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Crushed Page 6

by Marie Cole

  He dropped Damien's shirt, Damien fell to the floor and he turned to me, his green eyes dark and searching my face. "Are you okay?" His voice was husky, concern clear.

  I blinked at him, surprised, confused. "I...I'm fine. Thank you but... I should take him to the nurse..." I glanced at Damien, curled up on the floor. Will touched my shoulder and I swear I heard Neil growl.

  "I'll take him, Claire. You don't need to baby this dude. He probably couldn't help himself, you know. –I- know." Will heaved Damien up and slowly walked him out of the party.

  Neil wrapped his hand around my elbow and gently pushed me towards the side. "Are you sure you're okay?"

  I tried to shake his hand free from my elbow. "I'm fine. Where's Justice?" I looked around for her but didn't see her anywhere.

  "I don't give a fuck about Justice. Claire, come with me to the Frat Formal." I felt like he'd struck me and my knees weakened. It wasn't a question really, did I have to respond?

  "Neil, nothing has changed, I am not looking to be your fun buddy." He shook his head and stepped towards me. I stepped back and he kept going until my back was against the wall. He leaned down and whispered against my neck, making me shiver. My heart was still racing from the action-packed evening.

  "I'm not looking for you to be my fun buddy. Please come with me to the formal?" I kept my hands to myself. He was too damn tempting. I needed him to go away.

  "Bring flowers." I sucked in a breath and ducked under his cagey arms and limped away with a confidence I was far from feeling. I didn't get far before his hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards his chest.

  I stopped myself from falling against him. "Can I sleep over tonight? My roommate has claimed the room tonight."

  "Isn't that convenient? No, you're going to try funny business." He shook his head, his serious face still up front.

  "No, I promise. If there is any funny business you can kick me in my bollocks. I love them very much so I swear to you I am not going to try any funny business." I couldn't say no to him. I sighed softly and turned, limping towards my dorm.

  As promised he tried no funny business, he even slept with his clothes on. The evening flew by in his company, I hadn't realized how much I'd missed our companionship until I almost peed my pants laughing at his exaggerated impression of Justice.

  I forgot how it felt to be with him. It was so easy. It felt so right. If only he didn't have the other five hundred women, and Justice. Mostly Justice. I should enjoy his company, maybe friendship would be enough. If Justice would allow it.

  Chapter 12


  I pulled at the neck of my tux shirt, they sure as hell made these things stuffy, but I looked damn good, the lady glances I'd received as I'd walked towards Claire's dorm was proof of that.

  I let out a rush of air, trying to clear my nerves. And shook my head at the absurdity of being nervous, she was just a girl. She was sweet, caring, gorgeous. I really hoped that tonight would be filled with more than just vertical dancing.

  I knocked on her door and held the slim crystal vase filled with pink carnations in front of me. She opened the door and it was as if she'd punched me right in the gut. I was finding it hard to breathe as my eyes slid down her body. Her breasts glittered like raindrops in the sun, I wanted to grab them but at the same time I wanted to protect them. Her hair was up exposing her neck, making my damn mouth water. The slit on the left side of her gown was begging me to rip it and make it longer so I could spread her legs and plunge into her.

  She smiled at me, her face flawless and enhanced only slightly with makeup. Her lips were shining like her dress and looked so juicy. I cleared my throat to get myself out of the daze and held out the vase. "Stunning." I said softly as she took it, sniffed the flowers briefly and then set them on her nightstand which afforded me an awesome look at her ass. I looked away to try to get the image out of my mind but it was burned there and my pants were getting crowded with my quickly filling erection.

  "They are!" I looked back to her to see her looking me over, my chest puffed just a bit, proud of how dapper I looked. "Oh...and so are you." She flashed me a smile as sweet as apple pie.

  I returned her smile with one of my own and held out my arm. "Ready?" She slipped her hand into the crook of my elbow after grabbing her little silver purse that matched her little silver shoes.

  "Who did you take to frat formal last year?" I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my side as we walked, it wasn't far but it was getting chilly and she didn't bring anything to cover herself with.

  "Justice." I snuck a glance at her. She didn't seem upset by my answer.

  "Did she stay with you the whole night?" She looked up at me, her face so damn beautiful and innocent. I laughed at her question because it took me by surprise.

  "Not even most of the night."

  "Did you mind?" She was still watching me.

  I shrugged a little. "Not really. It's how she is. She likes to change partners a lot."

  "Like you."

  "Like me." I didn't hesitate. I did like to change partners and once Claire was out of my system I'd move on the next girl. And I would do whatever it took to keep her interested until I figured it out so long as it kept her safe. "It worked out at the time but things are different this time."

  She raised an eyebrow, it was so adorable. "Different? Different how?"

  I smiled at her as we walked up the steps of the frat, the music already loud. I leaned down, making sure my lips grazed her ear at least once. "I'm starting to see the appeal in romance and mushy stuff." I felt her shiver at my side and loosened my grip just a little as the formal, already in session, washed over us.

  It was a winter wonderland theme with glittering disco balls, iced beaded strings, and plush white carpet underfoot. I didn't wait more than a few seconds before I slid my hand down her arm and clasped hands with her. I pulled her towards the dance floor and spun her around. I'd been brushing up on some moves and I was ready to use them. She looked surprised as I spun her back into my body and wrapped my other arm around her, my chin on her neck as we swayed to the beat. Then I spun her back out, pulled her in and dipped her back. When I pulled her back up she was laughing.

  She pulled me close as the next song started and yelled in my ear to be heard above the music. "I didn't take you for a dancer!"

  "I will continue to surprise you." I pulled her in close, settling into the slow steps as Michael Buble' filled the large room, and looked down into her stunning sapphire eyes. She smiled at me and stepped in closer, pressing her chest against mine, her chin resting on my shoulder as we swayed. I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and continued to dance with her until Michael's voice disappeared.

  She pulled back and grabbed my hand leading us to the refreshments. "I'm starving!" She filled two plates and I filled two cups. We made our way to an empty table and sat down. She was people watching and I joined her as I grazed on the food and drink in front of me. The women here were dressed to the nines, the guys in their tuxes. I looked at the couples, most of them had been set up by Claire in high school and were still going strong. I smiled to myself and leaned down, "You set up almost everyone, huh?" It was impressive, her gift.

  She nodded at me and smiled modestly. She was uncomfortable with the subject. I watched as she finished her spiked punch and shook her cup at me while giving me a pouty face. I laughed, grabbed her cup and refilled it. While at the table I overheard conversation between two of my fellow football team members.

  "Justice is looking fucking hot tonight. I can't believe Neil fucked that up."

  The second one scoffed. "She's a slut, dude. She'd give it to anyone and everyone...and mostly has. She slept with you right after giving Begley head in the dorm a few months ago."

  I heard the first guy suck his teeth. "So what, dude? She's good at what she does and there are no strings with her."

  Second guy chuckled, "Well I'd rather have a girl who would give it to me and only me. I don't
like to share."

  I turned to them and slapped them both on the shoulders, firmly but not violently. "Justice will do whatever you ask of her so long as its not staying away from her." I nodded to Tim, the guy who'd spoken second, "And if you don't want a casual fling there are plenty of other girls on campus who'd love to be a baller's girl. Maybe Claire could hook you up. She has a gift." I looked to Evan, the other guy, "And I didn't fuck anything up with Justice. She was being too needy so we took some time off. If you want a piece of that eye candy, that's all you, buddy. Enjoy the dance, guys, I gotta get back to my date." I grabbed two cups of punch off the table and headed back to Claire. She was still people watching but stopped to smile at me as I approached.

  "Thanks." She took her cup and drank it quickly. "Do you think someone spiked it?"

  I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, "Probably."

  She nodded, hiccuped softly and finished hers. "Mo...More please?" She flashed me a sweet grin and I pushed my cup towards her.

  "Sure you want to drink that fast, Claire?" She turned her eyes to the dance floor and her eyes caught on Justice. I let out a little humorless chuckle and nodded. She was pissed about Justice being here. Did she think I cared or was it something else? I ran my thumb over the back of Claire's neck gently, caressing her.

  She paused drinking her third cupful to look at me. She gave me a soft smile but the moment was interrupted by a guy who filled out a tux quite nicely but he was a bit on the dull side personality wise. He asked Claire to dance and Claire looked at me. I nodded and shrugged my shoulders. She wasn't mine exclusively she could dance with whomever she wanted. It didn't take the sting away though that I had hoped she'd only want to dance with me. I didn't watch her, I wasn't sure I'd be able to prevent myself from getting up and walking over to beat the shit out of the guy she was dancing with if I saw his hands move to places they weren't supposed to be.

  The night pressed on and Claire had spent an enormous amount of time dancing with other guys. Several lovely ladies came to ask me to dance but I declined, I only wanted to touch one girl tonight and she had a full dance card. I was talking strategy with Tim when Claire came back, another empty cup in her hand. She was leaning her chin on my shoulder, her speech a little slurred. "What are you doing over here, party poopers?"

  A little laugh busted out and I touched her cheek gently. "Just talking. I'm keeping my dance card open for my beautiful date."

  "It would be a shame to waste such talent by sitting here all night. I'm stealing him away, Timmy." Her hand was on my chest and dipped under the table. I all but jumped when she squeezed my thigh. Claire wanted me and I responded immediately.

  "The talent isn't going anywhere." I held her arm to my chest. I felt my erection pulse as her breath caressed my ear.

  "All the girls here want to see you shake it." I heard myself moan and my hand gripped her arm tighter, keeping her from running off.

  "Want to dance with me then?" My voice had become suddenly gravely.

  "No, I don't want to dance with you." I growled softly as her hand moved from my thigh to my dick. The minx was teasing me. I felt my dick pulse under her touch. She leaned over me a little more and pressed her lips to mine. "Maybe we should go practice dancing somewhere more private? I don't want to start rumors that you and I are a thing. I wouldn't want your reputation ruined." I loosened my grip on her arm as her hand pulled away and stood up with her, after readjusting myself.

  "Lead the way, love." I glanced at Tim and nodded at him. He was slack jawed and probably extremely jealous that I had women fondling me in public, drunk or not. And Claire was definitely inebriated.

  Just before we reached the exit Justice stepped in front of us, blocking the way. She crossed her arms over her bright purple sequined chest and took both of us in with her jealousy fogged eyes. "Aren't you two cute?"

  "Aren't we?" I said flippantly and wrapped my arm around Claire's waist and tried to pull Claire away before Justice could ruin the fuckfest that was going to happen when I got Claire back to my room.

  Justice grabbed onto Claire's wrist and looked into her eyes. "Claire, it's a special night, I think Neil needs something extra special to remember this night, don't you?" Claire nodded and giggled. Well, shit. What the hell was happening? Justice and Claire wrapped arms around each other's waists and led the way out of the dance. Justice copped a feel of Claire's ass as they walked down the stairs. I followed, unsure of what was going to happen. Maybe this was a joke. I hoped to hell not. Two girls? This was going to be fucking delicious.

  I followed behind them like a dog following a T-bone steak. I watched as they groped each other until we got to Justice's dorm. She opened the door and left it open for us to go in. She set the mood and spread blankets and pillows over the bare spot on the floor. I stepped in after Claire and she took my hand. She looked at me, her eyes dark. I smiled at her as I took in her beautiful face. When she turned her head Justice's lips were on hers. I watched as they melted into the kiss. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen, the boner in my pants was evidence enough.

  Claire's hand left mine and went to Justice's face which kissed her for a few long minutes before Justice started going lower. On her knees she gripped Claire's dress and lifted it to her waist. She grabbed Claire's thighs and pushed them apart. Claire reached out for something to hold onto as I moved behind her. I let her lean on me as I held her dress up so Justice could eat her out. I watched as Justice's tongue first found Claire's clit. It lapped slowly at first. She was tasting what I hadn't yet had an opportunity to and I was jealous. Within seconds Justice was flicking Claire's nub relentlessly, Claire was rubbing against me, her arms behind her and around my neck. I didn't want to be holding her like this, I wanted her clothes off, I wanted to see her ivory flesh. She turned her head towards me and I leaned in, kissing her passionately. The familiar heat spread through me as my left hand reached up to caress her breast through the dress. Her hands went into my hair at the base of my neck and pulled, it felt so fucking good and the noises from below Claire were barely noticed as I lost myself in her. A few minutes of hot kissing and Claire was shaking as she pulled her lips from mine. I missed their sweetness immediately. She came hard, her knees giving out. I tried to hold her up but she was like a sinking rock. My dick twitched at the sounds of Justice moaning through Claire's moans and the juicy, slick fingers sliding in and out.

  "Neil..." Claire gasped, "I need you...inside me..." Justice pulled back as I picked Claire up in my arms. I took her to the bed and laid her down on it. Justice made quick work with Claire's dress and undergarments. When she was naked Justice flicked Claire's nipples with her tongue, making Claire squirm and moan and spread her supple thighs. I got a peek at her juicy center and hurried with my pants.

  I grabbed onto Claire's hips and slid inside easily. It was heaven and despite having Justice there I was focused on Claire. I watched her face, ravaged her body and made her come all night long. Justice was a good filler, she enhanced Claire's orgasms which enhanced mine but she didn't seem to want me and for some reason it didn't bother me.

  Chapter 13


  I woke up in a strange room, my hand on Justice Petroni's naked breast, my ass pressed back against Neil's flaccid dick. I held my breath and slowly got up, creeping out of the bed so I didn't wake either of them. I rubbed the pounding my head when I was upright and fought back a groan. What the hell happened last night?

  I got dressed as quickly as my head would allow, grabbed my purse and went back to my dorm room. When I was safely in my room I yanked off my dress and went to the bathroom to assess, to try to piece together what the hell had happened. There was lipstick smeared on my face, my neck, my nipples and lower. I turned on the shower and scrubbed off the filth. I had a threesome with Justice and Neil.

  Why would he let me do that? Were those two just playing me? Were they using me? No wonder he was being so damn sweet and out of character. He was in on humiliating me, Justice's ulti
mate revenge on me. She forced me to have sex with her. Who knew what diseases that bitch was carrying around in her body. The water did nothing to cover the sounds of my sobs as I let the water run over my body.

  There was a knock on my door as I pulled my socks over my cold feet. I opened the door and Merit stood there, her smile falling as she saw my tear-swollen face. "Claire, what happened?" She came in, shut the door behind her and hugged me tightly. It was going to hurt to say it out loud but it needed to be said, maybe it would soften the pain.

  "Neil... he and Justice... I got drunk at the formal and they took advantage of me. I blacked out, I don't even remember what happened but I woke up this morning with both of them naked on either side of me... I just thought...I hoped..." I shook my head and buried my face against her slender shoulder. She held me as I shook, she rubbed my back tenderly. "I'm so stupid."


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