, 776, 814, 822, 823, 826, 827, 831, 835, 840, 849, 850, 876, 877, 882, 903, 914, 915, 918, 919, 920, 934, 935, 937, 939, 948, 951, 955-956, 959, 960, 962, 979, 980, 982*, 990, 998, 999, 1000, 100
1, 1002, 1006, 1029, 1036, 1052, 1070

  Cathedral, see Notre Dame, Paris

  Council of, 838, 955-956

  Paris, University of, 246, 247, 287, 404, 675, 920, 922*-929, 931, 936, 954, 956-957, 959, 962, 977, 1001

  Paris Company for the Transit of Merchandise by Water, 634

  Paris Psalter, 441

  Paris, Matthew, 612, 627, 720, 725, 767, 803, 850, 920, 926, 1020

  parishes, 758, 765, 863

  Parliament, 119, 365, 459, 486, 646, 678, 679, 700, 822, 823, 826, 858, 1083

  Parma, 662, 712, 724, 770, 916

  parodies, 841, 900, 1025

  Parthenon, Athens, 126, 530, 860-861, 893

  Parzival (Wolfram), 1039, 1085

  Pascal, Blaise, 808

  Paschal lamb, 388

  rites, Jewish, 392*

  Paschal II, 514, 546, 661

  Paschasius, St., 856

  Passion, 385, 752

  Passion Play, 1028

  Passover, 358, 386

  Past and Present (Carlyle), 926

  Pastoral Care (Gregory I), 484

  Pastoureux, 647-648

  Patarines, 767, 770, 780, 783

  Pater noster, 742, 749

  Paternon, Filippo, 779

  pathology, 249

  Patras, 435, 436, 616

  patriarchs, 349, 428, 527, 528-529, 530, 867, 1008

  patricius, 42, 43, 97, 100

  Patrick, St., 82, 83-84, 89, 496, 498, 735, 1068

  “Patrimony of Peter,” 706

  patronage, 276, 306, 1039

  Patzinaks, 446, 586, 653

  Paul III, 919

  Paul of Aegina, 437

  Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, 8

  Paul the Christian, 402

  Paul the Deacon, 451, 465

  Paul, St., 9, 45, 66, 68, 69, 73, 84, 123, 127, 194, 523, 528, 547, 753, 881, 965, 976, 1068

  Paul the Silentiary, 856

  Paula, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 78

  Paulicians, 47, 425, 528

  Paulinus, missionary, 534

  Paulinus of Pella, 29-30

  Paulinus, St., 56, 85, 86

  Pavia, 40, 98, 444, 451, 452, 462, 466, 616, 638, 712, 714, 916, 1025, 1026

  Synod of, 761

  University of, 916

  peace, 470, 571-572, 755, 804, 818, 844

  Peace of God, 571

  peasant proprietorship, 425, 553, 644, 648

  peasants, 118, 298, 424, 430, 435, 444, 447-448, 465, 481, 485, 519, 571, 578, 640, 644-645, 646, 647, 650, 656, 687, 688, 704, 778, 791, 816, 832, 841, 1007

  free, 434, 497, 503, 505

  German, 514, 664, 665

  Italian, 731

  Persian, 140

  Peckham, John, 924, 925, 960, 962-963, 978, 995

  pederasty, 220, 267, 299, 380, 821

  Pedro I, 315

  Pedro II, 698, 772

  Pedro III, 373, 699, 726, 1037, 1075

  Peipus, Lake, battle on, 655, 659

  Pelagius, Franciscan monk, 557

  Pelagius, heresiarch, 48, 54, 69-70, 946

  Pelagius II, 520, 522

  Pelayo, 458


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