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Lost & Broken (LIttlemoon Investigations Book 2)

Page 6

by Morgan Kelley

  Jamie grinned wickedly, playing along with the stories the staff always told visitors. “It’s supposedly haunted. The story goes that Cherie was terrified of this room. She stayed in just about every single one in the main house, and insisted that Joseph never leave her side at night.”

  That puzzled Julian. “Why wouldn’t he sleep with his wife?” he asked, wrapping his arm around Tori’s waist to have her near. He’d sleep on a bug infested cave floor if that was the only way to remain with Tori.

  Jamie continued, “Joseph Hesser was a notorious womanizer. The rumor was that he had multiple mistresses,” she said, lowering her voice. “My great grandmother wasn’t the only one sleeping with him. The tale goes that if it had breasts…”

  She stopped her. “So, he liked to spread himself around?” Tori asked. “And his wife didn't have an issue with that?”

  The woman laughed. “Well, she really couldn’t stop him. He was the Hesser, and she was merely the spouse. If Cherie wanted to stay in this lifestyle, then she needed to accept it. It was a different time then. I really think that my great grandmother didn't run away. I personally believe that she met an untimely end, all because of her favor with the lord of the manor, so to speak. The mistress of the house was said to be cold and have a vicious temper.”

  Yeah, that was an interesting theory.

  “We’ll get our bearings and start looking for the book as soon as we can.” Tori offered. “I want to wander the estate and meet some of the people who have been here for a while. You can learn a lot by listening and asking questions.”

  Jamie took the hint. “Good luck, and let me know if you need anything.”

  When she closed the door, Julian faced his wife and opened his arms. Immediately, she crossed to him. “I think we need to get in a second honeymoon while we’re here,” he murmured. “I wouldn’t mind celebrating our anniversary a little early,” he added.

  Tori didn't mind at all. They could definitely mix business with pleasure. As she brought her mouth to his in a scorching kiss, they both tumbled into the bliss of being wrapped around each other’s bodies.

  Julian was just about to start stripping his wife to find his way to the soft, silky body, when there was a knock at the door. “Shit, our bags,” he muttered.

  Tori regretfully broke away. “Later, babe,” she promised.

  His heart thumped in his chest. “You better believe it, honey,” he replied.

  At the door, Tori opened it, allowing the butler to enter. It took everything in her to not grab their bags and help him out, but she needed to pretend that she was the idle rich. It went against everything that Tori was taught growing up, but she managed to refrain.

  “Here are your things, Mr. and Mrs. Wilshire. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ring for me. My name is Bruce, and it will be my pleasure to serve you.”

  Julian began the barrage immediately. There was no time like the present. “I do have a few questions, if you have a moment, Bruce.”

  The man paused. “Absolutely, sir.”

  “Is this place really haunted?”

  Tori watched her husband work. This wasn’t the route that she expected him to take.

  “I believe so, sir. I have seen many things that you cannot explain in my years of service for the Hessers.”

  “How long have you worked here?”

  “Forty years, sir.”

  “My wife and I love a good ghost story, so we’re excited to wander the estate. Can you tell us where the most hauntings have happened?” he asked.

  The man nodded. “Most people who come here want to see the ‘Singing Woman’. She’s rather popular with guests of the Hessers. You’ll be happy to know that this is the most haunted room on the estate. Well, here and the kitchen. It’s likely if you go to bed, you’ll get quite the show. The ‘Singing Woman’ seems attracted to couples. She makes her appearance more often to them.”

  Tori was curious about why the other room. “What happens in the kitchen?”

  He lowered his voice, again emulating that spooky voice Jamie had just used. “Glasses break, dishes move, and the chef swears that he keeps seeing bloody footprints. One minute they’re there, and then they’re gone.”

  “That’s creepy,” Tori whispered, trying to sound scared. She wasn’t falling for the things that were typical of a house this age. Glasses could fall if the house was settling, as could the dishes. As for the blood, it sounded like the chef had a drinking problem.

  A huge one.

  The man agreed. “Yes, it is, but after time, you just get accustomed to the creaks, the singing, and the disturbing feelings.”

  “Thank you for your time, Bruce,” Tori offered. “We appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome, ma’am. Enjoy your stay here with us, and again, feel free to hunt me down at any time.”

  When the door was closed, Julian wrapped his arms around his wife. “What do you say to wandering around, and then some reacquainting later this evening?”

  Tori was all over that. “You better text Kane and tell him to make their arrival. I can’t wait until Christina gets here and hears all these ghost stories. She’s going to go nuts.”

  “It’s going to be fun to watch as she attempts to debunk them all singlehandedly.”

  “I hope she does. This place isn’t any more haunted than our apartment,” Tori stated. “Everyone knows that there’s no such thing as ghosts.”

  * * *

  Kane and Christina received the text and made their move. The second team of investigators was heading in. Once inside the massive gate, they too were met by Jamie Montgomery.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson. It’s our pleasure to have you here with us at Hesser House,” she said, leading them toward the massive entranceway. “If you give Bruce your keys, he’ll make sure that your things are brought to your room.”

  Christina stared around in amazement. When Kane elbowed her, she closed her mouth and tried not to look impressed by the surroundings.

  It wasn’t easy.

  The place was massive, especially when you grew up with two brothers and a sister in a small house. They had six people sharing one bathroom, and this place likely had thirty, if not more.

  “If you’ll follow me upstairs, I have your room all ready,” she said. “In this envelope is a map of the estate. Your hosts, the Hessers, don’t want you to get lost. You should find everything labeled and easy to find.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Montgomery,” Kane said.

  The woman stopped in front of a door. “Here is your room,” she said, leading them in, and then closing the door. When she dropped her voice, they leaned forward. “The other half of your team is right next door. Try and remember to stay undercover,” she warned.

  Christina didn't get it. “We are undercover. He’s Kane Jefferson, and I’m his dutiful wife, Christina.”

  The woman pointed at her hand. “You’re not wearing a wedding ring. The rich flaunt the small details like that. You need to figure something out and before anyone else notices.”

  Kane covered effortlessly. In fact, his heart started pounding in his chest at what he had planned. “I have that handled. It’s in our luggage. I didn't think about it until just now, so thank you.”

  Jamie grinned. “No problem. No one saw you yet, so your cover is still good.”

  At that moment, there was a knock at the door. Jamie opened it for the butler to bring in the bags. “Please leave them there, Bruce,” she stated.

  “Yes, Miss Montgomery,” he replied, carrying them in for their guests. When he was done, he offered them a farewell and closed the door behind him.

  “If you need anything and can’t find me, Bruce is a dream. He’s the sweetest man ever. He can help you out with just about anything you can come up with. I’d be lost without his help.”

  Kane thanked her.

  Christina couldn’t keep it in any longer and was dying to know. “Where are the ghosts?”

  It made Jamie laugh. �
��Everywhere, but your room is one of the ones that Cherie Hesser swore was plagued by spirits. After she moved out of the main suite, this is the room she stayed in with her son and husband. Then one day, the help found her lying unconscious on the floor with her baby screaming beside her. When she came to, Cherie swore that someone was trying to kill her.”

  Christina was enthralled. She loved a ghost story, even though she didn't buy into it. To her, they were something you told around campfires to scare other people. When you were dead, you were dead. There wasn’t anything past that. She of all people could vouch for that. After all, she had played in death all day for years. Plus, there was the tiny detail of how the scientist in her didn't buy into it at all. “What happened next?” she asked, trying to not sound too excited.

  “It’s sad,” began Jamie. “From that moment on, they began medicating her. No one believed her, and they began calling her crazy.”

  Christina laughed. “She was crazy. There’s no such thing as ghosts,” she stated. “Any rational person knows that.”

  Jamie shrugged. “I’ve heard her walking around. I think you may change your mind after all of this is over. Many skeptics have after they’ve stayed here a few nights.”

  She shrugged. “We’ll see.”

  When Jamie left, Kane went to his bag and searched for the black velvet ring box. Why he brought them with him, he had no idea. There was this little voice in the back of his head compelling him to do it, and for once, he listened.

  “I have your ring for the assignment,” he said. What he wanted to tell her was that it was the engagement and wedding ring that he picked out for her months ago. Part of him wished that he could be forthright with her and just tell Christina the truth, but he was still waiting until she made up her mind. Kane couldn’t live with himself if she gave up her career just to be with him. This had to be all about her.

  She waited patiently as he pulled it out of the suitcase. When he clicked it open and handed it to her, her heart skipped in her chest. God, how she wished it was real, and he wanted to marry her. Christina would give anything to have him love her so much, that he was willing to make her his wife.

  “It’s really pretty. I think it’ll pass as a real ring.”

  He wanted to tell her the truth. It was absolutely real and handpicked for her. “Let me help you,” he said, taking it from her delicate hand. His own shook, as he slid the rings onto her finger.

  They fit perfectly and looked like they were made for her. When Kane picked them out, he saw them and just knew. Not many people saw the real woman under the scientist, but he did. He knew from all the tattoos on her body, they all had something to do with love or romance. Deep in her heart, Christina was nothing like the woman on the outside. She was fanciful and a dreamer.

  Much like him.

  Right now, his dream was to find a way to get this little sprite of a woman to be his wife. At least for now, he could pretend.

  “They look good on your hand, Chrissy.”

  She had to agree. Even if looking at them made her ache for so much more, she was going to live in the moment and be happy. The big guy beside her was pretty fantastic, even if he was only her ‘pretend’ husband. “I love them.”

  Taking the box from his hand, she removed the larger ring. It was obviously for him, and as usual, it looked like Kane covered all their bases.

  Christina wasn’t surprised. “Let me help you,” she offered, pulling out the simple band. When she stared up into his eyes, Christina could have sworn there was a flicker of something.

  Kane held out his hand, letting her place it on his finger. It slid on effortlessly, and it should. God knew he tried it on whenever she was out. He’d hoped it would give him the courage to pop the question.

  Seeing it on his finger undid her. Oh, how she wanted to say something or beg him to tell her what they had was real.

  Kane found the moment so very poignant. If it were up to him, that ring wouldn’t ever leave his finger. Not until he was dead and six feet under.

  Leaning down, he slid his big hand into the back of her hair, and his mouth devoured hers. It was hard not to think about this woman wearing his rings and playing his wife. In the back of his mind, he knew that it was going to be damn hard to not tell her the truth. These were their wedding rings.

  Now, they only needed the words.

  Kane was a patient man, but this was ripping his control to pieces. Why he was so compelled to give her this space and time, he had no idea. It was difficult to balance her free will and his territorial nature.

  Damn hard!

  Christina wrapped her arms around his neck and fell into the ecstasy of the kiss. There was no man in the entire universe quiet like her Kane. Something about him just set her off like fireworks on the Fourth of July. The second lips touched there was this intense chemical reaction that kept multiplying, until she was ready to explode.

  She couldn’t explain it, but she never wanted it to stop. When there was a low rumble of desire from his chest, she wanted to wrap herself around him and never let go.

  “I love you, Kane,” she muttered, as his hands wandered and lips plundered.

  “Chrissy, I love you too,” he replied, enjoying the taste of her skin beneath his lips. There was a fire building as his whole body was enflamed at that moment. All that he could focus on was his woman. “I need you,” he muttered, nipping her on the ear.

  Who was she to argue? “Okay, let’s christen our room and our new marriage,” she replied, trying to keep it light, even though it broke her heart.

  The words drove him insane. All that he wanted in that moment was to get her naked and into bed. Busily, his hands got to work and began removing her clothing. When his large palms touched soft, silky flesh, he really believed that he was going to erupt into flames right there.

  Christina held on for the ride. From the first time they made love, Kane had been amazing and blew her mind. She never expected it to be that earth shattering. On the outside, he was big, calm, and patient, but in bed, he was frenzied and crazed. Sex with him was like wandering into the eye of a storm. You never really knew what was going to happen next.

  When she was placed back on her feet, and her clothing began dropping away, Christina returned the favor and began stripping him too. There was nothing more delicious than this man naked. He was perfect. There was something astounding about his size, especially to her. Whenever she was with him, Christina felt safe and protected. There was something to be said about him dwarfing her.

  It was an amazing feeling.

  Now, she was running her hands over his massive chest and shoulders. They were so powerful and sculpted, that it made her brain short circuit. She had always found Native men incredibly sexy, but Kane was perfect. There wasn’t a flaw on him. In fact, she often wondered how she got so lucky.

  When they were both stripped bare, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. Once in the middle, he rested beside her before beginning to make love to his ‘wife’ with his mouth. Hands stroked and lips devoured, as he couldn’t get enough. There was no doubt that he could spend days and never get bored.

  As he headed lower, she shook with want under his touch, and it drove him wild. There wasn’t another woman in the world more perfect for him.

  Christina was his dream woman.

  As he traversed even lower, her breathy little gasps made him harder and hotter. All he wanted was to bury himself in her over and over again, making her his. It was like that alone could ensure that she never left his side.

  God, how he wished that was true.

  Kane would give his soul right about now to know what was going on in that head of hers.

  Focusing back on the prize beneath him, he found her ready for him. Instead of just taking her, like the voice in his head was telling him, Kane decided to torment her. It was similar to what she did to him with each waking breath. He was out of control with want, and he needed her to feel it too. He wanted the woman he loved
to never leave his side.

  As he hit the right spot, Christina shook and shattered apart beneath his mouth. Kane always knew how to offer her the most pleasure in bed. She was a lucky woman.

  When the colors and lights subsided, she could feel him working his way back up her body. When he was staring down at her, she tucked his loose hair behind his ears. “I want to be on top,” she purred.

  Who was he to argue? If his beautiful woman wanted to take a ride, he would give her whatever she wanted. She already owned his heart, now Christina could own his body too.

  Leaning against the headboard, he watched her climb into his lap to straddle him. For the longest time, she wouldn’t let him stare directly at the tattoos covering the scars on her body, but finally, they were past it. Now, he had the perfect view of her breasts and the symbolic markings he loved.

  “Oh, Chrissy,” he murmured, as she slid down his body, just barely able to take him all. She was tight and fit him like a glove. Already, he was feverish with need, and Kane knew that holding off was going to be a feat in itself.

  As she began riding, his lips brushed the scars on her shoulder and chest. Leaving little kisses there, he offered more healing, not only to her body, but to her mind. Where she feared their hideousness, he loved them. This proved what he already knew.

  Bad ass and tough things came in little packages.

  As she began slow even movements, his whole body quaked in need. If this was the tone of their love making, he wasn’t going to last long.

  Yeah, he was doomed.

  “Oh Christ, Chrissy, you’re killing me,” he pleaded, his whole body reacting to her newly adorned finger resting on his chest. It was symbolic, and she didn't even know what she was doing.

  He wondered what she was thinking, as she stared down at her hand. Did that ring make her feel any of the same feelings that were coursing through his body?

  “You feel so good, Kane,” she murmured, as she enjoyed the ride. Bringing her lips to his, her mouth made love to him as her body followed suit. This was the man who she wanted to spend her life with, and the father of their child.


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