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Lost & Broken (LIttlemoon Investigations Book 2)

Page 9

by Morgan Kelley

  That intrigued him.

  “Who was she, and when did she go missing?”

  He placed the tea in front of her and pulled out a bottle of brandy from the fridge. Pouring a healthy dose in her cup, he thought about the question. “I don’t remember her name, but I think it started with a B.”

  “Bethany?” Tori offered.

  “Yeah! That’s it! Anyway, the staff talked about how she’s tormented, and until she has justice for her murder, she’s forced to wander the house in misery.”

  “Wow! That’s quite the story,” Tori offered, sipping the tea. “Do you believe it?”

  He thought about it. “You see a lot of weird things here, so it’s hard to not believe it.”

  When Julian stood, that was enough notice for her that he was good with the information they received.

  “Thank you for making me tea,” she said, taking Julian’s hand in one, and the cup in the other.

  “Anytime. Just head on down,” he offered, cleaning up the counter top. “Sweet dreams and don’t let the ‘Singing Woman’ bite.”

  His laughter filled the room at his own little joke.

  Julian merely glanced over at Tori, and they shared a look. He didn't have to say a word.

  They both knew one little fact.

  This case was getting weirder by the minute.

  Books and ghosts?

  What had they gotten themselves into now?

  * * *

  Wednesday Morning

  Tori dragged her ass out of bed.

  Getting motivated to take an early morning ride wasn’t easy. After flying in and getting some jet lag as a present, the lack of sleep was catching up with her. Yesterday had taken a bite out of her normally deep well of energy. Both of them were so tired last night, that neither even tried to cop a feel or roll around naked. They climbed into bed and passed right out.

  For Julian not to try and maul her, he must have been just as tired as she was. Then again, for her, it could have been the brandy laden tea that helped out. Since Tori wasn’t a drinker, any little bit made her dizzy.

  Now, she was pulling on jeans as she tried to get pumped up about the ride. In her mind, she was rationalizing more sleep with her sexy Native, or a misty morning ride with a sleek black stallion.

  Yeah, she really wanted on that horse, and the man in bed. Damn it! She was torn.

  When Julian mumbled something incoherently, she leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “Babe, we have to get up.”

  “Please let me sleep another day or three.”

  She laughed. “Okay,” she answered, buttoning her shirt. “I’ll just go out with Lorelei and Fredrick Hesser alone.” At the mention of the man’s name, it had the effect that she wanted. Julian practically leapt out of bed and into his jeans.

  She loved her sexy overprotective man.

  “Over my dead body,” he muttered, slipping into his jeans and boots. “He’s a lecherous asshole and would just love for me to not be right there. I can tell what’s bouncing around in that perverted brain of his.”

  Tori snickered. “Way to protect your wife, babe.”

  He grinned at her before racing to the bathroom to brush his teeth. “I want to be minty fresh when I kiss you for being a smart ass.”

  She joined him at the sink. “I love you, Jules,” she stated, running her hand down his arm. When his eyes met hers in the mirror, they were filled with the same emotion.

  “I love you too, honey. Are you okay?”

  She shrugged. “I just felt the need to tell you how I felt. I never want you to doubt or forget it.”

  How could he?

  When they finished, he hugged Tori, and then glanced down at his watch. “Want to grab a cup of coffee, and then walk to the stables? We have fifteen minutes to get there.”

  Tori was good with that. Any time that she could spend with the love of her life was quality.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  * * *

  At the barn, they met a scary old man.

  Leroy White.

  It was probably apropos that he work there. Every haunted estate needed a daunting stable manager, they guessed. If he was only acting and playing a role, someone needed to give him a raise and an award. He was taking cranky and miserable to a whole new level.

  Yeah, you could tell that he had spent way too much time alone in life, communing with only his horses. Obviously, he didn't get the memo about being nice to the guests, since he was scowling and giving them all the evil eye. You could tell that he wasn’t thrilled that there were people who were planning on taking out ‘his’ horses.

  In fact, he looked downright pissed.

  “The tack is in the storage room. Which horses are you taking out?” he growled at Tori, Julian and Lawson West.

  Tori wanted Knight in the worst way. When she told him her selection, he laughed at her. Apparently, cranky and condescending were going hand in hand.

  “Little girl, you can’t ride that stallion. He’ll kick your ass right off. Let me go get you a tame pony. Maybe something that will match your designer duds.”

  He obviously thought he was funny.

  Except Tori wasn’t amused.

  If she hadn’t been undercover, she would have schooled his ass, but since she was playing a demure rich broad, she simply smiled and disagreed. “I’m willing to make a friendly wager,” she said, setting him up.

  “Oh yeah?” he muttered, just as Lorelei and Fredrick wandered into the barn. “What do you got to wager, red?” he sneered, loving a good gamble that he could easily win.

  “I’m willing to bet that I can saddle, mount and ride him without needing yours or anyone else’s help,” she stated. “If I’m wrong, I’ll spend the rest of today mucking out stalls.”

  The hostess stared at her. “You’re going to wish you didn't make that bet. There’s a ton of shit to shovel on this estate, and Leroy is a masochist.”

  “If you’re right?” he asked skeptically.

  “You let me ride Knight whenever I want, without adding in your chauvinistic Neanderthal-esque diatribe, or giving me those condescending looks.”

  He looked at his boss to further prove his point. The woman’s big words just verified that she had no business on one of his horses. “Did she just insult me?”

  Lorelei Hesser laughed. “Yeah, she did, Leroy.”

  “You have yourself a deal,” he said, holding out his hand. But first, he spit in it to gross her out.

  Oh, she wasn’t afraid of a little spit. She’d dove blind in swamps with muck and leaches to catch herself a Native man. This was nothing.

  He looked surprised when she took his hand without flinching.

  “And little girl?” he said. “Knight needs a special saddle. It’s extra heavy. Good luck, and your husband can’t help you.”

  When the man started laughing, she simply shook her head. “He doesn’t have to help me. I’ll be ready by the time everyone else is,” she stated, walking toward the storage area. Once inside, she grabbed the riding pants and quickly changed. Finding boots that would fit her, she hustled out. Julian was watching her, as he saddled the horse that Leroy had assigned him. Julian winked at her with no words needed.

  Little did Leroy know that she was used to carrying a ruck sack for the Army. Lifting a saddle was nothing compared to the hell she’d endured in basic training and the field.

  Julian watched her, knowing that she wasn’t going to lose this bet. He had faith in his wife, and even if she lost, he’d be there to help her muck the stalls. They were a couple and in this together.

  Tori calmly walked toward Knight’s stall. Once there, she waited until he dropped his nose to sniff her. When she ran her hands over his coat, Tori whispered in his ear.

  The horse stomped but didn't shy away. Opening the stall, she got in and pulled the blanket off the wall. Laying it on his back, she soothingly talked to the stallion. Before even trying to saddle him, she was going to be his friend.

and I are going to go for a ride,” she said. “I’ll brush you after, and you’ll get apples if you don’t toss me on my ass.”

  Lifting the monstrous saddle, she hefted it over his back. As Leroy White continued to taunt her, she ignored him. It took some time, but once she buckled the cinch, she knew they were ready.

  Walking Knight out by his bridle, she stood beside the raven black horse.

  “You still have to mount him. That’s when he freaks out,” the man stated. “You won’t get into that saddle, little girl. Looks like you’re getting blisters on your hands and shit on your boots today, princess.”

  Lorelei watched from her white horse and smiled. Tori knew this was all a test to see if they were really horse people. Before Julian, she loved to ride. After meeting him, Wakanda, and Weeko, she became an expert.

  Facing his flank, she got her foot into the stirrup and hoisted herself up. When Knight began to walk sideways, she leaned her body against his neck, not putting any weight on his back. Tori was giving him a minute to adjust to her presence. When he calmed instantly, she sat back and patted his neck.

  “I’m ready,” she said, staring right at Leroy White. “Anything else you want to bet on? Maybe about how you were just put in your place by a ‘little girl’?” she asked. “Man, that has to be embarrassing that you’re shoveling shit alone today.”

  Lorelei clapped and laughed. “You do know your way around a horse. I had my doubts, but now I see you’re one of us!”

  Tori said nothing. She simply nudged the horse, and he began walking. When she reached her husband’s side, he took her hand in his and leaned over to kiss her knuckles.

  “Way to go, honey. I wasn’t worried at all.” He was so proud of his wife.

  She winked at him. Tori owed that little trick to Julian. When they were riding one day, Wakanda was being difficult, and he taught her how to out think the horse. He told her it was something his father had taught him when he was a little boy. Tori was so glad that she remembered it, or she would have been shoveling shit.

  Once out to the field, Lorelei glanced back at them. “Last one to the end of the pasture is a rotten egg!” With that, she kicked her horse and was off.

  Tori snapped the reigns and Knight wasn’t far behind his owner.

  Julian got to watch his wife navigate the field obstacles right behind Lorelei Hesser. She was just as good a rider as the other woman, maybe better since she related to the animal beneath her and built that connection.

  It was like they were one.

  When they arrived at the end of the pasture, Tori nearly tied with their hostess, and Julian was in fourth place, behind Fredrick. Lawson was last, and having a grand old time. It was obvious that winning didn't mean a thing to him, he was laughing away and just enjoying the horses.

  Lorelei held out her hand to Tori. “You did an amazing job keeping up! That was a good run!”

  “Thank you,” she said, leaning down to kiss the horse on the neck, below the ear. She whispered in his ear, promising an extra-long brushing when they were done.

  “That was so much fun!” Lorelei said. “We’ll have to ride again while you’re here. How are you at jumping?” she asked.

  Tori knew that with Knight, she could pull it off. “This horse is amazing, and I know he and I can do it.”

  Fredrick watched her predatorily. He didn't like the woman. Ever since last night, she thought that she was better than him. Well, he was a Hesser and about to prove to her how mistaken she really was. He despised these pseudo-rich people who came to his family’s estate and thought they could blend in.

  Something had to be done.

  Well, when Tori Wilshire was ass deep in the pasture mud, she wouldn’t be so cocky. Creeping over to her on his horse, he waited until the stallion got nervous. Without warning, he slapped his reigns on the horse’s ass, causing him to rear and go up on his back legs.

  Tori fought to calm him down as he bolted off through the pasture, almost tossing her to the ground.

  Julian’s heart pounded in his chest as he took off after his wife. He raced as fast as he could to get his horse alongside hers. If the horse went down and landed on Tori, he would crush or kill her.


  Julian couldn’t lose her like this!

  Tori knew that pulling on the reigns would cause the horse to throw her, so she leaned into his neck, disbursing her weight. When the horse calmed, she got him down to a trot.

  Julian stopped short of her, his heart stuck in his throat. “Honey, are you okay?”

  She turned in the saddle and pointed at the approaching man. “You could have gotten me or the horse killed,” she accused, pointing at Fredrick. “You’re an asshole. He could have broken his legs on this terrain. Then, he would have had to be put down!”

  He shrugged. “You’re on Hesser land. That’s how we haze anyone who calls themselves a horse expert. Luckily, you weren’t lying back at the barn, or you would have been eating crow. As for putting him down, he’s just one more horse out of a hundred we own. It was worth it to me.”

  It was official.

  Julian was going to kill the man.

  “When we get back, I’m going to kick your ass, Fredrick,” Julian threatened.

  The man simply laughed. “Yeah, okay. See you back at the barn.”

  Tori watched him ride away. “I’m fine, Jules. I was more worried about the horse.”

  Lorelei rode up to her. “I’m sorry about that. He’s a dick most of the time, and I can’t even make an excuse for him. Every family has an embarrassment, and he’s ours.”

  Tori was okay. It was all over and neither she, nor Knight had been injured. “It’s alright, Ms. Hesser. I’m just glad that the stallion wasn’t hurt. I’ll have a drink and calm right down.”

  “Please, call me Lorelei. Let’s head back. I have a few meetings to attend for the derby before lunch, but I hope we can have a drink later or during the week.”

  “I’d like that.” Tori held Julian’s hand as they rode side by side. Tori could see the tension in his body, and she was trying to offer him some sort of reassurance.

  There was no doubt. He would absolutely kick the man’s ass for that stunt.

  And she couldn’t blame him.

  Fredrick was playing with fire.

  * * *

  Kane was lounging on the bed in his jeans when there was a knock on the door. Before Christina could get there to open it, he beat her there.

  Outside stood Bruce, and in his arms were some old dusty books. “Ms. Hesser said that you wanted these,” he offered, handing them to the man. “There are quite a few more in the attic, so if you need them, just head up there.”

  “Thank you,” Kane said, taking the arm full of books from the butler, and then closing the door with his bare foot. As he placed the journals on the bed, Christina was already beside them and ready to pounce.

  “You want the big dusty blue one, or the even dirtier green one?” Kane offered, giving his girl the first choice.

  She grinned up him, and he swore that his heart stopped beating in his chest.

  “I’ll take blue. It’s my favorite color,” she said. Then, she noticed that something was wrong. He was staring at her and the look on his face was upsetting. “Are you okay, Kane?”

  He actually looked tortured.

  When he heard her voice, it snapped him back to reality and made him focus on the woman in front of him. Once more, he was daydreaming about their future together and what they may be able to build.

  “Yeah, Chrissy. I was just thinking about some stuff,” he stated, hoping that she wouldn’t ask any more questions. He didn't know how to tell her that he was dying inside without her as his wife. For now, he had to stay strong and wait it out.

  “Okay, then let’s get busy. There might be something in these journals that we can use to put this mess in order.”

  He dropped down beside her, pulling the book into his lap. “I’m with you, baby.”

he hoped he would be for the rest of his life.

  * * *

  Back at the main house, Jamie Montgomery was waiting for them. As soon as they were almost to the top of the stairs, she practically leapt out at them.

  “Can we talk?” she whispered, as she followed them back to their room.

  “Yeah, come on in,” Julian said, closing the door behind them.

  “Did you find anything yet?” she asked, hoping that they may have a lead or whatever it was that they called it.

  “Yeah, Fredrick is an asshole,” Julian muttered.

  “Uh oh, what happened?” she asked, keeping her voice low. “Did he touch your wife?”

  The thought of that nearly shot Julian’s blood pressure through the roof. “No, but he nearly got her killed.” He explained the entire thing, leaving out no details. “I swear, I’m going to kick his ass.”

  She patted him on the arm, reassuringly. “I’m sorry that he scared you,” she said to Tori. “He’s pretty much like this all the time. You’re not the first person who’s complained about him. Candy West told me that he’s a pervert. I’ve already warned Lorelei, and she said she’ll handle it. If it’s any consolation, she’s not thrilled with his behavior. He makes the entire family look bad.”

  He hoped so. If it came down to protecting his wife, or keeping his cover, he’d lose the client in a heartbeat.

  It was a no brainer.

  “We didn't really find anything else. We searched the kitchen and nothing appeared to be there hidden. I did have a question about the lounge.”

  She waited.

  “Did anyone search there? I think there are about a thousand books on those shelves. I don’t know if we can look though all of them and not look suspicious. Sorting through them would waste precious time.”

  Jamie lowered her voice. “I already went through the books. I didn't want to look like an asshole if you walked in here and found it on a shelf.”


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