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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

Page 9

by Lissett, Alonna


  Xander could see the magic academy from the outside and really wasn’t all that impressed. Unlike the other buildings in the capital, the academy, gates included seemed to be made from a single piece of solid stone. Xander figured it had to be considered massive in its day, but to him it seemed dated with not one luxury to be had. Looking at it militarily he figured it would be hard to breach and impossible to burn down, but he saw no reason anyone would want to live here. Entering the gates he soon found out the reason.

  Fire and ice was being flung everywhere along with other spells. The school was virtually fireproof with most of the spells dissipating on contact. Looking around Xander could not see any other males but at least he seemed to be ignored, something that was impossible to do when he first made it to the city.

  “You there, boy” a female in black robes said as she was approaching Xander. “Are you the slave Lady Sharon sent over?”

  “Yes” was Xander’s reply as he looked at the ground.

  “I can see you know your place, I was a bit worried Maxine had taken it soft on you” the lady said as she walked around Xander. “You don’t seem as soft as the normal slaves we get for training, I take it you know the sword and probably other weapons as well.”

  “Yes, my lady.”

  “Still I doubt you could survive the potioning. We have only had one so far and I really don’t want to lose any fodder trying to make any more super warriors. Report to Wyclef he will be wearing red clothes in the basement of the tallest building. Go there now.”

  “Yes, my Lady” said Xander as he started towards the tallest building which really wasn’t all that impressive to Xander standing only two stories. Once Xander got close he could see none of the buildings had any doors, just a small wall placed just inside you have to walk around. Such a system could keep out dirt and rain but Xander thought it would be useless for keeping the cold away. Xander walked it and could see despite being the tallest building at the school, it was sparsely furnished with even the furniture being made of stone. Xander walked until he saw a small stairway leading down. At the bottom Xander could not believe his eyes.

  The “basement” as the spell caster called it was entirely hollowed out and almost half as big as Riley. There were at least 40 males down here all practicing various forms of fighting, some even fought without any weapons. These men were not pretenders like those training to make it in the army, just by their footwork Xander could see they were at least as skilled as himself, perhaps even more so. Xander was walking towards the man in red and that’s when he saw him.

  A fighter standing over 7 feet tall, this man was so massive he made Gowan look like a child. Equipped with a wooden club, this warrior was surrounded by 4 men each armed with swords; Xander figured they might as well have been armed with toothpicks. The huge warrior moved a lot faster than Xander thought a man should have been able to move at that size.

  The huge warrior jumped clear over his first attacker leaving him with no one at his back instead of flanked at all sides. When the one closes to him turned around the warrior swung his club wide, forcing his opponent to block. When his opponent did block he was met by a punch to the gut which instantly felled him and had him rolling around on his stomach. The others saw their fallen comrade and closed in on him to no avail. The club was really just a distraction in the warriors hands, Xander could tell he preferred laying hands on his opponents which he did with surprising efficiency. Before long all the men except the club wielder lay on the ground in varying forms of agony hurt, but not really injured as far as Xander could tell.

  “That there is Patrick, the High Witch’s son and personal body guard” said a voice behind Xander. Turning around Xander could see it was the man in red addressing him.

  “He has to be the biggest guy I have ever seen” Xander said still staring at the huge man.

  “Those alchemists got to him, that’s all. I mean he was big before, but nowhere near where he is now. He has already tasted blood in arena although he takes it easy on us” said Wyclef.

  “What are alchemists?” asked Xander.

  “What are alchemists? Just how much do you know about the magic folk anyway?” asked Wyclef.

  “I guess not as much as I thought” said Xander.

  “There are many different kinds of witches’ boy, the most feared are the ones who normally do the fighting. There are plenty of them types around, but some of them with the right materials can mix up crazy potions that can do all sorts of things.”

  “Like what?” asked Xander.

  “Some can mix up healing brews that can cure the incurable, heal burns and wounds, or make a man into what Patrick has become.”

  “I don’t get it, who wouldn’t want to be as big as Patrick? Why aren’t their more of him around?” asked Xander.

  “Plenty of reasons, Alchemists are unlike normal witches, they can only create so much before they die.” Wyclef said. Xander wondered if they could not replenish what his father had called aura like he and the normal witches could.

  “Since they can only make so many potions, there are not many of them around willing to try. Second, a lot of us don’t have the body for it. Someone a lot smarter than I found out you had to be the direct offspring of a magic user. Then there is the most important reason of all.”

  “What is that?” asked Xander.

  “Everyone else who took the potion died. Not many witches willing to turn their sons to mush no matter how much they wish they had girls instead. That potioning is serious business. I’m Wyclef by the way, and I’m guessing you are new meat.”

  “Hello I am Xander.” He said as he shook Wyclef’s hand.

  “You a bit younger than most they send me out here. Hell you are the first Child of war we have ever gotten. I don’t know what these witches are planning so don’t ask me. I just know all of us were good fighters before we came here and we are to be body guards of some sort for the powerful magic users. We are like the palace guards for the royals, just for the magic users. I am also going to tell you to keep your mouth shut when talking to outsiders about this place. You gonna find out quick there is rebellion brewing.”


  “Yeah boy, rebellion. From what I know the high witch has been keeping all the witches of exceptional power centered here at the school and sending out the lesser witches to serve the Queen’s interest. I don’t know what is going down but I do know it is gonna be sooner than any of us like.”

  “Why tell me all this, you just met me! This isn’t a story; I could tell and get you in trouble” said Xander.

  “Tell who boy? You are a slave like the rest of us. Too damn good for your own good. I just figured you should know what you got yourself into. We have one test to see if you are going to become one of us, and that’s in the arena. If you fail, you die. If you win you join us.”

  “What do I have to do in the arena?” asked Xander, suddenly feeling a bit frightened.

  “Well if you are lucky they will put you in against a condemned. Those are they unlucky bastards forced to fight for their freedom after screwing up their commitment or killing somebody. That’s where most of us go. All of us here are the sons of a magic user, usually a minor one. They need us in case they figure out the potioning, so that’s where you will most likely be.”

  “We have to fight to the death against a criminal, that doesn’t sound very fair.”

  “Life ain’t fair boy; none of us did anything to become slaves. You can kill one of those poor bastards or let them kill you. Most are unskilled with the blade so just end it quickly, and just be lucky it is a condemned.”

  “What else could they possibly do to us? How could I be lucky if I have to fight a man to the death?” said Xander getting angry the way Wyclef was just casually talking about murdering someone.

  “Rumor has it the queen is a bit worried about the witches suddenly wanting bodyguards. She sometimes comes and substitutes a condemned for one of her persona
l executioners. Only one recruit has beaten her personal fighters, Patrick did last week.”

  “Patrick only joined last week?” asked Xander.

  “Patrick is the only one among us that is not a slave. He fought at his mother’s behest just to test the potioning process against the best of the best. His opponent was fast and almost killed Patrick using a spear, sword and even a small crossbow. We thought Patrick was in trouble until he got his hands on his attacker. Patrick crushed his skull like a small child crushing a grape. I never seen anything like it, the Queen looked furious. It was great to see her sat on her pompous ass for once. You should have seen it; she looked at our high witch and stormed out of the arena with all those pompous asses she keeps around in tow. Her kids seemed awestruck, especially her heir.”

  “You over here telling stories again Wyclef?” said Patrick as he walked up to the pair. Standing closer, Xander could see Patrick was even larger up close. He had the bluest eyes Xander had ever seen with close cropped blond hair set off by a beard and moustache. Overall Xander figured him for maybe 25 summers at the most.

  “Just telling the lad about your heroics last week Pat” said Wyclef.

  “I wish I could have seen that bitches face when her champion fell. I know the princess saw me. The only reason that stupid bitch hasn’t given her blessing is out of rivalry with my mother.” said Patrick.

  “You two aren’t scared talking about the Queen like that?” asked Xander suddenly aware of his surroundings.

  “What for? What is that stupid bitch going to do? Execute the high Witch’s son? She has no power here. I proved that last week. Change is coming runt; all you gotta do is pass the arena. We will all help you prepare for it. First thing is first though, let’s see you in the circle and see what you got. You gotta be better than them four.” Said Patrick motioning to the fighter he just dueled.

  Xander was nervous as he went inside the circle. He decided not to use his father’s sword, he didn’t want his secret spilled unless it his life depended on it. He picked up the sword of one of the men dropped and prepared himself as Patrick walked to the other side. Xander knew Patrick was fast and liked to use his offhand a lot, but figured Patrick and never fought him before, so he was rushing in blind too, albeit with a 100 pound advantage.

  “You ready now huh?” said Patrick before continuing. “I hope you know what you are doing, I haven’t fought anyone young as you, since I was ten.”

  “Enough bantering, Patrick do try and not hurt the new guy. Xander go all out. Alright now fight!” said Wyclef as he backed out of the circle.

  Xander stood in his stance and waited for Patrick to advance. As soon as he saw Patrick lift his club Xander delivered a kick at his midsection which landed solidly. Unfortunately to Xander he felt as if he kicked a solid Oak tree. Patrick laughed and swung a punch at Xander which he avoided. Xander then started going on the attack with his blade, going into the dragonfly technique trying to score a hit on Patrick, but not seriously injure him. Most of them Patrick swept aside with his club or avoided altogether, making Xander frustrated.

  “Patrick stop playing around with this slave and end this, I need you. I’m heading to the palace.” Said the witch Xander met when he walked through the gate.

  “Sorry boy, it has been fun” said Patrick as he brought his club down with surprising speed. Xander moved out of the way and tried a backswing with his sword, Patrick caught his wrist and in one moved sent Xander flying out of the circle.

  “Wyclef make sure that one is ready for the arena, he has three days to prepare. Her Highness may pull something like she has been, despite her setback last week.”

  “Yes my lady, he shall be ready.” Said Wyclef as she walked away.

  “Alright Xander, first thing is first. If you fall I doubt you will get the same treatment Patrick did last week. He was pretty banged up, but he was facing the captain of her guard. Still I doubt you will be given a bunch of potions to heal so we are going to go with plan B.”

  “What is plan B?”

  “Plenty of armor. The palace guard wears nothing but heavy plate. It limits their movement, but it makes them almost impossible to harm without getting close. All of us are getting custom armor, it may not match theirs in quality, but it’s better than wearing what we did have for armor.”

  “What was that Wyclef?”

  “Nothing. We went out there just like the condemned did, in nothing but clothes. I doubt you will get a full set of plate so soon with you being untested and all. You also are shorter than most of us here, built more like a southman you are. We can piece together some leather armor one of the others came in here with. It’ll help you from getting gutted for a while until the damn thing gives out, but know what you are fighting for.”

  “My life to join this seems a bit much. I don’t want to kill anyone, and I don’t want to be killed. This isn’t fair! I did nothing to become a slave.” Said Xander on the verge of tears.

  “It doesn’t matter lad, life ain’t fair. I don’t care one way or the other, I know here the witches mostly leaves us be. All of the chores here are done by people fulfilling their commitments. I get good food, and all I have to do in return is practice fighting all day. It don’t get better than that for a slave, hell I didn’t have it this good in the army.”

  Xander spent the rest of the day down in the basement fighting with the other men, learning new tricks as the day progressed. The main lesson Xander learned was that there are no rules when it comes to your life. Some men had blades embedded in their boots, others had special sleeves which had a mechanism that could instantly spring load a throwing dagger into the wearers hands. Xander liked both of the ideas but found that he would accidentally cut himself with the boots and found he really couldn’t grip his sword right while wearing the knife sleeve. Xander decided just the extra dagger in his boot would have to be enough. After practicing what seemed like forever, Xander discovered while he wasn’t the best swordsman there, he certainly was far from the worse. After training was over, Xander was given a tour of the facility by Wyclef.


  “That new slave looks promising mother, where did he come from?” asked Patrick.

  “That slave was sent to us by Lady Sharon, if she is to be believed, his mother was a student of hers who allowed herself to be captured then defiled by the Thornians” said Elizabeth Brightly.

  “For a little guy he fights with some skill” said Patrick.

  “It is to be expected, his mother most likely meant for him to join the military or other such positions of power, much like the rest of them. He has probably been training since birth, Pity though I don’t think he will survive the potioning process.”

  “I sort of like being the only one of me around, it has opened up many doors for me” said Patrick thinking about all the offers his mother had gotten for his hand.

  “I bet you do Patrick, but you are a Brightly, you can’t just hook up, with anyone, no matter how pretty Lady Sharon’s daughters may be. Keep your eyes on the real prize; I will have you wed that bitch Celeste’s horrid excuse for a daughter. Have you been doing your part?”

  “I have tried mother but honestly the Queen is out to get me. She tolerated me before when Princess Aubrey wasn’t all that interested, but since my transformation she has positively been icy. I can see it in the other suitors eyes they are jealous of me, and their mothers are powerful, no doubt trying to match their sons with her.”

  “Patrick, never worry about the none magical, they have power but it extends only so far. I will put you by her side, but first we need a suitable situation to gain her trust.”

  “What about the bandits? Rumor has it that they have gained considerable followers.”

  “I am already working that angle Patrick, we have an inside man. I doubt they could travel all the way here without being spotted and eliminated though. The watch is more than competent the closer you move to the main cities, not to mention if they are discovered by the militar
y. What we need is a small force, capable of overpowering the palace guard.”

  “Mother that would be almost impossible, the Queen picks the best very best. Even with my talents I barely beat their Captain.”

  “What we need is a strike force Patrick. Men who can kill quickly and put up a fantastic show before you kill them all.”

  “Who would sign up for a job like that? We men may not be the smartest but no one will sign up for a suicide mission.”

  “Patrick I will worry about that. I called you here from your little group down stairs to inform you of the ball the princess is having. A lot of powerful people will be staying here along with their entourage. I want you out of sight as much as possible. People are seeing it as a slight that I will not let you pick one of them to marry. Seeing as you have no sister, my fortune will fall to one of their daughters should they marry you. That makes you in demand. I wouldn’t put it past any of them to frame you for something, offering you their daughter’s hand to keep quiet. It’s what I would do anyway. Who among your number do you think would be able to turn a young ladies eye?”

  “I am not sure mother, the problem is that I am among the youngest of our number at 23, most of the men are all considerably older than I am except for the new one Sharon found. But who would marry a child of war? Not to mention I am as old as the oldest of their offspring. If I remember correctly they are between 13 and 21 for all the high houses of magic”

  “That could pose a problem; see how many of them are used to dealing with a woman of stature. Their mothers may be witches, but they are so minor in power as to be laughable, not even strong enough to secure a writ from the queen. The majority are backwoods trash, some may have promise though. Your job right now is to put some culture in them. Catch them up on everything you keep current on. Many powerful women will be there and I want the right atmosphere. Plenty of their sons will be there too, so warn the slaves they are not to start any trouble.”


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